HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 PRC MINJanuary 18, 1971
A regular meeting of the Rccreation Commission was held at the City
Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, January 18, 1971.
Present were: Richard Balfanz, Jack Dielentheis, Lawrence Juriker,
George Wohlers, William L. O'Brien, Pick Blekum and
Len Newqutst of Banister engineering.
Richard Balfanz was anpointed chairman of the Recreation Commission,
It was decided that lakehold surfacing would be used to cover the
tennis courts and basketball courts. Color - green.
Tennis court - A rate will be ?laced on the North and South sides.
Basketball Court - A 12' fence will be on three (3) sides; East,
West and North.
A special meeting will be held at Lily Lake Park at 1:00 P.M. on
January 30 to inspect the progress of the building.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
William. L. O'Brien
January 30, 1971
A special meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission
was held at. Lily Lake Rark on Saturday, January 30, 1971 at 1:oo P.M.
Present were: Richard Balfanz, Jack Dielentheis, Lawrence
Junker, George 1;Johlers, William L. O'Brien,
Dick Blekum, Len Newquist, Frank Pater, and
Duane Elliot.
It was decided that the following should be done by the
Peninsula Co. before they are paid:
1. Fix cracks in. insulation.
2. Nuts and bolts sanded and primed so they won't rust.
3. 4' X L' vent placed in south gable.
L. Edging around roof on outside.
5. Clean up the area.
No one seemed to be very pleased with the work done by the
Peninsula Co., and the time it took to accomplish it.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
William L. O'Brien
February 3, 1971 (cont'd.) - 2 -
Figure Skating - Thursday 7:00 - 7:15 P.M.
Saturday 10:15 A.M. - 12:45 P.M.
The board recommends that a full time caretaker be hired at
Lily Lake Park at a starting salary of $600.00 per month.
The next scheduled meeting of the Recreation Commission. will
be held Monday, February 22, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
William L. O'Brien
February 3, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission was
held at the City Hall on Wednesday February 3, 1971 at 7:30 P.M.
Eresent were: Richard Balfan7, George Wohlers, William L. 0,Erien,
and Dick Elekum.
The possibility of installing infra-red lights over spectator
area in arena was discussed.
The board recommends the followinE costs for use or rental of
the Lily Lake Park area:
To District h83 4 Schools and to the Valley Hockey Ass1n. - $25.00 per hr.
To others outside this area - $40.00 per hour.
Resident family membership for free skating - $25.75 per season.
(This would mean at least 10 hours free skating per week or 260
hours per season which is equal to $.10 per person per hour.)
Non-resident family membership - $51.50 per season, which is equal
to $.20 per hour per person.
All open skating without o membership is $1.00 per session.
Each person will be charged $.25 to swim.
In most cases, the ball field, tennis courts, and basketball court
will he free of charge unless the lights are used.
Memberships will. he sold at the City Hall until the arena is open
for use each fall and then sold at the arena.
Times scheduled so far in the arena are:
Free skating - Monday 7:00 - 9:30 P.V.
Wednesday 7:00 - 9:30 P.M. 7
Friday 7:00 - 9:30 P.M.
Saturday 7:00 - 9:30 P.N.
Sunday 3:00 - 5:30 P.li. and 7:00 - 9:30 P.M.
School Hockey Teams - Five days a week for six weeks plus games.
3:eo - 7:00 P.M.
Valley Hockey Association - Tuesday 7:00 - 9:30 P.M.
Saturday 7:L5 - 10:15 A.F.
Sunday 12:30 - 3:00 P.M.
February 22, 1971
A re:ular meeting of the .7tillwater :Recreation Comrlission WFS held
at the city hail on Nonday, February 22, 171.
?resent were: George -Wohlere Belp Ralfanz, William L. 0'Prien,
Pink Navor Rowell, Farol
Roger 'eterson and the. board ef directors of
St. Joseph's Tew1sh17. Duane ielson and Harold 7raa
were also present to explain proposed skating lessons.
Absent were: Jack Dielentheis and Lawrence Junker.
The people of St. Jos ohs Township are. interced in what the City of
Stillwater plans to Co about the American Legion 73each area. They will send
to the Recreation Crnritsston, a proposal as to regulations they would like to
see enforced in running the area.
Duane elson president of the Valley Hockey Assn., introduced Dick Vraa
and his r wh.o are interested in teaching figure skating, hocke and other
recreational skating. krter much discussipn on what he had to offer, it l'as
decided that he make un a program which would fit Into our situat5 on.. and send
it to the commission for approvai.
It, was recommended by. the commission. in hire Dick Folemetr as Maintainancc
Engineer at, the Lily Lake. 1ecreation flenter at :',60.,W) per month—
The next meeting will be 7ednesday, March 17, 1271 at 7:30 7.T:7. at the
City Hall—
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
William L. 31'nrien
March 17, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission
was held at the city hall on Wednesday, March 17, 1971.
?resent were: Dick Ralfanz, Jack Dielentheis George
Ifichlers, W. L. O'Rrien and Dick Elekum.
A_bsent: Lawrence Junker
The meeting meetirig was called to plan and get prices on food
concession, for the Lily Lake Recreational Area. Many different
vending machines and prices were talked over with two salesinen
representing Midland Products and Fawn Products.
The board felt we should have the following vending machtnes:
Candy, coffee, hot chocolate, popcorn and pop.
Numerous prices were given for these machines. The commission
decided to have specifications drawn un and then put the machines
out on bid.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, April 14, 1971 at
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
William L. O'Brien
April 1L, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater P,ecreation Commission was held at
the City uall on wednpsday, April 1/:, 171.
?resent were: Richard 7alfanz, Jack Diptlentheis, George Wohlers,
William. L. 0'Prien, Dick Kekum and Di.ck Colnmeir.
Absent: Lawrence junkpr
The recreation Commission requests that the following prrsons be hired by
the City Council:
Assistant Park Attendant - Jeff Dlrkum - $1.80 ner
Life Guards at Lily Lake
Full Time - Don Gilmore - SI - $2.00 per hr.
Dlvig - S.L.S. - per hr.
Jo Frenzel - WSI -- $2.00 per hr.
Substitute (3) days a week - Dianna Segrlstrom - WSI -$1 per hr.
Substitutes - Kitty. Cadden, lrad Qualey, Holly Lambert,
Susan. Frits, Tarb Simons, Cathy Gilmore,
Jari Erooks.
A great deal f time Wr7 spent scheduling the arena for hockey and figure
skating. DT. Dwane Nelson represented the figure skaters, Windy Lindell the
Valley Hockey Assn. and Connie Ynnelke the district 83) system.
It was decided bv the board to have ice made in the aren a. as soon. as
possible sr tt can be tested in the nrine and vain. in the f11
In motion, the folloying vendinr machines are to be purchased:
Popcorn Yachire - ode] 2005 0o1dmedal Aoorox.
Popcorn Vendor - rodel 310 0oldmedal Approx. 624.00
Candy rachlne Goldmedal Approx. ,5"25.00
Pop I'lphine No price
The board also requests that a Standard Register Epeeist Machine be
purchased at a cost of approximately $80.00 plus $115.00 for receipt forms,
(3) three copies.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 19, 1971 at 7:30 at the City Hall.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 P.M-
William L. O'rien
May 19, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission was held at
the city hall on Wednesday, May 19, 1971.
?resent were: Richard Balfanz, George Wohlers, Lawrence Junker,
William O'Brien, Dick Blekum and Dick Colemeir.
Absent: Jack Dielentheis
A meeting will be held at the ice arena at 1:30 J. on Monday, Nay 2L,
with a salesman to discuss the bleachers to be Purchased for the arena. It
was the opinion of the board to buy enough bleachers for 500 people the first
Mr. O'Brien was authorized to order light, 6 ft. benches for the dressing
rooms at Lily Lake.
Mr. Blekum is to contact Duane Elliot and get a cost on infra-red
heaters for over the bleachers at the hockey arena. It should also be
impressed on him that vents have to be put in on the north end of the arena.
Ice will be laid in the arena within the next two weeks. Duane Nelson
will have skating instructors put on a demonstration, on what can be offered
in figure skating and other phases of skating.
The board was in favor of sodding the softball field, if money is
On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 D.M.
Next meeting will be held June 16, 1971, at 7:0 '.M. at the city hall.
William L. O'Brien
12 .
June 16, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission was
held at the City Hall on Wednesday, June 16, 1971 at 7:30 P. M.
Present were: Richard Balfanz, George Wohlers, Jack
Dielentheis, Lawrence Junker, William L.
O'Brien, Richard Blekum & Richard Colemeir
The members of the Commission were very irritated at the speed
at which the work was being done at Lily Lake Park. Al's Electric
was especially under fire.
The Board decided to purchase five sections of bleachers at a
cost of $3,500. Each section will be 24' wide by 6' high and seat
one hundred (100) people.
The First National Bank donated the center part of the score-
board at a cost of about $900. The other two sides showing the
penalties will cost about $800 each. Sponsors are being looked for
to cover this expense.
It was decided that the Arena would get a 50% cut after all
expenses if a group charges at the gate for an activity. The
Arena will have control of dividing the money.
The Board recommends that an additional full -time maintenance
and caretaker person be hired at Lily Lake Park for a salary of
$350.00 per month or equivalent to $2.00 per hour. Hours will be
adjusted by the Park Department.
When the park is in full operation, a part time man will be
necessary to work on a 16 hour per week basis.
On motion made and seconded, an exhaust fan should be placed
in the concession stand.
Taps should be put on water pipes in the rest rooms so access
to water may be had.
Recommended purchase of a VP -moble portable folding scaffold
for a cost of about $369.00.
Age 20 and under is considered as part of a family membership
to Lily Lake Park if they reside at home.
June 16, 1971 (continued)
Mr. Blekum was authorized to contact Clifford Engreitghter
of Co-Ray Vac Products on infra-red heaters for the hockey arena
and get an estimated cost.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, July 14, 1971 at 7:30 P. M.
On motion the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P. M.
William L. O'Brien
13: .
July 14, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission was
held at the City Hall and at Lily Lake Park on Wednesday, July 14,
1971 at 7:30 P. M.
Present were: Richard Balfanz, George Wohlers, Jack
Dielentheis, Lawrence Junker, William L.
O'Brien, Richard Blekum and Duane Elliott
of Banister Engineering Co.
A long list of projects to be completed at Lily Lake Park
were presented to Mr. Elliott who stated he would go to Dick Olsen
and get action started to complete the work. The Commission showed
their displeasure in the progress being made in the construction
at Lily Lake, especially with Al's Electric and Mr. Olsen, the
General Contractor. Mr. Elliott stated that he would try to remedy
the situation as soon as possible.
The Board strongly recommends that Section #5 of Ordinance No.
470 be amended to read Lily Lake Park instead of beach premises and
that no special permission be given in reference to this amendment.
Any permits already allowed should be rescinded.
If concessions are sold outside of the Arena area, fifty (50)%
percent of the money taken in after expenses will go the City.
Softball - $25.00 minimum be charged for five teams or less and
a $5.00 fee for each team over five effective
- a fee of $25.00 should be charged for the All-Star
game to be played July 13, 1971.
The Commission recommends the buying of eight (8) sections of
bleachers with seating for 100 people per section at a cost of
$588.00 per section delivered at a cost of $4,700.00. Two Pony
bleachers also be purchased at $200.00 each for player seating. These
will be four (4) rows high and seat 24 people each.
The Commission recommends Infra-Red Heating to be installed
over the eight sections of main bleachers at a cost not to exceed
$4800.00 installed.
The scoreboard at the Arena is being paid for by the First
National Bank of Stillwater ($940.00), Andersen Corporation of
Bayport($1,250), and the City of Stillwater (about $500.00).
July 14, 1971 - continued
Next meeting will be Wednesday, July 21, 1971 on the Budget
for 1972.
On motion the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 P. M.
William L. O'Brien
August 18, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission was
held at the City Hall on Wednesday, August 18, 1971 at 7:30 P. M.
Present were: Richard Balfanz, George Wohlers, Jack
Dielentheis, Lawrence Junker, William L.
O'Brien, Richard Blekum, Dr. Duane Nelson,
John Lindell and Larry Tomai
Larry Tomai of the St. Croix Valley Hockey Association presented
a program for a hockey clinic to be held at the Lily Lake Arena for
seven Sundays from October 10 thru November 21, 1971. The clinic
will be for Squirts, Pee -wees, and Bantams, all will be 14 years old
or younger. The clinic will cost $10.00 per person and the time
will be from 9:15 A. M. - 12:45 P. M.
On motion made and passed the Recreation Commission recommends
that the Hockey Clinic Concept as presented by Larry Tomai be approved;
that cooperation be given in registration of boys two weeks before clinic
is scheduled to open; that payment be made in full two weeks before
October 10, 1971, that rosters of paid registrants be furnished,
and that if more than $25.00 per hour is collected the additional
paid time be allowed the clinic registrants at the discretion of the
arena manager.
On motion made and passed, the Commission recommends that the
rates for the softball field be approved as follows:
$15.00 - per team, per season with lights
$ 5.00 - per game - unscheduled games
$25.00 - 8 teams - per weekend
$50.00 - 16 teams - per weekend
$75.00 - 24 teams - per weekend
scheduled league
play only.
*Tournament Rates do not include lights - Add $5.00 extra charge for
lights per game.
These rates are the same as North St. Paul's Municipal Soft Ball
August 18, 1971 - continued
Dick Blekum is to check and see if a hockey rink could be
placed at Staples Field and report back to the board.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 15, 1971 at the
City Hall at 7:30 P. M.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
William L. O'Brien
September 15, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission was
held at Lily Lalqe Park on Wednesday, September 15, 1971 at 7:30 P. M.
Present were: Richard Balfanz, Jack Dielentheis, George Wohlers,
Lawrence Junker, William L. O'Brien and Richard
On motion made and passed, the hours for open skaing will be
from 7:15 - 10:00 P. M. on Monday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Until December 19th open skating will also be held from 1:00-4:00 P. M.
on Sundays.
Rules for use of the tennis and basketball courts are being
printed on signs and will be posted. Mr. Balfanz will look into the
probability ot using meters for the tennis, nets, and report back to
the commission. The courts will open September 20, 1971.
The date set for the hockey arena to open is October 9, 1971.
The Board recommends that all civic organizations within the
Stillwater City limits be charged $25.00 per hour for ice time for
civic functions payable in advance when ice time is available.
Private parties or organizations renting for private functions will
pay $40.00 per hour.
The next meeting will be October 6, 1971 at the Lily Lake Park
at 7:30 P. M.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
William L. O'Brien
October 6, 1971
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission was
held at Lily Lake Park on Wednesday, October 6, 1971 at 7:30 P. M.
Present were: Dick Balfanz, George Wohaers, Jack Dielentheis,
Dick Blekum and William L. O'Brien
Absent: Lawrence Junker
Advertising of Zamboni - The Board authorized Mr. Blekum to
find out from other arenas how much they charge for advertising,
and then charge 75% of this cost on a one year basis.
Moved and passed that a weiner machine be purchased not to
exceed $150.00.
The following ice rink rules were passed:
1. No smoking in arena proper.
2. No sitting on hockey boards.
3. No pucks or hockey sticks during open skating.
4. No eating or drinking on ice.
5. No gouging of ice.
6. No shoving or fighting.
7. Obey ice guards.
8. No littering.
On motion and passed ice guards and ticket takers will be paid
$1.75 per hour.
The following list of applicants were accepted:
1. Jack Demoski 4. Matt Binford
2. Rob Ries 5. Brad Qualey
3. Richard Lang 6. David Johnson
Next meeting will be Tuesday, October 19, 1971 at 7:30 P. M. at Lily
Lake Park.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
William L. O'Brien
October 21, 1971
A reglar meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Commission was
held at Lily Lake Park on Thursday, October 21, 1971.
Present were: Richard Balfanz, Jack Dielentheis, George
Wohlers, William L. O'Brien and Dick Blekum
Absent: Lawrence Junker
Mr. Blekum reported that $7,624.70 total gross has been taken
in at Lily Lake Park on 108 family memberships, 29 individual
memberships, concessions, and fees for open skating. This amount
was taken in between October 9 and October 20, 1971.
Mr. Blekum also reported the following:
Hot dog machine has been purchased. The hot dogs will be sold
for 35 each.
A 20-50 cup coffee urn has also been purchased
Heat over the bleacher section in the arena has been installed
and is working.
Compressors are now functioning satisfactorily
The scoreboard has been installed and is also in working order
Doors will be marked IN and OUT leading into the arena itself.
Spring loaded faucets with bubblers will be placed in
Smoking in lobby ONLY at the arena.
On motion passed, the ice rates will remain the same.
On motion passed, it is recommended that Judith Schiks be
employed in the concession stand at a wage of $1.75 per hour.
Recommended that Rob Ries, Mike Balfanz, Jeff Heimann, and Jon
Norgren be placed on the ice guard and ticket ticker list.
On motion passed, hockey goals be ordered at a cost of no more
than $625.00
October 21, 1971 - continued
Recommended we have adult free skating time with the adults
being at least 21 years old and children 8 years old or younger
when it will fit in on free skating time.
On motion passed, it is strongly recommended that a full-time
maintenance, mechanically minded person, be hired and employed by
the Recreation Department at a salary of $600.00 per month.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P. M.
William L. O'Brien