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J A N U A R Y 7, 1 95 3
Regular meeting of theStillnter Recreation Board was held at the City Hall
on January 7, 1953 at 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Grant T. Waldref, Dean Chc.rlsen, Lawrence M. pozzini, Clarence
D. Bourdaghs and HarryA. Swanson.
Grant T. Wa,liref and Arthur E. Bartkey having been re-appointedcitizen members
of the Board arid Dean Charlsen appointed counci1.ma.n member to replace Ray C.
Grove, the membership of this Board is as follows:
Representing Council -Clarence D. Bourdaghs, Dean Cbarlsen
Representing School ,Board - Richard A. Kearney, Harry A.Swanson
Citizen Members- Grant T. Waldref, Lawrence M. Pozz.ini, 4rthur E. Bartkey.
On motion of Bourdaghs, seconded by Pozzini, carried unanimously, the present
slate of officers; Grant T. Waldref Chairman, Harry A. Swanson Secretary, be
retained for 1953.
The Chairman postponed naming of Committees untllthe February 24th meeting.
The Secretary reported that Bartkey had called him relative to widening the
beach at Lily Lake, stating that lim. R. Moelter had quoted a. price of $200.00
for hauling sand onto the. ice at the West end o~ the <beach to widen it..
On motion of Bourdaghs, seconded by Bozzini, carriedby unanimous vote, the
proposal was accepted, final approval to be by Bartkey, J.{oelter to guarantee
the sand on the beach and an"expenditure up to $200.00 approved for this work.
Bourdaghs reported on skating as f01lows:All matters und.ercontrol, neighbor-
hood rinks being used, Washington PTA ha.ndling Staples field rink, High School
rink being used by public when not Ileeded for the hockey team.
Barney Brown had made 'a. telephone request to members, of 'the ,Board, for some
tools for cleaIling of the McKusick Lake rink so.. that he could use his om
pump for. flOOding the .rink.. He was called on the phoneand,asked to call on
Bourdaghs for purchase orders for the necessary tools. This e:x.penditurewas
authorized by general agreement of the Board members.
Bourdaghs reported that the budget for 1953 of $5,100.00 as requested from
the City Council hadbeeIl approved by them.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
i .Secre1;ary.
FEBRUARY 26, 1953
Regula:nt meeting of the Still...ater Recreation Board was held
at the City Hall on February 26, 1953 at 7:30 P.M.
All members were present.
Ba.rtkey reported the need of new walk from bea~h house at Lily
18.ke to the beach, stating that he had discussed the cost with
Gordon A. Jackson, cement contractor, and that his price would
be 30~ a square foot. He was given authority to proceed with
the job.
Chairman Waldref appointed committee chairmen as follows:
SKATING - Dick Kearney, 18.wrencePozzini
ST. CROIXBEA.CH - Shorty Bourda.ghs
PLAYGROUNnS Dean Charlsen
Discussion of various matters followid.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
A P R I L 6, 1 9 5 3
The postponed March meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board was held
at the City Engineer's office on April. 6, 1953.
Present were: Grant Waldref, Lawrence Pozzini, Dean Charlsen, C.D . Bour-
daghs, Art Bartkey and , Ha.rry A. SwansonJ Kearney absent.
Also present were: Lawrence and Neal Ju1l.ker, Bert Christenson, Norman
Shattuek,Don Barl'lholdt and Ray Sonju,representing the softball leagues
of the City.
Lawrence Junker opened the discussion with a 'request for some help from
our Board to defray lighting costs, stating that income from games had
been small and the league's team sponsors carry all they can. of the ex-
penses. Ray SoQjU and others joined in an explanation of their request
saying it would be hard to continue unless some help were granted. Th~y
stated they were instituting a system of season tickets with which they
hoped to raise some money for this season's play. They also said that
softball was coming back into popularity and felt that with a little help
in underwriting the lighting bill that they could build up this sport in
our City. The Board promised assistance, after which the committee left
the meeting.
Harold Lange, caretaker at Lily Lake Beach during July and August of
last year, reported on conditions at the beach asking for police super-
vision after closing hours and asking for additional salary to make the
job interesting enough for the coming season. He was promised co-opera-
tion in his requests. No action was taken on his salary.
On motion of Dean Charlsen, seconded by Lawrence Pozzini, carried by
mlanimous. vote, the Board agreed to undlRm'ite the softball lij5hting
program not to exceed $150.00 for the 1953 season.
Bartkey reported on Lily Lake conditions, saying no work had been done
on the new cement walk as yet (too early in the season).
On motion, the meeting was a:ljourned:
/ ' ','" " , ,J
4~etary. .
.A.PRIL 28, 19>3
Regular meeting of Recreation BOard was held at City Hall April 28,1953 at 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Grant Waldref" C.D.Bourpgbs, Richard A. Kearney, Arthur E. Bartkey,
Dea.nCharlsen and Barry A. Swanson.
In response to our publicity ,the Board had lifeguard applications: from Earl Dorn-
feld Jr., by letter, Ba,rbara Plourde by phone and Eugene Lampi in person. Eugene
said he was 16 years old, had his Junior Lifesaving rating in 19>0 and Senior' in
1952. After stating his qualifications and discussing the work in general, he left
the meeting.
On motion of Swanson, seconded by 13ourdagbs,carriedunanimously, Earl Dornfeld and
Barbara Plourde were elected lifeguards at $1>0.00 per month. It.was agreed to wait
until special meeting of :May 18th to consider the third lifeguard since other appli-
cations were expected.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
MAY 18, 1953
Special meeting of Recreation Board was held at City Hall May 18th, at 7:30f.M.
Present were: Waldref, :aourdaghs, Pozzini, Kearney and Swanson.
~, On motion of BaJ:'tkey, seconded by Bourdagbs , Aline :MacDonald was elected third
,. lifeguard at $150.00 per month, her, duties to consist of relief man for days off
and. .assist where needed on week ends, as well. as during week when beachea crowded.
On the recommendation of Bartkey the Harold Lange family was hired to serve as
caretakers at Lily Lake at a monthly salary of $160.00.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
JUNE 18, 1953
Special meeting of Recreation Board held on City Hall steps, 7:30 P.M.
Presentwere: Waldref, Pozzini, Bourdaghs & Swanson.
J)u8 to hot weather arriving early and Lilt Lake Beach particularly being over-
crowded, this meeting was called to decide whether ,another lifeguard should be
After a short discussion and on motion of Bourdaghs secon<ied by .Pozz.ini,carried
unanimously, Wally Kurth was hired as .a fourth lifeguard.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned. ~. ~'se<>retm.
J U L Y 2 8, I 9 5 3
Regular monthly meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board us
held on the steps of the City Hall . (due to hot night and Council
meeting) on July 28, 1953 at 7:30 P. M.
Present were: Grant T. Waldref" Richard A. Kearney, Arthur E.
Bartkey, Lawrence M. Pozzini and Harry A. Swanson.
Skating was discussed and the. suggestion made tbatwecontact
the Washington PTA after theyre...organize in September, also
Adollph Garey and Barney 'Brown of. the McKuslck Lake aggregation
in order to make plans for the w1nterso as to insure good rinks
at Staples and MeKusick Lake.
Bartkey reported on Lily Lake Beach stating that$. new dock was
needed for the beginners since the old one bad collapsed. A
sugges tion was made to. build two docks fr,om. 'the shore and en,..
close the end to make a pool for the smaller! children. This
matter was set aside as part of next year's program.
Bartkey also reported that Carol Nutting .bad!resignedas lit'e-
guard effective July 29th so that we would then have one regular
guard at eaehbeaeh and one substitute oras$istant,tbree in
all. It was the general opinion that. this,w~uldbe satisfactory
for the month of August and Bartkey was instructed to inform the
caretaker at Lily Lake to oall in additional help t'rom a list ot
available assistants it necessary during ,the!eom1ng month.
On motion, the meeting was adJourned.
... .... .... .... i ...~e~e .~y.
AUGUST 27) 1953
Regular meeting of Stillwater Recreation Board was held on the CitJ
Hall steps at 7:30 on August 27th.
All members were present.
Skating was discussed.and suggestion .ma.de that we take this up after
the PTA's organize when school has started.
On motion of Bartkey, seconded by Charlsen, carried unanimously, the
Northern States Power Co. bill of $141.74 for softball lighting at
the athletic field was approved.
On motion of Bourdaghs, seconded by Kearney, the Legion was awarded
$100.00 to help support itsbasebalJ program. (Vote 5 Aye, 1 No,
1 abstaining). .---
Softball was discussed, the statement being made that th.ls sport 1s
losing out in town at present. 1'he Board should discuss the situation
in the spr1.ng and call in interes ted parties and go over jt wi th them.
A "permanent improvement" item was suggested for capita1 expenditures
in our next budget. This item to cover back stops, playground equip-
ment, slides, ski hill equipment, etc.
Beaches were next. The sltuation at St. Croix (Legion) Beach is OK.
The ,follow1ng items and suggestions came up or were eonsidered with
regard to Lily Lake Beach:
3-M "Sareti-walk" should be installed on the docks.
the Boat needs repair
the sand program could be continued one more year to good effect
inside, of the bath-house should be paj~nted
Lange, caretaker, and Lampi, beach guard, are interested
in their Jobs for next summer.
On motion o.f Charlsen, seconded by Kearney, unanimously approved,
paint bills of $6.46 and $5.85 at Stillwater F'aint & Linoleum Co.
were ordered approved for payment.
On mot1on, the meet1p& was adjourned'~
SEPTEMBER 28, 1953
Regular meeting of. the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at
the City Hall on September 28, 1953 at 7 :30 P.lvl.
All Board members were present.
Also present were: Herbert Gardner, President,VVashington PTA,
Hollis Sawyer and Frank LaCosse,s.lso representing the Wash. PTA,
A.dolph Garey and Charles Salmore of the McKusick Lake Association.
A general discussion of the coming skating season and plans for
the handling of' it were Ii entered into by all present. Herb
Gardner and his committee reported the warming house at Staples
in poor condition and said they would arrange to get some used
lumber if poss,ible with which to repair the floor. Herb said he
had a do,or which could be used. The Washington PTA promised to
help to the extent of.$50.00 toward the maintenance of their
warming house and the season's maintenance costs.
Garey and 3ilmore reported their warming house in good condition.
Minutes of August 27th meettng were read and approved.
Art Bartkey reported the bath house at Lily Lake had been painted..
:tie a.lso reported that the big dock at Lily should be tipped and
new floats attached and other repairs made.
The Chairman vplunteered to write letters. to the Viashington PTA
the Jaycee Wives and the McKusickLake group expressing the
Board f s apprecia. tion for their he, lp in the ska ting,. program and
furnishing of plaYgI!lund equipment (by the Jaycee wives).
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
.. .i. . . . Secretary.
OCTOBER 27, 1953
Regular montb1y meeting of Stillwater Recreation Board was held
in the City Engineer's office at 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Grant T. Wa1dreflRichardA. Kearney, Arthur E.
Bartkey and Harry A. Swanson.
Short discussion of skating pr,ospects.
Art Bartkeyreported on necessary repairs at Lily Lake beach,
and on motion duly made, seconded and carriedl was authorized
to make these repairs.
Sinc,e the Council was meeting, two of our memberspr esent there,
the Chairman having a bad coldl two other members having meet-
ings requiring their presence, and particularly due.to recreation
matters being in ixcellentshape between seasons" the meeting was
adjourned shortly after. 8 P'M'Ae@.~
NOVEMBER 24, 1953
Regular monthly meeting of Stillwater Recreation Board was held
in the City Engineer's office at 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Grant T. Waldref, Lawrence M. pozzinl,
Richard A. Kearney, Harry A. Swanson
Skating facilities were discussed at length.
On motion of Pozzini, seconded by Kearney, Art Bartkey was
authorized to proceed with a sand hanlingprogram at Lily
Lake on the same basis and cost as last year.
Staples rink was reported in good condition.
The proposal made by the Lions Club to develop an indoor
rink either at the Second Street location vacated by the
gas tanks or the Lily Lake Ice houses was discussed.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
DECE~mER 28, 1953
Regular meeting of Stillwater Recreation Bo~rd was held at
the City Ha.ll on December 28th at 7:30 P.M.
All Board members were present.
Minutes of November 24th meeting were read ,and approved.
Dick Kearney reported:
That he and Lawrence had looked at the rinks every Sunday.
McKusick rink in good condition.
Staples also, warming house there repaired very nicely.
Were unable to flood a new rink at the Fred Kalinoff'$
due to leakage through an old cistern.
Lawrence Pozzini joined in:
Discussed the difficulty of getting Fire Department men
to flood rinks on their off days, since most of them had
part-time jobs.
The new rink at Holcombe and Hancock had not been flooded
as yet,but demands were being made that it be done.
Suggested that Cully Magnuson be reimbursed for, help if he
works on flooding at McKusick rink.
Reported bulb at Stapes rink flood light needed replacement.
Dean Charlsen suggested we consider using the ravines in our
. town for winter sports such as sliding,. skiing a.nd toboggan
slides. (One back of his home used by neighborhood kids to
good advantage). This matter should be taken up during the
summer so the necessary brush:'!,~moval can be started early..
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.