March 24, 1997
Present: David Junker, chairperson
Linda Amrein, Nancy Brown, Rich Cummings, Al Liehr,
Rob McGarry, Ken _Meister, Leah Peterson,
Mike Polehna and Steve Wolff
Others: Tim Thomsen, Parks Director; City Coordinator Nile Kriesel;
Tom McGlinch and Troy Pearson, St. Croix Valley Hockey
Association (SCVHA)
Absent: Del Peterson
Mr. Junker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Approval of minutes: The minutes of Feb. 24, 1997, were not available.
SCVHA proposal to lease Lily Lake Arena
Tom McGlinch and Troy Pearson, representing the St. Croix Valley Hockey
-. Association, gave a Apresentation regarding the association's request to
lease Lily Lake Ice Arena from the city of Stillwater. A similar
presentation was made to the City Council on March 18, 1997. Discussion
and dialogue followed regarding the pros and cons of the proposal,
including: management, capital improvements, operating expenses, new
arena construction, present and future ice needs. Mr. Kriesel listed some
of the concerns the city needs to consider -- management, public ice
team, high school team use.
g• E
Mr. Junker moved, seconded by Mr. Liehr, to direct the proposal to Mr.
Kriesel, who will continue discussions with SCVHA and bring a
recommendation to the Park and Recreation Board at the April meeting.
Motion passed.
Mr. Pearson expressed the SCVHA's appreciation to the arena employees
who have been so cooperative and helpful this season.
Tim Thomsen's letters re•1rcling Lily Lake Arena
There was a general discussion of Mr. Thomsen's letters of March 7 and
March 24, 1997, to the Board regarding the ice arena issue.
Meadowlark Park study
Mr. Thomsen announced there would be a meeting at City Hall at 7 p.m.
March 27 regarding Meadowlark Park. Board members were invited to
City staff assistance to the Board
Mr. Kriesel reported that as a result of a meeting between the city
Planning Department and Park Board members (Mr. Junker and Mr.
Peterson), he will attend board meetings to serve as liaison. There was a
discussion of the board's needs and concerns regarding staff assistance
and coordination. Discussion diverted to the future use of the Aiple
property, with regards to paring needs.
New development update
Mr. Thomsen reported on several properties that may be available to the
city by tax forfeiture. Members discussed possible uses of the lots should
the city acquire them. Total acreage is about 1 1 /4 acres.
Mr. Junker moved, seconded by Mr. Liehr, to recommend to the City Council
that it acquire Oak Glen parcels 1901, 1825, 1835 through tax forfeiture
for possible future park planning. Motion passed.
Also discussed were other properties that may be available for purchase
for future park use.
Long Lake update
Mr. Junker has spoken to the Planning Commission chairperson. A joint
meeting between the Park and Planning boards is tentatively planned for
April. Mr. Junker will confirm the date to the Board. There was a brief
discussion regarding the process.
New business: None
❑ld business: None
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Submitted by Linda Amrein