Aug. 25, 1997
Present: Linda Amrein, Nancy Brown, Rich Cummings, Al Liehr,
Ken Meister, Del Peterson, Leah Peterson, Mike Polehna and
Steve Wolff
Others: Tim Thomsen, Parks Director
Absent: David Junker and Rob McGarry
Vice Chair Del Peterson called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Approval of minutes Mr. Wolff, seconded by Mr. Liehr, moved approval of
the minutes of June 23, 1997; motion passed unanimously.
Update on Meadowlark Park
Mr. Thomsen reported that the grading is 90 percent complete, with new
drain tile and culvert to be installed soon. A plan for the park is in the
beginning stages. Mr. Thomsen and Ms. Fitzgerald have met with neighbors;
initially, neighbors were more concerned about grading and drainage, Mr.
Thomsen reported. Once the drainage/grading is complete, neighbors will
be revisited. Possible amenities include a picnic shelter, volleyball
courts, barbecue pits, etc. Mr. Thomsen will keep the Park Commission
informed as to the progress of the plan. Mr. Cummings suggested that if a
public hearing is scheduled on the park plan, representatives of the Park
Board should be in attendance.
Long Lake surface water use update
The City Council has held the first reading of an ordinance which would
allow 25 horse power motors on pontoons, 10 horse power motors for
other boats; the proposed ordinance would prohibit the use of personal
Ms. Amrein asked how the 25 horse power motors for pontoons got into the
proposed ordinance. Mr. Cummings explained the Council had received "a lot
of correspondence" from people on the lake who have pontoons; all have 25
hp motors. Ms. Peterson said she was "very shocked" by the Council's
action and said she though the proposal should be returned to the Planning
Commission and Park and Rec Board due to the changes. Mr. Peterson
pointed out that the City Council has the final say; the Planning and Park
and Rec Board's proposed ordinance was a recommendation only. Mr. Liehr
said, "We weren't listed to and were not supported." Mr. Polehna suggested
the DNR might not look favorably at treating boat owners differently --
allowing 25 hp for some and limiting other to 10 hp.
Discussion of a skateboard facility
Mr. Thomsen said he is looking into a couple of sites including the
Stillwater Junior High School parking lot, the Old Athletic Field and Lily
Lake. He said he has requested $18,000 in next year's budget for a
skateboard site. Mr. Thomsen said he would not recommend that the City
build equipment; that would require employing a full-time attendance. The
proposal is to furnish a site and have the users provide their own
In the week prior to the August meeting, skateboarders had been using the
park area near Gannon's. Ms. Brown, who lives adjacent to the area,
reported on the use and said, in generaly, the kids hadn't created a lot of
Mr. Cummings recommended that Mr. Thomsen continue discussions with
District 834 to find a site for skateboarding. Mr. Pohlena made that in the
form of a motion; Mr. Liehr seconded the motion; motion passed
unanimously. It was also recommended that Mr. Thomsen try to get the
young people using the area by Gannon's to move down to Lily Lake now
that softball is over.
Update on Sports Complex
Mr. Cummings and Mr. Polehna provided the update. The project went out
for bids in mid -August; construction could begin in late fall if the Council
ultimately approves a project of some sort.
Mr. Polehna raised the issue of the proposal to have Public Works co -
located at the sports facility site; he also questioned whether doing that
would amount to using park dedication fees for Public Works. Mr. Thomsen
noted that currently there is talk of purchasing the Rivard property for
Public Works. Members were in consensus that the sports facility site
would not be a good location for a Public Works facility; it also was noted
that the Council never voted to locate Public Works at the sports
facility/armory site.
Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Liehr, moved to go on record stating the Park
Board's opinion it would not be in the best interest of the citizens of
Stillwater to locate a Public Works facility next to the sports complex.
Motion passed unanimously.
There was a philosophical discussion about supporting kids and providing
facilities for their activities. Mr. Liehr noted that in June the Park and Rec
Board went on record indicating strong support for the sports complex. Mr.
Cummings suggested that members might want to follow that up with
phone calls to their Council representatives indicating support for the
New business
Ms. Peterson suggested the formation of a committee to discuss issues
related to Long Lake water use -- hours of operation, speed limits, etc. --
and bring a recommendation back to the City Council. Members expressed
their understanding of Ms Peterson's position but were in consensus the
matter is a dead issue at this point. Ms. Peterson was advised to tell
residents who want stronger regulations to call their Council
There was a discussion of Mr. Thomsen's requested 1998 budget and
administration's recommended budget. Mr. Cummings spoke in support of
Mr. Thomsen's memo requesting a full-time secretary and the allocation of
50 percent of Sue Fitzgerald's time to park planning. Mr. Thomsen said Mr.
Kriesel will not be recommending any new personnel.
Mr. Liehr, seconded by Ms. Brown, moved to support Mr. Thomsen's memo
requesting 50 percent of Ms. Fitzgerald's time for park planning, as well
as a full-time secretary for the Parks Department; motion passed
There was a brief discussion regarding the requested and administration's
recommended budget line items. Mr. Cummings noted the McKusick/Neal
Avenue improvements were not completed because of issues related to the
AUAR; there is no money budgeted for the improvements next year. Mr.
Cummings also noted the recommended budget includes no funding for land
acquisition or disc golf; also, the basketball court at Schulenberg Park is
eliminated in the recommended budget. Mr. Cummings pointed out part of
the budget problems is the fact the City may need to purchase a new fire
truck. However, he said if anything is going to get done on the
McKusick/Neal Avenue plans/improvements, the Park Board should make a
point of getting some funding included in the 1998 budget.
Old business
Ms. Amrein asked whether there were any plans for getting public input on
the use of the Aiple property. Mr. Cummings explained that the City
Council has requested an update on the Lowell Park plan which includes
the Aiple property; public hearings will be held in conjunction with that
Mr. Polehna asked about the Lily Lake ice arena contract. He suggested the
possibility of changing the length of the contract from October to May,
rather than October to October, to allow the St. Croix Valley Hockey
Association to consider their options of submitting a proposal to manage
Lily Lake or provide financial support for a second ice sheet at the sports
facility, should that project receive approval by the City Council. He also
informed member that the sports complex near Belwin Nature Center in
moving ahead.
A question was raised about the annual park tour. Mr. Thomsen will
contact Mr. Kriesel regarding those plans.
Mr. Liehr, seconded by Mr. Meister moved to adjourn the meetng at 8:55
p.m.; all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Baker
Recording secretary