Sept. 22, 1997
Present: David Junker, chairperson
Linda Amrein, Nancy Brown, Rich Cummings, Rob McGarry,
Del Peterson, Leah Peterson, and Steve Wolff
Others: Tim Thomsen, Parks Director; Steve Russell, City Planner;
Jerry Fontaine, Planning Commission; Robert and Paula
Kroening, citizens; Scott Little, Michael Martin, and Terra
Junker, students; Dan Herbst, Marc Putnam, and Homer
Tompkins, developers
Absent: Al Liehr, Ken Meister and Mike Polehna
Prior to the regular meeting, several members, with Tim Thomsen, toured
city parks and other property (Meadowlark Park, Sunrise Park, the Rivard
property and possible fishing pier site at McKusick Lake). Mr. Thomsen
explained recent developments and future plans for the sites.
Mr. Junker called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Approval of minutes The minutes of the Aug. 25, 1997, were approved,
with the correction of a typo on the bottom line of page 1 ("listed" to
Development plans for the area west of Long Lake
Mr. Russell gave a presentation of preliminary plans for development of
the annexation area west of Long Lake. The plans are the result of
discussions between city staff and the developers, Contractor Property
Developers Co. and Pemton Land Co. Mr. Russell noted that the city's
comprehensive plan is the policy basis for specific direction and
development review. Issues pertinent to the park areas within the
proposed development sites are those concerning park locations, their
relationship to the developed area, including Rutherford Elementary
School, and the proposed trail along Long Lake.
The Park Board is asked for its input regarding: a) if the proposed
development "makes sense" for the area; and b) if there should be public
access to the lake. Other specific areas of needed input were discussed
later in the presentations: design of the proposed trail along the lake (one
path vs. two -path width to accommodate slower and faster traffic) and
the means of access to the small island park area.
Mr. Putnam of Contractor Property Developers Co presented plans for
developing the Newman property. The plan is based on a neighborhood
concept with regards to streets and housing. Smaller scale parks, in
addition to several larger open space parks, are incorporated within the
development. A commercial site is located on the northwest corner of the
property. A small island is to be kept as parkland. A recreational trail runs
along the shoreline, connecting to other areas of the site. The site will
accommodate 350 homes.
Mr. Herbst of Pemton Land Co. presented plans for development of the
Staloch property, located just south of the Newman property. A sizable
portion of an oak savannah forest is preserved as a nature area along the
northeast border of the site. The shoreline trail and roads interconnect to
the development to the north. Several wetlands are preserved. A tot lot is
located on the site. The site will accommodate 150 homes.
Discussion centered on a variety of issues. Mr. Wolff expressed his
concern that the entire development area did not address the recreational
needs of young people. Mr. Fontaine and Mr. Russell both noted the
topography of the land to the west of the Staloch farm is more conducive
to ball fields, etc., because it is flatter land. This is an area slated for
future development. It also was noted by several people that the new
elementary school on the northern edge of the property is specifically
designed to enhance and encourage community recreation and partnership
with the neighborhood.
The developers will be meeting with neighbors on Oct. 1.
Lily Lake Arena lease agreement for 1997-98
Members had received a copy of the lease agreement which had been
approved by the City Council, subject to the Park Board's review and
concurrence, according to City Coordinator Nile Kriesel. Ms. Amrein
questioned the restrictive discrimination words in paragraph 6 (only
"race, color, or creed" are noted) and the incorrect name of the Park Board
in paragraph 6 ("Stillwater Recreation Commission). Mr. Wolff moved,
seconded by Mr. Peterson, to concur with the city Council's approval of the
lease, on condition that the City Attorney address the issues regarding the
discrimination specifications and the correction of the Board's title.
Motion passed.
Update of 1 99.8 budget
Mr. Thomsen and Mr. Cummings stated the 1998 capital budget was not yet
finalized and that discussion is continuing among staff and the City
Council. It is hoped that $600,000 will remain in the budget for land
Old business
Mr. Peterson inquired bout skateboarding issues on city property, such as
the parking lot by Gannon's at Owens and Laurel streets. The city is
looking into insurance issues regarding liability of private equipment
(ramps, jumps, etc.) being used on public property.
Mr. Thomsen reported that about $9,000 was realized from the sale of the
freon from Lily Lake Arena.
Mr. Wolff moved, seconded by Mr. McGarry, to adjourn the meeting at 9:20
p. m.
Submitted by Linda Amrein,
acting recording secretary