Oct. 27, 1997
Present: David Junker, chairperson
Linda Amrein, Nancy Brown, Rich Cummings, Al Liehr,
Rob McGarry, Ken Meister, Del Peterson, Leah Peterson,
Mike Polehna, and Steve Wolff
Others: Nile Kriesel, City Coordinator; Steve Russell, Community
Development Director; developers Homer Tompkins, Dan Herbst
and Marc Putnam; citizens, Ned Gordon, Robert and Paula
Kroening, Laurie Maher, and John McCarthy
Mr. Junker called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Approval of minutes Mr. Liehr, seconded by Mr. Peterson, moved approval of
the minutes of Sept. 22, 1997; all in favor.
Update on annexation area development
Mr. Russell reviewed some policies regarding parks and trails/pathways,
which he said provide direction for, but do not design the specifics of the
development. Mr. Peterson asked. if the City's park dedication and trail fee
requirements are separate issues; Mr. Russell stated the two are
independent elements. Mr. Russell also noted there are no variances to the
park/trail requirements; what's important is how the requirements are
Mr. Meister asked about 72nd Street. Mr. Russell said there definitely will
be a trail connecting the Croixwood area to the new elementary school,
but there is concern about the use of the street for cut -through traffic.
Mr. Russell said staff would like the street kept open in some manner, but
there are lots of alternatives.
Ms. Peterson expressed her concern about the proposed commercial
development at County Road 15/12.
Dan Herbst went through the proposal for the Pemton development of the
Stahloch property. The proposal includes a parking lot on the corner of the
property; preservation of the portion of the Oak Savannah area that is on
the Pemton property; a "tot lot;" and a trail system, with a 40 foot
easement around the entire perimeter of the property.
`I� laksidk
There was some discussion as to the possibility of moving the tot lot park
closer to an easement area near the lake. Mr. Wolff objected to the Pemton
proposal and the size of the "tot lot;" he noted that in the past, open space
has been used as an "excuse" for not providing neighborhood parks.
Mr. Tompkins and Mr. Putnam received the plans for the Cudd development
of the Newman property. The plans include a trail system and a series of
village and neighborhood greens. They said there is still some question
regarding the island and whether it should be publicly owned or owned by a
homeowner's association. As proposed, the trail system along the lake
would be provided by an easement; homeowners would own the property up
to the Lakeshore.
Laurie Maher of the Long Lake Homeowners Association reviewed some of
the association's goals: preserving the oak forest; keeping the walking
paths as natural and narrow as possible in order to preserve the shoreline;
and keeping 72nd Street in its current condition. Paula Kroening also said
she felt the trails should be kept for more passive use.
John McCarthy said he thought the proposals as outlined were of more
benefit to the developer/homeowner that to the community as a whole.
Update on sports complex
Mr. Kriesel briefly went through the project the Council would be voting on
the following night (Oct. 28). Due to a lack of funds, the outdoor ice sheet
has been excluded. Total cost of the proposed project, including bonding, is
$6.3 million. The pro forma by city's financial consultant, Ron Langness,
projects an annual deficit, including debt service, of about $17,000; the
figures include the maintenance/use of Lily Lake Arena. Mr. Cummings
noted the figures used in the pro forma are "conservative."
Mr. Wolff, seconded by Mr. Liehr, moved to go on record in favor of the
project and recommend that the City Council approve the project. Motion
passed 10-0; Ms. Brown left prior to the vote.
Park and Lily Lgkk Arena update
Mr. Thomsen had prepared a written memo updating members on projects
at Ramsey -Grove and Pioneer parks, Staples Field, Lily Lake Arena and
beach area.
New business
There was continued discussion as to how to proceed on the annexation
Mr. Polehna said he thought it would be a "big mistake" if the city does not
get a trail easement. Mr. Peterson said he agreed with Mr. McCarthy's
comments regarding the developers using park dedication/fees to provide
amenities that serve the homeowners rather than the community as a
whole. Mr. Peterson reiterated comments made in the earlier discussion
that the provision of the trail easement (in the Cudd proposal) should not
count for the overall park dedication requirements. Ms. Peterson said she
thought it was important to get a tree ordinance passed.
Mr. Kriesel noted that the developers would be seeking approval in the very
near future and asked for more direction from the Board. Mr. McGarry said
getting "a fair shake" on the percentage of land required for park
dedication would be of prime importance. It was agreed to have Mr.
Cummings and Mr. Junker meet with Mr. Kriesel to discuss the proposals
and concerns in further detail.
QId Usiness
Ms. Amrein asked about the status of the skateboarding facility. At
present, Dick Olsen and the Youth Service Bureau are working with UFE to
have an area by the Teen Center. Discussions are continuing with the
School District.
Mr. Wolff, seconded by Mr. Liehr, moved to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Baker
Recording Secretary