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Council Room.
Stillwater, Minn. Jenuury 3, 1916.
First meeting of the Council, under the New Charter adopted July 20, 1915.
Present were Mayor elect Jacob 11. Kolliner and Councilmen elect Hugh D. Campbell,
M, Lee Murphy, Louis X. TorinUs and Herman H. 'aoerz, and each took and subscribed
to the oath of office as required by law, before Mr. Edwin D. Buffington, a Nntary
Mayor Kolllner, as President of the Council assumed his Chair and called the
Council to order.
OM motion of Councilman Campbell, Chas. A. Lammers was chosen temporary Clerk.
Mayor Koliiner then read ills lnausural message.
Communication from Mayor WWiliner, appointing W. E. MONau hton,cbief of Pollee,
untti.J;.:t. 1841916, was read, and or. motion of Councilman Torinus the appointm•nt
was Confirmed and communication ordered filed.
Councilman Torinus moved that the corporate seal Of the City of Stillwater
heretofore 1n use, of which an impression is hereby made on the records of the p{O—
ceedings of this meeting, be and the same is hereby adopted as the corporate seal
of the City of Stillwater, which motion was regularly seconded and votedupon and
unanimously carried.
Councilman Murphy moved, That the several persons holding the offices of City
Clerk, city Treasurer, City Attorney, City Engineer, Chief Of Fire Department,
Health Commissioner, and the positions of nollcemen, firemen, building inspector,
and street commissioner.lmmediately prior to the time of the qualification of the
present Mayor and Councilmen be and they are hereby appointed to and continued in
the several offices and positions so held by them and in the performance of the
several duties heretofore required of them, so far as applicable, and such as are
required by law and the provisions of the Charter of the City of Stlllwater,until
January 18,1916, at the same salary so paid each of them at said time and with
bonds In such amounts and upon such terms and conditions as any of such officers
or employes may have heretofore given which are now in force, or which may be
ram. legally changed to apply to the officers and employes above appointed and their
respective duties, or other bonds of like amount,tehor and effect to -be spproted
tae by the Mayor, which motion was regularly seconded, voted upon and carried.
,i Councilman 'oer2 moved the adoption of the following rules;
The Council shall hold regular meetings on the first and third Tuesdays in each of
the months of January. February and March 1916, in the City Hall at 7.30 P. M.,
unless the Council shall otherwise direct.
It there is less than a quorum $n. attendance at any of such meetings the members
of the Council present may adjourn the meeting to be held at the same place at any
other time that may be designated and all business transacted at such adjourned
meeting shall have the same force and effect as 1f done at the regular meeting.
Special meetings of the Councll.during the months of January, February and March
1916, may be called t.o be held at the City Hall at a stated time by the llayor,vice
President of the Council or any two councilmen br verbal or written notice given
to each member of the Council personally, or if the notice be written by leaving
it at his usual place of tn',slness, at least one day before said special meeting.
At such special meeting no other business shall be transacted than such es is
stated in the call Or notice.
If all the members Of the Council are present and consent to hold a special
meeting at the City Hall they are authorized to act upon and transact any business
that may be properly done et any regular or special meeting, which notion was
regularly seconded, voted upon a:.d ca-rufi.
Imo On mottos, of Councilman Campbell, meeting adjourned to meet Tuesday Jan. 4,1916
at 7.fO 1'. M.
A ttent. ‘reioce/i1./
City J1erk.
Preside tiU of the Council.
Cou:.cll Poee.
atlllwater, eine,,. Jan. 4, 1916.
Present Councilmen Campbell, Murphy, Tortnus, 'Joerz end President edlliner.
The President announced the appointment of ecuneilmen loerz and the City Attorney
as s committee to draft rules for the order of besiness.
The chair announced that it was in order to elect s vice Fresldent of
the Council, and upon motion of Councilman Murphy, which was duly seconded,
Councilman Torinus was elected as vice President of the Council
Oaths of office of Chas. A. Laauaers, as Clty Clerk, Elmer Lotz, as City
Treasurer, Edwin D. Buffington. as City Attorney, L. W. Clarke, es CitY Engineer
and Building Inspector, W. E. McRaughton, an Chief of Police, Merman Lange, as
captain of twice, James Gluts, Geo. A Walters and August Swanson, as policemen.
John y. Mackintosh, Andrew J. Holm, John Ogren, Carl J. Brenner, and Thos. H.
Curley, as School Directors, were presented and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilwn Torinus, the City Clerk was authorized to Issue orders
for the purch'+se of materials and supplies needed for the different departments,
up to the amount of $25.00.
on motion of Councllam 'goerz, ecunctl adjourned,
Attest: �+ �7v."Ck�jC2cceneee w� tlAnt of council.
City Clerk.
Council Room.
Stillwater, Minn. Jan. 1t,1916.
Regular Meeting;
Fremont Councilmen Campbell,Murphy, Torinus, woerz and President
hinutes of (-fret meeting held Jan. 3, and of first regular meeting held
Jan. 4. a916, read and approved.
Application of Herman C. [elm. for liquor license, with bond attached, was
presented, and on motion Of Councilman Torinus, bond was approved and ordered filed,
and license granted.
Committee appointed et last regu'.ar meeting to draft rules of business for
Council proceedings sexed for further time, welch was granted.
On motion of Counellem Campbell, Councilmen Murphy and Tortnus were appointed.
with the Mayor, as 'The Commissioners of the sinking Fend of the City of Stillwater.'
councilman eoerz made the following motion: I move that the Council deems
it essential that the duttaa and functions of the Clty Clerk and City Assessor
shall be combined and placed in charge of One person. Motion duly seconded,voted
Upon and carried.
On motion of Councilman Ioerz, James Mceann was appointed Fire Marshall.
Councilmen Murphy moved that a contract for the official advertising for
the year 1916,be let, and that the City Clerk advertise for proposals as required
by eterter. Motion carried.
on mntinn of Councilman Murphy.the number of officers and men of the
Flre Department was fixed at eight, including the chief, until the further
order of the Councii.
Councilmen Murphy moved that the number of police offl"ers,lncludtng the
chief of police. be fixed until further order of the Cnuncll,et. 7, and that 3 of
the 7 le members of the Fire Department. who shell serve as policemen without
pay .then than that received by them ae members or the Fire Department.
Mot.lon reguleele seconded and voted upon and carried.
Comrunicat+on from the Layer appolntlr:g sllliam E. MCNsugbton, Chief of
Police, I (srman F. Lange. Captain of Police, August .wanson and George A. welters
as Patrolmen. ena George A. Johnson. Charles J. Peterson and Meurlee Ryan,
members of the Flre Department as petroinen, to serve without psy as such, was
read and on eotioe of Councilman Torinus, the conaaunlcatlon was accepted and
ordered filed and uppbit:tmel:ts eonflried.
The Preside:t al. ouryed that the election of City officials was 1n order,
and Comic -Leman rorinub nominated Ghee. A. Lammers for the office of City Clerk,
which nomination was seconded by Counclierel ;iurphy, and there being no other
nominee, Chas. A. L'diriers was elected es City eieek, by acclamation.
Councllem eoerz, nominated Elmer Lotz for the office of Clty Treasurer,
• e_-
i iIW
weice nominottoh was seconded by Councilman Campbell, and there being no other
nemihee, Elmer Loth was elected to the office of City Treasurer, by 90clem9t10n.
Couneilt:'n Murphy nominated Edwin D. Buffington for the _toga: of Clty Attorne$,
which lotion was seconded by Councllma:. Jelpbell, end there being no other noelnee.
Mr. idwltl e. Buffiegton Ws elected to the office of City Attnrney by acclamation.
Uounclimen tioerz nominated Mr. Lewis W. Glares for the offices of City Engineer
.and Building lnspector, whineottor: was seconded by Councilman Murphy, and there
/ being no other nominee. lir. Lewis ia. C1'-irLe, was elected to the offices of Olty
Zhgfnecr and Building Inspector, by aeeiemation.
Counclinar. Cempbcul noml:lated Cbas. A. Lammers to the offlce of city Assessor,
which cotton Was secorce1 by Councilman tioerz, and there being no other nominee,
Chas. A. Lammers was elected to the. office of City Assessor by acclamation.
Councilman Torinus nominated James MCG9nn for Chief of the Fire Department,
welch motion was seconded by Councilman Murphy, and there being no other nominee,
James MCG9nn was elected as Chief of the Fire Department by acclamation.
In accordance with the provisions of the Charter the Chief of the Fire Department
presented the names of the officers and men for the Fire Department, which was as
follows: Simon E. Andrews, First Assistant Chief, George Johnson, Second Assistant Chief,
Charles Peterson, Captain, of Hose, George Green, as Engineer, John O'Neal, driver of
Hose Cart, Ben. Johnson, driver of Engine and Maurice Wm, driver of Fatrol,
and on metier, of Councilman Torinus, the several men above aetec$eek were duly appoint-
ed to the various positions ebove enumerated.
Councilman soerz nomlrsted Dr, J. H. Haines as Health Commisstcner, which motion
was seconded by Councilman Murphy, and there being no dither nominee, Dr. J. H. Haines
was elected to the offlce of lieelt.h Comaiestcrer by acclematiori.
Councilmen Torinus nominated Andrew 3arleen as Street COmmisnirner, which
Pat.'s' wee secnees-Fer c,,r n::liman Campbell, and there being no ether nominee, Andrew
Cerlsor. wqs elected as Street Commissioner by acclamation.
On.motion of Councilmen Murphy the appointment cf Jeeitor of the City Hall was
deferred until the next regular meeting.
A eoleIten NO. 1.
fixing salaries Of the various offlciels end employees of the G1ty was Adopted by the
foiiowlrg vote: Councilmen Campbell, Murphy. Torinus, soerz and President xolliner
voting Yea.
On motion of Councilman Cau.pbeil, the City Treasurers bond was fixed in the
J sum of .20000400U) be approved by the Mayor.
On motion of Councilman soerz, the City Clerics bend was fixed at the sum of
G500.00 to be approved by the Mayor.
On cotton of Councilman Tnrinus, the City Cleric was instructed to have the
Insurance Policy issued by L. B. Castle G Son, covering the contents of the City
Hdspit'tal, cancelled, and to collect the premium paid nn s91te.
Cdhncilmon soerz moved that The Council now proceed to apportion and assess
the cost of const.ructirg a sewer 1n Churchill street from the center of South Second
street to South Fourth Street, and lr: South Fourth Street ft-oc Churchill Street to �.
orloena Street,upon the real estate benefltted thereby. itotlan carried.
Councilmen MurpLy offered for tee consideration and action of The Council as
Assessment, being Loesl improvement No. 8, covering the cost of constructing a
sewer in Churchill Street from the center of South Second Street to South Fourth Street, andl
in South Fourth Street from Churchill Street to Orleans Street, whicb Assessment was
read by the City Clerk, and Councilmen Torinus moved that the Sewer Assessment and
levy ;rust reed by the City Olen be adopted end pieced on file in the offlce of the
City clerx,tnd that Tuenday February 1st, 1916, at 7.30 F. B., be appointed as the
time, and at the City Hall es the piece When and Where the Council will meet to
further set Upoh and conn'_dei• the Auld assessment, and that the City Clerk cause a
notice of such meetdng Lc be given it: accordance with the provt.lions of the cherter,
which motion was dull seconded, voted upon and carried.
Couneleme, soerz meir,d that the City eppropriete #125.00 per month to the city
;lospltel, and that the same be Fuld monthly, to Assist Sr. the defraying the expense
of repairs and upeeep aim payment tf itrural:ce en the buiidiegn. Motion carried.
Resolution IIG.ees
or: pcytaont of sundry blues wan adopted by the :'_.]!wing vote: COUnelimen Campbell,
Harpy, %crimes one tioerz, an6 Fresldent Lo111:er voting Yen.
On eotior. cf Councilman loerz, tee bids for official advertising gees Made
returr.stle Jan. 21. 1.16 at 1.30 F.M.
On motion of Councilmen ioerz. Council s4 ,ourned1 to meet Jan. 21,1916 0 7.30.F'M'
Attest: agneatet
city Cleri.
Councilroom.Sttllwater,flr.n. Jon. 21,2916.
Regular Adjourned Meeting;
?resent Councilmen Campbell, Murphy, Torinus, ffoerz and President tollieer.
The President alu:cueced that the first crier of business was the opening of
the bids for legal advertising, and instructed the City Clerk to the saae,which
were opened and read as follows:
Bills cf the Messenger Printing and Publishing Co., and Easton & Masterman.
were the only bids, and each bid being as follows:
Seventy five cants a toflo for the first insertion and thirty five cents for
reach subsequent insert lcn.
Councilman Campbell m.oVed that the bid of Easton & easterner, be aceepted,end
that the contract be awarded to them, end meet tte Gazette be designated as the
official paper of the City, and that the proper officers be instructed to enter
into and execute a contrast with them, on behalf of the City.
Motion seconded by Councilman Murphy, Voted upon and carried.
Bond of City Clerk and clerk of the Municipal Court in the sum of .500 with
Chas. E. Mosier and Jam. D. Bronson, 4s suretles,was presented and on motion of
C:'u.cilman Toerz, the same was accepted, approved and ordered filed, with City Treasurer,
Bond of City Treasurer In the sum of B20,000.00 with rider attehhe4, with
Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, as surety, was presented, and on motion
of Councilman Campbell, the same was accepted, approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Murphy, Council adjourned.
Attest. _ �(j•1�s2/4114,-(-1-yLLG471Y
City Clerk.
Council Rcom _
Stillwater. Minn. February lst 1916.
Regular Meetleg;
?regent e^uncileen Campbell, Torinus, soerz and President tolllner.
Absent Councilman Murphy.
Minutes of last regular meeting held Jan. 18 and of regular adjourned meeting
held Jan. 21, read and approved.
Oaths of olfIce of Chas. A. Lammers, City Clerk and Clerk of the Municipal
Court, Elmer Lott, City Treasurer, Edwin D. Buffington, City Attorney, Lewis S,
Clarke. City Engineer and Bid:iAing Inspector, Andrew Carlson, Street Commissioner,
J. H. Haines, Health Commissioner. T. F McNaughton, Chief of Police, Herman r.
Lange, Captain cf Police, August Swanson and George A. salters, as patrolmen,
Charles Peterson, George Johnson and Maurice Ryan, as policemen, James McGann, as
Chief of Fire Department end Vire Marshall, George P. Green, Simon E. Andrews,
Charles Peterson, George A. Johnson, John O'Neal, Mnur':ce Ryan and Ben Johnson,
as members er the Fire Department, were presented and ordered filed.
Applleatien of Alfred J. Peterson for liquor 'leaflet' . with bond attached, was
presented, and on motion of Councilman Torinus, the same was accepted, bond approved
and license ordred limed upon the payment of the required fee.
Oommentcatton from the Chief of Fire Department appointing Chas. Chrintlenson
and William Bonse as minute men of the Fire Department, was read and on notion
of Councilman Torinus, the same was accepted, ordered filed and appointments confirmed.
City Clerk reported that the Insurance Policy issued covering the contents of
the City Hospital had been cenceilcd and premium refunded.
Report of the Clerk of the Municipal Court, showing collections for the month
of Jan. to be 161.8E., was on motion of Councilman Campbell, accepted and ordered filed.
Reports of the City Treasurer showing the receipts and disbursements for the
month of Jan., and financial statement i'or the monthr.ending Jon. 51, 1916, were read,
'.id on (motion of Councilman Coen, the same were accepted and ordered filed.
on :notion of Gouncllmsn Torinus, Mrs. Rose Brennan was appointed Janitor tve
of the City Hall building.
On motion of Councilman G rnptell, the Gity Glerx was instructed to divide
the Gity into election districts, cuttlnc dour: one of the present election districts
In each ward, and mice a report to the 0ouncil so that a necessary resolution may
be adopted according to law.
Gounctlt:niC&mpbell moved that the assessment made and levied at a regular
meeting of the Connell heid Jan, i:;, iyiti, to defrcy the expense of constructlne a e
sewer in Churchill Ctr::et from the center of South Second street to South 'Fourth Street,
end 1n COuth Fourth 8tteet from Churchill Street to Orleans Street In t`.e City of
tt1_lwater be conftrmed and established, which motion was regu:arly sea.nded by Council-
man Torinns, voted upon and carried.
cowman foerz offered a resolution providing for the payment of special assessments
in: ten annual lnsttllments for the construction of the Churchill and South Fourth
Streets sewer, and fixing the rate of interest the installments shall bear, which
resolution was rend by the City Clerk, and Councilman soerz moved the adoption of the
resol!`t1en. and upon roll call
__Resolution No._a
was adopted by the following vote: Councilmen Campbell, Torinus and soerz and President
Winner, voting Yea; Absent Councilman Murphy.
Communication from the Mayor, recommending that the Firemen serving at Patrolmen
ne allowed 06.00 per month each for such servtcee was read, and Councilman Torinus
moved that the communication be accepted and ordered ttlod,Motlon carried.
Councilman Torinus offered a resolution fixing the salaries of the members of
the Fire Department who also serve as patrolmen and of minute men who serve in the
Fire Department, which resolution was read by the City Clerk, and Councilman Torinus
moved the adoption of the resolution, and upon roll call
OSalutlon NO., 4,_
was adopted by the following vote: Councilmen Campbell, Torinus, soerz and President
iolltner voting Yea; Councilman Murphy absent.
Councilman Torinus offered a resolution to amend the lest clause of Resolution
No. 1, relating to the solarise 0f officials and dmnl0Yeeny adopted Jan. 18,1916.
which was read by the City Clerk, and Councilman Torinus moved its adoption, and
upon roll cull,
Rp9olutlon N_Oa 5_
was adopted by the following vote: Councilmen Campbell, Torinus, foerz and President
LOlitner voting Yea; Councilman Murphy absent.
Counetlean soerz offered a resolution althortzing the borrowing of money in
anticipation of the paynent of taxes and assessments, and the Issuance of certificates
of indebtedness therefor, which resolution was rend by the City Clerk, whereupon
Councilman eoerz roved its adoption, and upon roll call
Resolution No.. 6
was adopted by the following vote: Councilmen Campbell, Torinus, soerz and President
tolltner voting Yea,; Absent Councilman Murphy.
On motion of Councilman Torinus the Chief of Police was instructed to see that i
no idle vehicles be permitted to be left standing in the streets , and especially
near water hydrants.
On motion.of aouncilnan Torinus theClty Engineer was instructed to ascertain
what old iron was owned by the City and to sell the sem 0 .
Reaolut:cn. No. 7
on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote:
Councilman Campbell ,Torinus, foes; and President tolllner voting Yea;
Absent Councilman Murphy.
On motion Of Councilman loerz,Ocuncll. adjourned,
City Canc.
Council mom.
StUiwater, Minn. Feb. lbs. 1914.
Resniar Meetlti';
Present C anel:men Campbell, Torinus, foerz and President Eolilner.
Abot.t Councilman Murphy.
Minutes of last regular meeting held Feb. 1, react and approved.
Apeihicatlon of Samuel 11. Witt for liquor license, was upon motion of
`Councllnmsn,,,sccepted, ordered filed and llcet:se ordered issued upon his fgying
the usual license fee and the filing of a bond to be approved by a committee of
two tubers of the Council to be appointed by the Xrlatdent of the Council,
The President appointed as such committee Councilmen woerz & Torlmua,
Petition from a number of the business men of the City requesting the
li.yor to issue a proclamation relative to and establishing a pay —up week,
. setting the dates Feb. 21 aid Feb. 26 ,inclusive, was rend, and on motion of Council—
man Torinus the Mayor was authorized to issue such a proclanstlon.
report of City Clerk relative to redistricting the City into six voting
precincts was read, and or motion of Councilman Woerz the same was accepted and
referred to tho any Attorney to draft the necessary resolutions _or the pur-
ndse of reducing the voting precincts in number form nine to six,
On :notion of Councilman Campbell the President was authorized to ap—
point a committee of one to act with the City Clerk in purchasing filing cases
and the necessary stationery for the use of the Assessor.
On motion of Councilman Torinus it was decided that the several appli—
cations for correction of assessments be taken up at the Manors office and acted
loon there.
On motion of Councilman Torinus the City Attorney was instructed to
draft an Ordinance relative to closing Pool and Billiard Halls and Bowling Alleys
at eleven o'clock F. M., and that the a.ze limit be strictly adhered 1n accordance
with the provisions of the Statutes of the State of ttlnnesota.
On motion of Councilman Woerz. the following qualified electors were
appointed to serve sa Judges of Election for the Election to be held March 14, 1916.
First lard.
First jrepinct. Second Precinct. Thirdprecinct .
T.. B. Castle F. F Swanson George Johnson
11. 11. Johnson Chas. z. Glaser Rny Pretzel
B. 1. Thelan E. E. Johnson E. H. Belting
Second Ward
Ft rat Free imct. SecLnd i'reci-nct. Third Precinct. _
C. G. Hawktnsor. live Stack Martin Dick
E. J. 1ie11Cn.. John Booren John Lund
J. P. Stevenson Richard Welch John B. Jackson
First Precinct.
John rt. Bergeron
Anton SChuelling
wL'11a r., Janttz
Third a•rd.
second $reClnct
Jis. L, Lotz
A R. Staples
George Harrill
Third FreeteCt._
C. C. Reed
0 L. Ha'iln
E. E. Hamner
Resnlutton 1.0. g
nn naymet,t of sundry bills was adopted by the follow tag vote:
Counrtlmen Campbell, Torinus and rtoerz and President xo:itner voting Yea.
Atse..t dourC11mon Lurpny.
on cotton Of Councilman Coerz, council sd;Clrned.
Attest: eft gb efri+.eee
Council Boon,
3t111•.at e:y :Ginn. _'.1'Ch 70u916.
Regular :,eeling;
:.o quorum being present, meeting was adjourned to meet parch 14, 1416
at 5 o'c.QC,t F.
City Clerk.
Council R0,Q!'
Stillwater, Minn. _h,:'ch 14, 1116.
Regular Adjourned Meeting;
Freaent we:•e Cou:ictln.en 1lurphy, Torinus, eoerz and Freaident £olltner,
Absent Councilman Campbell,
Minutes of last regular meeting held Feb. 15, and of March 7th rend and upproved.
Bond of L. F.. Clarke aft Building Inspector and Liquor license bond of Samuel.e. Mitt,
were appr
pved and ordered filed.
ret�,1rcw1, 10cer 3. Davis and A. J. iIolm, se Treasurer and Secretary of. the School
Boaraliwere presented and ordered filed.
-Open notion of Councilman Torinus, John Janina was allowed Rill .pegs for
time lost while laid up from injury received on Feb, 15, and in addition thereto,
the Boston bill Or #10.00
ooawuntcatton fro; Co. 'G• M. N. G., asking for an 4pproprtntion or $250.00
was read, and on motion of Councilman Murphy, the same was granted.
Tie City Assessor reported that he had appointed Dr. Chas. E. Glaser an
Assistant, end on motion of Councilman Torinus the appointment wan confirmed, and
his a*.i4ry fixed at 0.00 per day for actual time served, not to exceed 30 days,
Report of Clerk pf Municipal Court showing collections for the month of
Feb. to be the .SUL Of #42.05, was on motion of Councilman eoerz, accepted and ordered
filed .
Report or Gat/ Treasurer Or his receipts and disbursements for the month of
February and his Financial statement for the month ending Feb. 29. wan on motion
or Councilman ffoerz accepted and ordered filed.
Report Or City Attorney On the claim of 4. :1. Gillen for services rendered,
was On L,ottoh of uouncilmsn Murphy acr'eptes •.approved and ordered filed.
The City Treasurer reported having in hln possession Certificates of Sale,
..Oft. 15 & 16 1'0:' Local I4proVecents og'.t:.et tne E,2/5 Of Lots 14 & 15 Block 20,
Original Town 01' :SLi11w4te1', being City pr0fv 'I.y, and or. motion of Councilman
T orlh's the: same we.^e Ordered cancelled and U^.AtpOyed.
Coui.Cllt.an e1Oerz 4:feree 'i renoiution relative to estab`lshing Election
;:1st r1CLA 1L tho Clty, an0 the ASI'.e WWI read, and upon r011 coil the A41tc Waft
'tdo[.ted by the lollot:ing vote, eouncllm'./l Murphy, LOrt:un,Cocrz and Freeldent
MO.11ror Voting Yea. Abse:.t Councilman Campbell.
Oh motion. of C.unctaar. Terinus tie prover offlrters 'ere 1Lsir:died to
step and c".uAe t0 be, posted the rcticca required by law relative to establishing
71eCI.toL Llatricts 1n the OILY r,f Ct1.iwater.
Councilman vurpily offered en Ordinance relative to dogs, and the same
was read section by section and upon roll call the AZiet w5A panned on its first reading.
Couact1I. n 'Tortrus ofaepee '::l OPdir.'al?e re1C.tiee to Fool and Billiard
Halls. and Lne same Was road mortice. by section and neon Poll Ca11 the flame yes passed
on its first rezdi:.e;.
Councilman T0:l.nu1 offered a resolution relative to Inc payment of 1J11J f.
and the SiALO was react are. upon PO'1 C:11 tr.r vets t',A 500Ft.l by 1.1kl Itilo'.'1Le VOtS-
councilman .urpuy, TOP1, , '.eel z a ..1 f1 ,..:0f t Kofl1:,er voti e. Yea.
Absent uuunc1.:64n Campbell.
On mot 101. Of u ,:nc116r.L i;Oeri. council `djournee.
city 'clerk.
Stillwater. :inn, Larch t:1,1916.
Re._:1'.r ;:eetl:;g;
keeting ca:aed to order by Vice president Torinus.
Roil Call showed the following Councilmen present, Councilmen uurplry, P,oerz &
Toriz.us. Absent Councilmen Campbell and President i:0iitner,
Minutes of last regular adjourned meeting held nurCh 14 read and approved.
Anpslcation of Herman C. pretzel -for Liquor License, Ran presentee, t on
motiot. of CounCtlm*A, i:urphy the same was granted upon his f:iing a proper Sond.
Co ur.1Catlon from the American Insurance Company relative to rebate for
Insurance premiums erroneously sent 10 3tlilwater instead of to So.St1i1w!ter,was
read, and the City Olen stated that he had written them regarding the same and
also sent then a copy of the opinion given by the City Attorney of similar cases,
Arid ,:n. notion of Councilman goer; the action of the City Clerk, was approved,
The City Treasurer reported that he had to his possession two certifl—
e.+tes or sale covering lots i4 & i5 of Blocs 35 of the. City of Stiiiwater, roach
for the sum of 398.88.and on motion of Councilm'La Murphy, the City Clerk was instructed
to present the same to the Board of 'sducatlon for payme..t.
An Ordinance relative t0 dogs Was placed on its second reading and read
section, by section, and no amendments being offered, the chair put the question,
'sfa '1 this ordinance pans", and upon roll Cali the same was passed and adopted
by the following vote.
Councilmen Murphy & 6oerz. and Vice President Torinus,votir.g yea. Absent
Councilman Campbell and President Kolllner.
An Ordinance fixing the time of closing Pool and Billiard rooms, was placed
On its second reading and read section by section, and sections 1. 2, > & 4 Were
adopted as read. ilfliot :4Awan read, and Councilman emit offered an amendment t0
said section Which was adopted, after which the remainder of the ordinance was
read section by seetton and no further amendments being offered, the chair put the
question ',shall this Ordinance pass', and upon r011 call the ordinance Was passed
and adopted se amended, by the following vote. Councilmen Murphy & Soars and Vice
President Tortaus voting Yea, Absent Councilmen Campbell and Fresldent;x011iner.
On notion of Councilman Murphy the Street COmmtAsiot:er was Instructed to
stove the polling booth from the first precinct of the third ward to the First
preelnet of the First Card,
0n motion of Councilman 1;urphy Co. 'X' was granted the right to use the loon
on the ground floor of the City hall for wireless telegraphy purposes, conditioned
that the have the apparatus and wiring lnst•.1led under the direction of the City
Electrician, subject to the plea.;ur•e of the Couneli.
Resolution on payment of Cilis rrne adopted by the foilotrlag vote, Councilman
nurp1y. ttoerz & Vice iresident Tori!ais, voting Yea. Absent president Kolllner_ & Campbell
On motion. of Councilman „urphy Council adjourned.
Attest. i06.cite-mtet.0
City ClerA,
kayor i'ro.Ter,:.
Cota.ell aloha._,
e tneweter, Lite.. April 4, Lela.
Reialsr eeettne;
Fresezt eounclleeh Campbell, eurphe. Tcri_!:s, foere S president
.. ....ten Of last re;rular meshes tole ea ch 21, rest and unproved.
Cc:_Ar.icetlon fro::. Mrs. Jos. Glossa, Cial:.ing 4e000 detrages for ineury received
b3' f*list.; on slewralk _arch 7,i916, tree read anc on s.otion of Councilman Murphy
the Ccw::.L.tcaticr. was referred tc the City Attorney.
Release from John Ja.isia ,for injury Rustttr.ed while roekirg on the bridge ✓
Feb, 15, 1916, Was presented sna ordered filed.
Liqupr license bend of Heresn C. Fretzel, Was presented, and on motion of
Councilman Tortnes the same was soproVed aria ordered filed.
Applications of Godfrey Ar.Uereon and Albert Fisher, for positions on the bridge
were presented and rend. site ordered filed'
President cf the CounC11 stated that he nad talked over the proposition of
havthe the men employed on the brldge eltcrnate Rc aR to have them Oblige from day
to night shift every two weeks, with several of tie Coun0llren.and it Seemed to
meet with favor, and or. I..otio:. of Gounciiron Murphy IL was ordered that the two men
employed to Wetch:mer.ton the bridge :mould alternate fro.. oar to night shift every
two Weeds.
Council then proceeded Le take an irft.rmel bellott for two watchmen far the
bridge, and the Chair appointed Counctlu.en «oer'L u Murphy as tellers.
Inform' beulott taxer, and Godfrey Anderson and John R. Berney each received
5 votes. and or: motion of Cnunelimsn Veers the informal bsliott was made formal.
and Godfrey Aildersog and John, R. Reiliey were selected to fill the positions of
watchmen on the bridge.
O. i.otbon of Cnuncllran Murphy the 1.ayor was instructed to appoint the bridge
•et"hh.e. as policemen to serve without extra pay.
Dr. ,ialnes,City Fhysletah addressed the Councle reiet.ive to the Ordinance
for scavengers. and Rugge,^•,ed that the license fee be made a nomtna fee ,and the
City Attorney was instructed to prepare ail Ordinai.]e governing s.ld emtter•
The City Fblestclen siso reported that cert.aln residents Made a practice of
du>:•ping rubbish and papers in ravines,and suggested th'.t scce steps should be taken
to stop this practtee,and the President stated that to should be the duty of all
City officials ana empeoyeee to be on the watch for such matters and then seen to
report the same to the Chief of Pollee.
enter nc&ann reported that the bell tower on the a:.rine House Wes in bad
condition, •and staled that Cnunclimen Torinus had sent s ran up to look 1t over,
and he stated that it Could be repaired for *.i;out ee0.00, and on notion of Councilman
Totems, the Onief was instructed to er:pioy sr. Giibeet Fortin to melte the necessary
repairs ,the work to be done under his supervision, at a cost not to exceed Oe0.00.
The Chief wan also instructed to ;:et figures on what it would ^fist to repair the
roof or the Ftre Dep.rtme::t `uliatng and report on some to the Council.
Report of the Curb Of the c:u:.iCi1.t 'curt ono;'trF; reeelpta for the month Of
march to be..bi,37, and the Treasurers report or receipts and disbursements for the
month cf Larch and Mtn fineeev,i st•.te.:.c.,,t nnnttt4 the status of the several funds on
Lerch `.l, :ere read, aria oh witlor. oi' COUL^l.na. TWrit.us the steel sere secreted and
oroe sa flied.
eoeeetntratlon fro:. iris ;ressUrer relative to cP_„ale ot:dn of the :•stet Hoard,
Onion had been paid,wes read %La Maid Wier n.tli next:eg1XOr c,eertlt:g.
COlnaun:eta1On from C. ,.. LCbe5tc, i.U::LCipal Juuge`CLCCt,RttllLg that he WOR
wt_el ,g to ar•Cept cam r••:• for els salary as „;:Ltcleei Judge, instead of
• 41,00 Per alLuu. '.s hrretofere c.1U, �.'.r
p re'.d G..0 OrdC Pad filed.
F. T. raison state: that the Lteetsc:pr. geeener ,:::.::set.v,:osh,who in employed
11' the :Melt at the Frlsoa,reei 0rfsred !o •..:art 1:: pla:..lnr the bee Fare, and slew
asked that the Council .' pprore�t-f :.is plans of fait!: 'up the tart., and Oh Lotion Of
CCULCili.i.:. eortnus.1 r. '1114otf4tit fiiP'irucr pr.i:e es hr Raw fit a:C peeeeot the
neee to the COUncti at the :.'Xt re,;uirr In....l1:4:.
Resolutions outturinlhg the ....e of ee tileeat. es cf ins sued.^^.ass to the 3rourt
of •.700 to+a.ds Gefr'.3'lr-T the, 'oat of the .'outk fourth etre t and Ch.;:;hti'_ et:ect
rent'', and fiXlho the sea-.rtes of the :.,t.icipe. fudge oni Cher,: Of the InihielpsA
w �Pt `srai '.a o Or p.ylc...t of SUL4^y bi.... tt • "_-COp.PG i;j the fO110V lot et
COL'LCi 1.-x.:. C-.rp Pii, ;_.:rpny, Tor1t r1•ece z ttnA F. .s.,.;•t F.o`ilner votl:. Yen.
Or. :aoticn of Gouneuter. loer , sou:..chi •edeo-reee.
ei? tee e„c—
iaty c.erk,
tisswater, L...u. Apr•11 13, sy16.._
Rei:.i-I' _acting;
Present Co'.:.c11...er. Campbei„ wlrp::y. ,leery any Presider -I KO_-1Lc;.
Aare. t Ocu_.ct(rm Torinu .
= utes of isst recJlar seett'g held April t:, read and approved.
Comn.unicatton from the ::ayor appotr.t.i:g Co.:rrey Anderson and John F. Retliey
as pOilte officers to .eI•ve tit out pay other Lori that paid them as bridge wa1.Ch-
'.en, was presented and read, and on lotion of Councilman Campbell the same was
acce:,iea and ordered flied and ap.potnt L.en to confirmed.
Cathy :f office of Godfrey Anderson and John P. Re1iiey as pollee offleern,
S. B. neBeath 's Judge of the 1unictpai Court and Franc T. Wilson ns Special
Judi.: of the _lunieipts Court were presented and ordered filed,
Bond Of R. i.. Butler, as plumber was presented and on nation of Counctl-
man Campbell the same was approved and ordered filed.
Appllcat...r. of Adolph B. Reuttmann, for liquor .license was presented,
and or. motion of Councilman foerz, the license was orde red granted. upon his
filing a satisfactory bond and pay the usual 11ee,:se fee.
Appitratton of Uelnon G eestberg ,with bond attached was presented,and
on :notion of Councilman llurpty the bond re approved Ina license ordered issued
upon the payment of the usual itcar:se fee.
Under the head of reports of city officers, the Street Commissioner
suggested that 1t would be a good idea to go over the roads leading into the GUY
with the road machine and drag. and he was instructed no to ao.
Report from the City Englaeer advocating the rebuilding of the Chestnut
Street statrs,tras read. and the President referred the matter t0 a committee
conslstl:g of Councilmen Campbell and Murphy.
Report of the City Engineer relative to plating shrubbery on the triangu-
lar pint at the intersection of Olive and Greeley Streets was read, and referred
to the ?spit. COtardsslon. to be appointed.
On motion of Council an goon, the Treasurer was authorized to forward
1625.00 to the Corn Exchange Bans, for interest due on tinds Nay 1,1416 .
An Ordinance relative tap -thy Board of itesith and conferring certain
duties and autcorlties thereon, was presented and read, and passed on its first
An ordinance establishing a public parK to be named 'Lowell Pare was
presented and read and passed on its first reading.
A:: Cretin::Ice creating a Pars. Commission to be designated as "Stillwater
ran Commission"eras presented and read and prts:•ed on its first reading.
Councilman Campbell moved that the mayor appoint three women of the
North 4111. three '*:oxen of the South Hill. and three women of the Best 1i111. who
shall be requested by him, to 1a9Ke suggestions from time to time to the. Stillwater
tax SOLL.tsslor.. to be created, as to the best method of Keaning clean,ornamenting
ana beautifying the particular sections of the city in ^:htch they restde,and that
they be also requested to co-operate Clth all city officials 1r: ther.norlt of I:.ar'.ing
Stillwater more attractive and a better oince t; itv, lc., which motion was regularly
se^O:ndel by 3o5:Cilman Iroerz, and lnted Upon and Carried.
115..icht Soi.i.d+r ar...ounced that the Pnrt. Co.:;ntAs1oc when appointed
would consist of Frnnr. T. wllson, Chas, ts. cosier nna T. n. Converse.
Councli:uan dampholi offered a resolution nitrlorizing the City Cierl( LO
draw warrants, ln emergency cases, provided the amount of any such warrants shall
not exceed the :um of [iffy los..nrs, and Upon roil call the same was adoptedl
by the tosiot jig vote: Cow:.otimel, Csmpbess, :,:urpny and "tooth and President
KOlslner votl:,1 'Yen. Abse..t COunclll.:r Torinus.
Councis;::an goerz subnl-tad read state,.e:, .sho'::ihi; the comparative
the salaries of the City %ere: alto :.saessor, under the old and new
adstr: str•.tloc, .... ❑nov.ln.r: the amount caved under the na; ed:;.t. ti try tfor.
Also trot n uer the piese..L sr:.uge. e, is the City voila have a cOtpiete
record if aares3rneLts of properly 1',r taxation.
J. Alfred i;earr.ey etea tint he be .;ranted per:.lssto:, to ir.staii a
gtsosir:e flui:.i; sL.t1,r. t;. t. ;:.t 31' lay store ,and es requested to prep-nt the
met ter wo the Oeuhril ht Ire ,.•.yore, 011Ire 11 the marnin ...
L. ri. Seyi..uar •.sf. a tenet the Ccur,^1s Ee31;-i,-te s one centaur, part of the
City as a °Bird sehrtuery" and On ..,,torn.. of Cain.-1i:nen .1 urphy, the 1,1ilff On
the ..,,.,. siae o auaer _:Ohl:. street. .Holt. 1 the no -celled ..c1n ,.eon S,*:1rs
whs so desigbhtea.
rare Seynoyi' •isc .sxe;i .onto the Co... r....ace such. nu;li,er of Ltrd-
tc Ses that the ht-L lchopl boys Litt. Le JL'�':i ;q j -.... it t•: a.q
Cu yllF;,;egi Cd by
Oouneli Room
..til.; ni e.. :•.tit. Aprl. 25, yi6.
Regular AdJourmed :Seethe;
tfe P/eel:lel'.t of the C(unc it that 1t wo.ld Le well to defer act .or. o;: that matter
at present.
LT. 1. T. Vinson a;n.r:'.s5eu the Council. relative to lo,ell Darn. and sul;Rested
tn',t there should be '.Lott twenty large Cl_ trees planted lr, the pare in front
of the Ur.:or... tctton, ant. at the sugg;estio:, of the President of tue C:.unctl that
matte_ t.'.s to be .see:: :p ':t :he ...::ors office.
idr. Gilson also stated that it was oL,'ect onabie to have str Belt cleanings dumped
alo:i; the river fr•,;,t, and sui:rested that it be piled up somewhere to be used later
by the Part. Coiu:asston as fdrtIst:.er, and the President referred the matter to the
Part. Coe:::tsstoners.
Tnediestdrr.t 0opoln'. ed Councilmen foerz and Campbell. to appear before the.
Board of County COC:'.Isslohern. at their I:eXt meeting. '1nC 7A4 for an appropriation
"AO for the road fund.
_.g Oa ;..dtlo;: of Councilman Voerz. the Assessol'A was authorized to continue
his assistant, Ur. Chas. N. Glaser for a period of not to cxeeed thirty days :core.
Resolution directing the pay;aer.t of Li_is was adopted by the following vote,
Ooul.e1imer. Campbell, 14Urpny. 00erh Mid President £olllenr, voting Yea.
Abse„ t COL: r limalt Torinus.
On u.ct1G. of 06linetish eounell adjourned to meet April 25,1,16
at 7.30 P. L.
Attest; 44eNe Obiragnej
City C1 Are,
mmi Present Coul.ci. c,eti Campbell, :. _ „ xr3 and !rash.: e.,i k:oii iaer.
eb.4r:.t. Councilman Tcrtaus.
Cour:eti^.na :urpny offered ; resolution mantled, a 'Resolution determining
the necessity of mahing a contract betweer. the City of 7t1iiwater.1nd some person •
or corporstloh providing for the furnishing. - recttdg and maintaining of a
system of eirrtrlc street 1l.:`.ling and supplying electric current thereto for
ten years, and estimating the cost there° f and providing for the furnishing
of e.ect.rie cure&.t art ;;ns for air; ,:..t trg, heat t:.g ins power purposes, durtne_
said time. to the Otty of "till'':'a.er the 1Gt^.tital:t.s thereof". which resolu-
tionWas 'idO-tad UY the following vote:and
Campbell, tarphy, foerz and
I': td :a. loll i:,er voting yea, Absent Councilman Triads.
OouncLircn OampLei'i Go1ed tat. the City 'attorney be 'Instructed to prepare
stir!. papers as may te necera'.:'1(1l. .^,:ernetl,t with the presentation of the 1915
report of the t.tiI of the //ft t.lw'ater lie Depart::. -;:1. Seller Association
to the ;AAtrtr_t Court,irU ash that the retort be '. i.ov:ed; Also thatthe ctty
attor.:ry Le 1:.htructed to a,upear fo k• tine City of . tli4Wfit_. in the matter, Which
c:oi lo:. '•:'�A duct' :4econded, Voted iron and curried.
iI'esideot k.O.11nrr fixated that . lei e. ltct ..; r"l. rri::. 11o;1tol had
ci._•d ::toll atat-ci tL';. tney deSirll.s of Lg .. lsIth-Selves Of the,
�....0 Ir ... s ;i:t t:c .::tr.; tr. 1.1 installed. t.:i , Lis Cl tY. eAprCla.ly along the
iho::.to:� :Ilu, and also stated tn'.t hr. sod t,r.lt, e, t flatter up with the Cortharn
,,.lss Po: er Co. '1.0 ir'.A i;t'ter. .he .. Aur'..re trial t:neY rou2u :;i'.rii'J eo-operate
it.; Inc peop10 of skAiit:J1, ... €1v .. .: '!rlr 11i"it service,
Tse Pros LaeLt of to C'ott..c11 de-1 a.aild the meet l:; IT adjourned.
Attest: e.94I/6oefeenro tea/
i',yor. 1
. 192
4 o,
o n c,
0 cur'_
^11iB••aT er•,:ar.t: • L?..y 2,1',16.
Rag .1ar lieett::g;
rresrlt Coul:ct.:;?L ce;_pt rii ,::u1q:Ly, 'Gerz'.,_e president i:o
Aos Coc.Cli:t:. ^_orl:,as.
]limes ci lost raa.lar zees ing held ACTH in, and. cf the Re:ular Ad,-Purt.ed
tleetlr.g Lrid Apl. , read and approves.
Br. T. D. CroCler representlhg the. Uort.:'ark C1 aieS Toter Co.. addressed
tare Cou:,Cl1 relAt iv:: t0 the p.'Oposed new ccztr"St for stl•3'' 11EDt ing skd st.oted
that he desired 10 have the _'Sty re -advertise for bias as the and also to have
prepared d1:frezt arms or Lids ,.I:d :ol.Tr:cts, as the ol.ds prepared did hot
meet sit.. the approval of the 30mpal.y, -./.c the .natter was referred back to the
0Sty Ati Orney to ' 12st t tin th:. Coa.a::y.
Co.-.,-..1ea't 1Gri fro:: :i:e at'or poi tlr.g B. C. D':vls to :-u0,^..rd himself
as a L:oLber 0f the Board of water Cot..1.ssichevs was read ,caul 0k motion of
Cour:clllrcl: eon:: the same was ac cepted watered filed land the appointment Confirmed.
Liquor 11^ehse ooill 0i L. C. .:u:t f.t:.. '.';:+ p. ds '.air:u -, br. :a0:101 of
C�...�:r.�... L. L12. 'L' e.:- trs eil2cve( and'opdr.l'ed flied,
Ap..ilcatloi of .ors. w.rdaret JOLes, offerl.nc to pay $75.00 il, full Tor e
a1Nrt'Sal, assesai:lop: levied ag•,i Lst Lots 16 1R Bloch 2 of Greeley u 'langil:..ts
W'.s :et.d anJ Oh .:.0t. t,:. Of 0Oa1.0 :1IDGL Iturpi;y :..c C.-:y Treasurer Was in-
Atl"1Cadd to 03C:1.t :75.00 t:, 101e1 .._tt.ir.:_e_t. Cor Sad assessment., -
Report of Cf.erl of the ...... 'if;h 007.2,'t ._..,,.:.,, -are 1pts of the t.,urt
1oi 1... ..+ttT, of April. War r:.1 shd U. ..otlOn -.of CO u:,Ciimon :7oerz, the same was
a_ epted and or. - red :11ed.
Report of City Treasurer shcmlwii receipts and ri.lsbursa:ekt s for the month
of April, and his Statemekt Shot:log the bii':Les In the several accounts, was read,
and on :cotton of Oouhellm.•i '.'Odra. the sane were accepted and ordered filed.
Report of the Trustees of the rireliahs Relief Fund, for the year ending
Dec. '.1. 145. wcis read. and On !rot 10 Y. Of 007Lc it al: llur'p:'.y the same was adopted
and ordered filed, and ctneet 30r.,:t is;lorer
Report Of , 1 3 :nglreerea _ :t ive to spr in/trig st Peets was read, and.
on m0' lor. of Jounc li.:. n ...Urphy the M&L:e ran accetated d ordered filed.
Report of Clty :ha;l:eer 1lai lve to a.
the boom Road,so-ca lied ,was
:WAG and Oh rotio:: or Conn^d1Lan foer; the same was aceepted and ordered filed.
Report. of Gity ngt::.'.,rr relative to sideKSlts.Ssytng for farther Li'.
to invest lsate.w ss or: opt to': of Councilman i/.urphy, avoep tee aid ordered filed
and furtner lime gra3.ted,
Report 01' 0lty theer resat too to :Le :taaorl f' . 2tairq was read.and
o:. ttu.r or Cous,cti::.e.:1 C•ampLei:, the scree was avnepted andordinal flied, and
the P"=S :cen.t referred the o.; ter :0 lto Lour:el. C dell and coer1 :o Invest Sgale
and report or..
The ..ayor a:.;.cu.,ced the. ; 1.0:: moots hf L'rs. T. R. Con:..rse,,,3ra. V. O.
Conned and l;lsa ..:ry Jceo,:sor the .;.ortil A1i., ..rs. R. C. L'ronnol„ 111s7. phoebe
Gruesey and itrs ,G. ortii..cn,of the 'est titli and ars. R. C. Davis. 1rs. V. C.
iL Mta1Lts. .Id Lrs. A. 1 Lehniame of the outas coaLilttdes t0 eo-operate
vItr. s.ntianst to `7r C t11Y -.ter F:rr. CO 1;10f. es to the i,:'•t :i thOCA of
£e pit cieanornamentAnR ann reit tfy i.o the part 'color sections of the City 1n
t;httn they reside instructed the Clay 3ieri: to hoteiry then of their appointments.
On ILot104 Of JOt1LCi 1ILSn:;u3-ri,y the clove rued appolr.tfpe.nt s ['ere confir::.cd.
0t :„t1or, of C0 nrtiI;.an "'Oer's, ,hc rally: -•sr far. Cos: mission wer e
author tzec 10 expend batre::r. 46r.fl0 and 475.(0 1:3 r10;ti.:it t.reoS bit the narx
t:etweah the Uraoa tat tt lot; 1111 7e a17c:2,
0:. .. t.1o:, of Jo'.:,e timat:.oet2 of 4.0.o.oc was apt); oprl',ted to
the ::Oiiort'.a ✓:,y :111d.
AL Or11.::;.ce, e:ntttid "An Ordin .,ce est':hi'n Ati; a plii;ii^ r.i'Y. 10 t^.
.. .....d ":Drell i-:r" .r..:10-1t„r; The sat.r1 to t:. a.. .' p. -,1e Of the City of
..1__ tie:' and an oral.,...,. ....1., ad An nr;11o',:.c.. re'.' 1:; r',rr ot-is .;h to
be desIR:ated as " c t t.I.:wate earn a3 U;.. ..aaa106" 1 rnefiii . the '111es,p0'-ens
'.n.: t[.ority of sa-ri cc 1'. '..1 o.41r:::.ce act its: d • AS Omit ace oltend-
txL' ::actions 7 a..e az cf d.oa.eo relative to The ;'.o':rcl of deal/'..and
cent': Li, _a.les SL.. ,.. -lt l:.s oc3•, G p. ,.,e;i 1-t1: i; ,. and
'puhil:inCd 3 :-i:. L r.C, i; ❑d rene.l 9ai.0 _5 of s•:1a , . oto.teY.a. etch
re'.Ca BCClrI. LOSeCttr.a. ':A.O ..0 -. ..,,L;:,: Li'.11:i; O ,. , th. cpatp put the quest10h.
"sh:.i.i ..Ian O:';. L'.:ace l;_.; J.:L '.:pot. _ can .,ll'ee ordinances ..re sej:er.1a
.4 Vc,ted Apon ..+ p'.s' u l:'.. li 0. . ;c,11 - 3ur0a1,i,vn Ooie hell ituppnY.
;loerz al,;- rneniteht O:.l;..:: yet.. .. a ,CLr. Torlhus.
tt( :f '0 out t Condo- 1L ' i:,;J to .. rldayiLgL 3.
A t csT. "((//LLP/L/`uZCu...e vauil d C k&r
.Cl ✓ 1 vx. ! Or
iy.a.,..t 70....'11L.e. .ur': '•ochf •.L:• Fr<sld
i , a.t [.�il.l:.:
The presented a . ter fkon 1.r. R. 1. Farl: of td:e : Ul
r c pIlly e_ t J. to es t0 be Cr cd 11 Tile proposed itt Lt '(
S Astovncy, at :Lerequest of sna President t
The •• ,roc made a e' _t t .a to -at h understood rd to 1 aJ
-..' e ..e:.t with :.. : nci:, :,i h statement was corroborated by Cou:cll::an
-ccxer, repkesenti ng the sa.c r Company n y rea-prt to chat
and axpi lred ho. .,o tho1S.^t the ..isa.:..arst.1.g1r.; m.y have
fifty cant .:talf . - occurred vela.... cccr�c :'o:� electric ilg.<. meters.
Afirr a lenghly discussion pro Ind 'o:., the Council adi.;:.I -;:ed -
U:41ug Say ^.ctton.
city Clern.
_,u_Ctl itcoa..
..^:Llflwt.tc ,::1Ln. $'.y e,lya6,
Cpecl^-.1 Meeting;
en the
had Loan s-.lc
1178 t0 the
uoal P"t'�9
A fpecl.i iaettng having beer. c _lied by the _,nyor to be held at the
City hall tnls day lit 5 o'ciocz F. 1:,, fdr the purpose of acting upon a reso-
lution determining t e necessity of maz1r.g a contract betveeh the City of
Stillwater and some person or corporation providing for.lhe tUrnishing.erectit:g and
maintaiIling of a system of electric street llgnting and supplying electric Current
thereto fora term of 10 ye•,:s.':h:i estimating the cost thereof ,and repealing
Resolution :;0. 17 p',.ssed Apri 1 25. 1916 and published April 28,i916,there rare
present Councilmen Campbell, Eu phy, Torinus and ;There, and President Eolliner.
Councilman Campbell offered _ resolution eatitl ed t •ResoluSlon determining
the necessity of making a contract bett'e I: the City of Ot111wate.r and some person
Or eorporalori providing for the flrr.ishlr:F,ersctir•g and maintaining of a system
of 'sectric street i1ghtin4 and supplying el ectr1c current thereto for a term of
10 years, and estimating the coat thereof. and repealing resolution ro..17 passed
April 25, 1916 and published Apl. 28. 19 16, and upon roll call the resolution
was 'adopted by the folio•.•ing vote: Coup^timer. Oempbell.Eurphy;T orirus,roerz and
President 1:oailner voting Yea. ,
There being 140 further business to be transacted at this meeting the
President declared the meeting •.ddourned.
A t t es t:ItIfL
OitY Clbrd.
1:1Lctes of the : eetil.e of " Tne CobialsstoulerS of the Sluicing Futa " .: the
Jit" of •7tt1niater°. ..eal epris
A ...us:7 called :..ee.t.l:c of Ti"e dOS...tsnion rs of the Cin;:1h.g rued of the
City of tiawatar" was r.r._:: ch the lHtn day of:Apr11 1.1as at the couneil era:Jeer,
to the 3 ity ii111 11. the 3ity Of itliiwtter...lLnesett.
T:.ere vere present the following co:ii.tsslorers; .SOP Kosalfer ahr. Co`.n.Cil:af.r.
1;. ycr i.olh Lrt' presided.
Upon e.otion dl.y 0.Lde and :te:onced the :o.:.o;.lt:.y .Ysol't.toii was, upon roil
uha. Leus1Y adopted;
Besdivec., That "The Co.:Jl.isslol.er'A of the otnsu:G Fund of the Oily of
Ctllswat er" be and they are hcre::y directed' to ^.i•pehr before this cool..^11 of the
City of Sttlie;':ter, ct . regular izeting thereof to be veld ::ty 16th.1')i6,and
then and there, In the presence of said coUi.cli,C':refui4Y cancel and turn ire
ro_ic t:.g ceacrtbed p^.ld Lot.ds of the City of :t1;.lwat:r and interest not:oot.s;
IC so-es:ied rater iurchae Hands of the City of rtlilwater, cf the denow1-
nation of 3i000 each,dated Jnif 1.191r,due Jt:i' 1.1y15,humbcr-d 41 to 50
1 C.C1L:AtVe.
105 interest coapons of the del:c.:.lnattor of i20.00 each,d'le January 1st 1015.
16s interest coupons of th. renol<i::e'1.,.• ` *WO each due Juiy_lst 1915.
ail of said interest Coutriris having be ell tt'\rbed to certain of the so-called
Water F-rch.Ae Bonds Of the 0 ity of Stillwater.
And upon i:.otiors duly made and seconded the following resolution was,upon
r011 cali.unsr.tttousiy adopted;
tesoived. That In order to protect the credit of th e C1Thy of Stillwater.
the City Ciere is hereby authorized to draw warrants to fa Vor of the Ctty
Treasurer in such amounts as may be required to pay and retitle the interest on the
bonded indebtedness of the city, as and when it fails due,ln the year 1916; and
the City Treasurer is hereby authorized .ml directed tc -transmit the amount. of
such Warrants to the proper banes where the tnter::st Lay be payable in ample
time so that it may Le paid when due.
At test;i/
City Gerd.
:'peciai 1deeti:.g.
i1e S,._, :GG:.: .r...63. 0'. ;lr'y �, Tort:J.o '.:.a 1raaln:: nt go.lal.er.
AL:tLt Jcuncl.:,_:.:.urpny `•....
i la. scent. to '._-_ ....,._ '_: 7L• res.._.., ::,n �I.t ad Ly the 01 sty Cou1.011 at a
speclai r_-eeti g held Lay, ;,i,i6, the Lee; L. vas et.nea to order b' President
FOlil3,er, for the purpose of opening :and c0b81derl::g bids or proposals for furnishing ,
eeectthg air' maintaining a coulplete system of street ligntiLg for the Olty of
. tllntater, and uupiyt.*:• ,er ^lc'. current to s,;le for ten ?ears, ii:i1':di:18 the price
.t inlet g:s,e:ectr1c light' far ot?.,': than street lighting pUrpo%.es , and rot er
'li_ be ft/rnlaheu to the Oity of .'t lillc,te:• :LC ... 1:1'.b i:93as '.31d YCC;.CSLY"'01. t!
staled ydat.t era::•t_.:. ,... bid, an:: upon it.'.r.l;, of.the.F:'eeldsnt• Of the 00uno11,
S'at:i Lad .^,T proposal was op"1.ea Said reGa, .s fo1cot;s:
Ar. 071'+1'ie$ A. L.d..:.ara,
3tt7 0-eti.
rtliifae ,' ihnenot a.
Dee. Sir.
• LiLhe.Spolla, ......, ::ay 'ii th,1016.
rurs'dant'to the speciflontionn. for stMet 11ctftr ,on file In your Office,
the primed :d;efttse:::el.t for bids, the u.,dersig:ed hereby offers to furntah,
erect and r:ai:.tttra 0 COnllete syatas of etectrlc: atre t 1lghttrg,t.1 lr nrcordanee
with said speciftcattous anu pr'0(.o.ed contract, and to perform the von and furnish
the electric curtest& and serflces calied for at and for bbe following r ates and
prices, to-`:
For Sixty (Go) ?oldie. Fc"er Lamps-.13.50 per lamp per Yr.:-
For Four Hundred (40S) 0. F. L- ps 457.50 ' • • •
1f such proposal be aceeptee. the undersigned agrees t0 p ut in fore e,
as of date or Lay lst,1y16, and LalLtni:i during the life of the contract the following
rates to consucrra for electric .i nt.poer ar;c gas, tv-t;lt:-
:aect_ lc L1t;Lting.
First 200 K. e' H. per c:outh 9 cents.
Newt 300 : : • 7• .
▪ 500 • • • 6 •
• Dori • * . 5
. 1000 . • • 4
„ 1000 • • • =.5
i000 • • • .4 •
1000 • • • 3.3 .
1000 • • • , 2 •
1000 •
▪ 1 •
or 10c0 • • • 2.9 .
Cash D1sc:.'.:r.t 1f bill is paid on o ,, for. te.. (10) Gaye , .ndc , from d5te of ... .tin,
Zlectrlc Power,
Voter rtt&a shall be the 6.... as taose lt, :ores nt I/resent with eXcept.ton that
_,.. ,.ot"l iiatlons in ex^ee9 of 25 :f'i:'scp^: er, ;.`,. •• eate•Shnll Lc e1DP7alent to those at.
p`...4ent 11. force 1:. 31fteap,i is.
'yore a:.aar be a lltnl:., Oh'.:.;c of 41.00 per month per Horsepower consented.
Gas R9tes.
Furl Rate. .1.30 per thousand cubic ^, : iess 20Dash 111sc oul.t, 1f bill is paid
On or before ten (10) da'jss roil drams.. of :Thief', hi;Lail.
1a .:...;'Ou:.t .r1.Gc6.i.L'. ...J., , i:r r:,., t.L..y bill. :or g'.s allioa,ts t.p :Lora
the:a, ♦..')'', n^. t' L.G,...,.
l:td. =ute- •i.70 Per tnO.it-.LO C'Ib1 . leFJ :. D1,Qcu1.1:" 7)1rl Is pa:d
JL ,. Le:we ... ,. (Jo) y.o lo:...,.....,_ Pl:..... .q, Ui...
... :Lass be a .1....... .... r'. t Gi :'e' :1 . (` r per meter GP
,s . .t:1L e:2 i ... ,..t r r. "a. s,t ; �t lam of sa:i .0es „.. j. ....r.t lb 1'1t.7 eel:: S O 5 )
.,Otni;i; 1. tr.t.a. proposal G. 1.. ... .that raybe exec']ted pui'suuant thereto,
i i.'.1i :.. Ly ...'.: i r ::h'.toor+o: Sl;' ...:.,._ t ur ._. :;i 'e.1.2Lis o
.. z.,a-ire G. i.t ,.. u.1 by a.. O et1nr'tir, r
..l a.larie .. r. :e.,0 ._d_ a "Resolltiol t i .,6
T[.r L r tal:an�
the of tne Stales e To.el
:.1: .1e,•tit.; .O. the city o tl SLS LLrr, .. ;unp . e.e 1 l`^
2 1^•jiu. . iite t c r' .1 r 1; 1� r'i t Prier : i1 e. light
for . r 3 LL_.. 2treet _ice_ ;-Lei OQ firnisned to the C71Y of
G ti2sw an:- its '...iS' Le ' tL u,Z.:f, tt, exr'tit
in --if of t e said City a co:.tr..'. :espf.ctIng .v.li ., , and -upon roil call
tn. re: ., ir0'. Y.
9ocii Mill. was r.,d n 1:T s esldellt Ao1_tnelt votlne'
C O:ir.ca :. r.11 C .Lti:e.. ...� �: Grl t.'ds and Pr
Absent Councilmen rurp:.Y and YGerl. et. r/ig Was
There being n0 r.:the . Lusihrss to come before the CGi111c1i.., � the
dh_.: ed '.d;ourned.
Attest: 41s
City 3seri.
CCuncll Room."" fti"• tater,ninu. ;:ny 16th 1916.
Regular ireetini;
t esest Cuuz.ctlmer. Campbell, Murphy, Torlrus and Roerz. Absent Frrsidest
:Meeting called to Order by Vice Fresldent ,L. R. TOrinus.
Minutes of last regular meeting held -maY, z, and of regular adjourned
meeting held May 5,
and of Ggecla. meetings held May d and ilth, and minutes of
the meeting of the Commissioners of the .Sir:Xirc Sand of the City of sttliwater,held
Apr11 13th, read and approved.
yr. F. T. dllaon addreaard the council relative to grading cater Street
from Cou:.;erctas Avenue to Mulberry Street, and n..Aed that the City Engineer be
instructed to establish the grade for said street, end on motion of Councilman
Murphy the City Zn tneer was instructed to make a preliminary survey of said
proposed grade '::.d report or. s1a at n-xl regular meeting.
OOmmunicItlon from the _,.ayor Fro.Tem, : peihtil:g the members of the
stl.iwater Fora J Ommis.-lon,'-s follows: Frar,a T. filson for a term ending the first
Monday 1:: J•.0Ui;Y .1117. Theodore R. Converse for ^• term t'dtng the: first Monday
in January 1113, and Charier Z. nosier for terme d1::1; the first Monday tr,
Jsc:dyry 1y11, waa read. '.LC on motion of 3c lhclimeL 'berg, the cow:!. h1C tlen was
accented .ordered filed and :PUG1r.LCantn ecenftrmad.
0o! untcatt0r t'ro:a the Corn Exchange Eon? of Chicago relative to a charge of
serentl eight cents for com,A.sston charged on aoLc,"t1Gn Of interest coupons,
stating that the b111 Las .^,eari erroneously. as accepted and ordered filed.
Oath of Office of ... S.Davis, as a verller of the Board of niter 3olz.tsstoners
Was 'accepted and ordered filed,
Appitentton:: Of John Y. Behrens and Theodore Zchuelli g for liquor license.
with Surety Bond attached, were reel.. :..d on mutton of CGurecilner. Murphy,the stile
were 'accepted. bonds approved '.rem ilrr'.as granted.
Fetetton rrO,.. 1'. C. ;:er'rlil 'and Otne/'a ast1 . for the constriction of a
sewer lh ,.ortn :AMsnu el1i8t:n atreetn w•s read. and onot.lor. of Councilman
Unmp],zL.tne s'.me v:as refer ed to the Ctty ' ng1neer to tt1est1:;ste 'thy 'ap00. CI; at
tee :ioxt meeting.
On Lotlrri Of J0uri01l04l .airphW the folio': lag named icgsily quallfle.d eiesl Ors
were %i.e c gated to Serve as • ::ties of € sc.. ott1COr ti:e maul:..; egedt tC-L.
first rJ.
,.. •n. Fr'ci:.^t• _:icon,_ rfecli_cl.
k...a Jonnso n o d.P. ,. hisser
L. J. Castle Sped 1. Swanson
Loals 1.. ivvyn _. .et• i„i:.
^octet. ;r•jr�_
feesnt Fick i;.
Rlanard ':ei;h ... -.._. Jo::.. Lu:rt
A& ,.fit 300refl .. ... _i'd.
First Fres L;et.
Azi on' G cb ne iitng-
e.... ria_eir.
ASU.3rt F. 1'4.ren
de:... Flee
197 t.
• Ceur.el ill's.;. rpr.y .e;•,r:e:: 1r.l !he o...:,ass to; er, like .^ t:.:. tall 7' lyd of t:ce.
City o" :'tluv.ater wore ready to t.p➢eor before the Cout.>ti ^.:A burn 'nd destroy
the au -serf s a0-Ca4aed eater i"irchasi Bonds nth lrtt•et•est coupons referred to
1h the resoltttol. :'41C11 sppears 14 the minutes of the meet lrg of the C or.;.. 1551oLers
of the 0 1::A1.:; ; ,rd, held Apr14, sd, i /16, and taereupo,. the said b:.:.ds Ir.d 1 Gt @rest
Coupons ..ere p:•ese:.ted and burned .
.•• Resoi:lt lor. di rectl:.g the payment of suhdrY U1lis ::.s adopted by the folioYing
1..te: JOU:.etiyen Ca:Lpbe ll Lurpr`nd :roerJ and 11.ce Frestde.nt Tortnus voting Yen.
Absc_t Fres 1(;eht iG_ltner.
0:. t.otion OE j c;ur.cilL.=.l: r:Ge.z. council ed;ba:^reU, I�''
ALtest; .6, a ..•... /,LlU6 o
IthtYOD Fro.,; tea.
6t All,^. tel , Zinn. June 6th, lyi6.
ies'+1,c :teetlug;
Present Sere Coul.etl6.e/. GalnpLea., :Curpr.y, TOr1ri.1.9, doel'z 'and Fresldent F.olilner.
;llnutes of at.9t regular ueett:.g hcid ;Any i6tn rend and approved.
Appstn.t 10.'1 Of Cur
. :l .:lelster,�'ltn bond a.iac.id , for liquor license Was
presented •l.d re.d and on Lotion of GOtinctiiwn L'urphy the 'tore was accepted, bond
eppro•red ' i ltc:esti granted.
Api•a1C9t1On. With bond at ✓.CheU. of Ben. Berglund for liquor license Was rend
an on motion of Jounciim n :toerz, the same ^was accepted, bond approved and
license granted.
Application of A. A+ Fraser, for liquor license urns read and on motion of
Councilman Campbell tie sane Asa accepted ,ordered flied, and license granted
upon the payment cS the usual See Sono the filing of a bond.
Oaths of office of Chas. E. mosier, T. R. Converse and Fran;L T. ellson
as :.ambers of the Stillwater Far: CoLL.1ssion were presented and ordered filed.
Application of Chas. Z. Glaser for Cigarette license was read and on. r<tion
Of Gpunc.tlmsn 1hUrplY the seine Was ordered riled and license granted.
Application of Ling Bros. for Cigarette ileense Was presented. and on motion
Of uoulictllkan Campbell the Sane was granted.
Communication :roil abbe Daniel Flynn hSAttg for the appointment as policeman
to serve at Lily Lhite Beth douses has rend, and the iayor anhOttneed treat he bad
appointee Mr. Flynn for ttp:t eodltloh arc baled that the Council confirm the
tflt s'sLe, a . :A. ::.Otto[. of Counetlmc.0 liurphy the appGtL.tment Wt.s conflpk1@d.
00uneliva. ctierz Suggested th.t IL ::chin be :;ell to provide some light at the
bath houses, and Lne. ?'hasp appointed Jouncii;,'.A ;oerz as a committee to mate
..... [;.,,;eats ;;tin LAC .:crtnern C ..tax FO•. er Cr pony for light tat the bath houses.
jr. A. G. ._......, cif thy. ..ortheru Ct.teS ?Over .01:.p514 slated that they had
Snsth sod a sight oh are exten:+tr:, 'brit aL the corner of Third and kyrtie "treats
and %si:: tt.e Osunc t..to examine the same 'iaso suggested that the matter of
ruralsnihe sii:.tn .t the tond0cLr4 01. the t. ...'olx .'.d bee:. :rl.,ge:Sted hhd 's,ed
t:.'.t the ,.:,inch 10)I. 11.Lo the; ...alter, nt.:. the Char stated that theee L'P.ttern
'.i G;;1. be to Ae:. ap '.t Lhe .. y0rs O1Ti!C 'brio d1sCUAned.
Fr.n6 I. +']...'+ri:., rha is l... . tht' .tlii'mt r Fary. ZO:l:Lisslr)n.axled tn'.t. the
GDUnt LJ Lase, some '.c' lo'i r'ea:tivevto the approving of the pions IOr Lovell Farb,
+.red Cuunc Lama, :.urply O:fee red h ten s.tlor, tit led " RCSO11Lt bon re1+.l tag to the
lmprove.aen' of bona., Part, and '.uthortzlrg the etllivn.tcr Far8 Co-ctsslon tO carry
Oh t1 ii 50r.. of .4'0h improvement, 4r.1 :itrert S:.0 IL'•1 funds secured by sold commission
for stt2L Purposed be deposited it.:. .•y 1re.st:rer Inc Aept in el separate fund,
'5; "dad upCf O.^flere first;:I 0 the Gay Tre'::,aver. :+ Lined by the Se.cret.'.rp and
,, ,... . :.r:. i.y .he e 4 lr'P.'t .. a`. Is ^omu.isA Ir.L", ':,; ;prn: r0s. Cali the rest."' 10h
Yaa ..i pt.ee by the lobo:.l:u ?)tea Count lli'.ei., %mite. .1. 14UPpIY. TOrtnus. roars 'I:d
P 31.I:u.t. go; Aire r :C.t in; Yec.
.aO hatel t.h'„ the jlty .dG:`3Prl0te t 50.OG. 1,; the fart. fund, and
upcd. ,a. Iol. of 30.;.ali:1CL. Tor lieu. m -.pfa'opr . _.e •; a; ..';de of 4110.0' to be pssced
U. the "ytt..t:n... -P,rl. ..i.._:ss:„..::wed•.
„haul?uii..t...Ufy:.. :e:...r.... he 00fl.el ,..1. C'.::.phei_ hsd i'.npre1
.....tc.t tL,. ... bale . -.,._.ea JleSt:Ut .....,,at st. in; %no rulfc, and r ecc......'ndel thlt .steps
be .,i.r:. :t r%-r. to rely-
tn sthflr.6Lje:it ...11C... Cif the iti . ee . p rg_. tor: to thr c..,, trttt ion
R:r:iel .. illy _ :.i;.err _._...tve oor.r1:-ietior, Of server I;:6..rth : tfth ^end
1.98 •
}... . .. •. ::: .: 1i7 •......: + , Atip: 1:.3; :.'..0cr
_. .. .... �.__... .... :x .. ...._ 'Cape ...'.d _.... _.... ri .. ..
to. . t, ..t. -ed . 7 .-+t 1G t.. • .. el.. ..:5 _'.._;1 Af :1 `scr•-
.... _..n t..: yi Y..C:' ..,. .. ... e .... therein. .dcitet. .: iv. a`1i6, w45
p esP L- ra 1 G .. 11' i t .a. Y s .LL Ct tieI ..-•:
v e...Y Seise -..pL 1 ... ''ter.. .i I_e3Y .t KG_. r tut inn: Ye•..
n .esoa.til1 eL.titaeC: . t-'3c_t:: .... LL__... ... tL 0: t1L..M w•ta
p:ese:.ta. L C'.11 1... tons •, Ol. te:. t»' !ha
Sot .O..Ctr..L . oar .. I. es Li... 1 K0_
Rot ...: Yc'..
BLillwater. Minn.
June 20, 1916.
Regular Meeting;
Present Councilmen Campbell, Murphy, Torinus, Moen and President L011iner.
Minuttes of last regular meeting held June 6th read and approved.
Communication from the League of Minnesota Munuclpalitles aiming what
benefit, It any, the Oity of Stillwater had derived from the League by virtue of
being a member, and the GUI' Cleric was Instructed to answer the inquiry, by saying
that there had been no apparent benefit derived from it.
Oaths of office of Daniel Flynn and t. R. Stunt as Special Policemen,
.were presented and ordered filed.
Retail Liquor license bond of A. A. Fraser was presented, and on motion
of Councilman eoern, the same was approved and ordered filed.
Com':.unleatlon from J. P. Dlneen,oftering 4166.96 in fuel settlement for
sideniK assessments vs Lota 9 A 10 Bloc]; 2 of Churchill t Nelson' Second
Addltlon.Was read and on motion of Councilman Coer2, the same was accepted and the
O1ty Treasurer was instructed to accept said amount to full settlement for said
Applications of Thomas Scully, Jos. sole Co., A. R. Lelm and Peter A.Carlson
for retail liquor llcsnae were read and on motion of Councilman Torinun, the
several licenses were granted, upon the filing of satisfactory bonds and the
payment of the usual license fees.
The City Treasurer reported having received 61290.00 from Mr. Converse. the
Secretary of the Stillwater Para Commission, which together with the 1290.00
appropriated by the Council at the last meeting had been placed in a separate fund
Known as the 'Otillealer yarK Commission Fund.'
The Street Commissioner wan instructed to employ four men to cut the
grass growing in the attests and boulevards.
The cnalr appointed °ouneilman Campbell an a committee to ae Ur. M. Bergateln
relative to procuring gravel for repairing roads.
The Chief of the Fire Department Stated that he had aeleeted Louts Blangen-
hagen to serve at the Fire Department white the firemen were taxing their annual
vacation, and on motion of Councilman Murphy the selection was approved.
The City Engineer reported that it wall necessary to have a goard rail
erected in front of the O'Donnell property on North Third Street, and he wail
instructed to Interview the ownersof the property relative to Said matter.
°apt. Chester Nilson, of Co. 'L° is. A,. G.. presented the matter of the
City Malting some provisions for the care of the families of the members of CO. "L"
while away . and the Mayor appointed the following committee to loog after them
and their needs. viz; Mr. A. E. Doe, s. E. jaatOn and H. H. Harrison Of Stillwater and
Mr. J. M. Secreat of South Stillwater.
The Mayor also announced the appotntment of Itr. B. J. nosier, Ira E. Ling and
Franit elthrow, as a committee to interview the employers of the members of Co. L.
and ask them to agree to reinstate teem in their respective position upon their
7Wilk' 199
Communication from the City Attorney relative to the application of Mrs. Clovis
MODonough an,.ing that some arrangements be made to reopen the assessment prooeedure
against her property on South First Street, no as to permit her to pay said assess-
ment in ten annual installments, was read, and on motion of Councilman Torinus,
the same was accepted, approved and ordered filed,
City Engineers Final Estimate on the contract for the construction of Sewer
in South Fourth and Churchill Streets was read and on iation of Councilman Noerz,
the Name was laid on the table until the next regular meeting.
City Engineers report with plans and specifications for the Paving of a part
of South Third Street with concrete was read, and Councilman Campbell offered a
resolution entitled • A Resolution approving plans, specifications and estimates
of expense of paving,with concrete, certain portions of South Third Street, and
fixing a time when the council w111 meet to act in relation to the doing of the
proposed worm, and upon roll call the resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Councilmen Campbell, Murphy, Torinus, Noerz and President Lolling? voting Yea.
On motion of Councilman Woerz the petition for a sewer in No. Fifth and Lilian
Streets was laid over until the next meeting.
On motion of Councilman Torinus the Street Commissioner was directed to secure
the necessary teams to haul gravel from the gravel pit of the State of Minnesota to
p04nts on South Main Street to be used in improving that street from the south.ltne
of the City to the end of the paving on youth Main. Street near wolfs Brewery, and
that Joseph Olson, or some other competent man be employed, to act as foreman, under
the supervision of the City Engineer, while the gravel is"being distributed on the
Councilman Woerz offered a resolution, entitled a resolution directing the
payment of bills, and upon roll call the same was adopted by the renewing vote-
Counetlman Campbell, Murphy, Torinus, Woerz and President Lolliner voting Yea;
On motion Of Councilman Murphy the Council then proceeded t0 canvass the Primary
Election returns, which were as f0110ws:
Few Councilmen. Hugh D. Campbell received 588 votes and Louis E. Torig•s
received 594 votes -
For School Directors. Oarl N. Brenner received 561 votes, Andrew J. Holm
received 510 votes; H. May 1 vote: A. J. schnacke 1 vote; Berger Hammer 1 vote and
J. 4. Mackintosh 1 vote:
'For Speciaa Municipal Judge. Frank T. Nilson recived 582 votes: O. B. Jack
4 votes: H. H. Gillen 2 votes and Ray Jenkins 1 vote:
Mr. High D. Campbell and Louis E. Torinus having received the highest number of
whoa cast for Councilmen, the chair declared them duly nominated for the offices of
Councilmen. Mr. Carl W. Brenner and Andrew J. Holm, having recived the highest number
of votes cast for School Directors the chair declared them duly nominated to the ofttces
pf School Directors, and Mr. Frank T. Nilson having received the highest number of
votes oast for Special Municipal Judge the chair declared him duly nominated to the
office 0! Special Municipal Judge.
en motion of Councilman Woerz, the Council adjourned.
Attest. €741c.cpe.ellie of
City Clerk.
Council Boon.
Stillwater. Minn. July 4th 1916.
Regular Meeting;
No quorum being present, the City clerk adjourned the meeting
to JulY 6th 1916, at 7.30 o'clock.
City Clerk.
Council Ago@,__
Stillwater, Minn. July 6Yh.1916.
Regular Adjourned Meeting;
Present Councilmen Campbell, Murphy, WOerz and Preaidnt Rollins?.
Minutia of last regular meeting held June 20, and of regular meeting held
July 4th read and approved.
oathsbpf office of J. T. Nudaon, William Regan, Prank Magnuson and J .P.
Stevenson as special policemen presented and ordered filed.
Liquor licensee bonds of A. R. Kelm, with N. O: Marsh and Leonard F. Wolf, as
sureties, Thomas Scully with 0etave Gagne and Ole Berequlat as sureties, and
Joseph Wolf COmpeny with August Jenne and Ludwig Simonet as sureties, were on motion
approved and ordered filed.
The Mai? appointed councilmen Campbell and Moors as a committee to Mend
to the painting of the roofs of the City Bnildinga.
Communication from the City Engineer relative to installing culverts across
Burlington street was read and the CitY Engineer was instructed to install the two
small coverts mentloned and the matter of cunstructing the large culvert was deferred.
Report of receipts of the Municipal Court was on motion of Councilman woerz ordered
Cn motion of Councilman Woerz, the mum of 160.00 per month was ordered trans-
ferred to the • Stillwater Park Commission Fund', to be used by the Park Commissioners
to pay the care taker of the Perk during the season be is employed as much.
Council then proceeded to select three of its members to nerve on the
Board of Equalization, and Councilmen Campbell, Murphy and Moen: were selected as
such Board.
Om motion of Councilman Woerz the City Engineers Final Mitigate on the con-
struction of the Seutb Fourth and Churchill Streets Sewer was duly approved.
Besolution entitled a 'Resolution directing the payment of bills' was adopted
by the following vote:
Councilmen Campbell, Murphy, Torinua and President ko111ner voting yea;
Absent Councilman Torinua. •
On motion of Councilmen Wowrz, council adjourned -
Attest 4l LL 41-awtir.✓^-
oity Clerk.
Council Room. Stillwater, Mien. July 11,1916.
Special Meeting;
Pursuant to call duly made,councll met at 7.30 Po M'
Present Councilmen Campbell, Murphy and Woerz. Absent President 10111ner
and Councilman Torinua.
On motion of Councilman Campbell, Councilman Murphy was elected Mayor
pro tempore.
Councilman Oampball offered a resolution entitled • Resolution
providing for paving with cdncrete certain portions of South Third Street
and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bide,
and upon roll call the resolution was adapted by the following vote;
Councilmen Campbell and Woerz and President Murphy voting Yea. Absent President
1olliner and Councilman Torinua.
On motion of Oounc4lman Woerz, council adjourned.
City Clerk. Mayor Pro Tempoie.
Council Boom, Stillwater Minn. July 18,1916
Saguia? Meeting.
Present Councilman Campbell. There being no quorum present the
meeting was adjourned to July 25, 1916 at 7.30 P. M.
City Clerk. Councilman.
201 •
Council Room, Stillwater. Minn. July 25, 1916.
Regular adjourned Meeting:
Present oounellmen Campbell, Murphy, lowrz and President Lolllner;
.� Absent Councilman Torinus.
Potation signed by Dr. H. F. Murray and others, asking that some steps be
taken towards having wails built pear the Everett Street bridge was read and
referred to the CitY Engineer to investigate and report on at the next meeting.
The appolntlent,by the Mator, of Theo. A. ysunberg, to serve as spank;
Policeman, without pair from the City, at the Ball Park .wee on motion of
Councilman Campbell canfirmed.
Oath of office of Theo,' A ironberg, as special policeman wan presented and
ordered filed.
Application of Brown & Wirth for a liquor license wan presented and on motion
of Councilman Woerz the same wan granted.
Llquor license Wood of Peter A. Carlson, was on motion of 06mncilman Murphy -�
approved and ordered filed.
Application of Jab. D. Lots, for position on the Bridge was read and on mo-
tion of Councilman Campbell action was deferred until the next regular mooting.
Mr. M. B. Wenzel, presented some correspondence together with a petition
signed by a number of citizens of the City, asking that the Council,requeet the
Railroad and warehouse Commission to obtain carton data with reference to the
earnings of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railroad for the last five years,
for the purpose of making some effort towards getting lower rates between here
and the Twin Cities, and on motion of Councilman Woerz, the matter was laid over
until the next regular meeting.
Bids for the paving of South Third Street were then opened, as follows:
McClure Construction Co. of St. Paula/inn. Albert Erlitz and Joseph J. Woolworth & Co.
of Stillwater, which bids were referred to the City Engineer to examine and
report on.
Communication from the Northern States Power Co., asking that the Clty
adopt some ordinance forbidding the use of Telephone and Electric light poles
for advertising purposes, and on motion of CouncilmanMurphy the City Attorney
1,4 was instructed to prepare such an ordinance and present the same at next meeting.
City Engineer reported that he had examined the bide for the paving of a
pert of South Third Street, and that the bid of Joseph J. Woolworth & Co. was
the lowest.
At the suggestion of Councilman Woerz, the Council took a recess to talk over
the advisability of paving the whole of South Third Street from the South line
of Chestnut Street to a point 100 feet sclth of the south line of Walnut Street,
and after a few momenta the Council was called to order,and Councilman Murphy
moved that the whole of South Third Street from the South Rate of Chestnut Street
to a pptnt 100 feet south of the South Rtne of Walnut Street be paved with re -in- 0
forced concrete, which motion Was seconded by Councilman Woerz, Mo•ton well put a
and carried unanimously.
On motion of Councilman Woerz, the contract for paving the above named a X rfr
part of South Third Street wan awarded to Joseph J. Woolworth & Co., and the u f.)
proper offlcern were directed to execute a contract, on behalf of the City m o ws
with Joseph J. Woolworth & Co., for the said work. o yr
Councilman Wolin moved that the services of Mr. L. W. Clarke, an CitY a a
Engineer and Building Inspector be dispensed with, to take effect August 6th 1916, a
1n accordanee with notice given him on July 6th 1916.Motion was Seconded, put to a
a vote and carried. y a r
Councilman Murphy moved that the Council proceed to the election of a n o o.
City Engineer and Building Inspector and placed in nomination Mr. G. F. Baratfw b er y
for the position, and there being no other nominee or applicant, Er. Barstow was m a
elected by acclamation , an Wlty Engineer and Building Inspector. o p a
on motion of Councilman Campbell, Mr. Barstow was requested to begin in the $ ;:
City Engineers office July 25, 1916, to familiarize himself with the details of
' 1
the office of Cfty Engineer and Building Inspector to which he has been elected, v' ro P
�a and that he De paid a salary of 31500 pen City Engineer and Building Inspector, a y i
payable in aonthly lnata_lments of 3125. on the first day of each month for the µ N N
service(' performed the precee tng month end that his salary be paid from July 25,191‘ m o
Report of City Enfineel with plat and profile of West Olive Street from •
°w'enn Street to the west line of the C.1ty,was read and on motion of Councilman n n
Campbell the same was referred to the ito-.ming City Engineer, .+
on motiot. of Councilman ffoerz, the City Engineer was Instructed to notify all b
property owners along that part of South Third which Is tc be paved with concrete„ la
to have all sewer, gas and water connections made before the street was paved...../
Councilman Campbell, Murphy. Woerz and President fblllner voting Yea.
Absent Councilman Torinus. council adjourned.
On motion of Councilman MuMurphy,Attest-al204 144totA
OitY Clert.
Council Room, Stillwater, Minn. Aug. 1,1916.
Regular Meeting;
Present Councilmen Campbell, foes and President Lolliaer.
Absent Councilmen Murphy and Torinus.
Mtnutes of regular adjourned meeting held July 25, read and approved'
On motion of Councilman Woerz,ligour license bong of Brown & Wirth was
Application, with bond attached, of E. Lyle Eumert, for transfer of
liquor license to him, at No. 224 South Main Street, was on motion of Oouncilmn uutphY
granted and tond approved.
Report of Clert AM Municipal Court of receipts for the month of July,
was read and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Campbell. the City Engineer was instructed to
mate the necessary repairs to the Old Engine House building , at a cost not to
exceed i25.00.
On motion of Councilman Campbell, James D. Lotz was selected to fill the
vacancy as bridge tender. caused by the death of Godfrey Anderson.
On motion of Councilman Woerz, an ordinance relative to poating billsac.
on telephone and light poles was passed on its first reading.
Resolution directing the payment of bills was adopted by the following
vtdte. Councilmen Campbell and Woerz and President molliner voting yea.
Absent Councilmen Murphy and Torinus.
Council adjourned to meet August 6th 1916 at 7.30 O'clock P. M.
City Olert.
Q/n,nnll nna.ti n,.,Wafwn Winn e.•_c, l,1916.
Regular Adjourned Meeting.
fitment Councilmen Campbell and Woerz and President Kolliner;
Absent Councilmen Murphy and Torinus.
Oath of office of Jan. D. Data, as bridge tender was ordered filed.
Contract, with bond attached of Joseph J. Weckwerth & Co., for paving a part
of South Third Street was on motion of Councilman Campbell, approved and ordered filed.
City Treasurers report of receipts and disbursements for the month of July wereb
ordered filed.
Report of Beard of Equalization was presented and read, and on motion of
— Councilman Woerz, the AAeenament Rolls as returned by the Assessor and equalized
by the Board of Equalization was accepted, approved and confirmed, and report
ordered tiled.
Report of City Engineer with plans and specifications for the grading of Went
Olive Street was read and ordered tiled.
tga aauncill'amn Campbell offered a reaolutiogbntltled • Resolution approving plans,
« ipfl317eations and estimates of expense of grading,graveling and improving certain
portions of sent Olive Street, determining the part of such work to be done, and
directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids', which resolution was adopted by the
following vote: Councilmen Campbell and Woerz and President Kolliner voting Yea;
Absent Councilmen Murphy and Torinun.
TBe Mayor announced that he had appointed Mra. Robert Slaughter, Mrs. 11. 0.
McMillan and Minn Jesgle Mulvey, an members of the Library Board, to succeed themselves,
ttheit terms having expired, and on motion of Councilman Woerz the appeiniments were
On motion of Councilman Woerz the proper officers were instructed to purchase
Block 7 of Beach's Addition to Oak Park for the sum of 3600.00,
On motion of Councilman Campbell the City Engineer was Instructed to have the
Myrtle Street Sewer extended into Lake St. Crolx a distance of 33 feet.
On motion of Councilman Woerz, council adjourned. 1 ,
♦CCOlt /ra
City Clerk.
Council Room, Stillwater, Minn. Aug. 15,1916.
Regular Meeting;
Present Councilmen Campbell, Torinun and toerz and President xolllner;
Absent Councilman Murphy.
Minutes of last regular meeting held August 1, and of regular adjourned meeting
held August 8th,read and approved; Bid Of Jamieson, Thorsen & Sandeen,
. for grading, graveling and improving a part of feet Olive Street was read
and referred to the City Engineer.
Warranty Deed from Myron Shepard to the City of Stillwater, conveying Block 7
of Beeebs' Addition to Oak Bark, together with the abstract of title of the property
to gether with the City Attorney!' Opinion as to the title, were presented and ordered tiled
am deed ordered recorded in the office of the Regtater of Deeds,
Annual report of the Library Board was received end ordered filed.
Report of City Clerk of receipts and dlaburnementa for the month of July wan
presented and ordered filed.
fwg City Engineer reported that the bld of Jamieson, Thorsen and 8andeen for
grading, graveling and taprovtng apart of went olive Street, was, to his opinion a
reasonable bid and re0Oaanehded that the contract be let to them.
Action deferred Oil the flatter to a regular ad;,ourned meeting to be held at
the Olt/ Nall August 104916 et 2 O'clo^k r. M.
The matter of constructing culvert! on East Burlington Street was referred to
the City Engineer to investigate.
— An ordinance prohibiting the posting of bills &e, on polee or posts &c, in the
City of Stillwater was placed on its second reading, and Councilman Campbell offered
an amended ordinance which Was read and adopted section by section.
The Chair then put the question,'shall this ordinance pass', and upon roll
call It Via passed and adopted by the following vote: Councilmen Campbell, Toriaus,
`oerz and President Lolllrer voting Yea;
Communication from the Board of Water Commissioners enclosing a certified
copy of a resolution passed by the Board relattive to the issuance of certificates of
e indebtedness for the laying of a water main in west Churchlli street from Harriet to
Everett Street, was presented, and Councilman eoerz offered a. resolution relative to
said matter which was adopted by the following vote: Councilmen Campbell, 'rorinua,
end %oert and President golliner votinf Yea; Absent Councilman Murphy.
Councilmen Campbell offered a resolution relative to the purchase, by the Oity
of the so-called old States Prison, and upon roll call the same was adopted by the
following vote: Councilmen Campbell, Torihua, Woerz and President Lolliner voting
Wes. Absent Councilman Murphy.
Resolution directing Dhe payment of bills was adopted by the following vote:
councilmen Campbell, Torinus, doers and President 1:olliner voting 704
Absent dogmallmam Murphy.
Council adjourned to meet Aeguet 19,1916 at 2 o'clock P. M.
Attee1;414.64"4r �.✓
City clerk.
aggRFil Rioom.
Stilbsterainn. Aua. 16.1916.
Lgflar.Adjairned Meeting;
Present Councilmen Campbell, Torinus and Woerz, and President Wainer;
Absent Councillman Murphy.
The matter Of gradingMs and graveling a part of West Olive street was
taten aP, and the bid of Jamieson, Thoreen & Sondeen was considered, end it being
deemed for the best interests of the City that the contract be awarded to them,
on motion of Oouncllman Campbell the contract was awarded to Jamieson, Thorsen:'&
UUMeen,for the grading and graveling that part of West Clive Street,from Owens
Street to a point 75 feet east of the east line of Remlocx street, as per their
bid received at the Cambcil meeting held August 15,1916, and the proper-ofricern
were directed to enter into a contract ,on behalf of the City, with them.
Council Adjourned.
Attest: 4as,.`
city Clerk.
_ oounctl Boom.
Stillwater, Minn. Sep. 5, 1916,
Regular Adjourned Meeting.
No quorum being present the meeting was adjourned until Thursday
evening Sep. 7,1A16 it 7.30 o'clock P. U.
City Cleric.
Count il Roan.
0t111water,htnn. 3ep._7th_lyl6_.
Regular Adjourned fleeting;
Present Councilmen Murphy, Torinus, Woerz and President Kolltner.
Absent Councilman Campbell.
Minutes of regular meetings held Aug. 15 and Sep. 5, read and approved.
Mr. Ole Gran asked that the Councll.cancel the sewer assessment vs.Lot 2 Block 10
staples & Mays Addition to Stlilwater,and the matter of investigating the matter was
taken under advisement.
Application of Booren Bros. for a cigarette license was read and on motion of
Councilman Murphy the same was granted.
Contract with bond attached of Jamleson,Thoreen & Sandeen for grading.gr_veltng
and Improving a portion of geat Olive Street was on motion of Councilman Torinus
approved and ordered filed.
The CUP Engineer reported he had purchased a portable stone crusher with engine
for the sum of 3500 and on motion of Councilman Torinus his action was approved.
On motion of Councilman Murphy the City Engineer was instructed to permit
J. J. wecnwerth & Co. tephid said crusher outfit for crushing the rock on that part of
South Third Street which they have under contract to pave,tor the sum of 0150.00.
Mr. Ben Thelon stated that water was flowing into the basement of his building
from Onion Alley and asked that steps be taken to remedy the cause and the matter
was referred to the City Engineer to inspect and report on.
Report of Clerk of the Municipal Court of collections for August was read and
ordered filed.
Reports of City Clerk and City Treasurer of receipts and disbursements for
the month of August were presented and ordered filed,
Report of City Engineer relative to placing Fire Hydrants On Churchill Street
was read and laid over until neat regular meeting.
Report of City Engineer in the matter of installing iron culverts on Fourth
Ave. SO. was read,and on motion of Cpuncilman Torinus the City Engineer was
Instructed to purchase such culverts and have the same installed.
City Engineers estimate No. 355 on work done by J. J. Weckwerth & Co., on the
South Third Street Paving Contract was read,and on motion of Councilman Murphy
the acme was approved.
Sawoneers animate No. 356, for cpnatructing crossing at corner of Sixth and
Myrtle Streets was read and on motion of Councilman Torinus the name was approved.
On motion of Councilman Torino(' the Journal entries made by the City Clerk
on his general set of books, under dates of July 1 and July 6 as shown on pages
164 and 165 of the Journal in the of:1ce of the City clerk,was approved.
Resolution directing the payment of bills was adopted by the following
Councilmen Murphy, Torinus, goers and President Kolltner voting yea.
Absent Councilman Campbell.
On motion of Councilman Murphy the Council adjourned.
Afloat: ektalerate,Netee,
City Clerk..
Council Room.
Stillwater, Minn. Sep. 19,1916
Regular Meeting.
No quorum being present meeting was adjourned to Sep. 22. 1916, at
7.30 o'clock P. M.
City Clerk.
Coanc11 Room.
Stillwater, Minn. Se4 _22. 1910,
Regular adjourned Meeting.
Present Councilmen Murphy and goers and President xolltner.
Abseht Councilmen Campbell and Torinus.
Minutes of last regular meetings of Sep. 7 and 19 read and approved.
Report of City Engineer on claim of Ole Gran was accepted and ordered filed.
City Engineer reported that it would be ncessary to put in new stringers to
lay the floor on in the Old Engine Hosea, and on motion of Councilman goers he was.
authorised to purchase the stringers and have the floor properly laid.
City Engineer reported that 11t would cost approximately 020.00 to mane.neces-
sary repairs to the fire box of the heating plant at the Ergine House, and on mo-
tion of Councilman goerz.be wen instructed to get the nec3ssary repairs and have
:the wort done.
CityAttorney reported that the State Board of Control was ready to deliver
the deed of the old Prison to the City upon receipt of $8000.00. the agreed purchase
price and the matter of obtaining the deed was left with the City attorney.
Resolution directing the payment of bills was adopted by the following vote;
Councilmen Murphy and goers and President E011iner voting yea.
Absent Councilmen Campbell and Torinus.
On motion of Councilman goers. Council adjourned.
Attest; j' 4:4007
city Cleric.
Regular Meeting;
at 7.30 P' M.
Council Room,
Stillwater, Minn. Oct. 3. 1916.
NO quorum being present, meeting adjourned to Oct. 6,1916,
City Cleric.
Council -Room`
Stillwater. Minn. Oct 6.1916.
Regular Adjourned Meeting;
Present Councilmen Murphy and Ioerz and President T.olllner.
Absent Councilmen Campbell and Torinus.
Minutes of last regular adjourned meeting held Sep. 22. and regular meeting
held bct..3.read and approved.
The following applications for Fool or Billiard Table licenses were received.
viz; Stillwater Club, Johnson Brothers, W. I. xeller,8. C. But1er,Garbe & Arnold,
Thomas Scully and August Peterson. and on motion of Councilman Murphy the licenses
were granted.
Monthly reports of the Otty Clerk, City Treasurer and Clerk of the gun/Opal
Court were read and ordered filed.
Treasurers abnuai report of collections was read and ordered filed.
City Engineers intimates on the paving Contract on South Third Street,and
the Grading contract on Teat olive Street.were read and on motion of Councilman
Ioerz, the same were approved and ordered filed.
City Att F#ney presented the Lease issued to the Oaterlind Printing Frese and
Manufacturing Company, of a part of the old prison buildings, ant on motion of
Councilman Murphy, the proper officers of the City were authorized to execute said
lease on behalf of the City.
On motion of Councilman Murphy the Buiading Inspector was Instructed to notify
the owners of the so-called Farmers Livery Barn on Second Street,to hate the same repaired
at once, also to notify Mr. J. C. Welsh that his Laundry building on Chestnut Street
must be repaired at once. -
Resolution directing the payment of bills was adopted by the following vote -
Councilmen Murphy. goers and President xolliner voting Yen'
Abnert Councilmen Campbell and Torinus.
On motion of Councilman Ioerz. Council adjourned.
hay Clerk.
Regular Meeting;
Council Room.
Stillwater, Minn. Oct. 17,1916
Present Councilmen Oampbell, Murphy. Torinus, woerz and President
Minutes of last regular adjourned meeting held Oct. 6,read and approved.
On motion of Councilman woerz,the Mayor was authorized to appoint five Special
Policemen to serve two days during the Horse show to be held Oct. 20 & 21,1916.
Report of City Engineer relative to the .fewer assessment vs Lots 21 & 24
BlocK 42, Original City was read and ordered filed, and on motion of Councilman
Murphy the City Treasurer was directed to cancel the remainder Of the Assessments
due again& said lots, for the construction of Sewer in South Broadway,
Messrs. Maaterman and Gillespie appeared before the Council and asked that
the City appropriate i100.00 Awards defraying the expense of Ohe.Horee.$how to be
held in the City Oct. 20 & 21., and on motion of Councilman Murphy such appropriation
MR made.
On motion of 0ouncllman Torinus the City Clerk was instructed to order one mile
of 012 it. D: W. P.copper wire, and to give preference to local dealers.
On motion of aounellm..n ToriMU the City Engineer was authorized to engage Mr.
0. 11. Olsen to make an ladlpeotlon of the welsh laundry building, and if he reports
the building to be in a dangerous condition, the CitY Engineer an Building Inspector
to proceed at once to have the building put in a safe condition.
Mr. Oarll reported that Or. Wecxwerth was through with the stone crusher plant
and that he had left the same In good condition, and suggested that the Council
select some one to inspect the same , and the President Instructed the Street
Commissioner to make such inspection and take proper care of same.
Resolution directing the payment of bills was adopted by the following vote:
Councilmen Campbell, Murphy, Torinus, woerz and President Lolllner voting yea.
On motion of Councilman woerz .aouneil.adjourned to meet Friday Oct. 20, 1916
at 7.30 P. M.
Attest; YZ._�U. QoZ a. -knee.,
City Clerk.
OO 1Cll Rgoms
sttliwgter Linn. Oct. 20.1916 .
Regular Adjourned Meeting;
Present Councilmen Campbell. Murphy. Torinus, moors & President Kolllner.
Bid of Lanufacturere Supply Co., for o14 iron at the old prison was read, and
action on same deferred for the reason that no certified check accompanied the
On motion of Councilman Campbe11 the City Clerk was instructed to notify
them to deposit a certified chess to the sum of #150.00,
Application of Carl 0. Meister for it cigarette license was read, end on
motion of Counilm9n Murphy the same was granted.
Communication from the Mayor appointing Thomas J. Hudson, William Began,
wllliar D. Barron. James Hamilton and Prank J. Magnuson, act special police to
serve two days during the horse show, was on motion of Councilman woerz confirmed.
Oaths of office of William D. Barron and JanRR Hamilton. 9s special police
were presented and ordered filed.
Council adjourned to meet Oct. 24. 1416 et 7.30 F. 2M.
Attest; g4, 600^^^!4bwR-__—
City Clerk. 1. ` Mayor.
Ost,yr:c it Romp.
Stillxa40r, Minn. Oct. 24, 1916.
Regular Adjourned meeting: TOrinu�. woer2 and President kO111neT.
Present Councilmen lurpby.
Absent Counctli3n Oampbell.
were reOn motonjec edlforo then reason that noycertified chec%sfacetted
accompanied the bmeeting
lds held let. 20,
The Bids of the manufactures Supply Co., and Moritz Bernstein were then
we t
on motion of CoMoritz the bid of being h
uncilman w0 rZaccepted, and theproperofficersnwre9 instructed a
to enter Into a contract with him. on behalf of the City. Sor the sale and removal of
the iron and materials enumerated to the bid.
On motion -Of Councilman Murphy, council adjourned.
Attest; 640/C taw --
City Clerk.
Regular Meeting.
at 7.30. P. M.
Council Room.
Stillwater, Minn. Nov. 7.1y16_
No quorum being present meeting was adjourned to Thursday Nov. 9.1916
City Clerk.
Council c••Qfl-
St111wateT Yinn_s MQv = 1
Regular Adjourned meeting, vice President Torinua presiding.
Present Councilmen Campbell, Murphy snd Torifus.
Absent Councilman woerz and President Y.ollicer. regular adjourned meeting:
Minutes of last regular meeting held Oct. 17,
and of Oct' 20 and regular meeting held Fox. 7, read and approved. E. J.
Oaths of officeA.
of andTAlberternatalter iadhatmlth asspecial, William policemen wereapresented
ire llif.. OVAL A. SwetUOn•
and ordered filed. Apvlicattons of Etchten Company, J .:neon Brothers and John Lustig, were read
and on motion of Councilman oampbell,the same were accepted, ordered filed and
license granted.
On motion of Councilman Campbell the bond of Encbten Ccmfany was approved.
we On motion of Councilman Campbell the City Engineer was instructed to ascertain
what he could sell the trees for,standing on the Oa% Park gravel pit land.
Monthly repotta of City Treasurer, City O.Yer% and Clerk of the Municipal Court
were presented and ordered filed.
Report of Street Commissioner on the condition of the Stone Crusher plant was
read and ordered filed. TbOreP.n and Sandeen
city Engineers Final Estimate of work done by Jamteaon,
e 6pinOlpt and his Final
Estimate worn
ne by •
J. Wecimerth
& Cc.,i`avfaartcf SouhThirdtreetwerreadand omotionof Councilman Campton the same were approved.
Building Inipae tors report on condition of the J. C. vials)) building xis rend and
on :rc,ticn of councilman Murphy the natter was referred to the City Attorney with
instructlons to proceed agninat him, Lccabe idingty C to orlawas instructed to extend a vote
On action of Councilman Murphy.
of thanks to the City of Ct. Fau1 Sor the Kindness 1n assisting the City in obtaining
a concrete mixer for the South Third st. ravirg Contract.
Council then proceeded to canvass
which resulted as follows;
and Frank T. W11son. havltc
Munteipai Judge
Hugh N. Campbell and louts
all votes cast for Councilmen.
Carl W. Brenner and Andrew J. Iiolm,having each received a majority of all
votes cast for School Directors, upon motion of Councilman Murphy the were each
declared duly elected to their respective offices.
Resolution directing the payment of bills was adopted by the following vote;
Oourollmen Campbell, Murphy and Vice president Torinus voting Yea; absent Councilman
woerZ and Frealdent 8olltner .
On motion of Councilman Campbell Council adjouri.ed to meet Tuesday Nov. 14,
1916 a 7.30 P' M.
Atteet.11 %cn.444,,c,.
City Clerk.
the returns of the City Election held Nov.47,1916,
received the majority of All votes cast for Special
E. Torinus.havtng each received a majority of
Mayor Pro tem.
. ...-._..... ............... ....
Saguia? Adjourned Meeting; Council Room.. etillwater, Minn. Nov. 14,1916'
present Councilmen Campbell, Murphy. TOrinua and eoerZ. Absent President F.olllner;
Vice President Torinua presiding;. •
Councilman Campbell made the following motion • The Council of the City of Still-
water doth hereby assess and levy upon and against the several lots. parts of lots
and parcels of land below described the respective SUMO of .money. set against each
lot, part of lot or parcel of land: '
Thin aseeesment la, sc:tei to defray the
cost of paving wltb concrete south Third Street in the City of.Stiilwaterfrom
the south line of Chestnut Street to a point one hundred feet south of the south
line of Walnut Street. 17te following-ia the'descrtption of the lands and the owners.
names, if known. -
Name ol,Owner.lf afigABn. feecrtpttoiu _Lot. Sloes _ coat. _
Original town (now Clty)of
Jassoy Marie
Jassoy Theodore
Jasaoy Theodore
Jasaoy Theodore
Jassoy Laura
McPherson William B.
McPherson stsstam B.
Muller LWr y
Gfrerer August
KlesOW Annie E.
Bates Theresa et. al.
NO. 12 ft 2
So. 44 ft 2
No. 15.42 ft of E.94.5 ft of 3
(Except No.15.42 for of E.94.5 ft of) 3
(Except So.8 ft of 1.21 ft of ) 4
No. 8 ft of-W.100 ft & E.29 ft of Were 5
ft of
E. 100 ft of So. 40 ft 5 31 60.00
Fart of 1 34 87.63
described as follOWS:Begtnntzrt at the
N. W. corner said sot; thence west along
Olive St'. 140 ft; thence southerly
parallel to Third St., 59 ft; thence
easterly parallel to Olive Ot..79 ft
5 in. ;thence northerly 7 inches;thehce
easterly parallel to olive St..60 ft 7
inches to Third St.; thence north along
Third St., 58 ft. 5 inches to beginning.
Para or 1 34 36.87
described as follows; beginning at the
n.F..corner said lot; thence No. on east
line said lot 24 ft 7 inches}thence V.
pestles to olive St..60 feet 7 inches;
thence So. 7 inches; thence west parallel
to Olive .t.. 79 ft 5 Inches; thence
south parallel to Third St. 24 ft; thence
enat along south line said lot 140 feet to
Fsa-e of beginning.
2 34 105.00
Bates Theresa et.
St. Paula German
geiical Lutheran
Goodrich Prank D.
Welsh John 0.
Kellogg E. L.
Plaster Emma H.
Stillwater School
Washington County
Parker R. 3.
as. Part of
described as follows;
Coauaenetng at the S.E.corner said
lot; :hence westerly 68.5 feet;
thence in a direct line to the N.W.
et said lot;-ttlenee along the north
line of said lot to the N.E.corner
thereof; thence southerly to the
place Of beginning.
Evan- E.100 ft
No. 15 ft of E. 100 ft
S0. 50 ft of E. 100 rt
( Except 80. 27 ft of E. 70
(Except N.11 ft of E.70 ft
S. 27 ft of E. 70 ft
No. 11 ft of E. 70 ft
1)te tr ict
Churcn Of St. Michael
Malloy Margaret E.
Staples Amelia & Herbert
King Grace L.
' Easton W. E
Part of
described as follows:
being the No. 100 feet Of E.
190 ft. Except the west 25 ft. of
IP 50ft of said block
Cover Elizabeth west 89 ft
do Co. 12.83 ft of W. 89 ft
Tay.or Elizabeth No. 37.17 ft of W. 89 ft
8tialwater School District
Corr lveSu Fred
Millard Clara w.
William William B.
d0 Part of
described as follows: beginning
at the 3.w.copner said lot;-.bence
north along Third 8t. 40 ft; thence
east at right angles to Third at',
150 feat; inane south parallel to
Third St., to the north line of
Lot 22 said block; thence along
north line said lot 22 to place 0f
fart of
described as follows: Being the
no. 35 rt. of the No. s5 ft or W.
120 ft thereof.
fart of
described as follows; Being the
1Jo. 50 ft of the N0. 85 ft Of
w. 120 ft thereof.
Northernstates fawer 0o. Fart of
described as follows -Beginning at a
point in the east line of Third so.
40 feet north of the N. O. Corner
of lot e2 sad blacz; thence north
along west sine Lot 6 Blx. 35, -
150 ft; thence east at right angles
with Third St., 16S feet% thence south
parallel with Third S t,', • 150 feet;
ii111er Elizabeth
Mister Elizabeth
3 34 75.00
34 75.00
75 00:,.
6 35 52.5u
6 35 T5.00
6 35 225.00
thence West at right angles
wits Third St.. to p.aCe of beginning.
Cm .h Late 0. 5 35 172.50
tierrti.l Cornelia A. e. 100 feet Of 6 30' 78.00
do W. 1001feet of 7 30 90.00
do e. 100 ft. of So. 24 ft 8 30 36.00
Nelson.Herman & Robert A. w.50 ft of No. 36 ft 8 30 54.00
do $. 50 feet of 9 30 43.50
which motion was seconded by Councilman Murphy and unanimously adopted.14080.75
Councilman woerz moved that the assessment which'has been made Up Rl the real estate
benefited to defray the cost of paving with concrete South Third Street from the south
line of Chestnut Street to a point ions hundred feet south of the south Ube of
Walnut Street . be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, and that Tuesday.
November 28th,1916 at 7.30 o'clock F' li., be and is hereby designated al a time when
the Council will meet in the Council Chamber at the City Nall in the City of Stillwa-
ter ,Minnesota, to consider and act upon said aasessment,and the City Clerk le hereby
directed to give notice of such meeting in accordance with the provisions of the charter.
which motion was duly seconded by Councilman Campbell. voted upon and unanimously
Communication from John Jeremy relative to the construction of an approach to the
ice on Lake St. Croix was read and ordered tiled.
Liquor license bond of Johnson Brothers was presented, and approved and ordered
filed ,upon motto:. of Councilman Woerz.
On motion of Councilman Murphy, the City Engineer was Instructed to prepare plans;
specifications and estimates far paving Pine Street from Third Street to Oreely St.
On motion Of Councilman woerz, Council adjourned.
t L �1X t. ,/ 't73,e.c tom/
City Clerk. Mayor pro tem.
OJunc1l Room.
Regular Nesting. Stillwater Minn. Nov. 21,1916
No quorum being
at 7.30 o'clock. P. N.
present meeting was adjourned to Nov. 28,1116
city clerk.
Stillwater. Minn. Nov. 26.1916.
Regular Adjourned Meeting.___.__.
Present Councilmen Campbell, Murphy. Torinus, teem and President Kelllner.
Minutes of regular adjourned meetings held Nov. 9, 14 and 21 read and approved,
4ppiicottcn of Carlson & Oliver for Fool table license was read and on motion
of OpunCtlman Murphy the license was grunted.
Communication from Henri Kruse asking that he be remunerated for time lost on
ac:ou::t of an injury sustained July 7, 194•was presented and referred to the Otty
Communtwatton from N. J. doss, Commissirr:er of Public Works of rt. Faul,in
response to letter of thanrs written him, on behalf of the City, for his aid to
securing a concrete mixer for the Co. Third St. pavement was read and ordered filed.
On notion of Councilman Campbell Liquor license bond of John Lustig was approved.
Report of City Engineer :; teting that he bad sold the wood on the so-called
O,k Farr. gravel pit. was on motion of Councllman Campbell,approved and ordered filed.
Lease between the City of Stillwater and the Standard Tractor Company was
presented, and on motion of Councilman Torinus the same was approved and ordered filed.
i Mg
213 e
Report of City Engineer relative to sale of old iron at the old prison was ordered
On motion of Councilmen Torirua the City Engineer was instructed to prepare
plans and speciflcat iotla„to eJjlera lth ansg a_,,L.11‘tp,,�a,5athe probable cost far the
construction of a reta l4a ng we olis%A 'fl& h uP1ne of Lot 1 Bloex 26 of the
original town (now City) of Stillwater.
City Attorney presented a lease between the City of St111+ater end William
Kenntson, for a pet of the old prison , and on motion of Councilman Torinus,the
proper officers of the City were instructed to execute said lease, In duplicate, on
behalf of the City, and deliver one copy to Mr. Kenntlon and retain the other to
be filed In the office of the City Clerk.
The Lease having been executed in accordance with above instructions the same was
on motion of Councilman Torinus approved and ordered filed.
The proposition made by Mrs. Ed. Londigon for the City to accept a certain
elevator installed In the so-called old engine house building for the two months rent
due the City was referred to Councilmen Torinus, and Campbell and the City Engineer
to investigate end report cn.
Resolution directing the payment of bills was adopted by the following vote;
Councilmen Campbell, Murphy, Toribus and Woerz end President yolllner voting Yea.
Special Meetings.
On motion of Councilmen Campbea,the assessment heretofore made to defray the
cost and expense of paving with concrete South Third Street from the south line of
Chestnut Street to a point 100 feet south of the south line of Walnut Street was
confirmed and established.
Councilman Woerz offered a resolution entitled 'A Resolution providing for the
Payment of a special assessment in ten annual installments levied against real estate
benefltted to defray the cost and expense of paving with concrete certain parts of
South Third Street; and fixing the rats of interest the installment!" shall beer.*
and upon roll call the same was adopted by the following vote•Councllmen
Campbell, Murphy, Toribus, Woerz and President Y.olllner voting yea.
On motion of Councilman. Woerz, council adjourned.
City Clerk.
Council Room.
Stillwater. Minn,,. Dec.
Regular Meeting.
fl0 quoru;n being present meeting Was adjourned to Friday evening
Dec. m, 1916 at 7.00 1' M.
City Clerk.
Ooune it _RopP._.
Stl lwa i er,utt n.._ilec. 8.19411
Regular Adaourbed Meeting.
Meeting called to order at 7.0C oeclock F. U. by President xolllner.
friesezt Councilmen Campbell, Torinus, roars arid President iolliner.
Absent Councilman Murphy.
Minutes of regular adjourned anc Special meetings held Nov. 28, and Regular
meeting held Dec. 5, rend. and approved.
Report of City clerk and of City Treasurer of receipts and disbursements for the
month of November read and ordered .filed.
Report of Clerk on Municipal Court of receipts for the month of Nov. was
read and ordered filed.
Councilman Torinus offered a resulution entitled 'Resolution fixing the
Tax Levy for 19170. which Was adopted, upon roll call, by the following vote,vlz;
Councilmen Campbell, Torinus, eoerz and Freslldent Y.olllner voting Yea;
Absent Councilman Murphy.
Councilman Campbell offered a resolution entitled • Resolution directirg
the payment of Mlle•, which wan adopted, upon roll call, by the following vote,viz;
Councilmen Campbell, Torinus, Woerz and President Kolllner voting Yea;
Absent Councilman Murphy.
on motion of councilman Uoerz, council adjourned.
Attest i6�s-e/`%1p•+nn��* --
City clerx.
cpullell Rosa".
8t14;tat :eF Miww Dee. 13,1 '
Regular Meeting;
Present councilmen Tertnus and Woerz and President Koiliner;
Absent Councilmen Campbell and L'urphy.
M1rutes of last regular adjourned meeting held Dec. 8, read and approved;
Report of Oity Engineer showing the cost of constructing sidewalks and curbs
and re—settlbg of curbs on south Third Street from the-:.soutb line of Chestnut Street
to the north line of Walnut Street was read and laid over until the next regular
Report of Slty Engineer , together with plans and specifications ,and cost
of constructtng a retutrdc8 wail ,long the north side of Lot i Block 25 of the
Original town (now City) of F, LI flwater Gas read and laid over t0 note future
city clerk Ws inetrlcted to mall to the Twin city Rapid Transit Co.. a b111
for ei25.00 for sprlhkiing streets during the 'mean of 1916.
On notion of Councilman Torinue the City Tree surer Wes 1nsLruete6 to
nepohit WOO of the funds on hand 1n a eepeI'ete accOUnt ir. the Hans to be designated
the Sinking fund.
On :ttion of Uounoliman LoerL, council adjourned.
Attest: a? a
city Glen-
1 e�
1 i:ayor