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Council Root,
e tiAlw•.ter, Witco. Jan. 6, 1914.
Re. uiar Mectiee:
F•esent Aldermen Bordweil, Bu:'tZleff, Clebler, King. Yelster, uurphy,
Sta;kel, Sells sire Fr';sideet Johnson (9).
ininut-s of last :e::'tise me tern helt D-v, 16,1913, reed and eppro7+ee.
Applie.ticn with bond attached, of Ulrich A Co., for retail liquor license,
et Se. 220 East Chestnut Ct:cet., was presented, enc On motion of Alderman uurphY,
application was received, bo:.d approved and lic nse ordered lesued.
Repot Of receipts for the. L.onth of Dec. 1913, by the Clerk of the kunictpel
Court was read, and on motion o: A1de:men Kier, same was eeeepted,oeeered filed
end reefer: ed to the Flnenee Coma:ltter,
Treesu:e:s :•epoet of '.ecelpts and di shurseur to and hd s finene1 1 Stetewent
roe the month ending De-. 31, 1913, was rend, and in rr.tlon of Aldermen Murphy
same Vas accepted, ordered flied and :efe_:ed to the rine-nee Committee.
Health Officers armusi report Of his lrspect.lon of the City Lockup,tas read
ana an motion of Aldermen Ki24f. a'.ane Was accepted and ordered filed.
City Engineers Estimate No. 511. 714 t< 315, on sewer eontreets, were read.
and On notior, of Aldermen Surphy, acme ee_e acce.;,ted, apero7ed and Ordered filed.
Report of City Engineer with reference to laying w.ter mein 1n Co. First rt.
from Cbu:cblil Ct. to Orleans et. in connection with the construction of Sewer
in said rt:•eet, was read, !.rlo on motion of Aide:man King the same was referred
to the fewer Cora:d ttee.
Report of City :J1u:1ne. r, with p1r ns attached, for the construction of the
Everett Ct:- et. bridge, was presented ahr, read. After some cisenssion several
Aldermen and Ur. Ole MensOn, the cutter Was upon action of Alderman Sterkel,
referred to the Council as a cOcumittee of the whole to lnvestlr;ate end report
back to the City Council at a meeting to be held upon call.of the President.
itt. D. R. Swain, w.s present SW demanded that the City pay bin e250,00
and interest thereon from the day the Pontoon w.s hunched, for his services
in constructing; the pontoon. No action w.s taor.en.
Ald=rain bordweil for the et. Com. reeomm ended that a sewer pipe be laid
acrOsa w11:a:d Kt, between 6th a 7th Ctreets, to carry off the surface water st
that point. and on motion of Alderman hells, the recommendation tas ordered
complied with.
Alderman Bordweil for the. rt. Com. repo: tee having had the old wooden walk
on Sixth Ave, torn up and and the walk fill-d with dirt,as -:er instructions
at lest meeting.
Alderman Murtby for the St. Com, reported be vine considered the proposition
of ch•-raring the street lines at cr near the eorher of Olives Greeley Ctreets,
and movir:6 the watering -t:ec:b at oe near that point, and recommended that a
change Le trace there,but the ma ter of m etn;: the ch:r.res was deferred until
Alderman Cardwell for the Lhhtiae Com. r ecommeh.ded that street lights be
placed at the following places, to -wit -
Ono 11. ht et the foot of the steins on the south aide of the Ctete prison.
One llent at the corner of William ana Aspen Ct;e:ets, and
One ltc;ht on Locust Ct.:c:.t, t:etieen Cecord a Third Ct;-:.car.. A1sO recommended
that a hand railing he placed on one side of the walk leredihr, from the foot of the
Stairs (AA the :Ouch side of the state Prison to Rein Ctreel• nd upr.n motion
of Alderman gene the report Was accepted ana :ecomriendatlons ordered compiled
w'i th.
On motion of Auoata+•t: Kii..: the matter of placing ilchts at the several
Mating rinks ir. the C1ty,Wan r•-fe.red to the Lighting Conan. ttee with power
t0 act.
On motion er Aldermen King the City Trecdur'er was lrtet fact. ed to accept
4250.00 in full.for •-11 local assessments aCalhst lots. 1, 2, j. t. 5. & 6
block 41 al' the 0rictnel Town. Low Cite of rt1:1wntt-,
On nctlen of Alae:near. 'Sells the rt:ect Car:, w•.!: instructed to have the
Street Roller repaired and put lu good words;: rendition.
City et t0:•nay :'epos ted haul ng hid o t'.1K :•11h the Trustees o1' the "'tremens
Relief Fund rotative to 'urns r over the funds in rtis hands to the City, une
stated that the Trustees v0i1•• •.:-ran:.e ,o e meeting and manse than decide
whetne or not they eraid ear to he eel-.• sed from the Trusteeship.
On metier of Aldermen Klrn th+ i:. c.. Com. was in..::ucte to p.•Tehsre a
horse for the 71i-e Lepartmt•nt, and :.i=pose of the ne that hod Le-r. sick.
On manor. of Alde_usL Pant; th- Purchas r.r Com. w s last-ractod t- purchase
necessa:y crire for r.ev,11-1:1;.- The Tire Alarm CysteM.
sideman mug, fog the L. Cam.-e oeted 11 7ir: investigated the waiter
of heating the Ar•triory, and sta-ee that it was the opir-ior; of the Com. Vat
the present arrangements was satisfactory.
0h :...tlti of Al e+rusn ftarkel the Cower Com, '•'.s instructed to Investigate the
break in the 80. Hill'Sewer outlet, and cause the same to be repaired.
On motion of Alderman King the purch. Com. was authorized to dispose of
such fire department a: pal'atus tint was not needed.
On motio:. of Alderman King the president of the Council was instructed to
appoint a committee of thr-e to lnvcstlr'.te the proposition of the Ci try owing
Its own lighting plant.
_ tesolutlon :Lora 221]•,
on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote,vtz;
Aldermen Bordwell, _urtzlaff, Gtebler, King, L:elster, _urphy, Markel, Sells
and Alderman Johnson (9) 'rotin.:
On Motion of Alderman Weis, council ac*ot:rned
City Cars.
zt' L
Fsesi- nt .f the Ci t.Y Oouho11.
Council Room,
Stillwater. Minn. Jen, 20,1914.
Regular Mectlne;
Present Alderman Dordwell, Burtzlaff, Giebler, Kirg, Meister, Murphy, Starkel,
Wells and President Johnson (9).
Mlndtes of last regular lac.'ting held Jan. 6.1914, read end approved.
Mr. C. H. Carlt, stated that he had two or three hundred yards of cobble
stone which he desired to dispose or to the MAY. at 60 cents per yard, and
on motion of Alderman Murphy the matter was referred to the Ctreet Committee.
10 lnvestl ate and report on at next meeting.
MI'. C.E. Rawlins, City Assessor, asked that he be given permission to employ.
assistance in making a r4•-asse:8sment of the C1 ty the coming season, end on motion
of Alderman Wells he was authorized to employ two assistants for 60 days,
On motion of Alderman Murr.tiy the a:pupation of Alfred J. Paterson for re-
newal of liquor license was ,ranted.
Report o1' the Trustees of the F1 amens Relief Fund for the year ending Dec. 31,
1913. was read and on motion of Alderman tells some was accepted and ordered flied,
and the City Attorn'y was instruc.ed to appear in the District Court for the
Trustees us well as ror the City, in resenting the report to the court.
Report of City Zngineer, with plat attached, relative to the straightening
of Creel-y Ctreet from n point near the C1:y :tospltal to th': southern limits
of the City, with c:rt'.1n recommendations, was read and ordered filed, and the
recomaendat1Ons ordered complied with, upon motion cf Alderman King,
Communication mom Ctate :_tiler Inspector relative to the condition of the
boiler of the Steam Fire Engine was read and ordered filed, and the F. D. Comm.
was instructed to ascertain the probable cost of new boiler for same.
President Johnson announced as the Cork. on Municipal Ownership of Lightir.
Plant, as Aldermen KW, Starkel and Johnson.
Ou motion of Alderman Meister the Ctreet Co:riz1 tat,'.e was instructed to have
walk 'and cros:ing near the. Hardens residence repaired.
on motion lit' Aide:m n Zeus the City :inn ter: was instructed to see that
water melns are laid in o11 streets where sewers are constructed in the .future.
Aide:Mon King moved that the City pay L. Y. twain ;250,00 for' his service
1n ens!ruottng the pontoon, and :.Pon roll -ail the motion was lost by the fol-
'OwlnG votw, viz; Aldermen Bordweil, Bur Lelaff, Cl eblar, ttelster, v;rphy, Ctarkel
find president Johnson voting Way, and A1dermcn King and :1e).ls voting Yea.
On lotion of Alde-man Cta. ci, the Cit:; T e.fa cr Was insl;1p ted to cease
p:oce_. d,nC:s fig':1 not assesnr,!' tat for eonstr,i,Ilon of :;ewer o:. CO. Martha Ct. vs the
Ferdinand Kelm Pinned LY.
Resolution No. 2228,
0n 4zl'tawnt of labor pay .oil, was od,pted t.Y t.. .'o:lovri n,' itlte,Aldee -men itorrlvrell.
luu'tzl'.ff, Ci''ble:, :.elate t7'rph'.', E1n,', Stz'.'.el, Dells and F esldept Jpboson,
votin,: Tau. On notio❑ of AI da Cc•:r.^11 .u:c.::•n:J,
A t 7 s t, the t'G�c�'Rll
C11Y Clerk. Pre; ,i dri of thr. ClCt Ly council
GOWlcil Room,
Ct111wate.i, Minn. Pe1,. ?rd
MeC •+er >ee ti iC;
Present Aldermen bon:wen, Bur•tz1":ff, Glebler, Klni;, Mel seer. 1".u:•'. r?.
St':a.el, Veils, and 71•esldelt e•,nnS0r. (9).
Minutes of lest ..:7aa:• me -tine held Jan. 20, Need and spp:'07:'.d,
Co:..:LifltCStlor. Eros the Olt:: Assessor e, tolrtl rJ; Cl nton '.i, :ethaway rand
Otto R. Knospe, as deputy-.:+ees9Ors far two months was r•ecd end on motion rf
Alderman 'tells, same was accepted, ordered filed and the appointments cnnfi:-med.
Copy Of resolution adopted by the, board of Tate]' Comrlssloheiis. rel=tlVe to
the issuance of ee:.'ifua]es of inciebteeciD:Ss ft:. the extension of titter main in
GOLth First : greet was . ead and On motion et Alderman Murphy same was Oren Led
and Ordered tiled.
Petetion rt'on Co. 'K' y, M. G "aai7.:' tint the City deed t0 the Otate of
Y1nbesata the Nest 80 feet of the Bust 100 feet of Lots 14 & 15 bloee 20. Cri lnal
MAY ,Vor the eri:Ctt0n of a new Armory, w•.s presented 'end rsad,and Alderman Ping
moves that the request be granted, and upon roll call the motion was ear lea by
the i011owlnE vote; Alderman Bordwell, bcrt_151T, Kiel;, wells and in- anent Johnson
(5) voting yea 5n6 Aldermen Giebler, Meister, Murphy and Gt!rxel (a) voting Nay.
Bond of Alfred J. Peterson, for renewal of liquor license was on motion of
Alderman King, accepted, approved and ordered filed.
0ox,t .1^a lien f:vm A. E. Doe, Cee ee tory Of the Cllament s Memorial Day Go]mnit.tee,
extol:dirk et inn tenon t0 the 014 offlcl bls t0 at tend the annual meeting ='na
banquet of said Atemcio t101, of Yeti. 12, was read, and on motion of Alderman King
the same wad accepted and ordered filed and the City Cleric was instructed to notify
i;oi, of the:: numLer rho would attend sold needing.
Cemmunicatlo1 f om the County Auditor stating that the Tax Commission had
refused to allow the 5p:11cat1on for abatement of tuxes vs the Eel of Lot 16 Block
20 Original C. ty of ctillwdter, was read and on notion of Alderman Murphy, same
was accepted site ordered ftle:d.
Report of Cleric of Municipal Court of receipts for the month of January, and
the City Treasurers report of receipts and disbursements and his Plnencl'i State -
gent fo.:- the month enclitic Jan. 31, were read and On motion of Alderman King,
were accepted, ordered filed .n, refs: -red to the i' nonce Committee.
City Enflre']•s estimates # 316-317 a -18, of work done or the several sewer
contracts rere read, 'nd on motion of Ala rman King, were accepted, 5ppro7ed 9nd
ordc:ed filed.
The City 5ttort:e1 :rep rted that the List: -let Court had decided adversely to
the City on the btu of the ft, C:oix is:ug Co., end swag that he be iven further
time to lnvesticate sale matter, and on motion 0: Alderman. Ping further time was
City PhYslclbn .7, :I. :.'.i[JOS asxr.d :or info:Llttion :elative to ce:'lnc for
cases that might come up while the :7t. Croix Drug case was pending, and on motion
Of Alderman lens, he was instructed t0 fosLow the instructions of the City Attorney.
Aloe. „en taint' of the F. :.. C. reported having: bac some eo. espondence nth the
manufacturers of the- ClisbY type :'ire Zn1:lr.e, • nd also had meta representative of
the N, C. Nutt Co. rel.ttve t0 hovini; thi. old stem::. fire twine .epelr•ed,and asked
fox tl tti : t1:.e, which was Granted.
Aldeim.n ft"+:'/.1e, for the bridge Com. reported tn'.t the Gom. mulct the lnstr'dc-
itonfl df the Clty Cn.'inere were firm L:; the necess'.:y pilin:; driven _t the. Ct. Croix
The City Attorney report a, that the City Zr:rine r, tith his assistance had
oc 1'11 cd title to a st:dp of land fr07:: Robert Nebring '.nil Ludwig IterY.er•t, for the
purpose of st:a1T'htettine out CO. Glee 1y Cl:-rant extension, and presented the sold
de:•.:16, •flc on. otihn of Alderman Klrg, the report writ a..^:pted and deeds ordered
recoreed 1]' the office of the Regleter of :.reds,
0n r„otlrn of hide:9m.L F:1n: the lurch. COm. w'.t instructed to esc'rtoln what
the Ole Cliortenl house Could he Fold
0O oot, on of Aide: teas fay:r.el the, Cblef tt Pollen iv.s 1nnt:urt^d to see
tract t'Ld L111' Ira r. Im• Co., placed prop°:• sal,• ;-..,•ids 'bout the 6pehlrg in Lily
L0xe. t^nere t7.ry are Cutfri' lc••.
2esolutlts ::o. 2259, f7xl salary of dep_:t, a.. ssssern, Be olttien no. 2260
Izin the >oa d Gf " a: Coma] sinners to issue re. t ID retes of indebtld-
❑css Co. the p1:rpose of i .,1r.. Ya;¢: G.yln it: Cc. i-1:-st 01: t, and. Resolution
no. 2d6., rif su1G. 1.1,13 re. e ,cop L: Ih'
A1C< nen: no..s: a Lu.t21yf G1, Lich. ?Li urph., taro, +Tells end
P s. cent Johnson l9) Voiln ee•r Or. r..ott on of xrce _a 'uxptty ow�:!'^'"rmzd
Attest; ��KR/i as0cft4/ . I�
O. C1t•: Clr,.d. P_^avian il•= -'•' co.�nei1.
•r '
Counrtl Roca
Cf. a.w:te:, :lint.. Feb. 11,1914,
Rei:blar lies. tit..:
Present A_demen i:n:Gw•:rr, Lurtzaaff, Clebler, Y.U.. , Bel stet, its:xri,
Penis sec F: rS1dent Johns n (8) At sent Ald' atal: >_::'ph;', xeus.'.d.
Minutes of last :a.'t.1c:• m,+.tl:r 11elc Fet. ° read shi approved.
in. Jesse ll1,1, or the Aust .n aest.ern Ro'.d Htchin- y Co., prrsenl.ed the
meal is of the Austin Pressure 011 Op--.y1nt lisehine for- cilt0:: st•.e to end urged
that s committee be .ppatnted to visit the Twin Cities e.nd investi-ratethe warnings
of the m'.ohine, snG on u.otlon of Aloe:mein King the ELt ter was referred to the
Curet Committee for fb. -her Investigation.
Hone of )1. 0. Robertson, as lre'aur,: of the school Hoard, was on mot. -.on
Or Alderman Kine, acr...pted •:ar1 orrte.ed flied.
Oaths of office of Clinton Li. ):etb!.way end Otto it. Knospe, '.a deputy
assessors were 01. motion of Aldo:m.1i fells, '.ecepted end ordered filed.
Petetlori of Ccott Van Dion skid otter. for the coust:uot.ion of a combined
santts:1 and storm sewer from a point 1n the center of lest Pine and Co. Greeley
streets to the center of lest Churchill street skid from th.nce to the turner of
1'ot:2•th bnd Fine Ctreets.wss read and on motion of Alderman f. tar&.1 was screpted
and *ere:.red to the Sewer Committee.
Coe unication from b Ordway Co„ marine a clear. of $3.00 for erste rings
for the boiler of the (tone Qu'.r y wcs resented and seed, and on motion of
A1dcrmsn £t.rx'A the City Clerk was instructed tO send theirs ball for $6.00
the amount the City p•ict tar cetttn:; gr+a.e rini;s made which sh:nld have been
shipped with the boiler, and to notify that when they paid the bill of 36.00
the O1tY would pay their aisle: of $3.00
on motion: of Alder•mut King the bids ro the sale of the so -celled Shorten
house were opened sno rear as follows:
Hid of C. N. Stevenson offering 34C.50 for the same w..s reed, and that
helm the only bid , on Potion of Alderman Putt:loft the Lid was rejected and
the City Clerk was instructed to re-sdvertlse fop bida,returnrtle Parch 3rd 1914.
Report or 01tY Attorney or. the $tone Quarry ane other property purchased
from C. II. 0nr11 et. al, was reso, rim: on motion of Alderman King, s=mc was
accepted ,ordered filed and the recom::endsttons ordered compiled with,
A1de1t.s4 Bertzlaff or the 7. L.. Con. reported thst a sul t'b1e horse for
the Fire. Derartwent had not been found and •_al:ed for further time,which was granted.
Alder s.n King £::erred Mot the natter or conveyir.:Ml,Armory site to the
Clete be referred to the City Attorney, to sac-rteln rbst requirements was
necesser y to comely with the Ctste rules, In such matters. 1:otton carried.
The MAY Me:lnret submitted s plat. fcr s concrete brides, prep4red by
C. A. F. 'Turner,w1to his proposition to furnish plans and specify -Alms free of
cto..ge, conditioned that the City pureh:se from him 16 tons of steel nor
rein or cement at the price of g6ao.Co, end on motion of Alderman Hordwell, said
Dlsn was accepted stet adopted.
Alderman Cttrkel moved to _ec,..nsicrr the motion ;est ca:cded. Notion rattled,
Mu after some discussion by Aldermen Ktn::, Stsrkel, Hdrdwerl and President
Johnson, the orlclnai nuestton w'.s put to s vote and lost.
On motion or Al(1eraran rang the iL.idite Com. was instructed to escertsin the
probably cost of movini: the J..11 so as to provide room for the new Armory.
On itotioh cif Alderman K1ru: the street Committee was Instructed to lnventtcate
the r.•ns.biil tY of irmr.ttrg •a fill scrams the: itc•Yustce ravine on Creelny :treat.
Rengju4iop:fi. 2262.
on sr/merit of Asbar Del' r'.al was tempted by the f. silowu,e: :n t.e: Aldermen lordwe. 1,
Ht::• Lelisrf, Gtebl��:, Ktnc, :.:1 ate , :terse], Ter.ls and P,. esident Johnson,(5)
vot'aw yea. Aldermat 1urphy •L. ri, �`� I
0n motion of Al1e..'est: ieiis. Cbdhell ',d;•nn ned. 1
A t :cat- T ' (. "_ u.ifi/-i'i' 4 L
0l LS' Cl crx,' President of the 01 ty Council
COuncl1 ltopm.
Ctii18'-tor, Minn. '.:=:ch 3rd 1914,
Regular Eeetinc;
P-escnt Aldermen Bordwell, B.irt.zlaff, Giebler, Etrr„ l:eister, nurphy,
Clarice', sells and Pres1Urfit Johnson.(9).
I1lnutes of last re.;:lar maettbe held Feb...17, read grid approved.
Dr. F. A. Lennox, was again p: esent and add '.sled the Council relative to
sprinkling streets. No action V.'.or..
Iirs. -. S. Tot;te:, '.. s. w. G. ?Onscn, Ers. . ,athaway and Drs. L. J;
Elan. represehl:lC in.. .t;; .test. Room Board', wt,. ?resent, and asked that the
council m'-ke appropriation to the extent of 334.00 p.'r month the coral rg year
to pay the:. rent, and on motion of Alderman Firm the matter was referred to
a special comities and thy: 01LY Atte:1' Y to 'Investigate and report en at the
next m+..tin<.
Petetton from reslcents tributary Ib the Everett Gt_i':t bridge, asking
that said bridge be opened for traffic, was preatrittd eine :each and rn motion
of Alderman Wells the matte: was :ete .ed to the Bridge Com. to investigate
'414 report on .t next meeting.
Applications of E. F. An. rson and merman C. Pretzel, for enewal of
Liquor L:tense were presented an:. read, and on motion of Alderman F.il;;, same
were accepted, ordered flied, anti license ord•et.d lassoed.
Communication Tram Burt Il. Kin::, Atty. relative to the disputed ac—
count Of Crane & Ordway Co„wee read, and on motion of Alderman Dtar•Xel, same
was refer: ed to the City At torn•y.
On mutton of Alderman soils the bids for the old Ottertail house were
Opens'. ant read as fOliows:—
J. E. Blank°, 456.0C. L. G. Lot.;:en 355.00, and on motion of Alderman
Starke', the bid of J. E. Blanse was accepted.
Report of receipts of the tunletpai Court for the month of Feb, was
read, and or, motion of Alderman King, same was accepted, ordered filed and
referred to the Finance Committee.
City Treasurers report of receipts and disbursements and his Financial
Statement for the mreth ending Feb. 28, was read, and en motion of Alderman
Murphy, were accepted, ordered filed and referred to the Finance committee.
City Engineers Estimates Ros. 319, 320 & 321, were read, and on motion
of Alderman King, same were accepted, approved and ordered filed.
Communication from the City rhglne r :elative to the Everett Street
Bridge plans, was read and on motion of Alderman, Wells the same was referred
La the Bridge Committee.
City Attorney made venial report relative the St. Croix Drug Co, bill,
and av:ed for further time, which was via Led.
Alderman Dordecll for the Ct:-eet Com. asked for further time, relative t0
Oil sprinkler for streets, which was granted.
Alderman Giibler fox the Building Com, stated that he bad ascertained
that it would cost approximately 0450. to move the :all, and on motion of
Alderman Burtzl%ff the report was accepted, and the Du rein Com. was instructed
to get plans ono ascertain the probable •ost of luilding a net ;all.
Alderman King, fc:, the Cpee. Com. on Bunicipal Ownership of flatting plant
etatec. that the COm, Was at work, '.nd !Axed for further time, which was granted.
Alderman Durtzlatf Co. the Y. D. Com. reported hhvir$ purchased a suitable
horse from C. A. Chlhnocn, lot the '. DD., for the sum of •250.00.
On motion of Alur.rmtn Bartzlaff the FIE. Com, Was instructed to ascertain
what would be the value of •;ue,.;y rock, owned by the city and report at next meeting.
Alderman ElrlG 1nt:AodLeed a reeoiutlon. 2utfor14110; the proper officers to
convey to the rv.te of :inn -cote, a sitx for an A;IaorY, being the present site
now occupied by thy: old Armory, ana apGn reel caii the :eaolutlon was lost by
the foalowinG vote: Aide:man DordWe1i, Burtziaff, Kin,. and le:ls 04) voting Yea,
and Aldermen Glebier. idea:+Lc:, Murphy, eta:tel. arm President Johnson (5) Voting
N.y. gesolatIon_N9._462. on payment of bills was adopted
by the feliowini. rote: Aldo. rtn Lrr.vclr, uo-tzl-fi•, GL'ble , 1')1 , 1 .'I st:,
1:u,nY, Ctarkel, xe.iis, and Fees. Johnson (9) o ,n.; Sea. /
On:fit ion//cfUddQ L n 'eu ire t .CC.1 n'.1 U: ,ri ed /
Attest, er,.. L
C71, Jlc:-�.. Pros, of'tb. City Council.
OOuncrl Poo;,
Cti liwatc:, :.1 nr„ ;. ch 17 t: 1914.
ReCu1ar• t;e:. t4n';;
P; esera Alderma.h 130111 flit, •urtzl.ff, a1 ebl er, Kl n', ar.iete;., Mu•phy
Cts:,;ei, wens *.nu Pi. S1deht Joh!scii
Minutes of last rei"..1'.:"i.e•'t.L h•'le i!ac'rh :,:d ;ead and approved.
City Assessor }ISwkls SSE:.d that. he Le p:.emitted to r_:.t:tinae the deputy
Assessors, to. •. lcnc-r time th'.n 60 days, is h:::: tofere allowed, and on motion
of Alderman Kings such perm;. sion was g,"anted, not to xeeed 30 day extension.
Alderman elect Coffeen was present and an invitation vas extended to him
to aduress the cour:rll,to w•wtnrdi he responded briefly.
Llquer license bond of E. 9. Anderson, was or, motion of Alderman Kin-,
'accepted, approved ana orue.-ed filed. to him
Application of W. I. Keller, tar the tr5nsI':.:,1of Cigarette License No. 11
Wtts or: notion of A'de:maa Steckel granted.
CO;:..urlc•.:t.1on from clt:o iotINI Or Oon!:Ol, relative: to clans for new ;all
was read, and Or; notion of Alderman 3 ells s.mc wus referred to the Buildirg Com.
Co untcations from: the Austin -Western Nord iA.ehime: y Co. .nd from the
Studebaker Corporation relative to Automatic Pressure 011 bistrlbuters ,were read,
and on motion of Alderman wells toe same rare refer ed to the Street Corw:i ttee.
Coma_inicttnon from the Municipal Referener Bureau, ad<:ressed to the Mayor,
relative to oiling streets, was road and on motion of Alderman King, the same
was referred to the Street Committee.
Com:unieatton fro.a Puteler Car Company, relative to dump cars for the use
of Stone quarry was 1!uad and on motion of Alderman King the same was referred
to the Street Committee.
Alderman BOruwell for the St::--t Commi t.te, reported that two of the Com-
mittee had visited Et. Patti and 1-os.ed .t en 011 Distributor, sold by the Austin -
Western Road Machinery Co„ and asked for further time to make further investigation,
which was granted.
Alde:man Bordwell for the bridge Ccm, reported having had the Necessary
piling driven at the rt. Croix B!1dg::, under the direction of the City Engineer,
Alderman Glebler of the culluing Com. made verbal report relative to plans
for new jail, and ase:'d for further time, hi^h was gra::tea.
Alderman rtereel for the Bridge Com. reported that the committee desired
further time on the matter of the Everett St. bridcre, which was granted.
Ald-.rman ring, for the special Com, on rent for Rest Room, reported having
had consultation with the ladles of the Rest Room Board, relative to said matte.,
and had convinced them that the City had no 1L:ga1 rigi.t to pay said rent, after
which the ladles re;ues Ced that the matter be dropped.
Alderman King, for the special Com. on municipal ownership oflighting plant
asked for further time, which was granted.
Alderman Burtzlaff for the Street Com. raised the question of procuring cars
fo: use at the Stone quarry, and asked Nr. C. i:. car-li, forhh1s opinion relative
to said matter. Mr. Carli, responded, and Aldermen BO_pdwell, ring and Starke',
discussed the sub20ct. No action tarrn and the Com. was granted fltrttrer time.
Resolution go, 221.^,_ _
r•elative to payment of labor pay .011 was parsed b:: the following vote;vi z;
Aldermen Bordwell, i:dr tzl.ff, 6leblc;., Kin::, uei ter, :urphy, Starke', bells, 'lid
President Johnson (9) vot.: s: yea. _ ,
0n notion of .ildermJ.n sells, nounril edge 1-ned
At t•'st jrac ceete to
Olty Cle;k.
Gnilrresident of the 1ty ouncl
h.$.d11 'sOoIi,
Ap.11 6.914.
tce_1_ 14.0E u'. Ll.,•
P. GSt::t v‘o a Al hug m r. Kt G', : to [.rl 111:: 'G'.1179 of th:` Fti'•::re Co '::a t t•.c
Of the Ce L`: ucunril, Sr::. _ftc.' .:YC ectmlnE I toil of tho v u^he. s corstin;tin.'
the 1-_c.w +x.o..r.t$ tip. s.c:: :•. u_ c uuiy c141c:.1':u tine :I1:d In the office of
tilt. Jity C1=r6 for futl:e :efc_enca; star. 7:;urhe.s h':7ia. teen presented and
uy tt. City T:'esfitirco fo. e'c-hihatlor. ar.] ranrsi,=tioh.
Sate '70Jrh.e..s Loth.:--lord.:.ed to In the reports of the City T:.easu7s`
uta•ec G.tas of. from Ap;'l1 1st 191? to L'::eh ?1st 1914,both dates inclusive;
and -1s0 lit tcto.uthce "nth the ehtltts made In the Looks Of s•.ld
Olt; Tretsu. er 0+.1: 1F..' tho oat es a6 7.: Merit lM out:
Ll81..': rs 3IR!'h is
Esr,nutnr: toms Int❑. rst AcLz, :.t,1891, 25 tI 1ss'.:c 12n0.nn
Permahes t Ispro$tement bona Irate. est AcroUnt,
200 :i Issue Old 1,1. in rtfth A7'. i::•n6 7F. n0
Pe-manont Im,,o7cmrnt ::one in t.:!: est Arrotnt,1887 3025.00
a0 do GO CIO CO 1891 5000.00
Retundtrid lord Inte:.est Account 90:; 1911 45c0. co
Speet:.l Le:7e:it )uha 12.52.
Fezt fleet 11fprov�un:nt : Uha 4612.69
ca:.t.[a einc ,:erx ts,tn 5,ccc.G0
CO ot.n' Sc.A. c. s 6n. 3411_91 71344.07
ri rerens nos.. f r the 1699.76
L1lrery nnna 5651.96
:..�c.lclp',l Uc:;. t 977.19
R OISI Leaa[f: to the G. 169.37
Stat" Rosa Fund 799.49
17a. H111 Outlet Fewer 11382.63
Co.ii.:ca .° 4 80.10:rthn Ctn. rewcrn 536.40
vo. b otaway,4 Etst Pine Cts. hewers 7137.20
East Millard 4 (f,. .....t hts. s.:e_. _ 2227.12
balhheo or. tr id Api. 1,191
horclpts ford). Api. i.19i5 to
eh 31..1914
121y9ei.7J__ 4137,265.34
L19Lh. seme:nts from Ap 11 1,7 ,13 to
1J.. eh 1, 1954 1i7, 3l501`.4e
Br:satire oh loan Ahl. 1.1914
0l57.265. 34
kesC etf:•,.,y sLull tea;
r 1r.(Lre• 00;..:.t 1 l en of the:
C11;' u,Ar1^11.
Ccuncll Room,
Ot111W'te,, ;nn. April 7th 1914.
Recal':r L:ectln;;
Present Alderm n LcnIwell, uurlsleff, 01enler, Kite', Relate., L•urphy,
Etartrl, bells end F:enident Johnson (9).
:Si nute:s of last .e.;.War me tine held L:ar.nh 17th Late the minutes of the
Cancell<.tion me. tine held Apr1i 6111, :'e•.d argil approves,
Ur. Jno. F. A. Y.ap11n and L. 'A. J. 1:•.C.. m,, were present =nd asked that
the City taae aolie steps towards ea:•ustln6 tLc1.• 0lalms vs the City nn account
of the operlte of Unger and or. t:•ctaon of Alderman nee the Mt t ter was
referred to the City Attorney to investigate and :epoet.
Alderman elect John McLaughlin was present, and r..s called on by the chair
eoe eem•.rr.::, to w:.lnh be responded b. iefly.
Apllicetlo: of Jos. Lupien to transfer his Liquor Linens(' Seem his
present place of business to 221 Vent Chestnut Ct:'d"L, Was on rlollon of Alderman
Klee, teetpted and ord,•:ed filed and he:mission e7rir:ted to ouch transfer,
Bond of it. C. Pretsel,fo:' liquor lie use, was presented, sae having been
approved by the :induce Cow., Was on motion of A1de:'men accepted, approved
and oerie.ed filed.
Gow untnatlon from the Stu a:bar.ee Coep0:atloh,:elative to 011 Eprir.kler for
Ct:er.ts, was Inc:E :be on motion of A1d emal1 K1rp:,was r•efe:'red to the Street Comm.
Coscrinlc' tien from :.cyor ::orile, appolntinr; J. J Eichten, eft a member of
the board of Water OozaL1salollers, was ;ead and on notion of Alderman wells, same
was aeee:.ted, ordered filed and the ep?otnt;asit confirmed.
CON ennl e.::o:, f:oe, the City Atlo:•nry, enclosing at,s tract and Other legal
paper's cc.nvexile; to the City of Ct111water, the so -Belled Chortell propnrtY,
was presented, and on Motion of Alderman Karr.', Star was accepted and Ordered filed.
City Engineers ,bnuol report, Was presented end :'end, and on motion of
Aldermen wells, was accepted and ordered filed'
City F3lglnel'A Eetlmates Los. 322 & 323, were presented and read, and on
motion of Alderman Y.lhg, were accepted, approved and ordered filed.
Mulcting Inspector's annual report was read and on motion of Alderman Murphy,
Wag eeeepted and ordered flied.
Annual report cf th Chief of the 11:e Depeetment,r:s :eta and on motion of
Alderman Frig(, was accepted and oedeeed filed.
Report of the receipts of the L'uniclp::1 Couet .o: the month of L•.rel, and
the City Treasurers report of eeeelets :Ira Cisbuesem_nts f e the same month and
his Financial report for the month enctin.r Larch 31,1914, were read, and on
motion of Alderman Y.Ine, the same were accepted, approved and ordered filed.
Report of receipts and dlsbueseze nts for the year ending March 71, 1914,
prepared by the. City Clete., Was :ead, and on motion of Alderman King, same was
acse;.ted, ordered filed, and ordered published In the Datil Gazette.
Report of Et...,e+t Cmnra ttee recommehdinc that the City Purchase an Austin-
Westea 011 eisteltutor for streets, was on notion of Alderman Star -Eel, accepted
ane or . red le led,
Report of Sridee Committee reeom ee:nchne that the City Nepali. the old Everett
t:tee:t bMO;e, anti build a culvert un':er same and fill the re:vine with earth and
dirt Wes presented and read. Alee.:'man wells moved that the report be ecce:.ted,
ord•.ed f11.,d, ono the reconrendatlons be compiled with. Alderman leurp3Y,moved
es a substitute that the matter be defea cd until the nett re;'ulor meeting.
Cubetltute motion c'.: led.
Report of Fir.<,nce Committee, snonu.x that they hod Ohecee.d up the tic -rents
and eeleripis of the 01 Ly '1'_ c:nut'r:r fo the :aerie end1;G ::Saab 31,1 all, Es- ten es
the :eretpts of the Clerk. of the aunirleel Ooeet, foe the Acme period, and had
feurd the tnoney all .r r- n ed fo , Wee te-eren,:'t '.n, Sad, ane on notion of
Alder. an Luentry, same was aceep tad, and ore el Id 1. 1ed
CM ALtorr.'y nee. ted that ih aho^h es the 1:1 Let Court he0 decided '.dverrelY
to the City on the claim of 412.50 of the et. Croix -r•uc .o., he would .e.oritend
that the Cite p'Y Lbe 1.111, end on ;honor, id AlderMati Ding he bill wtf . rL•red paid.
On eottol. of Alderman ,.1nE, the pie en site Cam. w n 'a. three'zaputcww t 1. coal
try. t le urea ed at the 71.1; e etel n.. Hoene, until the net 001eil 11 fnrly o •eht zed,
Cot:r.r1, toe,. e seems to p. rm:1 t the Comrles1Ore re of the interest. dad timing
i•u:.d 1 ; I:21C . rnec. tat.1E. Af .el- ten rei i. ten . r ..r
,ed the Oren,- ..
1 evervned ::,ci thee
mire/Les of the weenie; of the eomta..is 101101•sof the, Inte nt .no .ein,.ir,; Tund we.e
react, '.n: on elution of tilde: en well$-delY '.ppeoved.
The mirutee GC the air:tine of the tee:d rni onees of the Interr-st one einking
ere' ncain,; the L the Cole... se tamers had oily posed eesoi'. Lion eu there tine the
Cancelling on:; le.eratie of ten of the eater Purchase :rinds, b•tng bonds
nue:be. ed 21 to =.0 inclusive of the denoelne t ion of el,000.0e,n.', turf: E July 1,1;1', the
Coemmisstonees 'than proceeded to des t. one been sale bends, Breen w'.s done le the
presence, of the City Council.
On notion Of Alderman !a::Tahy the: OILY AVcrneY Was 1r.al:ucled to collect
the several amounts due the 0114 o.• c. shed rock.
Heaoll!plyn l9,..2265.
or. n'yment of suted:Y bills, was adopted by the following vote- Aldermen
0ruweil, iip:tzlaff, G1 b.er, Kith", 11'.1ste , Murphy, eta vicel, sells and
President Jo:rson l9; voting `tea.
President Johnson, then thanked the two retiring Aldermen, for thin
support and for lb 11. good r:or'k U'rie for the. City, stati:c th.='.t he b 11 axed
they had done whaNth•..y t.".oui;ht W.s fo th.' hest 1:.te est of the Clty.
Alderman Btar..ei, stated that he had served with the two retiring
Aldermen on the ?iraece Com., ',grit:e; the pert year, and believed that they
had cone th::l:- work r:1i, and conscientiously. and desired to express his
appreciation of th-1r cc-oprt=tton with him In the work.
Alderman King, expressed his appreciation of the co-opeartlon of the
entire body, and espectallY Al:.erman rtakei, as a member of the :':sandal
Com., who had been ready at all times to attend to work when called upon.
Alderman bells, thanr.ed the Council :o: favors bestowed, and retired
fe,ltni; that he had done: the nest he knew how.
On motion of Alderfl n wells, the Council ad r.irbede meet Tuesday
Anr11 14th 1914r.. 7-3o oieiocr. r. 1:.
Attest 411
fleet oe(t of the City Council.
Council Room,
etiliwatcr, Minn. Aprli 14th 5914. •
Regular Adjourned Meeting: Meeting called to order by C1ty C1erk,Chas. A. Lammers.
Present Aldermen Bordweii, Bur tzlaff, Coffees, Giebier, McLaughlin,
uelater,Murphy, Starkel and Johnson.
Council then proceed to elect temporary chairman, aid on motion of
Alderman Johnson, Aldermen Burtzlatf Was chosen temporary ch1L can, by acclamation.
who tooA his seat as such and announced the order of business to be the election
of a president of the council, end appointed Alderm n Bordwe11 and Murphy as
0n motion of Aide:man rtarkel, all first ballots were decitved informal.
Informal ballott for president of the Council taken which resulted as
follows; Alderman E. C. Johnson received 6 votes, AldG man P. 7. LUrpby
received 2 votes and Alderman 2tar.el received i vote;
Formal baiiott taken far President of the Council resulted as follows:
Alderman E. 0. Johnson :ecelved 7 votes and Alderman Ctarkel received 2 votes.
Alderman Johnson having received a ma;0rity of all votes was declared elected
as President of the City Council for the ensuing fiscal Year.
Presetdent Johnson assured his sest and anncanoed the next order of
business was the election of a Vice President of the City Council.
Infern-1 ballot for flee President of the City Council taken which
resulted as follows:Alderman Burtzlatf received 5 votes; Alderman McLaughlin
received 1 vote; Alderman lordw'el] :ecelved 1 vote and Alderman etaroel
revelled 2 votes;
Formal bat oti b.r.'n for vice President of the. City Council which
resulted as folioWs: Alderman BUrthlaff :e^'tied 7 votes; A1cio:Jwb ftar,:el
recydvcd 1 vote and Alderman 3CLatn'hilr .,c- Vied 1 vcte;
tlderman 7urtzlaff oiled , iaa;r r11y of ail Votes he was
decls1 ed '_uJy elected as 'lee President. of Ih .City Council lo: the ensuing
fiscal year.
Informal bsilott fe: Ct:-et OOLJ.i;nioa.:: taken `retch resulted 's frllOws:
Andres Osr1HOn red -:'read 5 Votes, Ceorre Pliers rer.:ived 2 votes and Nola
L eCe: received 2 votes.
P0.'t.]. br.slot for :'t rant 13 .::.1.s;1Goe:- t.,: n h1'41 restated as f,lllowrs:
Andrew Carlson:eeety d 7 votes, AeSsliaa .e0 tied 1 vote and 0-:or:` burns
received 1 vrte; ..
And. -et etrl,on htdi n;. •ee,nved 5 nt;W:1t:: cf nil votes, he was declared
duly eleetetl as :titre! Co::i:.isslon-er ;o the ensulna; tale..
Informal bsilott t'.r.-n for Chief 7mtUne of the the rep•.: tment
re:suit-Inc as 1'CJ Jora:: J•:ces leGan:.-erel'ed 6 voted, airman land r-ws received 2
Votes and Chas. Johnson received 1 vote-
Forwal bsilott for Chlrf En :in.=t: ;. the -. c ➢en•:.- tr.er.t taken. whlrh
resulted as follows: James leGani ^.dV,'1 6 votes, Cir. n And vs rce<:1 red 2
votes =,net Chas. Jonrson-:-brewed 1 vote.
James McGann having' reCeL7ed a majority
ci.ly elected us Chief ZIWinecr of the F1,e tap
Infor:na ballott t•.kun for 31ty Phv.^,tct
Dr. J. R. Humphrey received 6 'rotes and Dr. J.
Formal ballott tar.en for 01t4 Phys.clan
and Dr. J. H. Haines 3 votes.
Dr. W. R. Humphrey having :eve -Lied a ma
duly electe- as OILY Physician fo: the ensuire: year.
Informal ballott taken for Janitress of the City 11s11, resulting as follows:
Agnes bugoid recelved 9 votes, and on mr. Lion of Aldermen Ftikel, the informal
beiiott was made formal, and Agnes raigold was deelaed r.uly elected as Janitress of
the City Hall for the ensuing; Year.
Informal beiiott taken for Day Superintendent of the bridt7:',reault1f' as
follows: Godfrey And:+: -son recelved 6 votes and James Dugan received 3 votes;
Formal beiiott taken for Day Superintendent of the bridge which res..ited
as roa.iows: Godfrey Ander•n recoiled 8 votes •and James Dugan received 1 vote,
Godfrey An.erson having reedited a ma;orltY of all 'rotes cast he was de -lured
Bray elected us day 2u,'erintendent of the brldue.
Informal boilott txen for Night Superintendent of the t:'tdee resulted as
follows: Jame D. Lotz received 8 votes and G45:1. received 1 vote;
-(- Formul ballott taken for ingot Superintendent of the bridge resulting as
follows; James D. Lot& received 9 voters and was declared duly elected as NSgnt
Superintendent of the bridge.
Informal beiiott taken for two members of the Board of Health, resulting
as follows: 1. E. MCNaulhWli received 3 votes. Dr. R. J. Corfeen received 5 votes;
Dr. E. E. Yells received 2 votes:Pete.• Shattuck received 1 vote and E. 0. Johnson
received 1 vote;
Formal ballott t Ken for two members of the board of Health resulting us
follows: 1. E. HeNau,rhton received 9 votes. Dr. R. J. Coffeen -: ecet ved 8 votes:
Dr. E. E. Sells recelved 1 vote; 1. E. MCN*.u.hton and Dr. R. J. Coffees having
received a ma;orit'J of ail votes were declared duly sleeted as members of the
Board of Health fo., the ensuing year.
On motion of Alderman Murphy, James McGann was elected as Fire Marshall, by
uccluma tlon.
Mayor Iicsler presented a copy of a enamors and complaint which had been se-ved
on him, 1n Which the City was moue defendant In the claim of D. M. Swain, for
i500 fo his services 1n the construction of the. Pontoon in 1911, and on motion of
Alderman McLaughlin, the C1tY Attern Y was instructed to take the necessary steps
to defend the City :n said action.
Prentdent Johnson alaruneed
the ensuing yeo: gs follows-
Coffee , JOta;%tn,
. Building.
Glcbier, Coffeen, Dordweil
McLaughlin, 8tarkel, nordweii.
File .ipp'artJaellt.
Coffeen, Meister, Bur tzsoff.
Coi'feen, olebier, Johnson.
Se1ater, ::urphY, Burtzlaff.
Llnfltir ,.
Boi•dwe.11, DL.rkes, McLaughlin,
of all votes east he was denlored
•,rtr,.:nt io. the ensuin; Pear.
'an, resulted as follows:
H. Ha':nes ec,•tved 3 votes.
gave D . tF, R. Humphrey 6 votes
o:•1ty of ail votes he was de^la,,ed
the standing eomit. tees of the City council for
Starkel, Metauerlln, nurtzlaff
Muipby, JON.son, Burtzlaff
McLaughlin, Murphy, Bordwell.
PUrch _sttyx.
Burtzlaff, 1£eLaughits, Coffees, Markel.
Burtzlaff, Sta;ecel, cordwell,
Cti eta.
Coffcen, Gtebler, Johnson.
:tcLau€hlin, et': ,.el, Bol•dr:Pall,
Anl:a1 message of the :. yor W'.e p`caef t'. ono read, '.nil or, t.ot.lon of
":lee.u'•ti L'. r-i.sl, Wks pted 'ine orueee:d flied.
On :_o ttOn of Alde.!m'.n burrtzloff the Prosio.ent Was 1nst.:iv-led to appoint e
Oi vcl.si COt:r:lttee on Clone onu et:poet rmate at ❑ xt me,•.t1r,',
A1101'i,n Coffaen atatee that .'.. H. h. osImee, *•d O.. ed to ri ee. talk
st eete ':i thlr. re- Ol ty to the sum of• $1.00 per eels. Aule m%n eoetzl'ff sa:rrented
thot It ro'ulc he ':cvis'..Lie fo. the City lto puren.ne c :o^.d drag anu '. tt-lid to thy
dr':c.viac when deemed neee$s,ry. one On lrnttnn Of A'Llerm un LcLeuvhlln the tr,lter
4-as refereed to the `.'t.c.r,t 'col:d.tttec to ..7est.1,c.10 jnd rei'o't on ot n-xt Ind '1.inr;.
On motion of Aide:nut Bor:it-_1, the rat Witn P'.trlek Hu:,iY to
stueinnie eeetoll s-re is In thc. h s:heals clot:Mats was ^oral n:eci, s:.-, t.h:• City to
allow i£:-, Hurl=?Y the cum of 8125.00 for th. net:sen.
Oti :LOL1O1 of A1Ge_mon lib-rkei the G,.dir:'.rce Ocl:.li l;tea wos tns1:;_ts'1 to report
on Sprint1in:; o. dinonce ot an ro:up d.
On motion of Aid ..,: n hor:twell the rt rsOrr,.:1tiez w',s lr ...^teal to emploY
two cr thrrc men to
Fut the It,ne quu .y Crusher 1t 1,01rittt011 0; pennon.
0n mwtton of Alut u+n'!ulste• the Street ottl ttee Was
necessary eepalrs to street aide'• the sidew:.lr nu•• 'he Lt.
0n motion of Alderman StarEC1, the v.ty Cleric was lost:
for 100 tons of lane -run Pochsh0ntss coal ,bids to be z.':de
1914, at 7.30 P. M.,
CD Lotion of Alderman tt,:•r:el, Council a:;ourned,
Attcat; .6
OILY Oi Crc.
Intl!u..ted to make
Paul Hennes
ueted to ,d't11tlse
retdrn'.bin Apl. 21,
Pr- . alder 0
e City Councii.
Council Room,
Stillwete , Minn. Apr•11, 21st 1914.
Regular- atee tine;
P:.-sent Aldermen Bordwell, Coffetn, Glebler, McLaughlin, Yurphy„
Stur.c1 snd Fresiaent Johnson (7) Absent Aldermen Burtzlaff and Meister (2).
Alderman curtzlaff, being ex^used on account of Icing called out of the elty on
account of the se sous Illness of his fa,be:.
Minutes of last regular meeting held AIM 7,
meeting: held April 14, read and approved.
Mr. H. H. Gillen, representing Mrs. D. J. Hooley appeared before the Council
relative to a certain dran running across the Hooley property at the corner of
Fourth A Ch.:rchili Ctreets, and on motion of Alderman Bot•dwell. the matter was
ref:.:wred to the Sewer Coxmlt.tee Lo lnvest1'1te and report on.
lit-. F. T. TIlAPon, aciuressed the Counell relative to co-operating with the
St. Croix Boat Club and the Booster Club, in fixing up the lake front for boating
and bout bodges, anu on motion of Alderman Murphy the matter was referred to the
pork 0ozwa1 ttee.
petetton of James Benson et. al, for a sewer on West Staple street was presented
an= read, and on motion of Alderman Staricel, same was accented, ordered ft2ed
and referred to the Sewer Cocr.i time.
petetton iron CO. "k" IL. Le, G. Stilt -LW; f- an F.pproprli.11on of #250. was read
and on motion of Alderl}Ar Murphy same. was aenepted and ordered filed and the
appropriation allowed.
AD11Cattons, with Lords attached, of Fritz Ziegler, Adolph E. Reutlmann and
Nelson. A cestberg, for renewal of Liquor License, were read and on motion of
Alderman Murphy, sald appil0SLlcns were e0capted, ordered riled and license
Ordered issued upon the eonpilsnce Flth the usual :-eulees:ents.
C0+2a u.tcattOn from the City Mayor, relative t0 the system of boo,_xeeping
was presented aria read, anw en motion of Alderman 11 hy, same was accented, ordered
filed and the recornend';ttons Ordered complied with.
Com:.rlr.ication from the city ::ayor, a;::pot»ting Louis L. Loyb as Assistant
Health Inup, ctor, was On a:etlot. of Alderman i C'.: r.¢a, acc••pted, ordered filed and
the sp;01ntment Conti:zLU.
COtc:.unt cation fr•mi. the City ::Cl/Ors .prom' ng Godfrey Andes:+on and J':m:'s D.
Lets ea Special Police to ae3lt, With Ut G'.Y, "'hae employed on the tt. Crots
brld•:e, sus on »Otl'..n or Ale. :man :',;rph7, e-pted, ordered filed ape the
appointments ronfl 1lled.
O'.Lhs 0f office of J. j. alehten, '.n a .:,:amber of the cosr•d of Water COmnls-
stcner, Anrt:rY Carlson, as Ct. :•e t 3c:1111aria?, GOdf'cy Anderson as Day friper-
lntar:ient et the: rtl'gc 11. J+;tr: e. Iota ;s :. :tt3Upe toleirent of th bridge,
were p:'escn ted one ...•....... file_
Bond of And TSB C'.rr.;on,'.e : C: e, t Cc,:.,. 1 ::'a one::, Goof. eY Anderson as Day
":pp:.;1n teed en t of tee el, dge +she Janes :. Lo La, es gt!1 t Gup•r 1 r.tnhden t of
Inc brt rr;-, e, r"e p:,•ten •: ad, ale! the ssz:.r h •rani Ae n 'at, oved by the Fln.nee
COt:vrl .lee, were on z:.p tirr. of Alae n-n Murphy, aeeepted, approved 'and ordered
0r _r,tio❑ of Alce,ir h : r,h, th-, l.1ns .air. .-hi rS lco 1-2.1„ of c01.1
woos opened at::. ,'esd as _01_a,:;:
John c. 0'fl �r. , 04.7C pi:. ton. Levi :her.1::c:::, ;4L,60 peat ton sort Jno. J.
ktlt7, j4.:°9 pea tor:, the Oita; to pay fo the el.-..... .
0r :Lctio:. of Aid-rr n : tare.c2l. tbe ^_oI2. et was awareed to Levi Thorrr.:on.
he Darin; tht est
and of regular aNnurned
Invtnb.ary of city property under th•l runt. of of the its -et Goccas:.trance
was presented una read, and on motion Gf Alderman nordw.,11, samr wow aCC''pted
gnu ordered filed.
Report of Gt:r,-t Committee relative to d:ari ng streets was 0n motion of
Alderman Ctt_kel, C.^pted and o.•dered
on notion of Alderman McLaughlin, the }urcctalrl.; CGtia ttee Ate directed
to purchase a road drag.
Report of Crdin•..zce Committee re,ative to sprinkltn;; ordinance was read
ana on motion of Alderman CV.r:.ei, sax.; was accetted and ordered filed.
Alderman Eordwell announced thrt the Stone Crusher was reaa for operation
and awaited the pleasure of the Street Committee.
M:•. Tromley, representing Lht Austin -Western Road aaehlbery Company, was
p:esent and stated that they wanted to place at thi disposal of. the City one
of th-1r 011 Distributors, .:n trial.
Mr. L. L. Manwarin,;, representing the :'treet Railway Company, addressed
the Council, rel=tive to split/sling Strets with oil,on streets where the
Street railway were operating, especi9117 on the 9tr!'ets with a steep grade,
and su:rested that the Street Railway CO., be heard relative to said mutter,
and on motion of Alderman Star. el, the chair was instructed to appoint e
special committee t0 llrvesttt''-Le the matter '-nd report on same at next meeting.
The Chair appointed as such committee, A1de1-m-n nUrtzlatf, Coffeen and Relater.
On motion of Alde:•tan Murphy, the bridge Committee was Instructed to report
on the verett : tteet:Bridge proposition at the next regular meeting.
Alderman L'u:Thy moved that the matter of widening and ;racing Olive
Street near Greeley Street be left with the Street Committee and Clty Engineer
with power to act, 'nu upon 1.011 call the motion was c:e ried by the following
vote:Aldermrn Bordwell, Glebler, Coffeenaurpif, end President Johnson, (5)
voti:.e; Yea. Aldermen McLaughlin and fta:Ael (2) voting Nay. Absent Aldermen
urtfutf and Meister.
on motion of Alderman Starnel, the matter pf Constructing a ranee or rail
in front of the so-called nutlet property on Clive Street was r>ft with the
street Corrlri ttee oath power to act.
The chair announced as the Stone qur-:ry Committee,, Aldermen Sordwell,
re Murphy and BurtWlaff.
On motion of Alderman llu-phy the Street LIMalttee w:s Whigfid0}0 1001L
over North Main Street, relative to gr-:aing same •-nd report mistime at next
regular m:,ettng.
Ott motion of Alderman Lu:phy the Purchasing Conrr.ittee was instructed to
purchase 100 feet of hose for the Levee pars.
On motion of Alderman Bordreil, the Stone ouarry Committee was instructed
t0 snit the quarry 1n Operation.
Resolution 1o. 2266,__
flxln= salaries of c rtstn Officers was adopted by the following vote-
Aldermvn Eordwell, Coffeen, Glebier, Met'-ughlln, Murphy, Starke'. and President
Johnson (7) voting yea, Abst't Burtilaff and Meister.
Resolution no, 2267_,_
On p`yment of sundry bills was adopted by the foi.cwlu:; vote -
Aldermen Barnwell, Coffeen, Ostler, McLaughlin, Murphy, ut.:^kel silo president
Johnson (7) voting Yea; Absent Alde>mea: cur tzlaff and 14.01ste:..
On xotlon of Aldcrosn ):urptY 9ountl2 td;rurnrlt. 4.,
Attest:as/On - emlY.i. /.
City Clerk.. President cf/the ety Council.
Council Room,
Stiilweter.1L2rw. u'.y 5th 1914.
Ree titer Meeting;
Present Aldermen Bo:•dweli, Burtzleff, Ooffeen. Glebier, LcL':ughile.
Meister, Murphy, Stereel sod Prest:ent Johnson (9).
Minutes of lust :eeeler me ties held ADrii 21. reed 'ind e, p:oVea.
Commeeication from Jem's UcCenl:, Celef 'eneinr-.^ of the Fire Be.leet-
ment, eepointing men to serve es Letters of the let a Dept.t.n•nt for the
ensulne year was presented end reed, and GI, eotlon of Alden:en SterYel, sine
Wes eeceptcd, ordered filed and the eppointuents conflemed.
Pe&etion or C. R. Jones et. al, t'o ¶ sewer in Elm ateeet wes present-
ed end =cud, end oe Lotion of Aideeme/l Murphy some was eccepted, ordered
filed and referred to the Cower Committee to tnvestle:ate end report on et
next :'eguler meeting.
Applicetions, wt th bonds atteched of e. Eroun end Sem Glvertson for
Liquor license, mere presented see :read, and on metier if Aldermen Stueee..1,
were aetters:ad ord0:'ed filed, bonds oppr ved end license ; trinted,
Cloths of office or Louis L. L::yh es Assistant iienith officer end as
Special police, respectively, were presented and ordered filed.
Communication from the Consumers Power Co., enclosing conteect. in
duplicate for furnishing power foe the. stone C:'usher, wes :'eed, and seine
was ecce_ted and ordered filed, end the propel' offs^•'rs were inst.:ucted to
executed sold contract es read, on behelf of the City.
Oom.untc•. tlons from Alarm n UcLeeetuln 'nu Burtzlbff, teenrinr the
City offlciels for the fior'.l tributes et the time of the death of their
wife and ra'her, respectively, were reed end accepted and orde:'ed faed.
Hon. H. H. G1_iee, epDea'ed In behalf of the Memorial Lay Colin:.it ee
find ¶seed for en eppr0priatlou Of $125.0e. and on motion 01' Aldermen Murphy,
the r'eeuest wes granted.
Report of Clem of ::unlit, as Court, of _ecelpLs foe the month of
April, wes on motion of Aldermen Murphy, Letspted, Ordered filed and
referred to the Fln•nce Committee.
City Treasurers report of receipts and cisbuesements for the month of
Apr'11, end his flnar.ci.i statement for the month ending Apl. 20, were reed,
and on motion of Aldermen L:urely, accepted, oroe:'ed flied and referred to
the elrsnce COomittee.
Cite, Engineers estimates Nos. 324, 325 & 326, on work done by McGee &
Nolan on So. First & East aaierd Ctreets sewers. and On work done by Fraser&
& Danforth, on the Co. Brcbdw'. y, East Pine & So. Second streets sewers, end
on the North Hill Outlet :ewers, were presented am reed, end on motion of
Alderman Murphy, were accepted, ¶*proved &nu ordered filed.
Report of the City Attorney, on the status of the c¶ties presented by
Mr. J. F. A. keplln, anu Mr, e. J. Mbdeen, which was eefeeeed to him on April
7, wee reed, end on motion of Alderman Stereel, was . t'.pted and Ordered filed,
slid referred to the :'inane Committee.
COlmnunieetion frog. the Cite Znulioc c, Calling attehtlon to the feet
debt the matter Of eepel:•1tlS welts Slid consteucttr:g *Inlets to sewers where new
sewers had been cOnst•^ICted.sho'lld to attended t0 at Onee., ana en notion of
Alen:men BOI•aweil, seen was a^^t•pted end ordered fled, and the wore ordered done.
Report or ftonet :u•. r:Y Cor.:r:. ti:.0, el.. tyre to h+.virx: s'arted the .eresher•
'ins mean feceseerY Improvements nts ¶tr t the gee; i anc ease subl:merino the
proposition or 11 E. J. SSMln, :eeet1Y•• to Ce.• s'.n. 'recite wes read, end on
motion of Aldermen Auij hy, WSs s^^r.p1 e.0 one n:u•-: eri leled, %tie the Orlt.•:'y Com.
wee •.uthor'lzed to neeotlote •+1 th i... Seedin, 11. eceeeleeee `.t.h his pr,nns.l.
Revert of entice Come reeomeeneine thet the Cite. Cones uct Cone: cte
brlaee Oh i:I/evertft.. w.s I.•s'::tot; Jet oar:. 1. .. it .. of A':.' tf.I1 lordWil,
s'.1': re,.ort was ea •run Of-de:ed fired,
Aldo,:::mn:e st••. o•1•t,i tn•.t to Bi1n., Coil.. L•• ..tIo_.z'u .•.•n. plsns
and sp7C1:1C>t1OL8 prep'•.-t❑ is; ¶ COLC : :1.•a'•' OL •'t' 1't , n': epon
vofi call tfle motion was es led 1 y the i e: ler l,..l.•, I
Aldermen Bardwe.: $0fteen. .. cL.ughltry ..ctst''r. .5:per en.. F: ioensen (6 )
voting Yea, and Aice:Ir n nurtZlsff. Glebser and ; t. e... (: ) '•t �... .
Co..:satlicatltsf :ran the City Ste1llleer, . ith t•1'•n '.r:d proftle fur reams
Notfi iu2:, f t. eet frmn Z¶st U n Jt.; eel. to the old P:,1cts tr-wiry, w::; presented am
reed, an° on ::pylon of Alder on lea phy, that port of sal:. . t ref c.•rinr to the
gracing of the north 14CO feet of sold street, be Ora d -Ghe crt6^ompl LAi "ith,
eXeepting, however, that p5 t of sal:: rep&:t seer Li u.-; L. seilr font wsls s,
e, be
re, red to the : t•-^et 3o'.4ittee tc .Gfeatl. s.e one ep,rt �.t rr Yt
The CpecKi Comm. 'u whom was referred the matter of mina' streets :tined
for further time, as aid also the Sewer Core.. on the Elm Street sewer +.net the
sewer or drain crossing the aooley property, and farther time was granted.
OA mottoh of Alderman turphy, the matter of system of boon-x-epinr referred
to 1n the mess•.ge from the x.yor at the last meeting: was referred to the
Firnt.ce Committee to 1t.restti ate and report on.
Alderman Ooffeen adrartced the idea of using Cal. Chloride, in a dry form
on streets to -lay the dust, and on motion of Alderman Stance' the matter was
referred to the. Special Ger. on oiling streets.
On motion of Alderman ota.Ael, the Finance Comm. was authorized to Inform
the noses of County Commissioners, that any ftads received by the City from
the County road and bridge fund would be expended oa North Main street.
.., On motion of Alderman Star1el, the chair was instructed to appoint a
specirl Comm. of five to wait on the Street Rall• y Co., relative to having
transfers issued to Ct. Paul C!.rs, gown town instead of at the ^orner of
Third and Chestnut Streets.
Alderman Murphy for the F'.1•k Comm. asxed for further time to report on
the n'tter of acting with the it. Croix boat Club and the Booster Club an fixing
up'the laze front, whinh was grunted. Gelling Was
On motion of Alderman bur•tzisff, theAAp:tcetfixed on the dust from the
Stone Crusher was fixed at i2.00 p"r iced for 'two horse loads.
On motion of Alaerman Sta_nel the Fire Dpt. Comm. was last.^: eted to have
the grounds where the :Mortal Louse was re:.roved, Cleaned up.
on motion of Aldermen Murphy the Mrs bpi. Corm.. was instructed to investigate
the feasibility of pvocurlt.g motor a;.par•atus for the Fire Department.
Rasolat}on_Nc._ 2ebg,,__._
on fixing salaries or the ''ire pt, m'•n was adopted by the following vote -
Aldermen bordwell, Burtzlaff, CofTeon, Glebier, MeL+.ughltn, Meister, Murphy,
Startel and President Johnson (9) votes: 'tea
Resolution No. 2259.
on payment of sundry bilis was adopted by the Miaowing vote,vlz:
Alde.mrn Bordwell, burtzlaff, Coifeen, ebier, ilcLau.:hiln, Meister, Murphy,
Starke' and President Johnson (9) voting Yeti.
On !cotton of Alderman Murphy Coun^li ad; ourned.
Attest; a�� nte-t.✓
City C1erK. President of h; City Council.
• 118
Council Ror,a,
Ctl ilwat•- , :..11.L.:feY lyth 1914.
Rereiiar .,e. tint:
Present Aldermen Bo1'Uwell, burtziaff, Cot'fe=l.,Glebler, CelaaiTh11ns
Yelstee, rirphy, Cta -tel, ',m, p= est:i...nt John.;on .9 )
Atnutes of lest e.:ui'.r me.etinC halt; ::'.: 5th read and approved.
_r,Uerltt J. Osb::re, ren:esenti;..' the •ihl to Motor Fire Department
Apparatus Co., sel.ressud the Cour.^. i, settli.r forth the merits of thallhite•
Fire Apparatus • a+.c the ::ratter was left it the hands of th- Flee Department
Comm.i t tee.
Sr. Glenn Rogzers htc.essed the Conn-11 relative to the price form rlY
fixes by the Connell .or seistnc t:.e stone must from the crusher to be used
es a fe:ttltzer, and advised a reduction in the seliln.' price. and or, motion
of Al.•'1•m1•n etaekel the selilr.i n:'lce Was f xed at 60 cents per ton, the City
to Day for- the wet;:nine.
OitY AseeSSOr 11aWnir.n stated that It •ou1U b: impossible for him to
gut his wcrx done im the tine aiiotted for the work unless he ceeld ret some
assistance, and suW:-ated that the Council ie:,ve the master in the finds of
the Committee on taxes.
Co.rnuntcattbn from thttsett Cool t. eln1re: Co. of Ch:caro,QU0ttnc a
price of •3.50 per tor..f.o.b Ctii1W':te: for Rainbow I(oci:tnr: shaker screened
dOmestie lump Coal, was retie ana ordered filed.
Proposition of rboreen & Canoaen, for s'ie of c':ta1n cars and real
for the Ctone qua.-. y, Was -ead anti orae:-ed filled.
Cor::'1nl cation from the. County Auditor• stating that the County had
appropriated 12000 f-om the road and bridge fund to be eX ended on North Main
Street Was read rind ordered filed,
Coiturilcation fro,, the Isaac Seennetmer Realty Company,relative to
cOnveY111C the. east 30 feet of the so-called rt111am Ctreet,914 the North 20
feet of the tract of land owned by them on the North side of Pine street
between Martha dna 31ii1raa Meets, was reed and refered to the City Fmfelne.er.
Contract with the Consue.rs Power Co., eelativr to p wer for the
Stone Crusher was rend and a^_repted and ord=-ed filed.
Release from Adolph tress, fore ln;,tiry sustained to his leas on account
Of ',reaming into a sewer on Mulberry street, wzs read and ordered filed.
Oaths of cffloe of A. J. ;Loam and C. i. Brenner as members of the
Cchcoi Board was read end Oar.. ed filed.
Notice of claim for datimees i:'Ott L'r5. t&rriee E. Scala. for the Sum of
P750.00 was read, and on motion of Aldermen Matsufhiln, w-r.s referred to the City
Report of City :inctr.er 701“11re to repairing pavement on 'Myrtle dtreet
was read, and on mutt. a of Alderman »n--, hy, the Ctrret Cocniss1Oner was in-
structed tr make the necessary - c'alrs tinder the d.:eeti0n of the City Stiginaer.
Supplemental :sport u1' City Attu:',et: :eiatVe to the claim of J. 7. A.
Koplin snc »rc. t. J. Madden, was mesa, and on potion of AlCermon 7tcLaughlin
was .C?epted end orau.-0U flied.
Report of the Bride Comm. :eiative to the cohstr.etion of a c,ncrete
bridge on Z7e: ett r true t, rcco..nene....; the see..^,taper of fee. Yueners proposal
for fe i'nlshl!A the plans .ni sp'rtfier.tron `end th.• steel for reihfa.'cement
Was .er.d,AlaesI;.-.n E0r.Weil no'red th.t the report be accepted, o,o'red filed
sou the :-eenmlaenda:'. zns ordered ;'empitcd with, silo e.:pon roll Call the tutlon
was carried by the f ,lowing -tote:
Aldermen Bordoeli, Coffeenpl4CL.utblln,itel1ter, Surpby and r'resldent
Jonn3Cli (6) vo till'@; •=et., at t Aiaermen Bu-tzi'ff, G1eblev and r tt.:tea (') voting
Report of the t? rela Comm. on olLtn:, st:-erts,•eeosmen:llhr' the p'rrchaae of
a cat' load Of Ca1Cl-t. Chicuide horse mGChlne to dlst.it'rte s4rur, Was
:'e',d, and on :.o tl oi. of .AMU. men Bur Pilaf: s'ia • Wes •.C^ep ted, ordered fin-d and
the remain,- Leal teas o aereat Computed :1th.
Re ort . the. ,cower Corr.. .•.l'.tty to 'oest rhettor of sues'.' iT gest apple
street, eer,mending ssmr, weft read, and on ration of' Aldermen Eu^tziiff Was
wecept'd, nrd Ted filed 6r:d sewer ordered 'IOr.4t.ei^t.ed.
Report of :.lone 9'1;: 'Y Gorei1tee, re'our,endlLg the I:renese of the so-
Calied ,:'sell-h. mmee n. i11 now on trial at the C, Was or. motion of Alderman
tiarphy, ace,. tee, r , i fli o ni the reCClt fir t an ern real cocplt a with.
Report -. re- r COIS.. on dens t CtlQr. of serer- lh lest T'lm fo,th
we: ett t...its, re or.,..encln, the , was on nottor of Aldr tisn erKei,
hceeptrl Crdeted flied and seer oreerd rods _-. cten.
Report of F1na'e Comm. relative to the system of boon-r..-.pin.' by the City
Clerk and City Tresurer, was on motion of Alderman Eurtzi.aff, eater teed and
orur:ed tiled.
The Fin'-cce Uornitlee asked 1'0. further time on the clams of J. F. A.
Kepin and I:rs. W. J. L'id%en, r'hlr'h vas granted.
The chair announced the appointment or the regular Llch ttnr< Comm„ as the
Comm. on I:ur,iclpal ownership et plant.
Also an. otnCed having '.pr oixted Alde:.rn :.:clster, ::urphy, ttarkel, Coffeen
sna Johnson, ss th- sn-etal ctr.:lit:e to eonf,' will, the Ct'•et Rai]Tay Co.,
relative to transfers to ft. Paul CjrS one ot.he: matters.
On nation of Alde_Lrn ^urphy, the proper officers. Tc:e authorized. in tehalf of
the city t0 accept 432.50 and ret.:n the old Lotter to the ltanufaetu: rs 3ut ply
Go., of I:lnret.pci1s, 1h full settlement of the 0fl1m a._aintt said company, on
so`O'.Lt of tte purchase of the toiler room Said company for Lhe stle crusher plant.
Alderman COtfeeen :eporte.0 the bridge across the N. traeke known as the
�. Browns, Creek bridge as lelag 10 Ltd condition, and or. notion of Alderman
ttarice1 the Matte:' was re:cited to the Bridge Coiu ..City Attoeney and CM Engineer
to 'invektli...te, and curd: vitt. e.he board of County GGru:+1ASSOners and N. F. Ra11waY
Co., rel'tiVe t0 sane:.
On Ration of Alderman Cta.,...1 the purchasing Comm., was inSt:ucted to
look up thr price of small trucks f0_ hose to be used in flushing streets tad
report on same at next meeting.
On motion of Alderman Hurtzl'-tt the _. L. Corgi!., was instructed to procure
new arts fe: th. h.z,d threes Of the Gasolene Engine, and have the tires re -set
on the Patrol Wagon.
On notion. of Alderman Lurtsioff the V. 1.Cordd., wcs instructed to inquire
into the feasibility and cost of pump for testing hose and also the repair of
the volt meter used at the fire dep+.rtment.
On motion of Aleerrr:n Ct :kcl, the irizwice Corn., was _instructed to secure
additional help fo the Ass:viso: 1f they deemed 11t neeesse.Y.
On notion. of A:dermen L'cLsus_'nlin, the so-called O'Neal store at the
corner of Fourth and Ott:retail Meets was designated ss the votinr place in
the second precinct of the first Ward.
On motion of Alderman xcLas:hlan, t.^,:z 0t,ink: eulilfted electors were
appointed as ju::::es of lection ro: the ehs$thu leoboe., viz.
Pipit Praclrct, Second Precinct 'third precinct.
John F. O'Ro.rke r. P. CWSnson Cm1) Heiging
E. B. iheieh .. M. Johnson George Johnson
Louts I., Leyh Chas . E. Glaser J. H. Boyne
Secon_o tar di
nest tle.cl ^t. • 2econd Frec+r.et. Third precinct.
Chas. O. Hawkinson John Booren John Lund
r. Lohier xlch.rd telsh John . Jackson
Jno. L. Hcurdaphs Y1As Ctack martin Dick.
Third t _dart:.
First precinct. neoori arc^ir.et. Th rd precinct.
011i1t1. Jznitz A1b..rt ti. :staples C. C. Reed
John Ee..;eroh Mier itekeller r:. J. Pe111n
Antos. L'chueiiing George Hte:ls uhas. Hs111n
Renoir: Lion ;:0. 2270.
or. cohst.ra"Lion of Sewer in No.FOurtft:eat Was adopted by the following' vote:
Aldva,n LordWL14, >urtzloft, CO;r•..n, G.eb1e., ncLaughiin,L'eister, YurPhy,
CtS:Art and rtes. Johh.on 0; voting Yea.
Rraoi-,.tion_PO, 2:.71•
on coostri.ction of fewer mr. Vest elm an% 'R, Evr.:e..: tt Beets vas adopted by the+ •
fo<l0WiLCc vote: Aldermen Eorderel.l, Ertzlaff. Coffevn, Giebier,ECLe ghiin,
L:u:phy, Cta:r, e1. and pre:;. Johnson 0) voting' Yea.
— Resole:1(n 1:o. 2272
On payment of sund:y L1lis Was adopter. Li' ter' fr..:.cwio4 Tote -Alderman Y,Ordv.•elt,
Durtz_ f, Coffeeh, Ctlbl a:, I1cL',;:lt.i:., .ci. t;rah;l, .Ctt:•kel. Snd meal ce'.nt
J:::.sot 19; ve. tint xes.
On .(DLiar of Alderut.h 'durphy the tt eet Crdr r1. W+,e lrntr;eted to confer with
the props : tY otters On 1. rti.! Ct.: a t, I,! t2 en I.'.in and ..e"r,nd St. orts relative to
p+:v-m.ent o. sa,r: st. eat.
Or :rutlor. C. Asecrmsr. Bertzl%ff the Ct.. t Con late w+.s it.ut.r:eted to look
into Ile Ls'te Of rep'.1>ir.r Routh 4th n,. so: :ejc.:t •.LI XL m'timc
CI, flop of Axde. rmr, 1.a.p'r.1'. Ccun"li
Atirst; /
{G.et �CILG feee-e cif
C1 ty C-ie.:'Y.. pronlde::l...tf l.he C1ti: Councl)
Count i Room,
avtsi ".t?., :i.ni. Jens 2, 19.14.
Pe.' is t:ec Llnr:�
present Aldermen Bordwbll,Bul tzl'iff, Coffren, Gtebler, PcL•.ughl1n,
Metste:•, Murphy, eteeke. and President Johnsen (9).
Min:tee of last eeeeler m....tine r rid Ley 19, read and epn:ov-d.
Mr. Therms 7. J.htrs tone, :epeesetin.: the Ame does LsFrence Fire Engine Co..
Ur. J. e. Lynch, :ep.esentlne: the ltssell Pier Co., end Mr. Yee ltt. Osborne,rep-
resertln:' the White rotor Co., etch 1n turn addressed the council and presented
the meelts of thcle ees-peck ive Fire App.:a tts, but no ect_oh was t+t.'n and farther
tame was granted to the F. D. Comm. to lnvesti. ate.
Me. Robert Cuilly*.r., stated th'.t he cesired to close a ce±tein foot path
across his property on south kiln Street, ucless the City would Proteet him from
an/ demeees Lh':t mtcht Le caused to pedest.r tins using the path, and 0! motion
of Aldermen Ctseeel it was decided that the Council meet as a committee of the
whole at the property of Mr. Suiliven to --morrow ho-tane at 9 o'clock and investi-
gate the conditions.
County Commissioner John. CleeeY, muted *hat the County be permitted to
rent the Cteom Roller to be used on the Boom-ls, ad, end on motion of Aldermen
Utazphy the matter was eefe.;ed to the Street Comrittee with power to Het.
Mr. &m!i Grant addressed the Council reletly' to boys Coasting on the
streets, end asked for entice, end was informed that the ordlnbncee of the Cite
prohibited coasting on streets as well es or. sloe -walks.
AppltcetlOnR of Ben Berglund and A. A. Teener for renewal of Liquor license
was on motion Of Aid. Cteri.el, mccpted, orVred riled and 11c0n8e granted,
Pstetlon of Eta H. Su.liven el, el for sewer on North Fifth fircet, was
On C.Oteen of Aldermen Burtz1.tf, 'aCeef tee, oyeeeed turd and referred to the
Se er Committee.
Report of receipts of tee eunicipel Court for the month of rosy, was reed
end On motion of Aid. Vurphy, was eceepted, ordered filed and referred to the
Fin. Comp..
City Treesur•es statement of receipts and disbursements foe the month of
KW, an': his ftnenciel statement foe the month ,..n. Inc Nay 31, was read 'Jd On
motion of Aid. eur•phy was aceeeted, oTtlered f:led and :efeeeed to the Fin. Comm.
Communication from the City Engineer relative 'o a sidewalk 'assessment
levied seeinst the South heir of Lot 32 Block 42, 0rlein'.1 Town, new City of
City of Ctlllwater, irregularly and erroneously, was on motion of Alderman
keLeueblln, ordered cancelled, and the City Tre'.surer was instructed to charge
same :.g'.elst the Nei of said lot.
The City Engineer to whom was referred the eomennlcetton• from the Isaac
Beenh-leer Realty C ., relative to the east 30 feet of 41111eh Ctreet and U.
20 foot strap for an Alley,off from the north side of their tract of land
fronting en Pine Street between Martha end wllll*m St:eets,made report and rec-
ommended that the City offer them 1100 for sale tracts of lend, and on motion
of Aid. Ct.;Ael, the proper officers we:e authorized to make the offer to Bald
Company, and enter into nee:tleitons with them if acceptable.
Communl'atlon frog the City T.nglneer recommending that a concrete drive-
way be constructed along the south side of the :-Ire, Department tulldings was
read end on motion of Ald. Burtzlefl' was referred to :he 1'. D. Comm.
Final estimates of the City Engin or on :Forth Hill Outlet Sewer and the
So. Beoanway, south Plne Ond Rest Cccond Cireets wc::-e presented and read, and
on motion of Alderman Cte:tel, were accepted, approved end ordered filed.
City edlclneer•'e Partial estimate on the const;-'action of youth rirst a
Zest Willard et. sewers wee read and on motion of Ald. McLaughlin, wes eOrept-
ed, approved Send ordered Rasa.
Report of City Attorney on the, ruin of Grace B. Ho. fey, was rend, and on
motion of Ale. Sterkel, was accepted end ordered filed.
On n t1on of ;aldermen Murphy the City .reesu er was 1nst:u^tad to pay to
Mrs. L. L. Tubes. the. eemeleine 0500 due on stone roomy lots, after all taxes
are paid eg's.nst sold step: rty.
The specla Com. se. olnted t, a efer wife '.he else t. Petlwsv Co., eela141re
to transfe--e tee, repo ted hev,ne:' had a donf Seer-- r''e 1. . Horace 1.orre, General
Menai' = of s310 .'oad, en:l hrd secared the stop Over tretsfers es desired, and
had aid0 succeeeed ie ,chase the "Owl" ear to m••r.e the el eett .sown town instead
o1' cane. nutng 'up south Third rt eet es heretofore, end else had the promise from
Mr. Lowry th_t the Ra11wY CO., voeic 17Y to work out seee scheme to !rive the
e leein rteeat cars coeeet t.th the et. rani ears. Senn el. ;:ettor. of Alde man
Coffeen, the report was accepted end o^ue:.ed flied,
Ald. Cof...
een of the et;=et :kern. repo;tea ,avl � : eeeived the m03hine t0
d1st.;lta. .e the.Iri CalclChloride &nu heo o..j-ref e c',r toed of Calcium Chloride and
cxpectec same here ,ethic: a day or two, 'end es soon es 1t '._. ived 1t souk to
distributed ,n the ate eets.
Ald. Coffeen Iltq 'trod of the C1 tY Al tY, yhaehad Lore done relative to the
Browns Creel brid>c, and he Warn o the Council of his optnion of the legal
phase of Ih question, ant: fa: iher tits, wt,s : vnted to the Gomm.
On motion of Aide:man 1Curphy the City Tre.'surer was ins t:-ucted to pay taxes
due on Lot 8 block,. 1 of C'.ril & Cchul,inbu.;a ad atl0n,
On .'.t!Oti Of Ald. buetzl+afC the :ewer OOtteu.. was instructed to have patterns
made of man —hole cover;.
on motion of Ald. Burtzlaff the Puri( Comm. was instructed to have certain
repairs done at the bath houses st Lily L.r.e.
on motion of Ald. Sta_Ael the Ctreet Corm. was instructed to confer with
11r. J. L. bourd-.ghs :elative to construction of fence s.onc his property.
On motion of Ald. Burtzlaff the bills of Prase: et Danforth we.:-e laid over
anlil next meeting.
Bids o1' L, M Peasi::e and the Bo..rd of 'later Commissioners were referred
L. Lh:ilncnee Cores.. to tnvestla::te and report on at next meeting.
0n motion of Alderman burtz;.ff the bill of Edward Londliion of $25.65 for
repairs to the floor of the 01d Enflr.e House was allowed and ordered paid.
resolution No. 22'U.
On payment of sundry '.111s wns'adopted by the following; vote,viz; Aldermen
Bordwell, Bartzisff, Coffeen, Gleblcr, 'McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy, Starke]. and
President Johnson (9) voting Yea.
0n 110110n of Alderman Mu phy council adjourned.
7 . y/�
Attest; 4 4t,�!sdtlit6
OltY c1erA.
PreSlden O the City Coe cil.
Coutc_i Room,
Stillwater, Linn, June 16,1914.
Regular ueeting.
Present Aldermen BOrdwell, LartZlaff,Coffeen, G1ebler,McLaug1:11h,
ttelster, Murphy, Ctarr..1 and President Johnson (9).
Minutes of :rant recdiar ms•tlr:' read and approved.
1,everal members of the Libra .y Board zeee preheat and stated that the
roof of the LILZ'ary building heeded repairs, and asked that the City give them
the necessary financial assistance, and cn Irktion of Aide;aon Murphy the matter
wan referred to the finance Cor:.ittee t0 investitate and report.
Application, cf Chas. E. Glaser for retool ci;'s.-eite license was reed and -
On rtct^_on o1' Ale. r'men Cta,kel, same was accepted, ordered filed and license
Cotrunt'''.tion from City Engineer :eco.^.e:.endinr that sl:, foot conc^ete
cross)::cs be constructed on either sides of :truth thi-d street soro&A pine Etret
was read, WIG on u,otion of Alderman Lurt z_aff the reromc:endatlon was ord P: ed
compiled t itr.
Com: alai c+.ikon from the L.tY :n.: inn- I ocom::e'nd1@: the repairs of the
Catch -basin near the corner of Olive and Third Ctreets and the repair of about
thr•ty fe_t of the vain. • t eai rl p.aer-, was On rrrt.lon cf Alderman Stahel ordered
comp:.") t:l th.
City Eigille .s estimatu of ^.oat of col:IL ncline sewers in North Yourth Ct..
from It.- center line of H1?10:i ft., t0 the center line of ':1e.=t Maple aft., and
1n 1:aplc rt., from the center of Yorth :o:i th rt., to a point 100 feet east 0f th-
east 11rnl of t;o:th Owens s :a., and to -"•eat Ella rt... from the venter of North
Fifth rt.. t0 the center of north Cve: ett t't„ nd to north zverett. :; t., from
the center of e:it :1m f t.. to the center of Zest Aspen ft., was On motion of
Aldo, tan :'o-itmll accepted and c,:d :... filed.
Bridge U0IU'. mode report recoil: halt.. th•:t, the City :ae e t the proposal
of ';:r• C. A. F TU:'llr.r to 1Lrniih plans '.ne specifications and steel f..- the
Everett Ct. bridge, and tl,t the 011.' bn.-II:ecr be 1r5+-ranted to advertise for
bide for the core:.„ctloc of said oracle,, contractor to furnish eve-YthinF
except steel and lieeer. .,lnr.0 ,th- stone to to furnished 1,y the City at the
qua, y, and the steel .. C. E. r tliiwa le-.
Aldeercc. Coffers .roved (., 1. ,he .-ecort be „ epted cml .._-d and the
re.'o:,j .tines o'd: red cog -tailed n'. t:-, ;r..: -, ,r 1]. lead 'Ye cr,'ion was co.eled
Ly the to1ic: L'.- veto: A1.,...c-r Fla .:all. Coffein,UcTaughieln, Meister, :-turphy
and T es:der,t John -soh (6 o tine; :;e. aro Alder -net: F'.:t4i_ff, CI'tier and tar:oel (')
01 :r Y.;:. r,' A.Cr. man ltrdwerl the City Atlo: t 0y wa 11se. noted to
preptie a Co.1t:ac1 to be ente ed into With ]. C. A. Y. Tarw-r fo' !h.' t:rnlshtnr'
of pith. .ht spec] fl estions re: the Eve:•el t. Vt. Bridr •, crndl t.icnr•d that if the
City pure/isle the steel from him, the 01 ty t pry Tarim• the sum of AAEC.CC
for the steel and plans end speciflcetlops, Con laird rd ;het if the City does
not Purchase the steel from him, the City to ay Lim $125.00 fo his plans and
spec; f l es lions, and the proper offs eers were ins :+,cted 1.o scan to said con :rnct
after ssn.r had t-en se p:epa..,.. Ly the City Attu:b+{+.
Tire Mayor 'and City Attorney called the Councils ettentlon to casein
law relative to the enne::.Lion df '1:e Fri seri property to the enc., and or notion
of Alderman Eurphy the City Attorney was instructed to i..,t1 drat¢ s.1U matter
.tad report on same from time to time
The Street Comm. reported having lnt,,rViewddthe property owners along
both sides of :CYrtle Ct., b: tureen Main and Second Ct., . e1t.tive to paving said
street, and reported Lb.t practIOel1Y s11 the otters desired to have ssid
street paved, and on motion of A1de:tnn lair•phy the City SW:Isere was instructed to
prep.:e and present to the Counell his estimate of costs for send work..
Mayor Mosier st.'ed that the Cemata r As.;oab.tion wanted about 100 yards
of crushed :ock, and desired to :.how what the City would entree for same, and
ou Potion, of Alderman::CL.uch11n the price wos fixed .t S1.00 per yard et .marry.
The Rayon also stated that they desired to have the use of the steam roller
to roil the avenues in the cemetery, end on motion oi' Alderman 1!urp?b' the matter
was left With: the St:rct Comm., with power to Set. •
Or: n.Oti01 of Alderman L:urphY the price of crushed POSY. for the Vt. Rellw.y :.
Co„ and to indivldasls Wes fixed at A1.25 ,.er yurd .t the euar y.
On :notion of Aldermen Murphy the Chief of the hire Deportment was authorized
to employ an assistant of the rire Department while the firemen were on their
tneuel vacation.
on motion of Aldermen i'Iirphy the Mayor was authorized •e employ an essis-
tsnt to serve as patrolmen while the pollee officers "ere on their annual Vacation.
On motion of A1de•men Burtzlsff the City En:rtneer Was •nst:ueted to ad-
vertise for lids In the Still at r CSzette, for the construction of the Sewers
in Test Elm and North Everett St.-':p ts, and in North Fourth rt. Spd rest Maple
On motion of Aldermen Yurphy' the Chat:-msr of the Quarry Committee was
ins:et ed to notify the superintendent of the 'Stone outrry not to sell enY
crushed rock without an order from the City Clerk.
On motion of Alderman RcLat:grain the Purch.sine Conn., was instructed
to purchase . t.reasing plow for the .'treat deportment..
Ald. Coffeeen for the St:e,: t Corr.., reported that the Engineer of the
N. P. R511roud bed been over end with the City Emile r had made an examination
Of the browns Creax,Brtdge ,end they we-e working out a plan LO repair same.
Ald. COffeen of the St_r.et Cort:.,reported having had a talk with Mr.
Bourd+:ghs :eia.t:te to erection of s fence along !As property on Third St., and
stated that Y.r. ul.rdaghs said be v:cuid rot do .rrxr.is,; about It unless he was
Compelled to !:o so'
Ala' Etar,.ei moved that the Pureh.sine Coccii., .ace: train what would be the
pi'ob+:Lie cost Of erectirl:; on iron. fence .long said prop -Sty and report on same
.t next s:eotps, .
On motion of Aid. Burtzleff the ft,tet Co--11 tee was tnst uCted to
have the bitchier costs snd a11s [ tinted.
RenoirtiOG _NO. 2271; _
on V'+fi:e'nt of sundry bills tins adopted b: the fc.3ow'ir' vote; Alderman Boirdwell,
Bu tzl+. ff, Coffe r: en, Glabler, ttct+a:. h1ir,, 'Pis to: , Eu:'Dhy, Stark c3 six! Front dent
Johnson (9) voting Yeo.
Onymmotlon o1f..^leerm:ar. Stan el.
A 1. t /
es t . Q,f `zQte1.11-C tt
Cit Clerk.
Council ad:Isart:e!i.
k 7f ci ill t.
Presider. of thy City oon^13.
0:ohncll Roof.:,
Sttll ate., ::anr.. Juav 7th 19.4.
P :l.itsr L'e tin;
Pr :Writ Alde:•rn-r lio: do+e11. Brie t ?doff', Coffr. n
Sta:nei F'es1 r. nt..:Lira _. ('!).
Y:.azc t s efM ia.vt ;'..I'.:• vier • 1.1./ held Jane 16.
On. :.=Liar. of Aldermen It.:- . , the bids fo. the.
ot.".et heidge we: a opened ape rend as fG1a OFF.
Bride u.
Iii::cts Steel Bridge Go. 4750.00
Teases tin .s. 63GJ.00
U. A. Adar..s & Co. 5196.00
Hewitt Bfide.. & Steel Co. 3796c.00
Go., 3784. UG
O.4. Olsen 3650.00
P:ul F.a1:1: r, Go.
and on motion of A1Cellaan LiCLnughlln, th- btls were
Bridge. COrsilttee and City Sngl:.ear to ex.aLane and ^eporet.
Aldarmdn Coffeen for U:r' crtdce Goan. reyor•terr that the Bid of 0. H. Olsen
Of i3650. foe the cor.st:action of the bridge end the bid of C. A. P. Turner
wets the lowest blucees,-and
Alderman toffeen moved that the proposition of lt-. 0. A. P. Turner tO
Swinish the steel and plats and specifications for tit.: bridge be accepted, end
upon roil call the motion wes carded by the foilowlnw vote;
Alderman Borclweli, Coffeen, McLaughlin, ;tebster, Murphy duct President Johnson
(6) voting Yea, and Aldermen Burtzlaff, Ciebier and Statical (3) vottng Nay,
Alderman Coffees moved that the bid of u. ri. Clsen,for the construction of
said bridge for the sum of $365u.,exclusive of steel, be e.ecepted and contract
awarded to him. was Upon roil cell carried by the following
Alderm-n Dor-dwell, Coffees, LtcLMu;Llin, L:etster, Murphy, end President
Johnson (d )voting Yea, and Alderren Burtzlaff, Otebler and Starkel (3) voting, Nay.
On :grottos of Alderman Murphy the bids rot- the construction of sewers on
the North dill were 0p red and eerie is follows:
lest Elm Street. North Fourth fit_eet.
William Danforth 1800.00 3400.00•
Doherty' t' :on. 2257. 00 4241.00 .
McGee Pic Nolan 1952. y8 '872. 40
end on notion of Alderman McLaughlin. the bids rreee ;efe-. a to the sewer
Coin., oral City Englnee: tc. exar.ine and eport cn at this mer.tin,;.
Aide -mean Burtzlaff of the Lehrer ttee reported that the bid of t1i11am
Danforth for the const..'., tIcn of :;-'Y sere:s was the lowest.
Alde:rear, Bordweil roved that the bid of U111tam Danforth be, accepted, w1:fCL
moth!. wine e: dopted by the following vote -
Aldermen Borriwell, Coffeen. LIcLauLhlitl, 'Ne,ster, Murphy, and President
Johnson (6) voting Yea, Aldermen Burtzleff, dialer and Etarkel (3) voting Nay.
Alderman Burtzlaff and Cta•kel, riwo :acml.srs of the :ewer Gomm. submitted a
report, stating that they v'e:.e rppose.d to the construct -op of the sewers above referred
to at this t11he On account Of the financial condition of the Olt:, and on motion
Of Aide:dean ::urphy, the report Wt.R ecr•epted and oedere:; filed.
Feteticr: of C. J. Levine et. al asking that a sewe. be constructed 1n Rest
l:lcr.cl1 tt:•aunt w•.s toad, end on potion of Alde:mdli Burtzlaff was rr,fe.,'1ed to the
sewer' Comm., tc. .lsenticate and report on of next :aeetlL;;.
City Clerk reported havi:.i: tecetved the deed from the Isaac Bel'thelme'r Co„
for a 30 foot strip of land to widen all lam 1'trr. , off froth the west side of
the 1i of tilt of SE* of Sl} Cec. 28, loan ?0 Range�20, and aria no o rtrlp of lend
20 feet 1n - idth for an AiieY, along the no. tb de of said tract, end on motion ,
of Aldrepan 1tir•phy, the same was accepted and 61Cr:ed recorded Ir the Cff1n- of
tar Register of Dy•.:cts of Washington County.
Lr. Yob ert Cu,; lv'.n, aidsr. aide cosh.:-int. '.be,t tin private font path r.e:.oss
ty, any aft . . Forge r+xpl ran t. pL bS thr. C7 t: etl 0:sev. at a ti r:t that the
City rn.c nothtn.: to go filth paths raciest. pel:'tr prope:tY, the matter was d!Opp•°d.
p: serf-d a coh:i.uniecli n, a4iGirittrl: :ii„is .. Oon'ri es.-,
Ilrs. I1 r'ilic llolor. arc: Ere. LW N. 'iolen, .s members of '` T4.l .L , Lewd, to
aerie fc: tTu-se far:r. the tht rd se. thr'iv. tr. Jaly, i. 517, and t:1 ss Jessie A.
ILuilcry to FB:':t ut:tl1 t1> tnl -:1s'. tr, fill th 'i1e'-1,'ed
test. of 1.rs. Antothirtle o:. r-,tlol cf Al +: =❑ Mel ughlir
the 9-II::e was accepter., o:'..ec ft] rF theI:'. rintc ants COLflrt)''d.
tr+thy Lt office of John )".. . A. A. [ t'. r.7., 3 Ste. F. 11. Lord -well , ,.'e
Cf C. B. Hs whir- to pia:teen and Glenn of the Board of lqual17ct1on, r. espectivelY,
war=, I resented and, ordered flea.
O1'Hi er, ::el ,otllhlin, :lelste..
.....,i '.l.0
coast'..ctirn of th? Eve
Relitfo :irtur fate 1.
6 t:0, 00
59;. 00
refer -ad to
Proposol of Mr. C. A. P. nurner, 1.6 frrnish Plans inn sreeifi entions torether
with rcinforcing stool .• o: the Everett Ct: rt tridge for lb 3111 c,f 610.CC
Wva. and ordered filed.
Csi.sUalty Bond CoVe.u:o toe Ler. i . ri t the Ctone ivarry vs p•esentea
the orcrrea f
Cor.mitr. 1 ca tiun f •-• oh, !he C1 tY Dr,,•.',1Coer ema $ 1 ve to siderain and curb corners •
at the corners cf nest Pine nrsc: Cr,;:th HC1Ccale St: eets Tor; lead and referred
to the Street COMOlttee.
Liquor licerme cf A. A. FroSer, wag presented r.nd approved MCI
ordered filed. for renewal of lidour license
Applicaticnsisof Jos. Wolf Co., Adolph R. Kelm, Thomas Scarily, Hermon C.
Kelm and Peter A.iCarl:,on, were a. esented and reod and on motion of Aldermen
Murphy, some were accepted, ordered flied and license granted.
Report of Clem of Municipal Court of receipts fo,• the month of June, on
the City Treasurers report of receipts and disbursement for the same :meth and
his financial statement for the month ending June O,w3re reed, and on
motion of Alderman licLauglain, were accepted *ordered filed and referred to the
Finance tiom,..ittee.
City rangineers Partial estimate No. 330 for worK ::one ct South First •
Street fewer by McGee & Dolan, VGA Weep Led, approved and ordered filed.
City Fmginecrs estimate of cost of pairing MYrtle Street between Min and
Second Streets was presented and read, and on notion of Alderman Murphy re—
ferred to the Street Clommittee.
Aldermen Btrtzleff reported baying lniestir.“-ted the probable cost of
LloterIti to COtat:iipt an iron fence on Third St: eet along t'' property of
John BoUrdagba, and that the y proximate cost of one inch iron including posts
would be about ;MOO and for 11/4 iron stout 46.00 more., and c n notion •
of Alterman Yur,,hy, the Street Committee. was instru-ted to ascertain the cost
of constructing said fence itlec.cllts; material and report on SOIne at next meeting.
Alderman McLaughlin, for tb rinance Comm., reported haring met with the
Library Board, and discussed the proposition of the adsistance -requiecl of them
by the City in putting or. new roof on Library building, awe stated that they had
convinced the Libr.ry Board that the City's finances would not permit rendering
any assistance at this time, and on motion of Alderman Lurtzlaff report was
Ala. Coffeen, again ato Ted to the. Council that the Browns Green Bridget,- .s
practioxfly uneefe for,rree, and on fiction of Aldeilaori Burtzlnff. the Street *
Committee was instructed to close same up and cause the old roadway across
the ravine put In such shape that it con be thiedsur.1.11 the bridge was repaired,
_ to ask: the County and the Northern Pacific Beltway Cc., to shnre in the expense
Of fixing the crossing.
On motion of Alderman Surtzlaff the F. L. Como., was instructed to ret
prices on 500 feet of hose for the Fire :eportnent and report on same at next
mee Ling.
On motion of Alderman Coffeen the 1,..12-Ch. °Oran., %t.S instructed to purchase
pay.t to point the roofs of the Ott:; inclodirg the F. D. b-r- dirge
(A.C. the C!cluili. was lrstructed to have the shed in the rear of the
E. D. buildings repaired.
I..Otlon of Aid. Burtulaff the F. D. Comm., was instructed to have the
Volt Meter repaired.
On motion of Alderman ftwitel, the gtre.ct Committee was instructed to
contitate the worn on Ito:!?: Vain CtrcPt, under the direction of' the City 'Engineer.
Or, motion of ,11d. Lullaby, tho Ct. cot COMA i tee and City !ligineer was
instructed to irn-stira i.e the condi tions of the crossirrs at the corner of
6th t. r.yr tl e St., 6 tt, 5nd Cl roe Ct. , end cullrdt at C0rr of 6th rine
and the crossing it the Go: er of Lain and ...'elson rt: ett,
On no tl or. of Ald. Eta.nel, the City T. ens. vs aut,;orized to Visit the
City of ilanitntm to ...see. tali, the SySteM of hrrd.teeplt;g in use there with
re. crane sewer cssesseents,oh.ore the 5.4 a5onsTril tts are sprencl ovo perloci Of
Al. St arrel iniTriry cis to ell, hod .ranted the Carnivaj,non 11, the City,
the use of th@ mtfrets. ant whethe, they we, e 1. LI $*: any li•rense. Ilsyor Hosier
stater, thnt he had not ii-leta therL Eaiy eOliertht,Or E.ut10 •117, ,Oriu cfl.e$
$.1sCUSfi1Oti, 1,0t1Ori Of AlOCI-loon 1::11-phY, 1 t was Ceeldect trot the Council meet
as a corm', ttee of l'•.e Whole at the City Hall .1.$1:1 80514 at 10 A. with
the ;:erGASentttiVes of the rooster :nut and the manger of the Carnival,
and tale such action as they deemed. ed.oper. Resoietion Do. 2275 oric8th*Ht
BULOvy 1)1112 was :anted ny the foriowirc vote:Aid. Boadtrcis,BurtIlaffti (Miner,
DeLaughlth, ::el.; , DurphY,S ts, rnel & pr es. Johnson () vo tang yea. On rattion
Of A-d. Murphy Ocurci. art,'ourixec.„
refry (
• ci tYOle.:) s1tcL of 00 AL. 11
Cr.uncil Room.
St111wste1, Linn. July 21,19,4,
Re nler Meeting;
Pr -sent Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzl ff, Cor'ften, G1ebl er, 11cIeughltn, Lelster,
;.Alephy, Sttexe", and :resluent Johnson l9).
Minutes of lest regular meeting livid Jule 7,,:eed end approved,
a. Magufflc, representing w, S. Nott Co„ eeeeeseed the Council reletive
to pu chasms fire hose, ana advised them to buy the Lest.
Oath of office of Miss Jessie A' ::ulvey, as a member of the Llbrery Board,
wes presented snd ordered flied.
Notice of claim for damages filed by Mrs. Wm. A. Foley, for injury sustained
by her cauehter Viola Foley, *: minor, ices presented and rend and on notion of
Alderman SterKel, was eefeeeed to the City Attorney.
Application of John welsh end John C. welsh for canreilation of assessment
for construction of sidewalk In front of Lots 1 & 2 Flock % original Cite of
ftillweter, wee on motto.• of Alderman Murphy, accepted, ordered filed and assess-
ment ordered c•.ncelled for the reason that the walks had been caused to be cot-
strueted end paid for by the owners of said lots.
Communication from the Mayor appointing Mrs. Therma A. S1au:hter as a member of
the Library Board to serve foe the tear of three years from the t.hlyd saturt1 y In
July 1914, to fill the vacancy oauseu by the refusal of Lrs, Lola M. Tolen, to
serve, was on motion of Alderman Murphy, accepted, oreeeed filed and epiointm-nt
Remonstrance ar;alr:st the construction of sewer in Hickory Street ,signed
by Andrew OR1und et. al., was presented and read and on motion of Alderman Stertel
the matter was referred to the rawer Curaittee.
Certified copies of res luttona adopted by the Board of Water Commlasicnera
relative to issuing certificates of indebtedness for the laying of Voter Mains
in South Sixth Street, from West Churchill to west Hancock Streets, and in Vest
Hickory Street from North Fourth Street to North Everett Street , was on motion
of Alderman Murphy accepted and ordered filed.
Contract preps ed by the City Attorney, between 0. H. Olsen and the City
of Stillwater, foe the construction of the Everett Street bridre!b was presented,
and on motion of Aldermen Murphy, the some was eeceptedy�ap£$BeOroper officers
were instructed to execute the same 1n duplicate in behalf of the City.
Contracts prepared by the City Attorney between 11111am Danforth and the OILY,
for the construction of sewers in North Fourth Street and West Maple street, and in
West Elm street end North Everett Ctreet,was presented, and on motion of Aldermen
McLaughlin, same were seceptedjr approved, and the proper officers were instreeLed
to execute sold contracts on behalf of the City.
Mr, F. T. wilson, representing the Booster Club end Mr. Chas. Mohr,
president of the St. Croix coat Club ad.ressed the ecuiril relatlrc to taking some
sotto^. toward getting the 1°Jce front and boat houses=ridings put in better shape,
and on motion of Alderman fterxel the matter Ras referred to the Levee Committee.
Report of City Engineer reletive to establishing grade and cost of g rading
the so-called Boom road and East Alder Ctre...t was presented and read and on motion
of Alderman Murphy was accepted end ordered filed.
Report c: City Attorney relative to the annexation of the New prison propvrtY
to the City of Stillwater, wee presented and read, and on motion of Alderman Murphy
same was accepted and ordered filed and a c„py of same ordered sent to the State
Board of Control.
Aldermen Coffee.. 1'o:. the F. L. Cantu , asked for further time on the purchase
of fire hose, which Was granted,
Alderman Burtziaff for the Sewer Comm. flaked for further time on the
proposed Hickory Street sewer, which wes granted,
A1deeMen Murphy & ctsflcl advocated having the bath houses at Lily Lake put
in bet. ter shape, and flog Wider s0m6 police protection, and on motion o: Alderman
Stultcl, the ParK Cora, was instructed to cause the needed improvements merle, one the
Mayer was instructed to appoint a core raker ,with police power, for the, place.
Mr. Wolter Klir.efel ter also stated that 1t wes quite necessary to have some one there
with pollee power to 1o0/. afirr matters, end offered the City the services of himself
end teem to clean up theeeeeds and grabs along the shore, and on motion of Alderman
McLaughlin e vote of thong was tenceeeu nee K11n :f "ter for his renern'us offer.
Aide:men Coffeen Al. the et eet Comm. reported having' at:fled 'he calcium chloride
on some of the streets which sho:.ed good results.
on t.:etlon of Alderman ::cLau.;h"in the Queer( Cam.. wes instr:elect to have 'he
buildings at the stone 4uarey properly paint e.
On ee t:on of Aid_..::an ;cLeeehlin the L1ght:nr Comm. was instructed to look
1ntc the needs of street 11e_Lts on toter r;aln Street, and report at next meet -leg.
Pim was sia;Pec
127 e
Or, :.otior. of Alderman :..u:•nhy the matte r of anchoring or : opltcing a certain
pole b..ion;;1nc to the Consumers ?over Co., standing near the dare of the bridge
wts referred to the brid:e Commltte.
On motion or Alderman Murphy the flospt tal CGkfl. was authorized to cause to
be eongt,-rated a cess pool for the new ::urges Home, and to cause the water
con._etlons to Le ride with said building.
Cn :otior. of Alderman Murphy the Street Corri tee was 'Lj.st^rated to investl-
ate the conditions of Orleans Street, west of Greeley street and report on same
at next meeting.
On motion of Alderman Starke). the Street Committee was instructed to lnvestlrate
the conditions of the depression in the pavement:cn Second Street in front of
Farmers Garage and report at next meeting.
0n motion of Alderman Burtzlaff the park Comm, was instructed to procure e
lease or right to use the shores of Lily Lcke for bathing purposes and bath houses.
On motion of Alderman Burtzlaff the City hnrlrecr was 'Instructed to adver-
tise for bids for Concrete pavement on Myrtle Street beta=en Main and Second strejts,
bids to be returnable August 4, 1914 7.30 Bel:.
G:: ts.tL.)a of Alderman Burtzlaff the Sewer Comm. was instructed to interview the
Board of Mater Comm. relative to laying water Main to the same trench as the Sewer
Pipe on west Hickory Street.
Resolution No. 2276,
on payment of aund:i bills was adopted by the following vote-
Alderm-n Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Coffer. n, Giebie:•, McL•.ughi1n, Meister, Murphy,
Starkel and Pres. Johnson (9) voting '<ea.
Resolution rt0. 2277
euthoriztn:r the Board of pater COMB. to Issue certificates of Indebtedness for the
laying of water main in South Ctxth Street was adopted by the following vote-
Aldermen..Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Coffeen, tsiebler, McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy,
Starkel, and Pres. Johnson (9) voting Yea.
Resolution No. 2275_
eutnorizing the board of water Comm. to lssue certificates of indebtedness for the
laying of a water main in west EleLory Street was adopted by the following. vote:
Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Coffeeen, Glebler, McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy,
Star•kel and Pre. Johnson (9) voting yea.
Resolution No. 22/9
establishing grade of the Boom Road between East Alder Street and the north line of
the 71ty was adopted by the following vote- Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Coffeen,
Glebler, McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy, Star:.el and Pres. Johnson (9) voting yea.
Resolution No. 2210__
establishing grade of EastAlder Street from the west line of North -Broadway to
west line of the Boom Road w s adopted by the follorl'g vote: Alderman -:-.p» ell,
Burtzlaff, Coffeen, GSebler, McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy, Starkel and Pres. Johnson
(9) voting Yea.
On motion of Alderman Murphy Council ad;ou nee,
ntseet. egerjaCeesreateil
City Clerk,
president of the't/S'y Courrll
Council Room,
Stillwater, Linn. Aug. 4, 1914.
Regular t:eettne;
Present Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzl:aff,Coffeen, Clebler, Ur ee chum,
Surer:,', Stereel and president Johnson Oh, Absent Alderman l.tetst • 11;.
Mleutr•.s cf lest _eeular meet le held July 21, read and approved.
en motion of Alderman McLaughlin, th Lids for psvlr.c Myr':is Ftneet b•-
tweer, Main and Second Streets were opened tie ead as follows:
Per souse nee. Catch -basins
Albert ErlAtz 31.10 i30,00
J. J. Weckwerth & 3o. 1.54 25.00
and 0.. motion.of A1dnwn Murphy the i.1dS wee referred to the fteee.t Germ.
and City Engineer to examine ant report on :t this :wetter:.
Council tooi a recess to allow the Cora,. anti En;;lne r to examine bids.
Council reconvened, and Alderman Coffeen for the Comrse reported that
Albert Erlitz, was the lowest bidder, and moved that the contract be awarded
to Albert 3rlitz. Motion, carried.
Potation signed by J. J. Yllty end about three h,end:ed ethers, asking the
Council to appropriate at least 01000 for the construction of bath -houses at
1.11y Lake was presented and read, and Alderman Starkel moved that the same be
accepted, ordered filed and flarthee action on same be deferral at present.
After some discussion by some of the Aldermen one othees the motton was
put to a vote and carried.
Oath of ofjtce of Mrs. Therms A. Cladebler, as a member of the. Library
✓ Board, was presnted and ordered filed.
Application of Brown & Wirth, with bond attached, for renewal of retell
Liquor license was presnted and read, and on motion of Alderman Starkel, same
was accepted, bond approved and ordered riled andllcense granted
Deed from F. V. Comfort, Trustee, conveying to the City a strip of land
to wider. Olive Ctreet at the ,'unction cf Greeley street, was presented, and on
motion of Alderman McLaughlin, Aame was accepted and ordered filed, and a
wareant for B5.00 ordered drawn on the City treasurer in favor of F. v. comfort.,
for Acme.
Contract and bond of 0 .d. Olsen, for the construction of tie, Everett
Street bridge, was on motion of Aldermen L.urphl', accepted, bond approved and
ordered filed.
Contracts and bonds of 11111am Danforth for the construction of sewers
in North Fourth & West Maple Ctreets cad in vest Elm and North Everett streets
was on motion of Alderman Murphy, accepted, bonds approved and ordered filed.
Special Assessment Roll for the const:uctioh of sewer in Louth Broadway,
East Pine and South Second Street was presented and read, and laid over under
the provisions of the City Chu ter until the next regaiar .eating.
Report of eecelpts of the _urleipal Curt, City 'Treasurers report and
has Financial statement for the month ending July 31, was presented and read,
ono On rctton of Alderman Murphy, s:me were accepted, ordered filed and referred
tc the Finance Committee.
ostY Engineers estt,nt.te NO. 331 on work :,one by McGee & Nolan on
South First Street fewer and Estimate No. 332 on wo:'lt done by w11llam Danforth
on North Iroueth & Maple Ctreet sewer, was on motton of Alde:Mat. Murphy, accepted,
approved and ordered filed.
Report of City Attorney relative tb the claim of Viola Foley, for damages,
wan presented and lead, and on moticr of Alderman Coffee'', same was accepted and
ordered filed, and the claim o ' „e1.25 ordered paid uten the filing or a proper
ree-Apt being executed and filed.
Report of 'fewer Coraritta reco::daendlr:' the Consteucttnn of *. sewer to
w .at Hickory ft.eet, woe on motion of Aldermen MCLaur`lle, accepted end ordered
Ald_•n,n Bu:t.zieff fc: the :'ewer Comm., f.seted ro: .anther time to report
or. petetton for server in North Ylfth :tree,t, whirr. w!1s reented.
Ald. Coffees fc: the .rie i;pt. IOWL. es':'d roe f:r'ir' time on re chasing
fire hose, which was eeented.
On motion of Aid. suetz1eff the metttr of .. epelele:: steer, pipe b- t'eeen
Engine house and Ja11 was refe.ed to the .:1:e Let, Coe'c, to ineist,voote and
report on scaae at next me tiee.
Alderman Murphy for :he L :- Levu: C : ... :sr.ed :o. ..goer time to :epr..t
on proposed improvements ofLeke front,ahi:•h was t'rtnted.
On motion of Aide/can eel:fier11n, the etreat ceeeitt... ...trio.. ed to
Cause to be const.meted sidewelts, curbs uhd butters t the intersection of
Olive snu Greeley streets to conform te the proposed chLno of the st.eit lines
at snit: place.
t 1)'!I1{V
Re.0Olu tiOn, }IC,._22Pz1,
on the construction of !lever to Jest 1lenory et -art was adopted Ly the fel:seine
Vote: Aldermen Do:dwell, burtzlaff, Coffees, 4leble., ILCLe uf:hlln Murphy, Stlexel
and president Johns() (8) vain Yea. A-.de:•man elate:. absent.
Resolution Npe_22a2.
on payment of sundry bills was saopted y the foilowine vote:
Aldermen Eordwell, nurtzlaff, Coffees, G1eb1e:, MCLae hltn, e:aep:G, Starxel and
President Johnson (8) voting Yea. Alderman Meister atse: t.
On lotion of Alderman . urDhy Cr'uneli adjourned.
T1esedoet of'tje City cournil.
Council foot:. Stillwater, Linn. Auc. 1..1914.
Regular Meett:..:;
peesent Aldermen Gordwell, Burttlaff, Ceffeen, Ciebler, McLaughlin,
Meister, Murphy, Martel & president Johnson.(9).
Minutes of last regular meeting held AugIst 4, lead and approved.
A representative of the QuaKer City Rubber Co., addeessed the Connell
relative to fire hose, and was informed that the Committee would be ready to
mere recommendations at the next retailer meeting.
Oaths of office of Minnie B. Converse a9 a member of the Library Board and -..
of John R. Reilley, as special police were presented and ordered filed.
Deed from Helena Spencer and husband, conveying to the City a strip of land
.r at the corner of Greeley & Olive Streets , for the purpose of widening said streets
was presented and on motion of Alderman Murphy same was accepted and ordered filed.
Contract between C. F. Wilson and pranZ Wilson, end the City L' Stillwater,
for the construction of a tees pool at the City Hospital, was on motion of Alderman
MurpbY, accepted, approved and ordered filed.
Contract and Pond of Albert srlttz, :or the pavement of :Yrtle street between
Main and Second streets wan on motion of Alderman Murphy, accepted, approved and
ordered filed.
G1ry Engineers Final Estimate showtnc e balance due McGee & Haan of $1453.05
for the construction of Sewers In East iliia:d and South First Street, was on
motion of Alderman Murphy, accepted, approved end ordered flied.
Alderman Cofteen for the F. Dpt. Comm. reported that the return pipe in
connection with the hesttw; pl'.nt, between the Jail and 5• Lpt , bulldogs was
out of repair and needed attention, and moved that the P.Lpt. Cru.. be lnst:ueted
to have same .ep'.11•ed. Motion C.:':dad.
City Engineers Eetlmatrs and list of lands for the construction of a sewer
in •lest Hiexory street wan received, and on ;Lotion of Aldee en lturehy same was
accepted and ordered Piled.
0n motion ,of Aldermen MOLaugtlllf, the City Znglneer was instructed to adver-
tise for bids fo the construction of A id Sewer, bins t0 be m de returnable Cep. 1,
1914, at 7.;0 O'31oCY. P. L.
Alderman LICLaughiin made the following motion; Moved, That, In the matter of
— constructing a sewer in Couth bro.dwa1 from the foot of the Main Street Stairs, to
a nelnt 75 feet so: th of the center of Rant Locust Street; In South Second Street,
from the center of Pine Street to tha colter of Falne t street; and In west. rine
St cet fe0m the center of South T:trd street to the center of rollth Troadtely,in
tee City of S Lillwuter, Rnnwm en L ocel Improvement No. 1,whw eh wan 11••eeted to be
conste.11ted by resole teen of the City Connell, pe.nsed Ju)e 1, 19)?, the sum of
41095i.:4 dollars 18 hereby estimated one fixed es the cost Of :11Ch improvement,
et:d that the sum of A6049.84 do_1 »s is -Fisted one filled upon os the pp -portion
or ail u[lt thcreOf eh. •h is ssesssbie upon th lots and pbecels of lend deseetbe
In the list m'+de by the OltY bngineer bS f ortJ:; on sore improvement; and that the
sea lest mentioned be sssessed nn levied upon se la lc is :ne pircels described 111
sais list upon the bases of on equbi sse3 t of er iiusi suit per fast foot of
eieb - `rio F ce1 of land, the. r al0 g the line of ch improvement,
and motion was d: Y second- d by Aice.r,.n ..t-_hel, anu adopted b, the folio:ring
vote, vie Ald�.....or. B0rtve11 E'.'-izlsff, off -on, Giebie , McL.ugh11n, Meister,
•.:.rphY, Cteeeel' ee vies1i t t Johnson (9) vo/le ye_.
Alder:San Bordwe11 reported th•.t the bath houses ;t Lily Lake needed some repairs -
end moved that they be :-.oveC :lea:- the water and reps :•ed and put in better shape,
Mtion carried.
On motion of Alderman Stsrt.el, the :Layer was ir.str.:ct.ed to enforce the Ordinance
relative to unlicensed dogs running at large, are; dent -fiction of same.
On motion of Alderman Started, the CStY Engineer Wes lnstrueted to not permit
any one to co. nee, with anyisewere until the parties deairtng to connect had paid
their assessment for the const:uctlon of the sewer on said street.
On motion of Alderman Ctarkel, the Sewer Comm, w,s instructed to have the sewer
On Myrtle Street extended farther Into the river.
On motion of Alderman Burtzltef the purchasing Comm. was directed to purchase
sufficient sewer pipe to repair the 1n•tle Street sewer and extension of same.,
Special Assessment Boll,for sewers 1.. South Broadway, East Fine and South Second
Streets ,known es Local Improvement No. 1, was presented and read, and Aldermen
McLaughlin made the following motion;
Movtd, that, in the matter cf constructing a sewer In S+,ut.h Br•or.d^'ay from the
foot of tie Slain Street stairs to a point 75 feet south of the center of East Locust
Street; In South Second Street from the center Of, Fine Street to the center of Walnut
Street; and in East Pine Street from the center of Scut'; _Third Street to the center of
South Broadway, in the City of Stillwater, known as Local aprovement Wo. 1, which
was directed to be constructed by resolution of the city Council ,passed July 1,
1913, the assessment heretofore levied upon ',he, against the lots or parcels of land
affected thereby, be and the same is Sr, all respects con: rmed. which motion vas
seconded by Alderman Starkel, end adopted by the foliowt,.r vote, viz;
biG::r:,mn Bordwell, Burtzlatf, Coff-en, Glebisr, McLaughlin, Sletster, Murphy,
Starkel and President Johnson (9) voting Yea.
On motion of Alderman Ctarkel t:.r- pr;cc of crashed rock at the eniarry,for the
Myrtle Street pavement and the Everett. Street brld:-e Waefixed at 31.25 per ,Yard.
__Beni Lion_ No.22
relative to payment of special assessments for the Sew.P in South Broadway, South
Bseond..and'.Eest Pine streets was adopted by the following vote; Aldermen Bordwell,
Burta,ff, Coffeen, Giebier, L'cLauchilr., nester, Murphy, Sterrel and president
Johnson (9) voting Yea.
Resolution No. 22E4,
on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote, viz; Aldermen
Bordwell, Burtzlaf:, Coffeen, Oehler, McLaughlin, 1(etster, Murphy, Sterkel and
President Johnson (9) voting: Yea.
On motion Of Alderman McLaughlin, the Council adjourned to meet Friday
Aufuot 21st, 1914„ at 7.30 P. '4.for the rurpose of passin n the Assessment roll
and such other business as ;Light come uy.
Attest. 9( ,sicw..
City Clerk. .':&dent of the City ouncll
- Council Room,
Stillwater, Birth, AUK, 21.191::.
ReCl_ar P.dO. r'ned L�eetln ';
Present Aide;n.eh bur•t21et'I, rsl•O1•r, 86cL^_ugnlih.
President esMson (51 Absent A1d'.mer. b&r'C1Waii , uoffeer., Meister
The City Assrnsor reporter to the Council that Ms wo:gk
for the action of the city Council,
Thermion Alderman ;:cL',ut;t).tn movec: that th^ Co.;Act1 ari
Monday eVeni lir August 24th 19s4, et 7.7C o'CGO^,. 1', :::otter et
A t : r,::: ac /GG
City Clerk.
and Murphy (11).
wan not ready
am to treat
Fresit.2. of the City Co.n .
131 •
Council Boom,
Stillwater, L.:irz., Au,;. 2e, 191e.
Regular Ad;o.uI;ed li.'e tlru:;
preset.t Al.ermen ioru'•:-ui, Burtzie:f, GSrbler, Jcl'.ughlin, :teistrr,
_urphy, Stxraei a president Johnson (8 i. Ai suit Aice_men Coffin.
Yursuaft to adJoarm::er.,t the Council rent at 7.30 P..t:., and the Board of
Zglallzutlon submitted their report Of the woes done on the Assessment ?cll.':
Of the City of Stillwater, as submitted tc them by the city Assessor. -and. on
mctlob_cf:Aidesaan..e1cLiugrlln, the sal, report was read ly the Ctty Clerk,
after which Alderman Eta Kel moved that the Assessment Roll submitted to they
by the City AAseSSoi and es equalized and amended by the Board be accepted,
approved and confuted. lotion cs:led. Alue:mi'.r. COffeer. drilled at this time.
Or, r:otlol: of Aldermen Stsri:.el, the natter rf 'emovlh; some old piling
ltimedLateSY north of the Pontoon, wus referred to the Levee C-.mmlitee with
power to eat.
On motion of Alderman Eurtzleff th:. matter of paving Alleys between
1:yrtie S Chestnut Streets and between. 1CYrt1e Street and Commercial Avenue,
was refe: red tc 'he r et Ccmi:A tte:: to investigate and report on at next
Resolution 228%.
auttriri2l... the Fin' nce Crp:1r1. to bo:4' w money mil aoticlpattOf of tax levy,
was 'iao;•ted by the following 'mote.
Aldermen Bordwell, burtzlaft, Coftecn, G1 eUler, McLaughlin, lta@ster,
Murphy, Cta.Y-1 '.nd president Johnson t9) voting yea.
On :cotton of Alderman Uurphy Ceun^tl ad;o'urned. ,
City Clerk.
Presiders or' the City Co'mcil.
Council Room,
Stillwater, Minn. Sei:. 1,191e.
Regular Meeting;
present Aldermen ordwell, Bu. tziaff, Correct', Glebaer, McLaughlin,
holster, Murphy, Starkel a Pres. Johnson (9).
Minutes of last regular meeting held Aug. 18, and of the regular
ad;;ourned meetings held August 21, rs 24,reed and al:Proved.
On motion of Alderman LfcLauGhlln, the bids for Constructing sewer in
"West Hickory Street were opened •inh re-d as follows.
Name of Bidder. Amount.
iililtam Danforth, $1690.00
16e0e.• 4 Nolan 1700.00
and on motion of Ald. Ctarerl the bids sere refe•-^e4 to the Sewer Cornmittie
anc C1t4 nglnter to exavnne and report on at this meeting,
Council t•.or. a recess to ailOW the Path Cu.tl. '.n!i Elglnner to ern ne said
bids, after which the coincll reuofir'n^d and Ald. ;alrtzlatf fo.'' the Ceder cor.-
mLttee reported that the aid of William Danforth wos the lowest and moved that
the contract be awarded to him. A1d. flame' moved as an amendment that the
contract be awarded to 1:CGee & Nolan, which amendment was put t° n vote and
upon roil call Wes rateled i:y ih foilowlnr' vote; Aldermen cutlet.. 1LeLaumnitn,
'w' gets tier, lurphy f,n1 :'tarsal (5) votlhS /en, snn Aldermen POrdweil, furtzlaff,
Cofreen and Fres. Johnon (4) voile.: :,ay.
tad. Cof'fee& tb: the F. u. Cott:, sulatt tt ed y tad;o:•l IY re -net., reco:renending
that the Cl ti purchase 500 feet of 1b.ltese Cross Putter Hose at 41.25 per foot,
ano n,o'ved that the Fureh slnt: Gov.:., Ie u.s•:':cted to purchase A•.ld hose as
per the 1. n ecouaend_ ti ohs. yr, tin c.: :led.
Appl1CS Lion of Bourn Bros. for G1,;a"_onto licer:se, was on motion of
Alderman ::'iirpt:; Crtrited.
Goornuiioat'Lon from tli Lty4i.: of L:lnnesota "-iritelpail ties, astt1t th't,t
the Clty per its anhual ones of 925.00 was on :hc.tior. of Alderr:!.n L:urphY.
TT. ce-D ted, ordered flied; and the sues O:d_ el poll.
COrcainlce.ti G: t04: Jtco, i].i ty, >-sril:.fi permission to cons t„iet a frame
bu'tid1Lg on the ncrthe'.st n....•. :isle I:a ::.Tiber.y : t_eets, Was on notion
of Aid. 1.:cL'.uchlin .,. .... Pd 1G . ie ._Jti ;nCorm.
Report of receipts' of the ::iririnai did tfon the month of AuGust,Was
read on cotton of Aid. :crltu_'iath, was s..cepted, Ordered f led end refer:sd
to the Finance Corer„
L:1•. :.:cGut re, .I+y tit tit; the Birteis:Z1nbcoot•. Crl do., ado:esse-i the Connell
relotive to tit cons'.. Gat ir,r of :;ut t•.b: buildlnos for t.n oil dtst. Ui itinr;
at oI• heir the all fhsples a1CVa tor 31 te, ann o[! Notlol. of Ald. Cofferf. the
ma'...: was :ore:: cot tr• the uutiotfC Coo:_::., to ltivestio:le. axle -e.crt on st the
next re:.11sr• moo tang.
City Engler;r estimate No. 334, showing the amount due W1111oI Danforth
at titles time on th::. so. Foot th & M':r1e Ct. seweo to b.: +1211488, and his
estimate No. 335, showing the amount due Albart srll tz, in full for the
patios^ of Myrtle. Street from ?_rein to Ceccud Street, Including c:ols;ii:r;s, to be
41386.50, Malls on motion of Ald. Etraxei, '•created, approved and ordo.ed filed.
City Engineers report showing the entlse cost cf pavll.i :'7rtle Street,
including the ciushed rock, to be 41543.26, was on motion. of Ald' Murphy,
accepted, approved and ordered filed, and the city Clerk Man instructed to
notify the owners of the property along said improveoent, the amount which 1s
assessable aga.nst each of them.
Assessment P.oil,for the ,'ons:r.ictton of sewers in test ^!l it and ere South
First Street, was placed on its firer ruling, and laid over until the next
regular meetlnL, under provisions cf the City Cha.Iter.
Resolution Now 2286„.
on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the fcilnwino vote; Aldermen Bordweil,
Bur tzlaff, Coffeen, G1ebler, McLaughlin, Meister, ;;+rpby, Ct9'ae1 and P-resident
Johnson (9) yotiri; Yes.
0:, Motion of Air_. Murphy, cooped ad:loolned.
Attest. 161.1 .t to m
. 31 t;
side,:{ of the CitCouncil.
Council Room,
Stillwater, Minn. Sep. 15, 1914.
Bern a 77er ttng;
present were Alac1•men Eordveil, Burtzla:'f, Coffeen, Giebier, McLaughlin,
Meister, Murphy, :its rl:sl and President Johnson (9).
Minutes of lest regular meo ttng hold Sep. 1, read, and Alderman Starlel,
moved tint the minutes be:corraeted to read as follows: *That he made the
motion that the contract be awarded to McGee & Nolan,which motion was seconded
by Alderman )81rphro.Aldermen Murphy seconded the motion which w:a put to a vote
..nd carried, after which the President declared t'ae minutes approved as read.
til_ilsm Sao thson,adares.ted the Council on t•:h-.1f of the tipper Mississ-
ippi River Improvement Association. and asked that the Councti.r.nproprlate
#100.00 towards defraying the expenses Incidental: to the holding the convention
of said Association in this OILY Cep. 16 & 17,
Alderman Murphy moved that the City appropriate +100 for that purpose, and upon
roll e.11 the Motion wus carried unanimously.
.-0h9 a.,• pldfler ste,ted that he had been sell acted as one of the lodges to
actat the coming election, grid :shed that the City Attorner be instructed to
instruct the judges throughout the City sa to who tare entttled to Vote.
Mr. F. T. ltlson,presented to the Council, a plan prepared by Norell &
Nichols,for the improvement and beautifying the river front, and stated that
Mr. Elmore Lowell, had paid the architects for the work, Sr; poeporing the
pleuis, and suggested that it might be .tell for the Council to recognize in
some manner the Interest Mr. Lowell was taking in the matte
and on motion of Alderman ✓arphy, a vote of the cu.s w9s tendered 11 Lowell,
for his services In the matter.
On motion of Aldermen Starkel the City Connell voter to oonrsve the pions
as submitted ty ::;r. Oilman.
Petition far a newer :n Cod Lb ;fourth St. -.rod 1n part of Churchill Street,,
signed by Chas. E. Glaser et. ai, was p, esented ,inn: :•ead,9nd on cotton of
Alde.la<n L'eLau$hlln was :referred to the Cewsr CON(,i tree.
Certified copy of resolution adopted by the booed of ;Toter Corstast000rs
for the issuance of c::rtlfle.tes of lndeltedm,ss.for the 1c::1nc of a water
main In West Maple St-"e. t, W .S on !notioi. r,f Alderman :r:mph•', accepted and
ordered filed.
0n inotloh of older:aarl :Murphy thE. cF.f.1r w.s tnstr.:c•9,i to appoint 9 Cu._..r sec
of thcoa to act c-'.:nr t :;i t. th r,Tht coot ono Citizens .insect 11on In
se...-r21C::ts _. front Pc: ohms of woo..; alone .:trinf rs
feer•boct_houses and Other purposes. .
t DM
Aldermee Coffeen, asked the permission to lnteeduce a ies.lution, and there
betne no objeetlon, he offered
Resolution. No_ 2287,
relative to the pavlsg of Myrtle Street from Malr.to Second Street, which was
�.. edo,.ted by the foelowlne vote;Alde. men Bordwell, Buet.zl ff, Coffeen, Ciebier,
McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy, Starkel and President Johnson voting Yea.
Coaturitc':tton from am. Danforth, relative to letting of the Contract for
the construction of a sewer in "rest Hickory street, was read, and on motion of
Alderman McLaughlin, was accepted and ordered filed,
City Enelreees list of lands and estl:,ates on paving Myrtle Street was read and
laid over until the next eegular meeting, under provisions of the City Charter.
City Treasurers report of receipts and disbusemen is and his Finanat..l
Stetelaent tor the mohth ending Aug. 31, read and on motion of Aldermen McLaughlin,
were accented, oroax•ed filed and refereed to the Finance Committee.
Alderman Burtzleff, made the following motion;
Moves, that, in the mutter of corst.ucting sewers in aouth First Street, from a
point in the crater line of said street where the south line of Lot 8 Block 2 of
Churchill, Ne_son & Slaughters' Addition, extended, east would intersect tat, same,
to the center of East Allard street; anal :n East Willard street ,from the center
of South First street to the drop manhole at or near the center line of Sixth
Average South; and in South First Street, from the center line of East Churchill
street to a ;.pint 25 feet north of the north ltne of East Orleans street, in the
City of Stillwater, whin Was directed to be constructed by resolutions Of the
City Council,paased August 19,1913, the sum of i11,442.47 dollars 1s hereby estimated
end fixed upon as the cost of such improvement, and that the sun of S1574.08 1e
estimated and fixed upon as the proportion or amount thereof which is assessable
sad chargeable to the Board of Water Commissioners, and the sum of $6440.45
dollars is estimated and fixed upon es tho proportion or amount thereof which is
assessable upon the lots and parcels of land described in the list made by the
City Prigineer as fronting on sand improvement;and that the sum last mentioned be
assessed and levied upon said lots and parcels described in said list upon the
basis of an equal assessment of an equal sum per front foot Of each lot and parcel
measuring along the line of such improvement.
Which motion was duly seconded and adopted by the following vote;
Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Coffeen, Ciebier, McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy,
Starkel and President Johnson (9) voting Yea.
Assessment Roll foe the construction of sewers in South First and East Willard
Street was placed on its second reading, and on motion of Alderman Starke', the
same was duly approved, confi rr.ed and adopted.
Alderman bordwell, moved that in the matter of c ns trusting sewers in South
1rst Street, from o point in the center line of said street,where the south line
dt Lot 8 Block 2 of Churchill, Nelson & Slsu.bters Addition extended east would
intersect the acme, to the center of East li11std street; end in Matt Willard street
fro:, the center of South rust street to the drop manhole at or near the center
line of Sixth Avenue. South; and in South 1'lrst Street, from the center line of East
Cleir•chill Street to a point 25 feet north or the north line of East Orleans street,
1!. the City of Stillwater, known as Local Improvement No. 2, which was directed to
be constructed by revolutions of the City Council passed August 19,1913, the assess —
meet horetofOr•e levied upon and against the lots or parcels of land effected thereby,
be and the same is in all respects confirmed; which motion was duly seconded and
adopted b y the fOliowlt.6 Vote; Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlefr, Coffeen, Ciebier,
McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy, Starke' and President Johnson (9) voting Yee.
On motion of Alderman Murphy, the bond of McGee & Nolan foe the construction of a
sewer in West itickory street was approved,and ordered filed,
On motion of Alderman Murphy the City Clerk was inntr:cted to notify the judges
of 'laction to :aen.t with the City Attorney, to yet the necessary info ;r tion
rers:Uinr election laws.
Sewer Assessment Roll, for the construction of d sewer in North Feerth & in
west m.ple Street, wes presented and read, and 1':id over Mntil the next re:;er1er
meeting under provisions of the City Charter.
Resolution o. 2288.
relative to iss.;ind of c .tt t'i cat en of inoettedn•ss for the laying of a water mein
in Hest Maple St: eet, was adopted by the folio: —lb- tote; Alderman eo:dwr.11,Burtzleff,
Coffeen, Giebler, LCh;no hi ln, i;eister, hy, Starke' G Fresid-rat J.nhnson,(9) voting
Resolution NO. 2269.
relstive to paying in installments, for the const:urtion of the sewers to South
Pirst & East Milord streets, was adopted by the foiiot.lnC veto;
Aide:glen Bordwell, Burts1'.ff, Coffeen, Glebler, McLaughlin„ 1elster, Murphy,
Starkel and President Johnson (9) voting Yea.
Resolution NO.2290..
reltt17a to payrer.t of surd ty Ctils was .aopted ty tho following vote;
Aldermen Hopewell, Burtsiaff, Coffeen, G1ebler, McLaughlin, Meister, lsurphy,
Startel and President Johnson (9) voting Tea.
On: _lotion of Alderman Murphy Council •:d;ourned._
itY Cierl(.
P: es11t of the City Council.
Council doom,
Stillwater, anr:.. Oct. 6,1914.
Rwbuiar lieetlrtg;
Present Ald.!. gyr. B'irtzlcff, Coffeen., Givbie . McLaughlin. Murphy,
Starke' and Pros. Johnson (7). Absent Aldermen Hordwell and !ueister.(2)
;apples of Last regular me.rting held Sep. 15, read and approved.
Communte'-tton from State Board of Cont,ol relative to pail was on
motion of Alderman Stsrkel, see;pted and ordered filed.
Ccrxttni^Stl0n from City Attorney, advising the payment to Viola Foley
the sum of 321.25, in ND. settlement of claim for 1LurY sustained by tolling
on a defective walk,was on motion of Alderman UcLaugli&U , scespted,ordered tiled
and the claim ordered pall upon the flung of proper releases.
Contract between McGee & Nolan, °.rc. the City of Stillwater, for the
construction of a sewer in 'lest Hickory Streit, was presented. andoAlderiran
ders be
Starke). moved that the same be accepted, approves and the
its:r.etel to enecnte the same on betraf of the City, which said motion was
secc:.dcd by Aide:man Purp'.W.
Alderman Coffeen asked the City Attorney for le:al advice on the matter.
city st•a n.ey stated that in his opinion, the proper officers should
sign the s. me 1f instructed to do :•o I the Council, but that in his opinion,
the signing of the same by said officers, die not legalize the same, es to the
method pursued by the Council In letting the ccnt:.ct to the highest bidder.
President Johnson called V. P' burtzlaff to the chair eine exPresseS
on roll
news on the sub:sect, and resumed has seat, and D'it themot?^n
sail the m•tton was ca. :led by the following vote: Aldermen Bu^thieff, Col''ee:l & President Johnson (7) voting Nay qnd Aldermen
Gicbler, RcLau,; ' In, Murphy ea:: StarKel (4) for
g Yea.
Report of receipts of the :dualctpal Go•.:t Se,., 9p the City Tr•e•aurrrs
reyc•t fl, 'P.rctUts and dlsi:rsementn end r..ts financial repent for the mcntb
ending :"e:. 3C. wr..e read ar:t on ay Lion of Alde•,,^.n Murphy, were 1.cce:•ted,
ordered filed taw €reined to the pint,:' Csfa.
City ensurers report of .ecel pts, -xc/'calve of taxes, for the vest•
ending Sep. V), was read and cn caotio; r" ilde-a'+tt Metaughltn, was accepted.
ordered filed tnd refs.red to the Finance Ce^.::..
11 VI 3nglneers Zstlm.te showir..,; the '..1,711,1. due Albert Lr11 t:, for
paving done at corner o: Third s Chestrmt r't„ .no '-t the corner of 0*Y. vnd
Third St., .nd repal:•Lng cbterbos1n and '.t corner ,f Third & Chestnut St.,
to be Ja94.64; end his est1;':tes ::c.s. 2'7 & ”8, showing the n:cc Int due ¶1.111am
tgn-Grt'l cn sewer contracts to be 4 t4!'.ir,, ve:e a:. c^•tton of Aldermen Murphy,
._. ✓ i apt ! d 1.:d
Report eff .1 ..t..^ , recr,,..:nit _ th, t the City nen t f6n.no in
+r ttlerert o 'assess:lie is �._".c._r; and curb gni ', ttr , P.lns t N.1/2
Lot 18'aloe): 15 of „h.rc, 11, Nelson & f:: r 'a a•t lLl r, stem on `tion Of
,hy, -ptei I. rt ordered .Lied the Cl.. T. ,_.,_re:'Instruct-
ed-aAid a: 1 ::u-'t. �- : ^ �
t .ant for r0 in rU et', t fo: s ,d -saes :its..
Report of Street Cor;ittee .-•ltt.tive to eo.nsir.orting '7 __ it;c the How—
e-4ns property, was aeeroted anri ordeoed flied,
ide...r CsafTravi, tr of -:n r relotive
to _x:sp ir.t• r : trcvn s t, p i7; fence h?t , .-'.Y adele,rit t,
d*.r._ places Was .r. G .ill CGL.:.. Ci Attr_7
135 •
norttlaff of the . ewerc.t ., tar tt: f._ .^...a time tit, ..aport
o: : onn..e gewer:aSouth r(Mr ,b area C ... chill sL ee: vt1 .: was ;rr.r.fed.
. The .iair r.*..,.,'d as Ise or', of Proc,;:11:. c'•..tir. rt:rts slog.: the late
front, for Parr at.,; other purposes, Alderman !?i-phy, Cof^.,.ten .and McLruggtlin.
Aide:•::... _.,. shy for s.nd. UOta.il ttee asked for _father air^, •.:i^h w.s g:.^:rated,
:coved t.h•,t the Purch'sln.• Co'i::-. ue inn:_acted ti purchase
s:.ftcl trot edacart of rope, to ._at is the .._•1Pt :itcd of e1"ht or nine
do'-a_s, to t-„dAed to fence off st. et, :t the c.. ' horse show, and for other
9.G.�Lr purposes. Yotlon
On ::.otion of Alderman lLurphy, the matter of purchasing" a float to be used
for en sppreach to the ice in the '.inter time, was referred to the Street
Committee toinvestliate ana report on at next meeting.
On motion of Alderman Starxel, the Street Committee was instructed to permit
are Norse Slew, to nee RUCK streets as they saw fit.
On motion of Alderman Burtzleff the ::ewer Comm, wan instructed to hove the
outlet of the South N111 Outlet Sewer repaired.
Alderman Coffeen made the following motion;
Moved, That, in the matter of constructing a sewer in North 'ourth Street,
from the center of test Hickory Street to the center of Test Maple Street; and to
vest Maple Street from North Fourth Street to a point about 100 feet east of the
east line of North Owens Str'eet,in the City of Stltlwater,whlch wes directed to
be constructed by resolution of the City Counctl,pansed May 19,1914, the sum or
Thirty f:a.r hundred sixty rive dollars is hereby estimated and fixed upon as the
cost of such improvement, anr: that the AUK. of Two thousand three hundred elrbteen &
31/100 dollars is estimated and fixed upon as the proportion or amount thereof
which is assessable upon the lots rand parcel.^. of lend described in the list made
by the City 111Sineer as frobtlru c'; ?;-L1cvement; and that the sum last mention-
ed to assessed and levied upon sale lots or pares— described in sold list upon
the basis of on 'cua1 assessment of ah erual sum per front foot of each lot and
pieces, s... ... ctrg '-along the , ire of such +_cproveuent, which %intaon was duly
se:,ceded and adopted by the following vote;
Aldermen Burtzlaff, Coffeen, Gleticr, MMcLaughilr., Yurphv, Star"sel one Fres.
Johnson (7) voting- Yea. Ald.e:'m-n Ln.av:'11 and :_els ter (2) absent.
:eagle.' Assessment Roll, for the nonstructlon of a serer in North Fourth Street,
from that, center of best Hlckor;' Street to the center of test )Cr.ple ntreat; and in
'dart ::Lila £:fleet frcde ::cent: Fourth Street to a point about 1IC feet east of .,.c
eL.et ling of north Gwent, :'treat, ir. the City of rtlllwater,known as hocal ILr ve-
teht No. 3, was pr•esehLei and :end, '.nd or, mxtlon of Alderma. (Markel was dull,
odck fed.
Alderman etarl.l moved, that in the natter of Constructing a sewer In North
Fourth ana 'Nest Maple Ctieet,ln the. Cl ty of rtil=water, r:no.n us Local tmprovrment
No. y, which was directed ty resolution of the City Councll,p-ssed way 19,1914,
the assessment heretofore levied upon and against the lots or parcels of land
affected thereby,be and the same is in all respects confirmed, which motion was
dulY necdr:dad and adopted by the foi:ovnrg vote; Aiderm.:n Burtzlaff, Coffeen, Glebler,
McLaughlin, Murphy, Starke' u Fres. Johnson (7) voting Yee:; Aldermen Bordwell and
!.Feaster (2) absent.
OILY Engineers BetimaLes and list of lands with tits names of the omnere,
frOnttafi 4n sale ir::nrovererat, for pavinr ::yrtic Street from Item to recond St -Pet,
w•.aeod. and do motion of Alderman E'CI•oughl it" some was approved, and the Cit/
......... c..r was dustruct.d to ',repot- and present to the OILY C0u1c11 the Assessment
Ball for sold lmpr'ov'.ment, cove::;,g that proportion of the Coat thereof wash is
required t0 construct sr!) 1c.Provement opposite to and in front of the lots and
parcels of land fronting on such improvement.
Aldermen 2feIrClIghllt. v.07 d That, ir, the matter of cr,rstiucting a Concrete
Ptfrement in !Myrtle ^treat floc; mon. to :'econd stceets,ln t.. City of Ctillwoter,
whlen was directed to le: constricted by resolution of the City ^ouncil,padsed rep. 15
1914, the sum of 'fifteen hundred forty three a 26/ir,C 10ilars is hereby fixed upon
as the cc t of such improve Gent, and th:t th^ mit of Nine hnnd:-ed see my V.0 &
89/100 coile.rs Is fixed upon :s the proportio:. cr ;mount Lb-r-of,rhich is assessable
upon the lot:: ant: parr is of land described in the list made by the City Engineer
as fronting ri s•_11 b,l. movement; '.nd that the sum l.at mentioned be assessed and
levied upon s•i1;, lots and parcels described 1t: s+:1:: list upon the basis of an
equal assessment of an anal sue per front foot of e... parcel,nr asur1Lg
along the line of ant., imp ovement, which motion wr.s duly s_.00r,red an:: °:sorted by
the hilts:11.g 'rote; Alde.m n Burtzlaff, Ceffm:n,ol bier, NcLau. hiin, IL:Toby, lterKel
and Fres. Johnson (7) voting Yea; Alders r. 9ord!•rel' and Melst.e: (2) absent.
Special Assessment Roll, for t_._ construction of Conc. ete Pavement in l:yrtle
Street from ;.:air. to Zeccnd ut eets, In the Ci ty of rtlllwater, known as Local
Improvement ;:o. rt, was presented ono read, and or: notion of Alderman Purist] aff
duly r:dcpted;
Aldeemee Coffeen„Movee,The; In the mrj tar of onst e ctinr. Cohered pave -
meet it Untie t '.et, m: Malt. to SeeOnd Ot.oet, 1r the Ctrs of rtlllwote ,xnowt
es Loc 1 Iip2Ottent Mo. 4, w111(h Wii t11 acted to Le constricted by resolution of
the OILY Counell,passed Cer. 151.1914, the assessm-nt heretofore levied upon end
against the lots or psecels of lend effected thereby, be end th:: same is to all
respects conflted, whArt, met:rr. wee duly seccnded and dopted by the f. Hosing
rote: Aldermen Burtzlaff, Coffeen, Giebler, test flir.,ll:rphy, Starke/ •ins Ares.
JOnnsOn i7) voting Sees; Aldeien Bordw.-ii and :::etster (2) absent.
Alderman Burtziaff, :coved, That, in the matter of constructing a sewer in
west Slm Ct:eet anti :"ortc Everett Ctreet, in the 31ty of Stillwater, Known as
LOc-1 Improvement ::o. 5, which was directed to be eonstlllcted by resolution of the
City Council, passed May 19,191k, the sum of Eighteen hundred dollars is hereby
estimated snet fixed upon as the cost or such 1mprovenrnt, and that the sun of Ten
hundred twenty four & 93/100 dollr.rs is estimated znc fixed uper. es the pecrortion
or amount thereofwhich 1s assessable upon the lots and parcels of lend described la:
the list made by the City Erl:_ineor as fronting On said improvement; and that the
slum last mentioned be assessed and letled Upon Bald lots and parcels described in
seta llst,upOn the basis of an equal assessment of an equal sum per front hoot of
each lot aril percel,measurlfg '.tong the line of such improvement, which motion was
dt4Ly aecodded and adopted by the following. vote; Aldermen Bcrtzleff, Coffeen, Giebler,
NcLnughlln, Murphy, Starkel and Pees. Johnson (7) voting Yen; Aldermen Bordwell
and Meister (2) •.bse:t.
Spee1e1 Assessment Roll, for the const_•sction of a sewer In West Elm Street from
the center of North ilfth Eteeet'to the center of North Everett Street; end in
North Everett street from the center of 'Lest Elm Street to the center of Test Aspen
Street, to the City of ;Stillwater, (MUM -•s LO0 1 Improvement No. 5, was presented
and read, and on motion of Alderman Murphy, the feeae was accepted, adopted and
ordered riled.
Aldermen Mur•phy,Moved, That, in the matter of constructing a sewer in
Neel Elm and North Everett Ctreet, in the City of Stillwater, Known as Local Improve-
ment No. 5, which was directed to be constructed by resolution of the City 3ouncil,
passed Nay 19,1914, the assessment heretofore levied upon and sgatnst the lots or
parcels of lend affected thereby, ee and the: same is in ell respects confirmed,
which motion was duly seconded and adopted by the following vote: Aldermen Burtzlaff,
Coffeen, Giebler, McLeug1111n, L•urphy, Sta;'xel and Pees. Johnson (7) voting Tee;
Aldermen Bordwell ano peas ter (2) absent.
Aider;n^.a Gleb2e1, /coved, That, in The matter of ronsircting a sewer ,beginning
at the center of lest flm and North ?lath Streets and running thence souti: through
said Fifth street to the center or 71est Mlot.ory at_eet; thence east through said
HicKory street to the center of North _ourth .5 teset; thence easterly and northeasterly
ceossinf; a part of county t.udi tors Plat :.urliter ;,and Blocks 2, 3 & 5 of Cer11 &
Schuler.Luegse Addltlon to the center cf' .mirth Second Stree.t,s:.1d point being about
200 feet south of the south line of Aspen Street; thence east 640 feet to a point
t. th 'enter of B'.st Elm Ct:eet ; thence souther.^, terly through sold Elm Street and a
proleer tine of same to Lake ft. Cn;lx. Also In :North Second Street from the center
Of Aspen street to a point 2 C feet south of same to connect with :move described
sewer, in the City of Stillwater, and known as Locr1 Improvement ::o. 6 ,whith was
directed to be constricted by resolution of the City 3ouncli,pusaed June 17,1913,
the sum of 3lxteen theelsend seven hundred forty seven & C9/100 is hereby estimated
and fixed upon es the cost of such improvement, and that the sus cf Eight hundred
slaty AIX & 35/10r dol:a:s 1s estimated •:rd fixed upon es the proportion Or a.iount
wnlrt is asaessotle upon the lots and parcels of land described in the lint made by '
ire catty mil neer as fron%Ms On sal 1 mpr60emdnt; %re: that the sum last mentioned
be assessed and levied upon Raid lots ono peeeeis described in avid list, upon the
Stasis of en equal assessment of 'di enu51 su:a per f:'ont foes of ewch lot and parcel,
meesur•lelg along the line of such Slap'-vvement, which motion W!F. duly t,ecblided find
demoted by the following "role: Alderm n Ner•tzleff, Coffeen, G1-bier•, :leimaghlln,
1lurphy, Ctalxel and Pres. Johnson (7) Pet1O Tee; Alderm r. Bordwell and Meister (2)
Zpec.(:a Assessment Eo11, for the .'r,ltnt.. nation of 5 Test'.' ,lest Love d &Titled,
xnovll no Local Imnr:.ve:ier.t :in. 1, vr.a presented and reed, ens r: ar,Lion r,f /Ldeem*an
Bur•Us_ r, ss:a W:;s en. p tea, spp:vved •.nu orde-ed filed.
Aldermen Beetz» if, :::oe nl, Tht. t 11: thy le titse of eons t. rating e sewer, es
above described, K 110'.n as Loc .:-row 'Then t n... 6, KMi':. ,-acted to be con-
structed by r esoluti.n or the City cauncll,psssed ,Sun 1, .alp, `. assessment here-
tofore L'vl ed upon and ..:_That the lots p..: r:.13 or .and cafeLed •.9rre.by, be
ate the mime is in ell respects eonftrmed, which motion was duly sp ontted and adopt-
ed by the: foiiovl n; -vote:Alderen Burtzl*:r , Coffeen, rlebler, McLaughlin, Murphy,
Stertel and Pres. Johnson (7) voti:se Yen; Alde:ln ::elster (2) bsent.
137. •
Or. v!.tton of '.]arman rtarkrlm the fewer Oo:u.i ttec was lnsti^ueted tc 1niesti_
cute ce>ts1a sewer asdSSI4dats for the ec,nst_..tlon of the ,^ouch Broadway
Cewer and eport on s••me at next meeting.
Resol':L1ons ::o ,.. 2.:j7, 22y=, 2294, relative to p.:rmltttng prcl•
c,:",fs to p*-y tssessments for. loci imp. ovemeuts In ten an:ai installments,
and Resol'ltioh No. _229Ja1 relutive to issuing certificates of
indebtedness to pay for balance due from assessments On Local ILprovcslent
1, and ,esolutlon No,' 2296. on payment of sundry bills were all adopted
by t.h# folla7ing 'rote: Aldermen Burtzl;ff, Coffeen,Clabl r, McLaughlin,
ialrphy, gtarkei and Pres. Johnson (7) votl:,,; Yea; Aldermen Bordwell and
::el:. ter absent.
On :c tt o.. ef Ooan^11 ad;ours;*
6 }
City Clerk.
L �rL
P r.'. t f the Cl ty Covneil.
Council Room,
Stillwater, Minn. Oct. 20,1914
Regular Meeting;
Present were Aldermen Coffee, Giebler, McLaughlin, Mets ter,lsrrrhy, 6tarkel.
and President JdhnsOn (7) Absent Aldermen Bordwell and BOrtzleff (2)
Minutes of last reguiar meeting held Oct. 6. read and approved.
Mr. C. J. Lavine, requested that be and Ur. C. A. Johnson be permitted
to connect with the Hickory Street sewer, by running Prim their residences
through Hillam Street, and on motion of Alderman starkel, permission was
granted, under supervision of the City Engineer.
Capt. W. E. Per Lee with 40.members of Co. K• were present, and asked that
,m, the Council take some action relative to construction of a new ArlOeY, and after
considerable discussion by members of the Council, Aldermen Coffeen moved that
the chair appoint a committee of three to confer wltb the officers of Co. *re
relative to a site for an Armory. Lotion carried, and the chair app0anted as
such committee, the standing Building Committee,
Communication from Mayor ):osier appolx:tllg Alderman E. C. Johnson. City
♦ttorney E. L. Ettff1rgton and City Clerk Chas, A. L.+mmers ss delegates to the
convention of the League of Minnesota Municipalities, to be held in Mankato
Oct. 21, and 22, was received and on motion of Alderman Murphy the appointments
were confirmed.
Alderman M rphy moved that the City pay the R. R. fare and Hotel bills
of the delegates to Said convention, and upon roll call the motion was lost
by the following vote: Aldermen Coffeen, Meister, Stal•:.el and President (4)
voting Hay, sad Aldermen Gtebler, MCL+ughlln and Murphy voting Yea. Absent (2)
Aldermen Bordwell and Burtalatt.
OomrUnication from the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department appointing
Charles Peterson, as Captain of Hose, and advancing George Johnson to the
position of second assistant chief, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
Of win. StuABi, wan received, and on motion of Alderman furphY, the appointments
was confirmed.
Applications of Joseph M. Lurien,EichI.en Company,Johnson Brothers and
John Lustig, for renewal of L1•:uor license, w'.s read +.nd on motion of Aldermen
Murphy, llc sae was ordered issued up n the appllomt.A edmplyicg with the usual
Reletse of Viola Foley snd her pe•ents was presented, and on motion of
Alderman Coffeen same was accepted and ordered flied.
Report of 01LY clerk showing the amount of receipts and disbursements
for the first half of the flsce1 year, together with a statement of the •.mount
01' taxes due was presented end read, and on motion of Alderman Coffeen, same
was accepted and ordered filed'
City Attorney reported that he did not thing. the Council had the power
to pass an ordinance compelling property Owners tc construct fences along
dangerous places , and asked that further time be granted in looking up the
matter of constructing a fence alon.: the courdaghs property.
Report of F1narcc: ()omit tee recorni;cnding that the CitY accept $115.00 Sn full
settlement for the construction of sewers on South Martha and Oak Ct:•eets, fronting
on Lot 5 of Schultz' 5 acres nivislon,waa read and on motion of Alderman Coffeen,
the report was accepted and ordered filed and the City Treasurer was instructed to
accept said $115.00 in full settlement for said assessment.
Street Conlalttee made verbal report relative to purchasing • •noat• to be
used for an approach to the ice In the winter time, and after some discussion,
or. motion of Alderman Murphy, the committee was granted further time,
Sewer Committee asked for further time to investigate the sewer assessments
on South Broadway, which was granted.
Resolution No. 229Z.
relative to issuing certificates of indebtedness to pay forjhe construction of
Seter In 80. First Street, anown as Local Ianrovement No..1, was adopted by
the following vote; Aldermen Coffees, Giebier, McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy,
Starke]. and President Johnson (7) voting Yea. Absent (2) Aldermen Bordwell a Burtzlaff.
Resolution NO. 2298
on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the followitg vote: Aldermen Coffeen,
Stabler, McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy, Starke' and Bresldent Johnson (7) voting
Tea; Abner (2) Aldermen tordwell and Burtzlaff.
On motion of Alderman McLaughlin, council adjourned,
Attest; t e#4-eytyw.-----
01ty Clerk.
Connell Room.
Stillwater, Minn. Nov. 3, 1914.
Regular Meeting;
t of the C1 ty council
Present were Aldermen Icrdwell, Starke' and president Johnson.
No quorum being present, on rotior. of Aide man Bordwel), council adjourned
to meet Thursday Nov,. 5, 1914, at 7.30 o'clock P. M.
A ttes t;
��� Z� Iif'LllJt-ti C-/
City Cler... Pr$icant of the
City Council.
sou w
aourrll Room,
St llwt ter, Filer. Nov, 5, 2'14.
�. secular Adeour•Led Yeetinee
Present we:-e Aldermen eo:dwell, Coffeen, Gteblere YOLauEhan, L'eistee,
Murphy, Starke]. and President Johnson (8 )Absent Alderman Bu:tzleff.
Minutes of re.:u1'_r me..tin&s held Oct. 20, and Nov, 3. reed 'end approved.
Oath of office of George ee1teees Jr. as Spec el Police was read and ordered
f red.
Report of recetpts of the :.untcipei Court 1•or the month of Oct„ end the
City Treasurers report of receipts and disbursements and his financial statez.ent
for the month of Oct. wee read and on motion of Alderman Yurpby, were accepted,
ordered filed and referred .o the FYnunce Committee.
city Fzeineel•s estlm'.tes of contract work dome, being reports numbered 3'9-
340-341-343-344 a 345, were on motion of Aldermen NOLauchltn, approved and ordered
City kngiaeel•s estimate No. 342, foe work done by trillium Danforth on the
West Maple. Et. sewer, was at the suctest.On of Alderman Starkel, deferred, end
Alderman Hordwell moved that the entire Council make a visit to hest Yale Street
and inspect the work done by Ur. Danforth, Notion carried.
Ald. Coffeen of the Street Comm. reported that South Main Street wee in
bad condition, and moved that the Street Committee be authorized to have same
repaired. Notion carried.
Ald. (*Men for the Street Comm. reported that the Comm, was of Ole
Opinion, that the City should purchase a certaln float to be used as en approach
to the lee in the winter, time, and moved that the Purchasing Comm. be authonl%ed
to purchase said float, at cost not exceeding #75,O0. Notion carried,
Building Comm. asked for further time on Armory site, whirr was rrented.
Alderman McLaughlln,mede the following motion,
Moved.tbat in the ma tg of c ne eruct a e er In eat Him.ory Street, from
�bp81&L � 'fi §R 8�akh8rc h e?nos ' Vicli o, 2Et tYIEi i to toi ty of Still' ater,
known as Local Improvement No. 7, which was directed to be constructed by resolution
of the City Council passed Aug. 4, 1914, the sum of Seventeen hundred fifteen
dollars 1s hereby estimated and fixed upon us the cost of such Improvement, end
that the sum of Fourteen hundred fifty one ix 67/100 dollars 1s estimated and fixed
upon as the proportion or amount thereof which 1s assessable upon the lots and
parcels Of land described In the list made by the City Engineer as fronting On s•.ld
improvement; and that the sum last .`.entloned be assessed and .evled upon said lots
and parcels described in said list upon the basis of an equal assessment of an equal
sum per front foot of each lot and parcel, mesuring alo:E the line of such improvement.
■hich notion was seconded and adopted by tha Pollee/leg vote;
Alderman Bordwell, Coffeen, Glebler, NeLauthlin, Meister, Murphy, Steckel and
President Johnson (8) voting Yea. ALsent Alderman. Burtzleff.
Special Assessment Roll for the construction of a sewer in west Htcko-y Street,
as above described was presented and read, and on motion of Alderman stance', same
was adopted.
Ald. Coffeen made the following motion. 'loved that In the matter of Constructing
a sewer in West Hickory Street, from a point 5 feet east of the center of North Fifth
Street t0 a point 151 feet east of the east sine of Noetb ovens Street, in the Cite
Of etillwater, Known as Local Improvement No, 7,which woes directed to be constructed
by resolution of the City °elution passed AuC. 4, 1914, the assessment heretofore
levled upon and against the lots or psrcela od lend affected thereby,be end the same
is in all respects confirmed, which motion wen duly seconded end adopted by the
pee following vets; Aldeemenl Hordweli, Coffeen, Giebie:•, lcLauehlln, Meister, Murphy,
Steckel and President Johnson (8) Vette.: Yea; .Leent Aldermen herteleff.
On motion of Alderman COfr'een tee metier of Netter a lirht at the co.'-ner of
011Ve and Greely Streets, wee referred t0 the Lichtine Comm., an well as other places.
On motion of Aldermen Meister the matter of repairing or ext-nding the stirs
north of the Prlson,was .eft with the street Ccuumlttee with power •o set.,
On motion of Aldermen McLaughlin, the Council proceeded to Catalans the votes rest
ems fen City. Officers et the General tie -Lion held Nov. 3, 1914; whleb wds done and
resulted as follows:
For Mayor R. J. Coffeen received 575 votes and Nick eteeeei received 955 votes:
For Aldermen rirst nerd, Em i1e. A. Relr:heedt received 283 and Ilan. :. Doyle, 278 votes:
For Alderman beeond ward, He:men L. Cherisen received 214 votes and H. H. Luhmenn
received 240 votes; For Aldermen 'Third nard Charles L. Fisher received 3g2 votes
and E. J. Mellen received 1 vote; For City Treasurer Eimer Lotz received 898 votes
and Frank S. Register 1-eceived 589 votes, and or: motion of Aldermen EcLaugblln,
Nick EtarKel,wes deafened duly elected to the office of Mayor, Elmer Lotz to the
Attest: I!/irei it
City clam
office of City Treasurer, A. Retnlr.rdt to the office of Alde:•m,n from the
First Ward; H. H. Luhmann to the office of Alderman fro.. the Second Ward and Charles
L. Fisher to the office of Alderman from th- third Ward.
Reso ttior No. 2299
relative to cer tlflcates of .:debtedness for Local Improvement No. 7, *and
Resolution No. 2iOO
on Dement o_ sundry bills were both adopted by the followi:g vot -
Aldermen Bordweli, Coffeen, Giebler, McLaughlin, Meister, Lurphy, Sta:kel and
President Johnson ts) voting Sea, and Alderman Burtolaff absent.
On motion of Alderman McLaughlin, Council adjourned,
Attest- 4C-44-4-'Ian
City Clerk,
tresl¢ent Of the City Cuunell, ,
Council Room.
Stillwater. Minn. Nov. 17,1914.
Regular Meeting;
Present Aldermen Bordweli, burtz2aff, Coffees, Glebier, McLaughlin.
Meister, Murphy, P,nsrxel and President Johnson,
Minutes of last regular adjourned meeting held Not, 5, read and approved
Communication from Mrs. Allan Law, claiming damages for Injury sustained
by her daughter caused oy stepping on a nail, was on motion of Alderman Coffeen
referred to the City Attorney.
Application of Fr-nk Rose for retail llaour license, was on motion of
Alderman Murphy granted.
Liquor license bonds of Johnson Bros„ Etohten & Co. and Frans Rose were
on motion of Alderman Murphy approved and ordered filed.
City Engineers final estimate for the construction of sewer In West Maple
Street was on motion of Alderman McLaughlin. approved and ordered filed.
Report of Chairman of finance CO:;nittee and City Clerk, recommending that
the tax levy for Current expenses for the fiscal ear be fixed at ten (1O) m111e,
was read and on motion of Alderman Murphy, the re_comnendatioswas approved.
• Alderman Coffefln stated that there was complaints about the Armory not
being properly heated, and Loved that the ratter of heating the Armory be referred
to the Fire Dpt. Comm, Motion Car:1cO,
on motlon.of Alderman McLaughlin. the Lighting Comm, was instructed to
bore the light at the corner of Olive & Greely Streets moved to the proper place.
On motion of Alderman Bordweli the Furch, comet was instructed to buy
sufficient lumber- to mice a covering for the large belt at the Stone Quarry,
The matter of the overflow of the water from Stacks barn was referred to the es: SC
Street Comm. on motion of Aid. Coffeen,
Resolution N0,__23O1
ftxinr; tax levy for the fiscal year, and
Revolution NO._2jO2,
rescinding Renolutton No. 2297, relative to the issuance of certificates of indebt-
edness for Local Im. rovement ado. 2, and
Renoiu Cleft No. 2303,
authorizing the issuance of c•-rtlflo'a Les of lndebtednsns for Local IF.prov mnnt
NO. 2, ad
Resolution No. 2304,
relative to payr,.ent of sundry b111s, we. e all adopted by the followin,, vote -
Aldermen Bordweli, Bur•tzlaff, Coffeen, G1eb1 s;, McLaunlln, Meister, Murphy, gt.:_s e1
and Fres. Johnson 09) voting Thu.
On motion of Alderman :sirens, Gounetl ac;ourned._ .
Preptoent of the City Coutell
I D!11IW
Connell Room,
Ctlilwvte... !Linn. Dec. 1.1914.
Regu_hr beaten,
Fresent Aldermen rordweil, liurtzlarf, Corlett. ,tehle:, llclaue:hitn, Meister,
Murphy, Sta:•nel and Fres. Johnson.
Mlnvt s of last re.vlbr m= Ling hel:; Nov. 17. :ead end approved.
Liquor license bond of John Lustig:, was presented. and on motion of Alderman
Murphy. some was approved and order cd riled.
Report of OILY Attorney on the Coe:J.ica Lion from Ltrs. Ma, re.'. tive ?o in:eirY
to her daughter, was seat,:nnd on motion of Aldeixar, Cotten, ordered f 1! d.
Reports of Clerk of ..untclpal Court of receipts for month of ;lov, and City
Treasurers report of :ecelpte and disbursements and nts financial statement for the
month of Nov. Were reed, and on rootlet of Alderman Murphy, were accepted, ordered
tiled 'and referred to iris rin•.nce Cowl.
` city rneaneere &LAltw.tes NOS. 346 6 347, were read. and on motes: of Alderman
Murphy, were approved end Ordered riled,
City Attorney stated that the ease Of D. Swain vs the City of Dtlllwater,
was set for trial in the uistrlct Court for Dec'
YI—Alderman King, was present. and complimented the Council on the manner in
Which they transacted bnslnesfl.
Ald. Cotteen reported that the Ztreet Committee tad succeeded in stopping the
overflow of water from the &pack Livery Barn.
Alt. Murphy aced what, if anything the Lighting Com.., tad done relative to
getting informs Lion rele tine the the lighting system for the City.
Alt. bordwell for the Comm. stated that considerable work had bees done along
those lines, bnd asxed for further time. After considerable discussion by several
members of the Council ^•nd the City Attorney, further time was granted.
On motion of Alderman Statical, the Street Committee Was instructed to investigate
the IAW clt1m, 'and report on same at next meeting.
Rseofutlon_No. 2305. _
relative to the issuance of certificates of indebtedness for Local Improvements
Nos. 3. 4. 5. 6 6 7. and
_ Resolution No. 23
relative to payment Of sundry bills, were both upon roll cull adopted by the
tolsowin5 vote:
Aldermen Rordwell, 11trtzlaff. Coffeen, tlebler, uclhughlin. Meister, n phy,
6tarkcl and Fres, Johnson (9) voting Yea.
On motion of Aldermar. Stsrnel the Chair was instructed to appoint a L-'glslative
Comm. of three, to loon after needed legislation...yid the chair arpo.nted Aldermen
Starnel, McLaughlin and Johnson, as such committee.
On motion of Alderman Murphy Council ad:(..
City Cleric,
Fresldent pY' the City Council.
o Unnll Room,
81111wa ter, limn. Dec. 15. 1914.
A ttea t;adas7y1!/1R
City Cle:•X. Pr he City Council
Regular Reeving. Present Aldermen Eordwell, L•urtzlaff, Cotfeen, Clebler, McLaughlin,
Murphy, Starkel and President Johnson (8) Absea Alderman Relater.
M1Autes Of last regular mect1LG held Dee. 1, read, and approved.
Application of Ulrich t Company for renewal of liquor license, was on ration
of Alderman Murphy granted.
Annual report of the City' Librarian was presented and read, and on motion of
Alderman Murphy same was accepted an" ordered filed,
Report of City Attorney On the case of B. M. Swain vs the City of Stillwater
was on motion of Alderman Cotfeen, accepted and ordered filed.
Report of Finance Comm. on sale Of certificates of indebtedness, numbered
trom 1 LC 27 inclusive, a,;;i•:gatt—:, the sum of 111,300.00 was on motion of
Alderman Murphy, accepted and ordered riled.
Alderman Cotfeen ,for the Street Comm. reported that they had investigated
the Law Claim, and were of the opinion that the City aboula pay the same, and moved
that the City appropriate the sum of 331.45 to pay the same, upon the filing of a
proper release. Motion carried.
Alderman Cottrell moved tint the City deed to the State of Minnesota, the pres—
ent Armory grounds for a new Armory, which motion was seconded by Alderman Murphy,
and after some dismission, the matter was deferred until the next regular meeting,
upon motion of Alderman Ooffedn.
On motion of Alderman Cotfeen, the price of the Street Roller was fixed at $5,50
per day to the Fairview Cemetery Association, and to the County of Washington the
sum of 33.00 per day, the County having furnished both fuel and oil.
Alderman Bordwell for the Lighting Comm., reported that the Comm.hnd been and
were worXing at the proposition,and asked for further time' and after some discussion
by various members of the Council and the City Attorney, further time was granted.
Resolution 2307.
relative to borrowing money, not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars for current
expenses, and Resolution No 2i08
On payment of sundry bills were both adopted by the following vote.
Aldermen Bordwell, BurtZleff, Corteen, Giebler, McLaughlin, Murphy, Starke'
and Pres. Johnson (8) voting Yea. Alderman holster Absent,
On motion of Alderman Starr.el council ad;ourned. V
es L
• z