HomeMy WebLinkAbout1915-01-05 - 1915-12-31 CC MINJ D.tIIIW • • Council Room, 80llw.ter, LlLL, Jun. 5, 19,5, Regular MeetL[4:. Present Aldermen Bo:dwell. burtz15rf, Glebler, UcInughlin,:.:•aster, Murphy, Ctareel and President Johnson (8 ). Absent Alderman Cofteen. Minutes of last re,ui'r meeting held Dec. 15. 1915. reed end s ;roved. Ur. W. E. rerLee, C1pt. of CO. 'K• 1:. N. G. was present and stated that the Co. ffi.d abandoned the present plans for an Armory, and t1Lneed the Council for the conslaeratlon it had glven the matte:. Application of Paul J. Gedatus Der liquor dense was presented, send On motion of Alderman Murphy, same was accepted,ordered filed and license granted, Liquor license bonds of Faui J. Gedatus end Ulrich O Co„ were presented, and on notion of Ald. Murphy, s.me were approved and ordered filed. Communication from theMeer appointing Mrs. Margie A. McMillan, as a member of the Library Board, to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Mary B. C.arx, resigned, was presented and read, and on motion of Aid. 8ta1'Kel, same vas accepted, ordered filed and appointment confirmed. Release signed by Allan Law and wife, for personal injury to their dauebter was presented, and On motion of Ald. Murphy wus accepted sad ordered filed. Report or the Cleric of the :-unlctpai Court of the receipts for the month of Dec. 1914, and the City Treas. report of receipts and disbursements for the same month, and his financial statement, enair:g .:ec. 31. 1914, were presented send read, and on notion of Ald. 9nrphy, were accepted, ordered filed end referred to the Finance Coma tter. City mnctrcers Final EstimO to #' 348, for the consta-ueelon of Beaver in Hlcxory Street, was On motion of Ald. Murphy, approved and ordered filed. Ald' Ctnrlcel for the Legislative Comm„ reported having held a meeting and wanted t0 advise with the Council es a whole before making its report, and action was deferred at this time, George Dolan, through Aid. UCL.uehltn, united permission to remove two cotton- wood trees in the rear of his premises, and Aid, UCLLughlln ::.oved that the matter be referred to the etreet Committee with power to act. On motion Of Alderman Murphy the question of opening the bridge for traffic during the winter, when ice was considered unsafe. was left with the Bridge Commit- tee with power to act. Resolution No. 2i09. On p.yeent of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote; Aldermen Bordwell, Burtelufr, Giebier, UcLaugelln, Melster, Ilurphy, :taael and Pres. Johnson (8) voting Yea. Alderm n Coffeen acseAt. Council too. a recess to discuss needed legislation, and .Tier some dis- cussion, Council re -convened, and Ala. Cterxel, moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and have presented to the leglslawmre, an amendment to the present lay.., so as to permit the City to Issue bonds and borrow not to exceed 350.000.00 more than the cxlstleg laws now permit, for local Improvements, and also to prepare and present to the Legislature of the :-Late of Minn„ and amend- ment to tthe'pre:sent City Greeter, so '''.s to m.Ke the limit fore Current expenses two per cent of the assessed valuatlen Of the Clty, instead of one per cent as now provided in s•.1d Charter. On Lotion of Alderman MCI7rughlln. the matter of setting price for crushed ro0k, used on North and South Nulh street, and also the Everett street xrid:re,was refe rred to the Curry Committee, to report on at next meeting. Alderman Etarlel announced the dathof lr. J. H. Ward, formerCity Cleric, anr, the following '•solution was unsnimouslY adopted; •Resolves, That the members of the City Council of the City of Stillwater, — in recllar session .ssembled, have learned with sorrow of the death of Ur. James H. yard, who for many years held the office of City Cleric and Clerk of the Municipal Court Of Cttllw5te:, and performed the duties thereof with uni%111 r- courtesy, ater11:47, lntegi4tY ^..d ¶bill tY. said the!' e.cterrd thal; dectP-,n% heartfelt sympathy and condolence to his su:'v1T1n:; wife •.nu chlideen to th 1r .treat bereave - melt. That the City Cleric Le -nd he is h'r,-'c:' direct'4 to send t0 urs. y5rd a certified copy of tale resolution: On motion of A1de:;...n ;.tcl1 'ughlln, Ce:re,11 '.z;:Giltteal. 6^ Fresiefrt of Lee City Council. Attest; it root. t 01Ly C1ere., 4 • • • • Council Room, • Stillwater, Mum, Jan, 19,1915. Regular Meeting; F1eeerat Al so:m m Hordwes1, Hurt zlaff, COffeen, alebler, L'cl:.ughl in, 8tarkel •,nu Fsrox. Johnson (88). Absent Alderman uslater, Minutes of lant regular meeting held Jan. 5, read ana aoproved. A pilt.tlon of Alfred J. Petersen for liquor license be;,•irt.lne Feb. 13. 19.5, was on motion of Alderman Murphy es anted, Capt. C. S. PerLee, of Co, 1K" N. a„ asked the council to make the usual annual. approprtatlon of f250.00, and on motion of Alderman Murphy the appropriation was allowed; Communications from the ..unlcipai Reference Bureau, were read, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, same were accepted and ordered filed. Communication from Yrs. Mary A. ward and 1tam11y, acknowllding receipt of remembrance from the City Council and City Officials, on the death of ler. J. H. lard, was read, and on motion of Alderman Sta:kel same was accepted and ordered filed. Copy Of report of the Trustees of the Firemen Relief Fund, was prase:ted and read, and On motion of Alderman ..urphy was teen, ted and Ordered filed. The OILY Attorney stated that said report had t0 be submitted to the District Court for approval, and stated that he would represent both be City and the Trustees, 1f ins: rutted so to do at said hearing, and on motion of Alderman Murphy he was so Instructed. The City Attorney submitted two bills which he had prepared for the Leelslative Committee, as instructed at last regular meeting, and read Rama, &Ad after some explanation by the City Attorney, Alderman Murphy moved that the bill referring t0 relslrc the limit Of levy for current expenses ileikatelsiiad from on to two per cent, be approved and referred to the Legislative Committee with instructions to have same • presented to the Legislature now in session. Alderman 86arkal, suggested that he believed that the otner bill,which would permit the City to borrow 150.000.00 additional for local improvements should also De presented to the Leg*llature at this time, and Alderman Coffeen,moved that the said b111, as prepared and presented by the City Attorney, be also approved and presented to the Legislature at this time, which motion was duly seconded and carried. Commanlcation from Mrs. Antoinette Y. iasterman,as Pr:'sident of the Board of Managers of the City Hospital, statl.g that the new•Nurses Home* was now completed and properly furnished, and was now oceupled,and Used for the purpose for which it was built, had been built bit subscription from private citizens, and was wholly paid for, was read and on motion of Alderman Coffeen the coi;iunlcatlon was accepted and ordered flied. Resolution No.,_ 2i10. on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote:Aldermen Bordwell, Bdrtzleff, COffeen, Clebler, McLaughlin, Murphy, Starxel and Pres. Johnson (8) voting Rea. Alderman Meister absent. On motion of Alde:man McLaughlin, Council '•d1 armed, Attest: City Clerk. Presl -.t oour.^ll Room, Stillwater, '11tm. Feb. 2, 1915. Re;uaar Meetlni Present were Aldermen ktrew• t1,. lobar?, 0t.rr.nl A Frnsidrrrt JohnSetr Tnerm bring no quorum t resent, Alderman. Sta,-k el moved that the yobw,11 aap,a:a: to meet Tuesday Fetruar; 9th 1915, at 7,JC F, a Motion Or. !AM. i C.w�t 0114 Cie:•r.. Pr•al .ant of the City Coun^11, SUMO I sa t 4 • • • • • 144 Council Room, Stillwater, Minn. Jan, 19,1'j15, • Regular Meeting Px.nrrt .M131r.:men Bordwell, Burtzl°.ff, OOlfoen, clebler, McLaughlin, , Startel snu Brea. Johnson (8). Absent Alderman heists:. Mtnctes of last regular meeting held Jan. 5, read and approved. A .ilc-tlon of Alfred J. Peterson for liquor license beginning Feb, 13. 19_5, was on motion of Alderman Murphy grunted, Capt. U. S. PerLee, of Co. K' .. N. a„ ?seed the council to mace the usual annual .appropriation of 1250.00, and on motion of Alderman Murphy the appropriation Nue allowed; Communications from the :_unlcipai Reference I%I:eau, were :-eud, and or. motion of Ald•mnt.n McLaughlin, same were accepted and ordered filed. Ccr+unleatlon from errs. Mary A. Yard and 1Yimlly, acAnowlwding receipt of Pemembxtnce from the OILY Council and City Officials, on the death of Ur. J. H. lard, vas read, and on motion of Alderman St4:cel same was accepted and ordered riled. Copy of report of the Trustees of the Flremens Relief Fund, was presented and read, and on motion of Aldei'm.n ..urphy was aCCo, ted and ordered filed, The City Attorn.7 stated that said report had to be submitted to the District Court for approval. ^nd rtsted that he would represent both be City and the Trustees, 1f lnst rutted s0 to ay st said hearing, and on motion of Alderman Murphy he was so lnstructec.. The City Attorney submitted two bills which he had prepared for the Legislative Committee, ss instructed at lust regulsr me.+ling, and read same, and after some explanation by the City Attorney, Alderman Murphy moved that the bill referring to raisinz the limit of levy for current empensesAWOONWOWN from ono to two per cent, be approved and retened to the Legislative Committee -nth instructions to have same presented to the Legislature now in session. Alderman 8tarxel, sucgented that he believed that the otner blll,which would permit the City t0 borrow #50,000.00 additional for local improvements should also be presented to the LegaaSature at this time, and Alderman Coffeen,moved that the said bill. ae prepared and presented by the City Attorney, be also approved and presented to the Legislature at this time. which motion was duly seconded and carried. Commenleatlon from Yrs. Antoinette Y. Ma8terman,ae Pi-sident of the Board of Managers of the City Hospital, stati.e that the new•Nurses Home' was now Completed and properly furnished, and was now Oeoupled,and used for the purpose tor which it was built, had been built by subscription from private citizens, and was wholly paid for. wee read and on motion of Alderman Coffees the con:7unleatlott was accepted and ordered filed. Resolution No._ 2N10. on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote:Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Goffeen, Clebler, umlaughlln. lttrphy, Starxcl and Pres. Johnson (8) voting Rea. Alderman Meister absent. On motion Of Alderman McLaughlin. Council •.d u:ned, Attest: tf+g. City ClrrK. 1 President ,6f the City Council Council Room, Cttalwat.er, uu.n. Feb. 2, 1915. Retivar teeth Present were Aldermen Screa' 11,diebJ.^:•, Starr.el & Fresieent Johnson, Tpere bring no quorum resent. Alderman ftc / 1 DOT d that the Ocn^11 ad-.•:rt, to 'vet Tucedav Fetx.ary yth lyi5, at 7 yc F Uotlon ra rled. Attest. IL; C Ati •ii/4-%Wi/'n____., Olt; olea.. Fr niq-nt cf the City Coun^li. 110114 ees • • • • .1U.;111W • Cotrr^1i Room. Ctillwate:r, M1ba. Feirua.y yt.h 1915. Ref;:a.r Ad:::urned Leet!nt; Present Aider:_en wrtziatf, Coffeen, tlebier. McLaughlin. :Let.ste:, uurphy, Bta:r.el and President John.on (g) At sent Alderman Foraw•11. bathe of office o^ L1mer Ioti, as City TI•e:sure:, Ea1i r., A. Relnha: t as Alde man ano hrs. tiei.1e HOlen, .n c member of :he Llbr•ry ;ioard, ware on motion of Alderman Murphy. accepted ano ordered filed. Liquor Lieense bond of Alfred J. Peterson was on notion of Alderman Murphy, accepted, approved anu ordered filed. Bill cf Dr. E. E. 'leas for ;27.00 and cf King Bros, for 22.25 for cage 'and medicine furnished Elton E.Andrews, one of the firemen, durinp his :evert illness. were approved, and crdereu sent to the Trustees of the Fire -ens Ibilief fund, with the recoruaenda: on that they pair the same. GOrua'lbtcattOn from Rc rinson-Cary & ;ands Go. relative to a bill of 3G.00 was presented and read, .ad after explanation by Alderman lurtzlaff, 1•.lative to M.id matter, stating that the Company had agreed to furnish sUeh goods as they made claim for, gratis, Alderman McLaughlin moved that the bill be re+^cted, and the City Clerk be Instructed to so inform them.Motion Carried. COm:.:1nicaLton from the Citizens Memorial Committee inviting the City Council and their wives to attend a banquet on Ltntolns Birthday, was adeepted and ordered filed. Report of the Clerk of the ;.unicipal Oourt,of collections for the month of January, the City Treasurers report of receipts and dlsbursenents for the same month, 1n0 hlc financial statement for the month ending Jan. 30, were on motion of Alderman Lurphy, accept.d, Ordered filed end referred to the. Finance Committee. Alderman £tarkel for the Lighting Corm..ttee re,.orted that the Committee was WOrxing and asked for further time, which "us granted. Alderman Coffeen, stated that he believed that the prevatitng custom now axiatire throughout the business part of the CitY, In using the streets for the purpose of permitting old vehicles and other obstructionn../b,smmtnxsMnbr any unlimited time should be stopped. and moved that the mayor be instructed to cause said practice to cause, which motion was carried. On motion of Alderman starker, the wiling Inspector or Clty Engineer was' instructed to compel property owr.ers,who permit w-ter to flow front the_ roofs en the wider-lks, to co''.ect such drainage with sewers and discontinue the flow of water on sldewelka. On motion of Aldermen Coffeen the auildi:.i; Inspector was instructed to notify property owners it the business p.:L of the City. of the danger of tce- eYles hanging from their roofs over sldew-lks, and to caution and request them to have the same removed. Resolution No. mill. on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote - Aldermen Burtziaff, Coffeen, Giebler, MCILughlin, Meister, Murphy, Otarkel and President J.Lnson (8) votlrj Yea. Absent Aide:man cordwell, on.:.otton of Alderman Lurphy Council ad;: urned, NOS Attest; 1ty mime.' , Pres1dent/of City Council. _Ltd • 4 • • • • I IBIIIW 147 • on r Councll Room, 6tllluster, limn. Feb, 23, 1915. Recuisr Adjourned Meeting; Present Aldermen Bordwell, Coffees, Giebler, Lcimuenlin, bolster. Lurphy, 8ta2r,el and President Johnson (8) Absent Aldermsn Burtzlaff. Ur. R. 8. P.rxer stated that he desired to close out his stock at public auction sad sexed whether or not he woula be requlred to procure an Auctioneers) license. After some discussion regarding the Ordlnaflces govering Auctioneers, it unanimously decided that no license tr.s requlsed. The Finance and Le_isistive Committee reported that they had had several eons:ritat ans with the iasr.ers and other business men of the C1 ty regarding the bill now- pending in the Legislature, with reference to issuing bonds for per- manent tmrovemeh:ts, for which no assessments could be levied, and It was almost unanlmouslY the opinion. that the bond .ssae w-s the proper thing, but apparently our Legislators, would not advocate passing the bill in its present form, and Alderman Startle presented the following resolution. which after some discussion was unanimously adopted, Voted, That the Legislative Committee of the City Ccuncll.be and It 1s hereby authorized to request the ,T,shtnitor, County deleistton to the Legislature to urge the passage of the two laws heretofore submitted t0 them which have been inteodlced into the Yonne, and referred to the proper Committee, and t0 ate-te to When that 1t 1s entirely agreeable to the City Council to have the form of the so-called bond bill amended so that before the same becomes effective it shall be submitted to a vote of the people Or the City of Stl11w'iter to the wild that they may have the oppurtunity to determine whether or not the bonds shall be issued. Co motion of Alderman Ctarcel, Council adjourned. "-y Attest;•4f?4Lkk4%�t�.' / -- --�-. City Clerk. Pre ide the City Council Council Room, Stillwater, Linr.. Larch 2. 1915. Regular Meeting; Present Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff. Coffeen, Giebler, LcL•ughlin, and President Johnson. (6) Absent Aldermen Gelster, Lurphy and Starke]. (3). Minutes of last regular me- ting held Feb. 16. end of regular adjourned meeting held Feb. 23 read, una approved. Oath of office of Geo. 1. Lunxel, ss s member of the School Board, was pr-sented end ordered filed. Liquor license bond of Witte Settiemyre, was accepted, a proved and 0:dered 1Yled. Re ort of Cicrx of Runic -goal Court of receipts for the month of Feb., Report of City Tre.surer of receipts and disbursements for the month of Feb„ and his flnanesi statement, for the month ending Feb, 27, read, and on motion of Aldermsn =Laughiln, were accep tad, ordered flied 'and referred to the Fin ace.. Committee. Aldermsn iordweil for the Lighting Com:'dttee. reported that they were ma,..in;: pitclCss, and aimed for further time, which was grantee. On motion of Alderman Coffeen, the Building Inspector was Instructed to exemine the olo eo-called Faleutet bu11alf. on North Fourth Street, end report its condition to the COuneli at the next regular me•etinc. Resplutton_ NO, 2 12. on payment of sundry bolo was eeoptec LY the followln: vote- Alderman Bordwell, eurtzleff, aoffeen, Giebler, LCLeughlln and Fr slder.t Johnson (6) voting Yea. absent Aleerluen Luster, Lurp:y and Sit -xel. On motion of Alderman Coffeen Council adjeuerd Att•;st. /" 1r 6-treefths, ()fly Cler,, lr/1 G -i- repldett, of the C1tY Connell. • • • • Council Room, Stillwater, Linn, lke-rch 16,1915. Regular Meettnc: Present Aldermen BOrdwcll, aurtzlaff, Coffeen, Gtebler, McLaughlin, Meister, Starkel and President Johnson (8 ). Absent Alderman LurphY. Minutes of last regular me.alr#; held March 2, read and approved. Aldermen elect, Lohman and Fisher were present and were called On by the chair, and both res;ondcd briefly. Petetion signed LY Berl • 9he L.n and a ruiner of other residents of the Town of Stillwater, requesting -the City t0,repair. the!soo-called .Pest. House_ road, waa presented and read, and on motion of A1:.erman Starkel, the same was accepted, ordered filed and referred to the Street Comt.itte e to investigate and report on same at next regular meeting. Communication from Stillwater Hardware Co., asKtra: permission to place a Curb Outfit for Gasoline service In front of their place of business, was presented and read, and on motion of Alderman !::cLaughrtn, the same was referred to the Street Committee to investigate and report on same et next meeting. Application of Herman 0. Pretzel fgr Liquor 1lcense, was presented and read, and on motion of Alderman Starkel, the same was accepted, ordered filed, and license granted. Path of office of Chas. F. Fisher, Alderman elect, was presented and Ordered filed' Communication from the Inspectpr of buildings relative toPPlumbers Ordinance', was presented and read, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the same was referred to the Ordinance Committee. Application of Pearl I. Evans, for reduction of interest On sidewalk assessment levied vs Lot 27 Block 7. 7tlkiLs Addition, was presented and read. and the Finance Committee having previously investigated the matter, recommended that the Copy Lase settlement by charging IL interest per annum, and Alderman McLaughlin, moved that the Committees recommendatlot4.be complied with. Motion ea:r1ed. The matter of overflow of surface water on the Hooiey proterty, at the corner of 4th & Churchill Streets, was again Luau up and discussed pro and con by several of the Aldermen, but no action was taken. Resolution No,_ 231!}. On payment cf sundry bills was adopted by the following vote: Aldermen Bordweli, Burtzlaff, Coffees, clebler, Meister, Meleughlin, Starkel and President Johnson, (8) voting yea. absent Alderman Murphy. On motion of Alderman McLaughlin, council adjourned. A ttrst: -�•+f City C1erA. Pfeatden the city Council. 4 • • • 19 • .:w..t .t.<iAL ',:'fait 0•,n^' :r. t ,en -.s:.tiL •..•.e Au::.L D ..Cl:-'..•::1•h. Ct:.t,+, '_na 0;:.:iw.._1. onto.-s of th• rtn•.ho, Jot::.i tio,t of tno Sit:' er;j.rt 1, •-t.., (!d2 ,:,: IL:La: n rI' th 7::t.1-„- s Cc,nstit.::— tt:.� th- 1. 1ct' r.::o.:.ts tit ., ,. .,- eu,ne-.: •U "41a fii d 1t; th:z cff:cc of tit' C1t7 Ci..a fa. _ sc.fc, 5_iG ',arch s h...L7 to n Pr•s :,trd •+n':-4t;!Med i_ the Unty T;c-surer fo. es_f;.ui-t:oi' .n•: CL1e,,41'-tiffs; Sffi.1a vo.:ch7..9 b 1:..; ors. :on to in th- > Pc. -ts of to-. Jits T: e. sa 'l i'ie: d'+teS Of, f:.om Ap M.1 1,1914 to :^h ?1. Loth tnci::si'i-., uric; trio In sc2ort.nce with th:: .alines L',ce it: th, boons of t.hc. Ctt T:'o9'.:...'r tho does sbove r..:nt.ton..'a. Bond Inte:.:at .c^o::t.ts 12,975.00 Fe1-'.n Tit imp : -pi a: tt vvna 1.187.76 Cdr:-ent Fund, l0T•1 sosns 20, 506.00 Cd:'rrtti , Gib!. St ,u- is 66,413.48 F1temrus Reii^f F 4nd 9?9.R8 LIB l+.r} 71114 �,184.13 Z'.nt^.1p:1 00•.:rt 1.920.51 . RO••1s lr. d,;,;: to th,: Cit:; 41.50 iQ:n 1tt:a 578.12 No: th Hui Lbtint few r 5.371.96 A : t1c :'t-i:.at 1,5».26 fl1 Ce:-: Ct.:..et ..ewes 1.715.00 SO. }i-ondw•.;.r;. �F1n•• b :o.2r::: t . r we:' L,iC'.z4 No. 4th t 9est _:.ply "•x•,.n'� .465.00 Vest •.1m ✓ No. i:7^^tt. ft. :'- wee 1�SC^. r.0 $13i.949.27 Sul:':':''r'. Rnc:•tpts from Apl. 1,191:, t:: ^.h 31,1915 i?1,749.25 Bt1.ne ct, h'-no APl. 1,i914 19.914.94 $151.664.19 D1s,s rsna'nts from Apl, 1.1914. to :.. rch .015, to -it Si is cbr•nce on h'-ne Api. 1.1915 15:;, 949. 27 16.714.92 $151.664.19 RcsP^'etfhiil• sa5citted. ) ai ange ) Qoromlttee, ). • • 150 Council form. 8tlllw'. tea', eine. April 6.1915. • • Reoeier• 'r'eetlwu ; Present Aldermnn Bordwell, buetzlefr, Ooffeen, Ciebler, McL5ugh11n, Meister, Murphy, Sterkel end President Johnson (9). Mtmites of lest eeiellee meting held Larch 16, end nt Oencelre tion meting held April 5, reed end ecproved. YI•. N0CUm Lott, 995SLC1 peemtssioxl to move his dwelll.: ne`-r the earner Of Second .ne Olive Streets to a lot tmmedeetelY west of hes ^e n dense, and on motion of Alderman Coffeen the wetter w°-s eeree ed to the Buil t'c Co:7nittET. to investigate end eeeort on acme at someivt-.rre meetine. Liquor license bond of Herm=n Pretzel wee presented, end on motion of Alderman Murphy, the s'•me WUR approved end ordered filed, Bond of A. J. Holm. es Seerete:Y of the ctl iiweter School eoerd, Was en motion of Alderman Murphy, accepted end ordered filed. Report of St. Croix Lew, Co., On s•.ae of fumlfltoes, w.R on motion of Aldermen Coffeen. accepted •end ordered filed. Claim of le. e.. Swem of $500.00 for assistance rendered in the construct- tion.ef the Fontoon,wee presented '.nc read, 5nd on motion of Alderman Murphy, the tame ass accepted anu ordered filed. Alderman Stsrkel, moved that the claim of L. 1. Swain be rejected, and twit the City Attorney be .nstructed to look after the City^ R interest In the matte_. And upon roll call the motion was carried by the following vote: agorae!) bordwell, burtzlei'f, Goffeen, Giebler, McLaughlin, Meister, Murphy, Merkel and President Johnson (9) voting yea. Clete of 110btneen-05rY-8CndS eo. for $4.00 W5!; on motion of Alderman Murphy, rejected. Annual report of the Ch ref ATSilneer of the Flee Department, Was present- ed 'end read, and on motion of Aldermen Murphy. the fame was accepted and ordered f.led. Annu•el report of the Gity Engineer w'-s presented and read, and on motion of Aldermen Murphy, the same wss accepted and ordered filed' Report of the Clerk of the Munlcipel Court of collections for the month of arch, and the City Treasurers report of ,ecelpts and disbursements for the fame month, and his financial statement for the month ending ]larch el, 1915, were presented and read, 5nd on motion of Aldermen Murphy, the same were accepted and ordered riled, the some hewing been approved by the Finsnce Comm. Annual report of City Clerk, of r-eesipts end disbursements for the Seer ending March 31, 1915. Was presented end reed, end on motion of Alderman Murphy` the same Was accepted anu ordered filed. Report of Plnence Committee, on 5uditing the books of the Gity Treesurer w.s presented ens read, end on motion of Aldermen Murphy. accepted and ordered Reed. Report of Street Committee, on the application of the Stillwater Rerdwaee Co., to install a Curb Gasoline Storage Pump in front of their place of business, wee presented cnc. read, end on mctlon of Alderman Nurtzleff, the fame was accept- ed, endorsed and ordered filed. Ooteun-ic-tton from M'YOr eleeet. Alderman Nick. Starke', tendering hie resli::nation es Aldermen from the Ceeond Ward, to L'.xe effect April 12, 1915, wan pr•..Rented "ena reed, end on motion of Alderman Coffeen sccepted end ordered tiled. Aldermen McLaughlin, io: the r'ins..ce Comi;tttee to whom Wes referred the Cleve of John r'. A. Y..`.p11n, and nia aeui:hter, Mrs. W. J. Madden, reported that the Committee had held several conferences, and had ^,;reed 4w10. Sir. RSpltn end Mrs. Madder :on the sum of p813.72 se en siuitublt settlement in full for their• Claims, 5nd recommended that the City pay thee that amount. And on notion of Aldermen Memel the report WAS accepted end the recommen- detton ordered compiled with. Aldermen bor•dw011, reported th-t the Lighting Committee, had been at work on the proposition, and that they had employed en e;:peet who would be here next Fries', to meet with the L1'htln! Committee end '. Colfzi ttee from the Givle Club of the City,at the City Hell et 8 o eloeX in the even.n,;, end invited all the Present 5s well ss the Aldermen elect tea be peese:.t et that meetlee. ,.Aldermen Coffeen, for the Street Committee reported betting examined the so-ceiied Pest House rood hill, and found the seme In trod p'.sseble condition. The Finance Cormaittee presented water Sorts Bonds, ru;rl;rred from Al to 40 tnelusive, t❑ th- sum of $1000 each, '.' r.i're•ttng $10,oc0.0c end the Ci ty's Certlfte tee of indei,Ledrre:;s, es follows:No. a fr, • the sum. of 07500.00- No. 6 foe the sum of ee500. - No. 7 for the sum Of g20.50- NO. 3 : or the sum f $2000 end No. 9 foe the sum of 01500.00, ag•"-'e;utln:: the sum of .00 . a which bad all been Pete, and ►idereen McDeuehiln moved that the Council recess for the purpose of bu inrr s•-1d bends =L: Cerificates of Indebtedness. Motion ca.d led, • • • 1I)3111W 151 • • w r • OOunctl was sgsin called 1O order, and Alderman .t.'eLauchiin, renorted to the Connell that the Cowls =nu certiticutes of indebtedness ubdve referred to had all been burned and aest.oyed. Ae:a03u%lOn NO,. 231j. on p'.yment of sundry b111s w..s *-clouted by the following vote- Alderm n Bordwell, burtnlaff, Cotfeen, Gleblar, MOL'lughlin, Meister, liu_phy, Btar$el and Pr•-sident Johnson (9) voting yea: It Laing the lust meeting of the old Council, the chair an: ounced that rem:rms were in order, '•nd Alderman Murphy, responded, Ly saying that he was well pleased with the actions of the Council for the past three years, and be - flirted th+.t they had acted constlertlously cad for the best interest of the City. notwithstending the e:tticisms m=de, end that he 'ass ready to defend the actions of the Council during maid time, also that he believed it was an educe - Zion, to be a member of the Council for a time, so as to :ecome familiar with City Sartre, and believed a number of the business men of the City would profit by being pieced in the position of an A1de.man for on- term. Also wished t.o than the members of the Council '•nd the City officials for courte21Pa shown. Alderman BtarXel, Mayor elect, endorsed what Aldermen Murphy bud Bald, and stated that he believed the Couneli had acted for the best, end thsnY.'d the Council and City officials for courtesies shown, Aldermen Meister and Ctebier, also endorsed what Alderman Murphy had said, WW1 wished to than the Council +-nd City Offlcisie for courtesies shown, Alderman McLaughlin, responded to the remarts made by the retiring Aldermen. Al the suggestion of Fresieent Johnson, a rising vote was tendered the. retiring Alderman for the services. On mutton of Alderman nurthy, the Cowin' adourned to meet Tuesday April 20. 1915. at 7.30 0'040Cs F. L. / Attest; /,�1�[I��' City u'1e:3:. President the City Oovneti, • • Oour.nl Rocee. etellw•. ter, ram., Ae.rii 1_th Regular Adjourned meeting: COuncli ealaed to order by City Cleric, loll dell showed the fo.lowlnc Aldermen present- Aldermen bordwell, BFdrtzlefte Coffeen, Fisher, Johnson. Lehman ,ucL.ugialn end Retnheedt, Upon On notion of Aldermen lecLAui;hlln, Aldermen Johnson was cnosen tempo - reel ehetrmen, who LOG$ his seat end announced the first order of business the election of a President of the Council. Chair appointed Aldermen Reinhardt and burtzlaff as tellers. Inform•1 ballott teem g-ve Alderman Coffeen 7 votes eau Alderman Johnson 1, vote, and on motion of Aldermen eclaurhltn, the tnf :mei ballott tr.a declared formal, and Alde:fin Coffeen ran Ced6:ed as elected es Prestdent of the Council. for the ensuing year. President Coffeen ues•Jmed his a..:at end thanked the Connell for the honor, On motion of Aldermen Johnson, it wen decided that all first ballotts for vetinue officers should be deal -red infot•m•.l. The President appointed Aldermen Reinhardt end Bortzleff as tellers, and. Council then proceeded to elect the balance of the officer's. Info:mei tellott for Eldermaneflom. the Cswndelerd,:to fielelhbf<vneuncyc eeuaed..by.ahe restcne.tton of Aldermen sta:•xel. who had been elected us Mayor, w s then tarn which resulted as follows: Geoeee. E. IIuneel received 8 votes, an on motion of Alderman Johnson, the informal ballott was declared formal, and George; E. Yuneel tra declared duly elected se Alderman to rill the unexpired term ofr. Aldermen 8toreel, resigned, Informal ballott t-x•xl for Vlce Proslt.ent of tnc Wench gave Alderman Johnson R votes and Aldermen burtzleff 2 votes. Aldermen Muriel 1 vote and Aldermen McLoughlin 1 vote: First formal ballott t=Ken resultlru; an follows: Alderman Johnson received 4 votes, Alderman Bir•tzleff received 2 votes, Aldermen Lunlel received 1 vote and Aldermen 13cLeughlin received 1 vote, Second formal tailott t-xen resulting oe follows: Alderman JOhdson received 5 votes -Alderman Burtzleff 1 vote, Alderman Lunkel 1 vote and Alderman UcI.Eughlln 1 vote, Alderman Johnson hevine received a meeceety of all votes cast he Was declared duly elected as Vice preslaent of the City Council foe the ensuing Year. lylfonmal ballott for City Clerk tones resulting as follows: Ernest Johnson received 1 vote, Reuben Johnson :-eretved 3 votes and Chas. A. L!iwners :'ecetVed 4 votes: Formal beilott t•-ken resultlne; es follows: Ches. A. LAMzrers received 5 votes and Reuben Jotn cn 3 votes. Chas, A. Lammers having received a ma,'o:1ty of all votes cast he wen declared duly ' elected to the office of City Cleric for the term of two years. Informal tellott te1en for City Attorney resulted es fellows: E. D. etiffington received 7 votes end C. B. Jade 1 Vote:. and on motion of Aldermen Johnson the informal ballott w•-s deal=red formal. and E. D. Buffington wee declared duly elected to the Office of Ctty Attorney foe the term of two flare. Informal Leliott MAIM for City encineee resulted as follows: L. W. Cie;ke: received E 'totes, end on motion of Alde:•man i:ctaughltn, the informs tailott wee deer.:ed formal 'end L. W. Clarke win declared duly elected to the e£ftee of City Emaheer foe the term of two •;errs. Infoim!.l tellott for City A.rse5Aoe taken and :esuited aB follow:: Ches. 2, &Tager reColled 5 Votes. R. E. Parker received £'vote and AuiUtt Eoortn :eCelved 2 Votes. Fermi Lellott teems PesUltln.i; an follows: Chas. 2. Glaser received 7 votes one R. E. F'•rker 1 Vote. Chas, E. Giesebeetle' received a ma;;orllY of all votes cast h? wee decbered duly cs cted to the office of Oily AAAennor Co:. the term of two ;'etrs. Inform-1 ballott Lamm foe Chttf Engineer of the. nee Depertmeht resel'Cd aA follows: James ecCenn :eecived g votes, and oh l.ttor. of Alderman Johnson, the 1'nform.i ballott was deck led formal, anu James McGinn sus declared ,-say elected to the. Bald office for the ensuing: yeti. Appitcatlons far postttoh:. .; :e ;ecelved end eeec es foiiows:eml Jar:es :Jane. for day or rimnt he Stillwater bridge. :pp.. rl nL endert of t. C11ff_,rd Johnson for night superintendent of the Stillwater Fridge. Dr. J. 2. Haines for City ehysiclan, end or. rcticn of Alderman LcL-'jfheln soma were accepted and ordered Council then proceeded to sL->at. the remaining officers. Informal ballott taItn for city Physic -ten rew1ted as follows: Dr. J. H. Haines received 8 votes, %Ed on motion of Aldermen McLaughlin the Informal ballott was declared :crane£, an. J. H. Haines was declared dull' elected to the office of city Fhvslcien. NNW L1 1I8I}IW • 153 • • Informal b'-lactt t.xen for 8t:•eet Commissioner resulted as follows: Andrew C'-Ilson recelved 8 votes, and on notion of Alderman Johnson, the infoim.1 bal lost wus declared formal, and Andrew C'arlLofl was declared duly elected as Street Commissioner. Informal ballott taKen for threes.+embers of the Bo•-rd of Hedlth,resuiting as follows: Dr J. n. Haines, Oily rhYSician, W. Z. MCN.ughton, Chief of Follce, and Dr., R. J. Cofre.;n, e'-ch received 8 votes, and on motion of Alderman Johnson, the informal ballott was declared formal, and Dr. J. d. Haines, W. E. DeN-ugbton and Br. R. J. Coffeen were declared culy elected as members of the Bo•'.rd of Health. On motion of Alderman Burtzl-ff, James DcGann was elected Fire Marshall, by acclamation. Informal ballott for Day Superintendent of the Stillwater Bridge was taken and resulted as follows: Godfrey Anderson received 6 votes and James Lane 2 votes. Formal ballott gave Godfrey Anderson 7 votes and James Lame 1 vote, Godfrey Anderson having received a ma;o:•Sty of oil votes east he was declared duly elected as Day Supe lntendent of the Stillwater Br:dge, Inforw.l ballott t•.Ken for Night Superintendent of the Stillwater Bridge, taken and resulted -w follows: Clifford Johnson recelved ?, votes- James Lane 1 vote- James Lotz 1 vote and Ed. Welch received ? votes. First fort.l ballott gave Clifford Johnson 4 votes and Ed Welch 4 votes. Second formal teliott gave Clifford Johnson 5 votes and Ed. Welch 3 votes. Clifford Johnson haring received a maority of all votes cast he was declared duly elected as night superintendent of the Stillwater BrialC. Informal t`-lion tasen for Janitor d-ve AG1/C8 Htgold 8 votes, and On motion of Alderman Burt.laff the tnrorm'-1 ballots was declared normal, and Agnes BhgOld was declared elected as Janitor. On motion of Alderman Johnson, L. W. Clarne w'--s elected Rtildtng In8pectOr, by acclamation. The chair then announced the Sollowing standing committees for the ensuing year. Bridge Aldermen. Johnson, Reinhardt and Fisher. Building.,__ Aldermen Luhmann, Bordwell and MOLaushlin. Finance. Aldermen McLaughlin, Lunkel and Dardwell. _ltre,Dep!ts Aldermen Burtflarr, Reinhardt and Coffeen. Hospital, Aldermen ,Johnson, Bordreii, and Coffeen. L zgee Aldermen Fisher, Labe-rd. and Reinhardt. htiny_._. Alde:ten Bordwell, Lciauchatn ana Johnson. Ordinat.ces Aldermen ,Burtzlaff, Lehmann and HciAugritn. PerY.. Alderman Fisher, Reinhardt and Lubmann. - Printtn47s-•kdaruent einhardt, McLaughlin anu Bordwell. _Furch;.slny.Aldermen McIfui%lin, Reinhardt, Coffeen and Johnson. SeRers,. lldermen., Hlrtzlaff,-Bordweli ;.nc Johnson. Streets. Alderman Johnson, Reinhardt and Ccffeen, _Taxes,. Aldermen DcLaughlin, Bordwell and Muntel. On mctton of Alders-'n Johnson, the chair was lnstru^'.7d to appoint a committee of three, as Stone quarry Committee, and the mu': appointed Aldermen Bordwell, Fisher and Burtzlaff, us Alderman oaths of office of Nick cts rkel as Mayor 'and Hcru.9r. H. iuhmt.nn, were presented and ordered fii.•ri. At this time Layer CtarKei,pr sented 'and redo his mCAAa•:e to the Council. which Was on motion of Alderman L:C1NuChiln, accepted and ordered filed. 00m:-'1nlo'.tioti from the: ir.'.YOr appointing his Police force as follows,was rears, and On motion of Sideman Johnson, e0rr:o.ntCation w=s ::relied •and ordered filed. A,.polntnents as fol.ows: which were confirmed. W. Z. MCNa1Phtol, Chief cf Police. Thes. F. Mahar, Captain of Polies. and George W-ltere, Gust Swanson, Herman i' , Lanes anu James otitis, aA Patrolman, '.nu Geo::-ec A. Walters, as P'.t-•clmun. to serve wltnollt pay. and Louis L. Leyh, as Assistant iie.ith Offlcert and Sleelel r6l1ce, co!:.ants. tlon frola itt111'.m ituse, off --IL: to sel?'. lee-1A to prisoners in the city Jail for 15 cts. p.-r G.e:i, vr.s read am: cc. : c,ticn of Alderman Johnson, stall was lad on the table. Bond of Elider LotZ, an City T:'e'.sl:ra,, tt.s p:'ef,nted, an:: 'l motion cf Ald2.ma.n L'CJi.ughlif, sac•, was set tad, ni-p:Vlyd ono crde..,.ec fiin•d. 7:aYG^ tits reel aAK d peatd sslG:; to LOTnolo ;he. f,>[. ,.,-e :r the L'=✓ors office• to Iris place Gf Inoo nesS, and on mctlo❑ of A1de:—t.n '_^L L'u_.^.111 . pennlosl0n Wns granted. On notIon of Al0eae n Couneli d _'J C Attest tr es-to-tei-Q I G F/ : City niP r, v P 9 _c th t ;':Ilcl1. • • 154 . Cohrleil. RGom. Stillwater, Lim. April 20. 1915. Regular Meeting; Present were Aldermen Iordweil, Lu:•t.zlaff, Fisher, Johnson, Lubmnnn, McLaughlin, Reiz.h6ret and President Coffees (6) Alde man Munkel absett, M1G-tas of last regular meeting Held April 6. '-nd of last regular ad,iourned meeting hela April 1=, read sin approved. Ex Alderman king addressed the Council relative to placing the bath houses and grounds at L11y Lake 1L better condition, and on motion of Alderman Johnson, the matter lr•s refearea to the Wilding Committee with power to act, Judge Gilaen asr.ed that the Council mare the usual a. propr16t1on of $150.00 towards defraying the expenses incidental to Memorial IX.y exercises, and on motion of Aiae:man Johnson the request Was granted. A Committee from the so-c. led Charter Commission we a present, and Mr. 8. B. Mebeth, 6s etratrulun of said Commission, addressed the Council at length and pointed out what theycons1Cered the meretorious proposed changes which were em- bodied in the new charter, and cn motion of Alderman kcLughlin, the chair was instructed to appoint a committee of three to confer with the Colw1lttee from the Charter COnmiss:on.to ar•:61We for a date to vote on Said Charter, and the chair appointed the Finance Committee as such committee. Oaths of office of E. D. Bufftrd;ton, as City Attorney -Chas. A. Lammers , as City Clerk and O_erx of the Muntclpai Court, L. W. Clarpe as City kW:ineer and Butidtng Inspector -Andrew Carlson .as Street Commissioner-J. H. Haines, as City Physician --Godfrey Ander. on.as Day superintendent of the Stillwater Fridge- Clifford Johnson, as Night superintendent of the Stillwater Bridge- Louis L. Leith, as assistant Health officer and Se 0161 Police- W. E. MCNauchton, as Chief of Pollee, Thos. F'.:.•-her, as Captain of Police, and Herman Lange. James G1111s,and August Swanson as Patrolmen, and George A. Walters, as special Pollee. were presented and Ordered tiled. Bondi' of Chas. A. Lammers, 6s City Clerk and Clerk of the Municipal Court. Andrew Carlson, as Street Comdaissloner, Godfrey Anderson as day superintendent of the Stillwater bridge and Clifford Johnson 6s night sup .rintendent of the Stillwater Bridge, were presented. and ail having been approved by the Tinance Committee and City Attorney, were on motion of Alderman Johnson, accepted, approv- ed and e.rdered filed. Communication from the Mayer appointing 0. H. Olsen, as a member of the Board of Water Commissioners, was presented and read, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the same was accepted, ordered filed End appointment confirmed. Petetzon from Robert Welsh, .sktr::r for the position of Dump.Master, WOO pees. rated and read, and sane was ordered filed. Communication from the City gnetner relative to planting trees and sowing grass on the triangle at the intersection of Olive and Greeley Streets, and in reference to cleaning up the so -Called W1i11a Lots on South Third Street,Was Dr'sented and read, and on notion of Alderman Burtzlotf the same was referred to the Street Committee with power to act. Applications of Ad':lr.h Z. Reutllrt.n. Nelson h W'estberg and Fritz Ziegler, for renewal of liquor license, were :4. notion of Alderman Johnson, granted. Applications of Byron J. Lester & Con,Georre R. Gtevens, N. A. Markel, Qt, utolx l.rug 00., Herman L. Ch'.rjsefl, Olaf L. Anderson. and H. H. 86046rt, for renewal of Cigarette license ,were on potiot. of Alderman M Laughllb accepted, Ordered filed and license granted. Street Commissioner filers his annual Irventc y, as re;ulred by Charter, and an notion of Alderman inrdw'•11, ease Weis ordered ftl^d. Mr. Edward Dehr1LA requested that the City take steps towards gr•id1Lt South Greely Street, south of the Hospital, so that he could place his fences on the line. The City Engineer Was Sussed on 'ana he recommended that the work be done. anei on motion. of Alderman Burtz1'.ff the matter was :efc: ed to the Street Committee to lnvestgate and report on same at n:'xt re.r'dlar meeting. Annual report of Bulidin;' InspCtor, was presented and read, Anti on motion of Alderman Johnson, the sum. was accepted and ordered flied. and the master pertaining to Plumbers 11C.'hse was referee tc the ordln'-cc Committee. On motion of Alderman Johnson, the cirildin,; Comm., w-s instructed to inves- tigate the matter of Mr. 110OIm Lott, which bad beck referred to the old building Cosa.., and report or. sa;:.0 at next me.tlrg. On motion of Alderman. MCLau.hiln, the Et. eet Committee sans the 'ins: ee Col;- mlttee were instructed to meet with ti:e iGs:a of County COn:alssle:.ers, and ask for an '•ppropriatlon for the road fund. On ;notion of Alderman Johnson. the City Clerk w'.s lnsttnet. ei to 6dV'rtlse fo: bids It:- furnlsr.1Lf: ICC tens of co'.1.er 1G:'e.to be delivered at the ?lre Department when Leed-d. • • • • • 155 • The question of appiytng Calcium Chloride on Streets was taken up and discussed, after which Alderman Johnson moved that the City apply the same on streets where it Was driired, prOvtded the pre.perty owns:s along Ruch streets would pay for !tame, also conditioned that net leas than one whole block would be treated, Motion curried. Proclamation from '.ov. Hammond, des1L•R.t1.4: 9 cr:itin day •:R Clean-Ep-day, was presented by the Mayor, anc on motion of Alde:mnn MOUa'.„Shun, the week comre:.cing aJ.y j, was designated ab clean -up -week, she the .lair appointed Aldermen McLaughlin, fiord esi, Reinhardt, Lutmann and Johnson, as a committee to act th c•,n,unetion with the Mayor and the Civic Club, in cleaning up the nity+ Resoi: tion No, 214, on payment of sundry bills was adopted by that following vote: Alder•gedt Borawell, Burtzlaff, Fisher, Luhmana, McLaughlin, Johnson, Reinhardt and MOO President Coffeen (gl voting yea, Absent Alderman kunkol, 0n motion of Alderman Johnson, Council td,,i - CUrnOd, Attest: ( ✓p N,w,uce / City C1erK. ?real .t of OM, Council. .COuncll,_Rggip, Stillwater. -.inn. May 4, :015. Regular Meeting; Present Aldermen Dordwell, Burtz1aff, fisher, Johnson, Luhma.,tn,Lrc..l1uphlin, Munkel, Reinhardt sm. President Coffeen. Minutes of last regular meeting held April 20, read and approved, Mr.L, H. Seymour presented a petition signed by a number of residents on South Third Street, asking the City Council to put Calcium Chloride on South Third Street from Pine to 'rleana Street, and Alderman Johnson moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee with power tO act, Nr. J. E. Blanks asked permission to eonstrudt a sewer In South Sixth St„ to connect with a private sewer on Churchill Street, and on motion of Alderman Johnson the mutter WAR referred to the Sewer Committee to investigate and report on sum:: at next meeting. Bons of Adolph E ,Reutlmann and Nelson & westberg, for Liquor license and bond of L. w. Clarke as Building Inspector, 'ere on motion of Alderman Mclaughldn, accepters, approved and ordered filed. Oaths of office of Geo. E. Eunice' ,as Aldertr n end 0. H. Olsen, as a member of tit, B3,414 of later Commissioners were presented and ordered filed. Application of Nick Starkel for a Cigarette license at Mo. 315 South Main Street was presented snu reed and on motion of Alderman Johnson. same was accepts:, Ordered flied and llcanse granted. Communication from the Mayor, presenting the new proposed City Charter, was read and On lotion of Alderman McLaughlin. the same was accepted and ordered filed. On motion of Alderman Johnson th_. bide for coal were opened and resd,aa follows: Levi Thompson, for 100 tons or more of coal $4.65 Per ton John. J. Kilts, ,foi• 100 tons or more of coal •4.57 per ton John F. 0,Rourke,for zoo tone or c0'.l.or mope $1656 per ton, and on motion „f Alderman Hlrtzl.'ffthe c:,t.tract was awarded to John F. O'Rourke. Oom:aunioation from the Chief Engineer of the. Fire Department making the following appoints, viz; Simon Andrews, fi st Assistant Chief- George Johnson ,second 'sRtmt'ln Chief, Charles Peter..on, Captain of nook and ladder truck. George Green, Engineer of Fire .;mine., John O'Neil. Driver of rtoRe rlgon, Ben Johnson,d;4ver of Wine. M'.urice Usti, driver Of Hook R,, hoses true. and patrol. FOr Minute meth Milian Bonne, House watchman, Charles Christiansen and Earl Connors, an plpemen, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the communication WAR a._^e tad, (Mitered fund and appointments Confirmed. Report of Clerk of Bunton -sal Court of receipts :o: the month of April, Tre Otter Tre.sur':•e t po.4 of receipts sm. disbursem--nts it. the month of April and his Financial Ftatement for thr. month enuirig April.70, were read and on notion. of Alder- man f;u:.k 1. the same were +,r Led, o;•d; ed filed anc referred tc the Finance Coffin. Report .f the 0rdtnai.c Corn, relative to an ordinance re.-'ratinr, Plumbers, was re-d, and on motion of Alderman MCLsu;hlsa, s•. - w.:: ar--plead and ordered f11^d. Alderman Lulu:ant., to' tha rclidlao Corr.. ported that the Comm. had investi- gated the matter of I'. NOCUL1 LO..., an.. .e^c;:::.... 'r_e. Afte some discueaion, the m thus his he ..:act be;art e fo' firtn,.- invests..',, ion. was ,...ernr. t L the r,e rregular m,.aing • • . 156 • • Alderman Johnson,fo :he Street Comm. reported having had that part of Greeley 8tr'tet south of the doepttal, graded and straightened out. also reooMMended that North Ruin 8troet and the so—called Fest Ho'ae hill, be repaired at once, and moved that the street eommlttee proceed at once t0 put Norti Main Street and the pest house hill road to ::Cod condition. Motion canted. Aldermen Bordweli, for the hulloing Comm. reported having: made an exam— ination of the needs at the Bath Houses at Lily U-se, and that the Committee would have the necessary repairs don' 1n toe war future. The Lighting Comm. reported that they were waiting for a report tom the consulting engineer On the proposed lighting system. and asked for further tine, which was granted. Alderman Johnson, stated that the Hospital Board had asked that the City construct signals, curb and gutter of. Anderson Street in front of the Hospital grounds. and also cOnstruet a wail along said property on Greeley Street, and moved that the Council as a whole visit the Hospital, at the Call Of the Pc atd.nt .nd look into the matter. Mayor Ctarkel, strggestri that the City furnish teams for the Glean up committee to use 1n hauling rubbish, an0 on motion of Alderman Johnson, the Street Oommttte was authorized to furnish one team in each ward for one day. At the sugceat.on of the Haior the Itars Committee, upon motion of Alderman McLaughlin, w.a instructed to plant either a tree or some shrubbery c.. on the triangular plot of ground at the 'Intersection of Olive and Greeley Streets. F. T. wilson, as chairman of the clean up Committee of the down town district. asked that the council furnish men and teams to clean up certain Vacaltt lots, where buildings had been resmoved, au he was tnf.rmed that the Street Committee Wad that power. He also taxed that a special committee be appointed to confer with the 01vic Club, relative to making some changes and improvements on the river front, and on motion of Alderman Hansel, the chair was instructed to appoint a committee of three to... conferewith:the.. civic Club committee on all lateen Of public interact or welfare, and maxe.due report of their conferences to the City Council. The chair aptdhted Aldermen Hansel, ILCL'aughlin and Reinhardt as such committee. on motion of Alderman Johnson, the ordinatce relative to Plumbers license was read and passed on its first reading. Resolution t:o. 2217 fixing -. alar•les of certain City ottielaa, was adopted by the following vote; Aldermen Bordwell. Burtzlaff. Fisher, Johnson. Lubininr., McLaughlin, Mussel, Reinhardt and Pres 'lent Coffeen (9) vottrg yea. Resolution No. 2z18. fixing sa-tries of the members of the Ptre Department anti. Resolution Np._ on payment of sundry bins were adopted by the St,llowlng vote: Aldermen Bordweli, tturtzlaff. Fisher, Johnson. Lubnann, Mel ughltn, Munxel, Reichardt and President tcoffeen(9) voting 'tea. On motion of Alderman Johnson. Council ad;iour'ned. Attest. u ucc-� City ale:. Pr•esl eat of. - City Council. s • • • • Oeunri.l Room. Sttelweter, Lent:, Lee le,l915, MEI ,.. Regular Meettru•; Present Alde,m-n 1Lraweel, Mirt.zlaff, usher, Johnson, Luhm-nn, Ncif.urhlin, Mululel, Reinht:ut and President Coffeen (9), Minutes of lest regular m et1:A; nee- le-y 4th re.0 •.nt. `'. holed, A fer tlon.ol'':aseuel:ts On Civic Street we-e ^resent and eseed that the. City surlace anu treat a part of Oreve rteeet with C'-1e1um Chloride, and after some discussion, Ald. Johnson moved thtt the Fusel Committee, te authorized to have ttut part of Olive Street, between elitism eau Holcombe Streets surfs'ed and treated with Calcium Chloride. Lotion ce:.eied. Conunteetion from the Etillw.ter :..nuP.cl.uriL;; Co., relative tv a sewer crossing fle:_ property was egad, and on notion of Alt. Muntel, the matter was referred to the Sewer Committee with power to tact, Comiaria.tlon from A. H. Cross, of the State Dairy and Food department, rela- tive tc the licensing of Pool Rooms, wits read, and on motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the ewe was ref Brea to the Ortlnancc Committee. Appllction of Theoao:e cchu'elling for a liquor license, was on motion of Ald. Munkel granted. Petttton !f Carl e. e.elster•, for transfer of Liquor license issued to Frank Rose, was on motion of Ald' Reinhardt, rejected. Bond of Theodore 8chueleing, with National surety Co„ as surety, was on motion of A10. Munkel, approved. Certified copies of Resolutions adopted by the Board of water Commissioners, relative to the Issuance of certificates of indebtedness, for the extension of Eater mails On West Wilein End 8onth Owens Streets, were On motion of Aldermae Mu1bte1, accepted and ordered filed. Communication from the City Engtnecr. ;^1'.tive to placing new Hydrants on Vest Wilein & South Owens Street, was cn motion of Ald. Johnson referred to the F" D. Comm. OomiIniettion from the City engineer relative to water flowing cn the butler property nee" the corner of Fourth end Olive Ftreets, was on motion of MOIeughlln, referred to the Sewer Committee, Report of Clty Attorney relative to the F.aplin minter was reed, and Alderman Johnson. moved that the report of the City Attorney be accepted and filed; and that the action of the City Council of May 4th, 1915, allowing John F. A. Yaplin 0815.72 and ordering a warrant drawn on the City Treasurer for the amount thereof be re -considered, and upon roll call the motion was carried by the follow- ing vote; Aldermen Bo rdwell, Burtzlaff, Johnson, Luhmenn, MOLeUgblin, Winkel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen (8) votlne Yea, Aldermen Fisher (1) voting Nay, Aldenase Johnson then offered Resolution No. 2330 releLive to said matter which we.s eeopted by the following vote: Aldermen Birdwell, isrrtzleff, Johnson, Luhmenn, McLaw hlin, Munitel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen (8) voting Yea, Alderman Fisher. (1) voting Nay' Report of Sewer COreittee recommending the construction of a sewer on South eourth and Churchill Streets, was on motion of Alderman McLeugh_in, accepted tine Ordered filed, Report of Sewer Comi ttee, recommending the application cf J. E. Blenke, to connect with a private sewer on Ch1rc:111 et:' et, was or motion accepted, approved and ordered fir 4. Report of the Fare Dcpertment Committee rel.ilve to the inet•aling of motor driven Fire A La:*atue, wee re•.d, (Ina on motion of Aldeymer: Henk.e1, same was eeSpied and Ordered filed. Ala. Beetzleff of the F. D. Cords. meted that celtalt: rey,..lps were needed at the Fire apt. blllidlnes, and also that two new fire ela11n Loxes Were needed, and on aioLion of Alderman Johnson, the :Fire net. Come. was auteoel zed to have the necessary r•ep.les made and the ny7 flee 'darn boxes in.t•lled, and sieo to inquire Into the cost of erecting s ateeYTei6wer on the Five Department huiLang and report on wum. =t next menthe. Alderm..>r. Johnson offered Resoiutton Nc, 22'21 relative to thee:- d1J..:'.nd su. f..r1:,C of e portion of test Alder rteeet and the Room Ro•=d, v.hleh WAS .0pted by th• foiicvan: •rate; Aiderm. n LCrdwell, Burtzleff, Flshe , Johnson, Lehte•ne. earl: •ugniih, ...unites. Reinhardt and President Coffeen (9) votin.: 7"c>. 0n motion of Alee:men Johnson, the City '.;n::ir.c. r w.s 1r:si; feted to prep: re sae present to the City Ccuncll =t its nitxt m^-ttnc an estInc.te of the cost of gp%citn6 =nu s'e f=clt,; a .-ortien of Est A1r:ei Greet ene the Boom Road, Adele.:aan Luhmann, roe the iulicirg 0.147r_. :'epr,_ led that the City Jail needed ce:t•ein repair8e and on notion of Aldermen Reir.heect, the Building Committee was instructed to have the necess.ry rep,.irS t::car Ald en=n Lci'-uer•ilr., for- the SpeCi%i conr.lttee ..ppointed to W.it Gn the • • • 158 • • b06:d of County Commissioners, and hpu_iy for un apprcprittion for fixlrG roada ri within the Ctty limits, reported th.t th-+y h:d been successftll anu had sot an appropriation of {2500.00 tG apply on the, cl:dlni; and aurftclnc; cf North gain Street aria the Boom Rosa, and moved that a vote of thanks be tendered the Board of County COL'misaxonura for same. Aldermen Johnson, it:, ill- Hospital Comm. reported that the Council us a body )r.d visited the Hospital, and tnvestidatea the wsnta, and moved that the Street Committee be authorized to cx=de that pert of Ande son Street ed,otIu: the City Hospital property, anc to construct walks slung seta line. notion Carried. Alderman Lehmann for the Building Comm. asked what action the Council desired to tyke on the Nooum Lott matter, and after some discussion, A.4. McU'ughlin, moved t)1~L the request of nr. Lott be refused. notion carried. Report of Special Comm. appointed to confer with the boe-d of freeholders to asl-nge a rate for the special election to vote on the new charter, Ind designating July 20th us such dote, was on motion of Alderman Kunkel, accepted, adopted 'and ordered flied• An Ordinance relative to the licensing of Plumbers, which was put on its first reading ut the last ree,•uler mect:ne. T.0 taken and read section by section, and amended, and read as amended, the chair^put the question •sha11 this o:dlna:.ce pass • and upon roll call It was phased end 4r31n5Rge Np. 250. was adopted by the following vote: Aldermen lordwefl, B1rtzlaff, Fisher, Johnson, Lehmann, McLaughlin, Winkel, Reichardt and President Coffeen (9) voting Yea, Re3OliltiOt relative to the issuance cf Certiftcstes of indebtedness for the 16Y1ng of a water main in west tiilkin Street, and .. Regulation No. 2?23 relative to the issxance of certifte'+Lea of indebtedness for the layltg of a water main In South Owens Street, and Reaot.tigp NO. 2i21t. fixing the duce of election to vote on the proposed new charter, and Resolution No. 2i25• fixing salaries of certain officers o fthe Flze _ep-rtment,and _ &solution No. 2424i On payment of sundry bllls, were all adopted by the following vote: Aldermen Bordwell, Bartzlaff, Fisher, Johnson, Luhmunn, McLaughlin, Minkel, Reinhardt and President Ooffeen (9) voting Yea. On motion of Alderman Johnson, the City Clerk and OILY Treasurer were in— structed to charge the State Road fond the sum of $2750.00 for 2200 Yard,' of crushed rock furnished for the North it.1n Street work during the seasons of 1914 a 1915, at the :ate of {1.25 per yard, and to credit the same to the funds to which it had been charred. On motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the Finance Comm. were instructed to arrant,/ with the Street Rallway Co„ as to the amount to be charred them for the putting on or Cul. Chloride on vurious streets during the Reason of 1914. On motion of Alderman ucleugh-ln, Oounci, adjourned. Attest: ele.l rC�eawt�it// City C1e.k, President, the fit i CcuneU. we • • • • 1 Inn 159 • MID 'Qq�uicll Rpc.m. Stillwater, Minn. June 1,1915. Regular Meeting; Present Aldermen• Bordweil, Burtzlsff, Fisher, Luheenn, McLaughlin, Hurxel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen (8); Absent Aldermen Johneon. Minutes of last ie:aler meeting held MAY 18, read and approved. A committee of the board of County Comalssioners was present end gamed that the County be permitted to have the use of the Steam Roller, for use on certain roads leading into the City, and on motion of Aldermen Burtzlaff, the County was granted the Dermisslcn to use salt roller, eondltlor:ed that it pay the wages of the Ehctneer, and the matntent.ce of the some. F. T. Wilson, presentee a petition from property Otn:rs Of Locust Street, requesting that permisston be grunted them to improve, without expenseto the COty, that portion of Locust street letng between ;Broadway and Second Street, by construct— ing a delveway of the same width as on the east side of Broadway, and also eon— nt_uottng cement steps four feet in width connecting paths Of same width leading up the berm at Second Street, and On motion oV Alderman BUrtzlcaft the matter was referred to the Street Committee with Dower to act. Carl Schultz, .sated that the City take some action towards strseliditenlee up the Curb, in front of his property of Myrtle Street, and on motion Of A1.aerman lluru:es, the street COmmisat:fer was instructed to have same straightened. Aepllcations of John F. Behrens, Ben Berglund, A. A. Fraser and Carl W. Meister for liquor ltccnse, were on motion of Alderman MCLeuChltn, accepted, ordered f led and license granted. Liquor license bond Of Carl W. Meister, was on motion of Ald. McLaughlin, accepted, approved and ordered filed. Communication from Taylors Fells, inviting: the City Council to attend the •Nome Comings, w-s on motion of Alderman MUniel accepted and ordered filed. Comment -anon from 'ne City lenctneer asinint for further time to maKe the survey and plat of the proposed grade of East AFder Street and the Boom Road, was reed and further time granted . Report of Clerk of lunlcipsi Court of.receipts for the month of lay, air the CityTreasurers report of receipts and disbursemerts for the same month and his financial statement for the month ending May 31, wino . dad and on motion of Alderman UunKel ,were accepted, ordered flied and referred to the Finance Com. Ordtnaece Comm. rimed roe further time on Pool Room ordtnunce, which was granted. Sewer Comm. made verbal report oe sewer crosstng the property of the Stillwater MenUfectUrinC Co., and salted for further time. Alderman Reinhardt moved that the City pay a part of the expense of level eg off the dump at the south end of Lhe.Levee Perm, not to exceed $10.00.Motion carried. On motion of Alderman itlrtzleff. the Firemen and Foi1c,men were granted thele usual summer vacation, and the proper officers were empowered to employ substitutes in their stead while en vocation. On mottos of Alderman Be rtzleff, the Street Committee won instructed to have the old Rupee sttct at the Old Bean Mile property taken care of. On motion of Alderman Reinhardt the BUtidine InRpeCtor was instructed to Cause the porch, over hanging the sldew.Ix. of the Kiesow butlaing on South Third titreet teien cues of. On motion Of Alderman Mengel the Street Committee wad instructed to investi— gate the condition of the retaining wale on No. 4th Street. The matte: of Motor urtvan etre Apparetu8, wad Lumen up and discussed, and Aldermen Burtzleff moved that the Fire eepartment and Purchasing Committees, procure all data possible with reference to R'.td matter and report on same as soon SR pOssib_e. Motion Ch rrlea. Refolutten NO. flee, rel.ttee to constructingeewer On So. eta anal Churchill Streets, and Resolution_ on payment of sundry bells were adopted by the following vote: Aldermcn Borewell, hrrtziaff, Fisher, Luhmenn, MCIa.ughlln, Munkei, Reinh+arrdt. and Fees. Coffees (8) voting Yea; Abse:t A1deaC.h Johnson:. 0n motion of Alderman aurtz..ff eosin 1 , 11,n Fres.bent of the city °Geed' City • • • 160 • • Qo;:r^11_ Rncpl. S tillta ter, Elm:. June 15,1915. Regular Meeting; Present Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzl'ff, Fisher, Johnson, Luhmann, Mcl!••uehlln, Minkel. Reinhardt End President Coffcen (9). Minutes of last regular menthe hld June 1st read '.nd approved. Ex, Alderman Arndt, presented the matter of placing a markerof some kind on the Levee park, and suggested that the name •Lowell Parks be placed thereon, by making the letters of cobble stone and painting the same white, in honor of Mr. Elmore Lowell, who had contributed towards putting the park In its present condition, and on motion of Alderman Munkel the matter was referred to the Park Committee with power to act. permit the Chau Leu•;ua Association, Mr. J. Q. Mackintosh, asked that the City p theCweer. beginningeJune 25th, d11Aide st tman Bordwell moved that reet between third and l the tcity h reets rtAG part of Council had n0 objection. Motion came(. Ex. Alderman Arndt, asked that the Fourth of July Celebration Committee be permitted to use that portion of the Levee lylnc north o Chestnut Street, for the Aeroplane flight on July 5th, and on motion of Alderman Johnson the request•Kas granted• permitted to use the Mr. MadkIntOsh asked that the Chautauqua Association be Levee Park, north of Chestnut Street, in the event that it decided tO put on the entertntrment there, and. on motion of Alderman Johnson, the request wan granted. Mayor Star/el aakea that the City permit Barnum & b.11CYse Circus to show in • the City without paying a license thereCOr, and on motion of Alderman. Johnsen, the matter of license was referred to the Mayor with power to set, Applications of L. M. Peasleo, W. J. Hemsoh, R. L. Butler and R. N. Bliss, for Plumbers license were referred to the Sewer Committee . Saloon Bonds of John F. Behrens and Ben Berglund, were accepted, approved and Ordered filed. Appointment of John Budrow, with oath of office, tocserve as Special police, was on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, accepted. appointment confirmed and oath of office filed. Communication from the City Engineer :skins that the City purchase for his use a typewriter, conditioned that the Board of Water Commissioners pay one half the coat, and on motion of Alderman Minkel the matter was referred to the Purchas- ing Committee, with power to act. Communication, with certified copy of resolutions passed br the Board of Water Commissioners relative to the issuance of certificates of indebtedness, for the laying of water mains in certain streets. Known as Number 15, South Harriet, West Anderson and 8O. Greeley streets Series, was on motion of Alderman Munkel accepted and ordered filed. Communication from Glenn E. Rogers, addressed to Alderman Minkel, relative to pulverizer and fertilizer, was On motion of Alderman lunkel referred to the Stone QnarrY Committee. Report of Inspector of Buildings relative to the Kiesow Porch on S. Third Street, was on motion of Alderman Johnson referred to the City Attorney. Report of CitY Engineer, with esttm•-te of costs and profile showing the proposed Chances in gn.tlinG East Alder Ctreet sna the. Boom Road, was on motion of Alderman Munkel, accepted, ordered filed, and the City Engineer was *instructed to prepare plans anU specifications covering same, and to advertise for bids for the •aid grad4Ag, bids to be made returnable July 6.1915. The Finance Committee reported that the cost of treating streets with Calcium Chloride during the season of 1914, was #265.00. Total number of Square yards C. vexed Vas 19718 • ofwhlichi. the he CMinneapolis, 8t. R,nl '•nd Suburban Railroad Co., amounted to 4205 yards and 3, at t#.0135 per yard• mraeing `•mount due from Railroad Company Inc sum of #56.75. and on motion of Alderman Johnson the report was accepted and the City Clerk instructed t- send a bin to the Minneapolis, rt. Paul and Oub'-rb.n Railroad CO.. for p56.75. Alderman Reinhardt stated that the reaid:.nte on Locust Street wanted the city to furnish them with 6 loads of crushed rock, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin the matter was referred to the Street Com;:.lttee ...lth t:ewer to act. Alderinanrordwell for the tulidi:s Comm. reported that certain rerr.lrs had ben made at the Bath Houses at L1iY LSKe. Alderman Reinhardt stated that the Olvlc Club hod :-e,uested the City to donate 6100.00, being one third of thn expense of paying fur Band Concerts at the Fark during the summer season, Alderman Johnson moved that g100 be arproprlated and paid to the Civic Club towards defraylnr the expense of band Concerts at thn Far/• and upon roll rill the motion was adopted by the following 't:t.e: Aldermen Bor well, Eurtzlaff, Fisher'. IWO • • 1 • • • • Johnson, Luta.•i.m:, YOUiughiln, Munkcl, Reinhardt and president Ccffeenn votlr.;: Yea. On motion of Alde:lmsn Johnson the Park Committee was lnstl^Jcted to act 1n con?une— Llon with the Civic G.ub In secu:•lnr: Band. Mayor ftarkvl asked that a portion of the Levee at the foot of Myrtle. Street be leveled for the benefit of the Acre Plane flight and the matter was referred to the Street Committee with power to act. On motion of Alderman Johnson the Ordinance Corenittee was instructed to prepare and present an 0ri lnance g&verning street *coition No._23a9 relative t0 Election Judges, and Renol tiet No,_23j0,. -t r•3lhttve to the Issuance of certificates of .ndebtedness for the laying of water mains, series Number 15, and Resolution No. 23js, relative to payment of sundry bills, were all adopted by the following vote — Aldermen Mordwell, Burtzlaff, Fisher, Johnson. Lohman::, McLaughlin, Minkel, Reinhardt and President Cofreen • (9) voting Tea. On motionofAlderman Yuncel Council adjourn d. A tteAt�G /EI/v'c ��1ef_Zr Wadi Olty Olerh, ?pea: t tY Council, _ OOdgcll.,Raom.__ Stillwater, Minn. July 6,1915. Regular Meeting; Present were *Mermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Fisher, Jolnlson, Luhmsnn, "• McLaughlin, cunrel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen. Minutes of last regular meettng held June 15, read and approved. °A1 Mr. E. H. Johnson, of Oak Park, asked that the City se11 to the residents of Ock Park such amount of Calcium Chloride as they might need for the roads and asked permission to use the Chloride spreader for that purpose, and on motion of Alderman Johnson, the Street Committee was authorized to sell them the amount of Calcium Chloride they wanted tLacost;_^and ttanttthen the use of the spreader free of charge. On motion Of Alderman *Mel the bids for grading East Alder Street and the Boom road were opened and read and and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin the bids were referred to the ftreet Committee to examine and report on as soon as they had examined same, Council took a recess for that purpose. The Street Committee having made the examir:otion and announced that they were ready to report, the Council was called to order and Alderman Johnson for the Street COmmltlne, reported the Lids as follows: Thorsen b Sandeen, W4327.60 Chas. E. Jamieson 4278.84 McGee & Nolan, 4256.10 and stated that the committee was of the opinion that ail bids were too high, and moved that all bids be 'rez,ected. Motion carded, Comffunlcatlan from the ILaYor appolnt:rag John Rellley, to eerie se Special FOiice at LtlY Laa;e, atregular salary, and James Hamiltsn, Ci0rencc York,Nlnford 8tussi, and Riche;d welnh, to serve durtnt thr. 4th of Ju..y celebration, at regular salaries, and Joseph Cteintcker, to serve in the vicinity of the German Oatholte Church, without Day, was read, and Aldermen ncLeughiln moved that the communication be received and fired and appolnt.:eats conf:rned, snc upGi, roll c'•11 the motion wan ca::ied by the following vote: Aldermen Bordwell, Purtzlaff, Fia. _ , Luhmsnn, lioLour'hlln, Reinhardt and President Ccffren t7 ) voting Yea. and. A1de>nen Johnson and ::ur.kel (2) voting Nay. Aldermen ltunkei crti Jehrser expl: ire:: rh' they Voted Nay. was because they did not thtni: it necessary to employ a pollcsnan to serve steady at Ill. Laos. Appricattihs of Thomas foully, Joseph Wolf Co., Adolph R. Kelm, and peter A. Carlson, for Liquor license at theil respective places of business, were received, and on motion of Alderman Yrnkei, the several licenses we,-e fronted. Liquct 11er;nse bends of A. A. Fraser, Thomas Foully, Joreph Wolf, Co., Adolph R. Kell., mere on ucticn of Alderman Lnnxel accepted, approved '.nd ordered filed, the sa:ui: having been appr. ved by the Finance Committee, Oaths of office of John Rellley, James Hamilton, Olarenc-> Yores,Richa:d Welsh, e 162 • winfard E. Stuesl, and &;eph Otelnacker, as Sp,:c1ts Police, were presented and ordered flled. Application Of Oscar Ostrom for a Ctgorette license ct t.^.e Grand Cafe, was on motion c.f Alderman N.urkei grunted. Application: of Huns F. F. Miller for plumbers license was an motion of Alderman B:rtzlu ff referred to the Sewer Coru.l t tee. Cotz1ntetetion from Mrs. L. D. Tubbs and J, J. Oar11, offerine: to sell tins balance of their Stone Quarry t0 the City far 4800.00 was On motion of Alderman McLaughlin, refs:: et: to the Purchasing Co. mit tee. Oo..zunicutl:,t: from the City Attorney, relative to making application for cnceli- ation of certain taxes assessed against the so-esllea Shertall property, was read, and Or: motion cf AlderMtn McLaughlin, the Tax Committee was instructed to attend to said platter. Communla tlon frog H. K. Huntoon, President of the Civic Club, relative to the apprOprtatlon towards defraying the expense of Band Concerts at the rack, was read, and On notion of Alderman McLaughlin the City Clerk %SS instructed to drawn w9.rre1t for .100.00 In favor of the Chairman, of the Farx Committee, for that purpose. Communlbetlon from the State board of Health relative to a bill of $100 for caring for Julia Lund, at the Ottertail County Sanatorium, was read and on cation of Alderman l u kel the matter was referred to the City Attorney. Report of Clerk of the kuniclpal Court, of receipts for the month of June, the City Treasurers report of receipts and disbursements for the sine month, and his financial statement ending June 30, 1915, ware read and on cotton of Alderman Johnson same were referred to the ?inane Committee. Report of Sewer Committee reeorjnending 128t plumbers license be granted to M. M. reaslee, w. J. Hemsch and R. L. Butler, and that the application of Roland N. Bliss be rejected, wee on motion of Sideman Munitel, approved, adopted and ordered ft led. Street committee made verbal report relative to the retaining wall on No,Fourth, Street, between Myrtle and Mulberry Street, and suggested the matter be taken up with the board cf %ter Commissioners, and asked for further time, which was granted. Mayor Starkel sexed what the Council deemed best to do about sending the City Fire Apparatus to 80. Stillwater, when called for, and after some discisslon, it was, on motion of Alde_itnn Minkel, left with the Chief of the Fire Department to use his judgment. Alderman Johnson stated that the pay. merit on Main Street, between Myrtle St. and Commercial Ave„ had smitten along the west side of the street, and needed attention, and on motion of Alderman Munxel the matter was referred to the Street Committee t0 investigate and report on. On motion of Alderman MClhughiln. the matter of constructing catch -basins at the Corner of Fourth and 1..yrtle Streets was referred to the Street Committee to Investigate and report on. Alderman Johnson stated that the retaining wall on No. Pcurth Street in front of the s0-Called waiiulst property was 1n need of immediate repairs, and moved that the matter be referred to the street Committee with power to act. Notion carried. The Ordinance Committee sliced for further time for preparing ordinance relative to Pool Rooms and Traffic, winch was granted. Alderman Johnsen movec tiwt the Street Committee, under the direction of the Clir Engineer, be authorized t0 proceed to grade such part of East Alder Street and the boom, road, an they cleated ad'risatie. Motten carried. On motion of Alderman Johnson the Purchasing COua.,itte was authorized to purctmse such road scrapers as might be req::tred 1n CTtding the clove named streets. AesyiUtten Pla._2332. on pt.';r•.ent of sundry bills was adopted ty the folloting vote: - Aldermen torewell, Dirtzlaff. Fisher, Johnsen, McIAughlln, Lehmann, Uunrel, Reinte.rdt. and President Coffees (9) voting Sea. On motion of Alderman Mantel Council- adnnrbea. A tin et ty ale •E, rpdAident 0/ fie City Council a0 OS, r • • • • 1 I),IHW 163 O0uac11 ROOM. Stillwater, Nita.. Jury20, 1915. Regular Meeting; Preeeht Alderrrn 9ordwell, Rirt21'-ff, Fisher, Johnson, Lchrranr., McLaughlin, Mantel. Reinhardt and Presluant Coffeen, (9). Nitrites of last renu1 r mer-tng held Jule 6th read and approved. ietttion of J. A. Cet:lemyre, for transfer of Liquor license No. 1439, was presented 'sec read. Mr. d. M. comfort appeared and opposed the IF-nsfer of said license, on the gro:.nds that the former Licensee, Fran: Rose, Ate tra:;sfe::ed his stock 1n connection with said license to another party. Alderman Johnson 'united the City Attorney to give the Council legal advise on the. matter. The City Attorney explained the legal standing of the rratter to so f-r as the Council was interested or involved. After which Alderman Johnson moved that +raid license be transferred tO J. A. Settlsal're, and on roll Call the motion was lost by the following vote: Aldermen Berleleft', Johnsen and Lehmann, 63) voting Tea. and Aldermen bordwell, Fisher, Uc1aughlir, '1:1ntcel, Retnharct and President COff0en (6) voting May. Llgour license bind of peter A. Oarlson,was accepted, approved and ordered filed.c Oaths of office of Godfrey Anderson, as Special Police and Margie A. *Millen, as a aember of the Library Board, were on motion of Aldermen Molf uehltn, accepted and ordered filed. eorur.icttlon from Thereon & Canee•.n, rel '+tive to er-ding Bast Alder Street and the Bathe Road. was on motion of Alderman Rttnitel referred 10 ttc Street Committee. Report of Ordinan0e Corra,' 33 relative to Traffic Ordinance, Yee. O i.motion of Alderman Munkel accepted and ordered filed. Alderman Johnson for the Street Committee reported that the demmtttee had had a conferei a with the Board of later Comeissionere relative to the rebuilding. iof the retain/Mil on Fourth Street. between Myrtle & Mulberry Streets, and stated tleat the Board would stand one Tr-1f the expense of rebuilding said wall. Alderman 1cIbughilh, ibr the Purchasing Committee reported that the Committee had considered the communication from Mrs. Tubbs and Ur. Carlt, relative to the pur- ChasiI.g additional stone .ivarry property. and the Oommittee recomeer,ded that the tatter be deferred at present. Alderman airtzlaff for the Ordinance COmmittee presented an Ordinance. entitled • An Ordinance regulating the Jleersing of Pool and Billiard tables, and the oper'attng and conducting of pool Roomsw, and on motion of Aldermen Johnson, the OMlr:ance ttnA placeu on its first re ding, and read section by section and on motion of Alderman Johnson the oninaged was p°.ssed on its first reading. or motion of Alder:.fl Johnson a plumbers license las granted to :fins 7' P. Miller. Alderman inrawell moved that the motion refusing is ;;rant Roland R. Bliss a. 'a plumbers license, ber;oustderea. Lotion tarn: ed. Alderman Johnson ;zoned that a plumbers license be granted to Roland R. Bliss. Motion carried. On motion of Aluorman uursel the Council proceeded to canvas the election retut2s oa the proposed new (Starter. Returns were canvassed and showed 'the fanning:: results. Total utnzber of votes cast and rcuntea in favor OF the adoption of the pro - Ina ed new One rtOr- 756. Total :number of votes cant -and counted against the 'adoption, of the proposed new Cn-rtor- 357. Tnere being more than four sevenths of lit the 'rotes oast in t.vor of adopt- t;. ttie proposed Yee dnrrter, the pros: lent ace's red the new Charter adopted. Rosati:ttpr, Yo.,13 on p.Yax:.t of sundry bibs was 'adopted by the fo:loving vote:- Aldermen Borlen11, Bxrttisff. Faeer. Johnson, Luhmoon, Mctt.u;;hlin, l:unkel, Reinhardt '.nrt president Coffe n (9) voting Teo. On motion. of Aldermaan Bartz:et ff council !.djouttad. r (,? L ��t J100ra/ al y Cierk Prey eat of. e elty cou❑'ll. • • oounctl Room. Stlaivate:•, :Att. Aurvet y, 1 ;15, Rect:lar reettr.e; rrese+.t Astisrstt. Bertwmil. elartsfwltY'. ;geyon, Johnsen, tub: ne. •ratp,t-nil^. Reinhard' and President Coffecn. Birutes of last regular me.tine held July 20, read tnd :::,roved. C0amnlc tion from C. b. IcBeath, Cheire.en of the board of Freeholders, relative to ex-enae of preparing New Chert.er, Was ref -Et and or: r.ottcn of Alder- aaA Suneel, "same sus accepter. bna ordered Hies. Apbllcation of Brom & Wirth fbr Iiquor license was red and on notion of Alderman 1:CLaughlin, the frac lies !ccept<d, ordered filed tad license grunted, Bond of Brown & Wirth, r s on motion of Aldermth LcLaughslh, approved Cult ulelo, need from ur. Kaw.rd setting, conveying U. Ina city a strip or goo+ine 14r.ealbLsey south or the lies; 1ta1 5:r0u:ns, was received, ann Aldermen Y CLavi•hitr, moved that the deed be accepted, and offered the following resolu- tion, which was unanimously adopted; sabers a, ifr, Eduard Sebring, of the To'tstr. of Et111ir+ter, m.s given to the City of Stl W:ter to be used for hospllt1 purposes a piece of land about one nund:ed feet wide fronting on South oreel:y s•reet and about one hundred and aesenty one feet deep, whlcR is ad;acent to and south of the praent city hospital grounds, end has made a deed of same to the city, which ne hes + Lhts may aellverea. and Whereas, The land so presented to the MAY is a much needed oddltlon to CtUY UOspttas cruuna$. sow, Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the City Council of the. City of St13; triter, sh regular eversion '.snemvsea,d0 nereby accept the generous end much appreciated rift cf Sr. aehring,ar.d express to him their gihtitude and thanKs for his unselfish K1ndneatand commendable public spirit il: aiding a public in- stltutlon in which all the people of Ettlithter are deeply interested. And be 1t furtner resolved ,That e. certified copy of this resolution be made by the City Cleric and nailed to hr. Sebring.' Report of recAlpts of' the kunlctpal Court for the month of July, and the Tre.surers report O•_+ receipts and disbursements for thy! s=1;.e n, nth and his F1nanritl report for the month ending July '1. were red, and oh motion of Alderman Johnson, were accepted •-nd ordered filed end referred to the Finance Committee, City Engineers report and esttmate of cost for constructing a sewer In Routh Fourth and Churchill Streets, tea reed and Or. Lotior. cf Alderlfafl EC - Laughlin, accepted end ordered tiled, and the City fitglneer was instructed to adverted for bids ebr tee co!.struetion of same, said bias to be made returnable August. 17, 1915, at 7.30 o'elocX P. II. Li't 1i. R. 'oerz 'Ind Ira S. girt, representing the Civic Club were present and :eked the Council to appoint s corn-.r 1ttee of ttrre to act lr: conjunction with a coe.wittee from the Civic Club, to volt on the manager of the Minneapolis, Ct. Paul nubmrtln R=1lw=y Co., relative 10 stopover 4f earns_going to the .State Prison. and On motion Of Alderman Johnson the. Freslient was instructed to ap- point such comr.ittee, and the cheer appo;reed Rarer Ett"Kel, Aldermen Minkel and Yo1Augnst11 to such committee, Be;art of Board or Eques1t Lion was presented and rehu, and on motion of Aldermen Johnson, the Assessment Roll as returned by Inc HIRERS or and equ511 'zed by the Board or Equall zatloe, was accepted SpS.roved st:d crnftti;:ed. ar notion cf Alderman uunB4!,, Ri!nsrd*5ei$g 4'g:' tive to Pool and Bullard t'.tie erase, was deferred Until the next roculer me, tir.g. At the request of Uayor Bterr.el, the p.rens Sing Cot. 11 tee WAS upon m0- Lion of Alderman YCIaughlth, autho:'l zed LO purchase too stop w• Lobes for th. use of the policemen, ReeolUt1pn No, 2l'4. On payment of sundry Lille Was adopted by the i'o.iowfrg vote; Alde!i%en BordwUJ, Burt zit ff, Hebei, JOhnson. Luflms no, MCLauchlll , Imnke1, Reinhardt and President Cofl'ecn (9) votttj; Yes, On ,nrti0l Of AldeDOa:, Ituri.e1 council sd.Lur. ed. % Attest 'LeGL .` /•r 7 City c_e.rK Prestae. t cf t! . C1 ty 7ca1:^11. mra des lli(IiW 165 • Council Room, Stiller. t e; , tar:::. Aug. 17,1915. Regular ::eet114; Present Aldermen Bardwell, afro tlnff. Fisher, Johnsen, Nclau.'•t11n, Reinhardt =t::i Fran meat Cofl'een (8) abse. t. Alderm•.r: Lur,Kel. On motior. of Alderman YOLaugtlln, tt e rules of order was suspended, and the Cleric was instructed to open the bids for the constriction of the Nutt) Fourth and Churc!.11i Street Cower. Bids were opened and :•cad as follows:( :tdGee & Noic G7082.88 ;,, y,•, c•.rstr:rtlor. Go. 9820.00 De% f'S' Wolff 9773.00 1 .."crth 7843.00 ts. C. Fraser 6430.90 Thompson Construction Cc. 7732.00 Fasteret Cor:structlon co. 8738.00 E. T. Mee Comp ny 8064.CO O'Neil & Freston 8506.40 and or: motion of Ai.erian MCirau:rnll n, al 1 bids were referred to the Sewer Committee and CitY ..nglneer to examt.:e and report on, and the Council tooK a recess for that purpose.. The newer Committee announced that it was ready to report, and thereupon the Council tus called to order, and Alderman Rrrtzll-ff for the Bawer Contritt.ee reported attest the Com[.attee had exa1alred all bids and foun d that the bid of McGee & Nona. w-e: he lowest anae4Rvaidtne a #eepcut lt. be awarded to McGee & Nolan, ud that the proper offlbers De nisirueted to emeedte..a, contract, on behalf of the City with w.td McGee & Wotan for the construction of Bald sewer. Afterthe vote had been taken. and motion declared carried, Mr. G. A. Bela and Walter Johnsen entered a protest against the payment for the construction of said sewer 1rt front of their property on Churchill Street. Ur. Roy llooley spoke in favor of the sewer, and after. some discussion by several members of the Council sad the Mayor, the matter was left as carried. "" WI. Gust Arndt entered complaint about some drainage pipe at the corner of Holcombe b Churchill Streets, and on motion of Alderman Johnson the matter was referred to the Street Como .:tee. lir. A. Simon, asked that the C-unel1 grant him a peddlers license for :tree months, on a prc. seta !ants of the annual license as prodded by City Ordinance., and after some dismission. Aleeadn McLaughlin moved that his request be not granted. Motion osr•rled. At tills tine the mina; es of lust regular meeting wis read and approved. Kr. Henry Schindler, rafted permission to lnst•il a gasoline f1.11:g tank on the etdewalf. 1r. 1'rolst of his place of business, and was informed that the Council told prevlousiY refused to grant such permission. CON.:unicatior. from Kayor ;tantei aproint.r.E M.^. Helen A. lcoluer and Urge Laura F. JasSOY and Mrs. Nellie Gillen. as members of the Libr-rY fcsrd, and on motion of Alderman Johnson to same was received and ordered filed and appointments :gt:f`:tli+ c. CITY Attorney made verbal. report or; cl'.lm of tit ter Tail County4Wenc :ona for c.:11,6 for •JUJta Lund, and asked for fort: er Mr, will?: was granted, Mayer Ctaritei for co;tt:ittee on P. P. stop -over. made verb.: report and asked for .Jitter time. Yrt:l ch w.:. granted. Under 1.r:e Flea of voflntshed bust: eas tire tool `•nd Pt:.1ard fable ordinal ce was t.;, en. l:p, and on moticn of A1dert'an kdnugLlln. the seeoi:d reactnt: of Rame WAR defy. 'en until t.+:xt : e,:ai^• r c,[z t1: 1. .w On r:Oticn of Al ..^. rn:. n la:rt Zl% ff ono Cewer -ouu:. tt ee w:s 1 ns t Footled to ronfer Ydtn the Feta d cf"fra t uu;;.1.1SM (AWN; :'el.'. tl ve to the la ylr.r; of ++ wa. t;*,in 1n Muth Yea;rt. rtreet iL con:.ect ton 1tr: th ^or:str:et idn of a sewer 111 s.11 st rect. On :potir_r. cf Alderm'.r. Ref h.rot, the r r root Cc:c::. it 'cc was instructed to confer v1R: :r,e rt:eft Co;..-t ties ref-tive to ram,..lrnn,: needy rnOple to •ror* orthe st. rents. Resoutticn tb. 2? k, p+./re 1 of [[:(L Y Lill._ Yri '.dotted 1, tr.e :'c,1Jng1 g vote- Al de ten ` crdwel:, ,r Iu r 1. zL... :1st or. Jo^ -sun, LUhman... Mclnuu:tiln, Relt r t and F esloent co ffe-n ( 'iot1:..' Alder:r-t. ktiru.rJ 'atsent . or,•u:ct.tc.r of Aiue ras'. .. cl'auKr::;[:. Cntxt; ^.la ad;c:r:. ed At es tHeilde9eteei,staY (1 772cri/i C1t7 Jierx' Frern Gfrt G1,t<•fr • t.;r C r.;r11. • • 166 • Council Room. )i t111water, Linn. See 7.4915. Regular Meeting; Present Aldermen Bordwell, Fisher, Johnson, Lehman:, McLaughlin., Mueytel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen (8) Absent Alderman Burtzlaff. Mln:tes of last regular meeting held August 17, read and approved. Mr. Chester allson, Capt. of Co. "K", M. N. G., presented a petition easing that the City appropriate approximately #1000.00 towards building an addition to the Araory Building, and after sCle discussion the matter was on motion of Alderman Johnson referred t0 the Finance Comm. to investigate and report on at next meeting. Mr. John Gtebier asked that his assessment for the construction of a sewer in South Broadway be reduced, and on motion of Alderman Munitel the matter was referred to the Sewer Comm. to investigate, and report On. Mr. M. L. Murphy eased the Council to maze an appropriation towards defraying the expenses of conducting a horse and Cattle Show in the City, and on motion of Alderman Menzel an appropriation of y100.00 was allowed for that purpose. Communication from J. F. Thorsen et. al. Drotesti B against the payment of assessments for the construction of a sewer In Churchill street,wes received and read, and on motion of Alderman uurjt1 the same was accepted and ordered filed. Oaths of office of Mrs. Helen A. McClure end Mrs. Nellie T. Gillen as members of the Library Board were received and on motion of Alderman ucLvughltn,were accepted end ordered filed. Contract between McGee & Nolan and the OILY of Stillwater for the construction of a sewer in South Fourth and Churchill Streets was received, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the same Wes accepted, approved and ordered filed. Bond of McGee & Nolan. with the Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, as sureties in the sum of 0000.00 for the construction of said sewer was on mo- tion of Alderman Fisher, approved and ordered filed. Report of Cleft of Municipal Court of receipts for the month of August,the City Treasurers report of receipts and disbursements for the same month, and his Financ1al,Stetement for the month ending Aug. 31, z ere read and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the same was accepted, ordered filed and referred to the Finance Committee,. Report of City Attorney recommending that the City pet 360.00 the claim of Otter Tall County Sanatorulm, for the matn'erance of JullbLund, Was read end on motion of Alderman McLaughlin the report was accepted, ordered filed and the reCOmmendtt tons ordered complied with. City Engineers' Estimate :to. 3 49 showing amount due McGee & Nolan on the South Fourth & Churchill Streets Sewer was presented and read, and on motion of Alderman Mengel the same ass accepted, approved and ordered filed. On motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the, second reading relative to Pool Room Ordinance was deferred unto the next meeting. On motion of Alderman Mongrel the seater of starting the atone crusher plant in operation was left with the Stone duarry and Street Committees. Resolution Igo. 4336,_., on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote; Aldermen B°:rdwsll, Fisher, Johnson, Luhmann, Mclvurhlin, 8unxel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen (8) votie Yea. Absent Alderman Burtzlaff. On motion of A1derm.n Bunked Cou v'i1 edJourred. City Clem. Mei ea of, e City Council. MEM • • Will' 167 • • ONO Council Boom. Stillwater, Minn, Sep. 21.1915. Regular besting: Present Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Fisher, Johnson. Luhmann, McLaughlin, Kunkel, Reinhardt and president Cofteen (9): Minutes of last regular meetlr:g held Sep. 7. read and approved. O1tY Physician, Ur. J. H. Haines, reported that he had Caused Ur. Andrew Peterson, a person afflicted with FUlaory Tuberculosis. to be removed to the Ramsey County Tuberculosis Favililon at an expense of i10.00 per week.. and asked that the City enter into an agreement with said Sanatorium t0 paid said Sum for his Care. The City Attorney presented a vast amount of correspondence relative to said matter, and with 1t a bond given by Oscar Brodeen as guardian of the estate of said Andrew Peterson, guaranteeing the payment of said sum of 110.00 prr week until the property 1n h•.nds as such guardian belonging to said Andrew 'Peterson were exhausted. and On motion of Alderman Munkel the proper officers were inetructed to enter into such contract with said Ramsey County Tuberculosis Pavllllon. Oath of office of Mrs. Laura P. Jassoy as a member of the Library Board was on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, accepted and ordered filed. Communication from Mr. 1, J. Frawley relative to price of gravel. was on motion of Alderman Johnson, accepted and ordered filed, and the City Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Frawley that the City accepted his proposition. Communication from Inc Board of 'Water Commissioners, enclosing a Copy of 8 resolution duly adopted by said Board. relative to the issuance of Certificates of Indebtednesn,:o defray the cost of layying a water main in South Fourth Street, was on motion of Aldine!, 1lunkel, accepted and ordered flied. Communication from the Northwestern Telephone Company, relative to paying for long distance tolls, was read and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the same was referred to the City Attorney. Communication Erma the City Engineer relative to the rebuilding of the Chestnut Street stairs, was on motion of Alderman Munkel referred to the Council as a oommltt0 e whole. Report of the Park Committee. regarding the moneys collected and expended for Band Concerts, was presented and read, and on motion of Alderman Johnson the same was accepted and ordered filed. Alderman McLaughlin for the special Comm. on building an addition to the Armory building, reported that the Comm. had met with Capt. Nilson and thouroughly investi- gated the matter, and the committee were of the opinion that either an addition or a new building was necessary and recommended that the matter of building the addition be deferred, and that some steps be taken towards providing a new building. Capt. Nilson was present and concurred In the report and recommendations of the committee., and on motion of Alderman Johnson the committee was granted furtter time. On motion of Alderman McLaughlin the proposed Ordinance relative to licensing of Pool and Billiard tables was placed On its second reading and read section by section. and Sec. 1 was adopted 99 read. Sec. 2, was amended on motion of Alderman Kunkel s0 se to read 0.100 instead of 05.00. sections 3. 4. 5. 6, 7 & 8 were adopted as read. Baia Ordinance was then read an amended, The chair then put the question *shall LAIR Ordinance pass an amended*, and Upon roll cal it w98 duly passed and adopted as &wended, by the following vote: Aldermen Bordwell, Burtziaff, Fisher, Johnson, McLaughlin, Muneel, Luhman1.. Reinhardt and Pre8le-nt Coffeen (9) voting Tea. CO motto.. Of Alderman UcLaughl:.. the following named qualified electors were appointed to Serve as Judger Of Election, at the ensuing election. First l5td. First Precincts_ Second Precinct. Third pleclncts L. B. Castle F. F. Swanson George Johnson. M. K. Johnson E. E. Johnson Herman Kutz Fritz Ziegler Chas. E. Glaser E. H. Belting. Becorid ward, First Precinct. __Second Precinct. Third Precinct. J. P. Stevenson. John Bonren Martin Vick. n. F. KOFarland Mike Stack John Lund eV" C. G. Hawkinson Richard eelsh John w. Jackson. First Free 41ct. John -'i. Bergeron n ill?am Janitz Anton Schueliing Third ward. Second precinct. Jas. D. Lotz Altert R. Staples George Harris Third Frecthct_ C. C. Reed C. s. Bailin B. u. Hamner Resolution No._2333. • relative tc fixing registration days for tte election to to Held No-4 2, and • • • 168 • • • Resolution NO. 233S.._ relative to the issuance of eertltioates of indebtedness for the laying of a water main in South Fourth Street,and Resolution Nos_2339, _ relative to the payment of sundry bills were all adopted by the following vote: Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlatf, Fiaber, Johnson. Luhmann, McLaughlin, Munxel. Reinhardt and President Cofteen (9) voting Tea. On motion of Alderman McLaughlin. Council adjourned. Attest: ,?�J� �j City Clert' MEM Prea1 of the Ctth Connell. Council Room,0tillwater,Ylnn.00t.__99_1915._ Regular Meeting; Present Aldermen Bordwsll, Burtzlatf, Fisher. Johnson, Lubmann, McLaughlin, Yunkel, Beithsrdt and President Coffeen. Minutes of last regular meeting held Sep. 21, read and approved. Appiiestions of V. I• Keller, Garbs & Arnold, ! ..0. Butler, Johnson Bros., Thomas Scully, and August Peterson. for license ICP'KCep for hire Billiard or Pool tables, were read, and each having paid the required fee for such license, on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the same were accepted and ordered filed and license granted. r.Purohasli$ Committee reported that they had entered into a contract, on behalf Of the City. with the Star Electric Company, to furnish certain Fire Alarm Equip- ment for the sum of •195.00, and presented a written contract t0 that etfect,and On motion of Aldermen Yunzel, the report was accepted. contract approved and Ordered filed and the action of the Committee confirmed. Communication from We. E. E. sells, asking that the City pay him the sum Of •5.00 and Mina. Nealund the sum of i3.50 for medical attendance and nuratng,one George N. Baer, was received, and after being advised by the City AEt0rney,that it was not e•legal claim against the City, the same were rejected upon the motion Of Alderman Munzel. Communication from the League of Minnesota Municipalities. urging that the City send delegates to the Annual Convention. to be held at Virginia, On Oct. 20 was received and read, and on motion of Alderman Muniel, Inc same was accept- ed and ordered filed. Communication from the Scottish Onion & National Insurance Company, Prussian Nat tonal Insurance Company and the Germania Fire Insurance Company, asking for rebates on 3haccountoInc StatetInsurancecertain Commissioner. wereFire read,aandnon motion of erltlt' tR& Y of Alae ,A t� dfi"me were referea to the city Attorney. i. Report Vf the collection of the Municipal Court for the myth of Sep., and ,the City Treasurers report Of reeelpte and disbursements for the e Treed and on and h10 financial statement for the month ending Sep. 30, 1915, w motion of Alderman YunKel, the same were accepted, ordered filed and referred to the Finance Committee. City Treasurers report of receipts, other than taxes,for the year ending Sep. 30, was rend, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, same was accepted and ordered tiled. City Englnsers Estimate No. 550, of work done by ue0ee & nolan,on the South Fourth and uhirehill streets Sewer, was read and on motion of Alderman Munzel, the same wan accepted. epppoved and ordered filed. Alderman Johnson, t'0r the Committee of the whole reported that the ent4re OpanCll had investigated the condition of the Chestnut Streets atiirs,and after some discussion, Alderman McLaughlin moved that the matter of rebuilding said At, ire be deferred. Motion carried. Alderman JOnnson made the following motion. That hereafter no Telephone, Telegraph,KleCtrlc light or other kind of poles shall be pissed in unlor on rto or s the Ctreetsea leys or public grounds of the City unless Inc publicother company having the legal rl..rht to pl'.ce such sppoles, in or file Sn oreon nfthe of st' a a, alleys or publle grounds of the City, shall the etty sngireer a statement snowing where It 1s desired to place the poles, and if or, investigation. the City Engineer shell approve the application he may authorize the placing of the poles where requested Or in such other places as he may think best. That the City Clerk send a COPY of this vote to such compa; • • • ]IPIIli9 • 169 • i ecompanlea as now have poise placed in or on any streets, alleys or public grounds of the GUY. motion put to a vote and carried. On motion of Alderman Lehmann, the Street Committee was instructed to hive the Crossings at the corner Of Sixth and myrtle streets and the corner of Sixth and „MNI Olive streets repaired. Alderman coffeen culled vice President Johnson to the -hair and presented a miniature sample of a grabage can, that some person desired t0 place on the street corners at no expense to the City. and recommended that the permission be granted. After some discussion as to the advisability Of the proposition, the matter was on motion of Alderman Winkel referred to the Street Committee with power to act. Resolution NO. 2340, on payment cf sundry bills was adopted by the following vote: Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Fisher, Johnson, Lehmann, McLaughlin, Bunker, Reinhardt and Prealcent Ooffeen (9) voting yea. On motion of Alderman Minkel Council adjourned. its be Attest: SL! 2C_.,,ti,,/ ) City Clerk, Council. fl P. Council Room. Still. water, Minn. Ont. 19,1915. Regular Meeting; Present Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Fisher, Johnson, Lehmann, McLaughlin, Reinhardt and President Ooffeen (0) Absent Alaiermaa Munkel. Minutes of last regular meeting held Oct. 5, read and approved. Mr. William saltheon addressed the Council relative to water being drained into the basement of his building and asked that the Council take some steps to remedy toe matter, and on motion of Alderman Johnson,the Street Committee was instruct_ ed to hate a catch -basin constructed near his building, on Nelson street between Main and Water Streets. Application of the stlllwater Club for a pool table license was received, and on motion of Alderman Reinhardt the license was granted Oommunication from the Agricultural Insurance Company of New York,relative. to rebates on insurance premiums erroneously reported, was read and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin the matter was referred to the City Attorney. JOmmurs1cation from. the may0r appointing Ge0rge A. Walters as regular Patrol- nan, at regular salary beginning Oct .1, to take the place of George H. Walters, deceased, was road and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin the appolntgent was confirmed. Communication from Frank H Drury relative to royalty claimed by Edwin Thatcher on the construction o1' the Everett Street Bridge, was on motion of Alderman McLaughlin referred to the Clty Attorney. Semiannual report of OSty Clerk showing the expense Of the Clty for the first half of the fiscal year,together with a statenu.ct showing the amount of taxes col- lected and outstanding, and also receipts from all other sourees,waa read, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, the same wed accepted and ordered filed. Report of botn the Sewer and Finance Committees recommending that the Clty accept W81.08 In full settlement for assessment for the construction, of a sewer in South Broadway,againet a part of lots 11 and 12 block 29,Of the City Of Stillwater, belonging to George Walters and Jonn Glabler,wee On motion of Alderman Johnson ac- cepted, approved, and the aitY Treasurer was instructed to accept said amount in full liquidation for said aseesotent. Report of the Finance cn.Jiittee recommending that the Clty accept •35.00 In foil settlement for sidewalk assessment against that part of Block 18 of the original Town, now City of Stillwater, standing in the name of P. N. Petereon,was on motion of Alderman Reinhardt, accepted 'nd approved, and the Clty Treasurer was in- structed to accept avid amount 1r. full liquidation for sold assessment. Report of rinanee committee recommending that the City accept •42.00 in full settlement for sower assessment against the w} of Lot g Ferdinand nchultz,s Five Acre elv1s1nn,belonging to Daniel Flynn, wee 'n motion of Alder;nvi Reinhardt, aoceptted, ❑pProved and the City Treusurer sae lnrtraoted to accept said amount in full n ttlemernt for said asses-ment. Aldermen Johnson for the Btreet Committee rsuorted that the retaining wall on worth Fourth Street, In front of ttw uo-called walqulot property had peen com- pleted. 0r. -,oils:; or Alderman :ZoLaugnll.' the Bu11ding Inspector was instructed to examine the condition of one of the overhanging Porches on the Jcasoy Block. On motirn of lderman Burtzlaff the Fine cc corru;,lttee was instructed to investigate the request of Herman Lictzow, who desired to purchase a piece of land adjacent to hie property from the City. On :notion of Aldermen Bordweil the matter of erecting fences or ward raise at various places in the city was referred to the Street committee with power to act. On motion cf Alderman Johnson the Stone "Quarry Coaaltte was instructed to make certain additions to the Stone Crusner machinery :as requested by the State Labor Bureau. Resolution t.'o. 2341 on payment of sundry bills was adopted a by the following vote:Aldermen Bordwell, Burt:aagf, Fisher, Johason,Lu:rzann,2AcLaughlin, Reinhardt and President. loffeen (L) voting yea. Absent Aldca:an Elunkel. • • • 170 On motion of Alderman McLaughlin, co ncti adjourn 4. e • Attest: 64.2 ce.ic xi,e,.6. City Glen. Council Room. Stillwater, Minn. Nov. 2, 1915. Regular Meeting; Present Aiaermen Boranels, eurezearr, planer, Johnson, Luhmann, McLaughlin, Munkel, Reinhardt and president Cotfeen (9). Minutes of lent regular meeting held Oct. 19, read and approved. Oaths of office of Richard 'Zillah, 1.J.>Ia1111p, James y . Lotz and B. M .Mammer as special police were ordered filed. Applications of n lchten Company and Johnson Bros. for saloon license were re•.d and on motion of Alderman Munkel, the same were accepted,ordered filed, and license granted. • Report of Clerk of the Municipal Court of receipts for the month of Octber, and the City Treasurers report of receipts and disburser:Arts for the month of Oct., and his financial statement for the month ending Oct. 31, were nn motion of Alder— man Minkel, accepted, ordered filed and referred to the Finance Committee. Comrunicatton from the City Attorney stating that I). M. Swain had started proceedings vs the City for the collection of f500 for his service s in the constru'tlgn'lof the pontoon,was.re.d, and on motion of Alderann McLaughlin, the same was accepted and ordered filed and the City Attorney was Instructed to defend the City in said matter. Report of City :engineer showing the amount due McGee & Nolan on the South -burth and Chµrch111 Streets Sewer to be #2798.18, was on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, accepted, approved and ordered filed. • Report of City Librarian for the year ending June 30, 1915, was rend. and On motion of Alderman Munkel the same was accepted and ordered filed, Alderman McLaughlin stated that he believed that the City should cease making any further improvements on the streets this fall on account of the financial condition of the City. After some discussion, it was decided that that the Street Committee should make only such repairs as was deemed absolutely necessary. Mr. red. Ponath asked permission to remove some old buildings on Block 55 of Oarll & Schnlenburg'B Addit10n, which had been formerly occupied by Mr. Chas. Ponath, and the matter was reibrred to. the Finance Committee. Resolution No. 2; 4._ permitting the Finance Committee to borrow not to exceed i15.000.00 for tempoary purposes, and _Resolution No. 2,43, on payment of sundry bills were both adopted by the following vote: Aldermen Birdwell, Brrtzlaff, Fisher, Johnson, Luhmann, McLaughlin, Munkel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen (9) voting yea. On motion of Alderman Johnson Council adjourned to meet Nov. 4th 1915, at 7.30 F. M. Attest. �f[�t/_LI• .� teec/ City C1enK. Presid t of the City Council. SEMI pal ere • • • Milt; e Council Room. Stillwater, Linn. Nov. 4, 1v15. Regular Adjourned Meeting; Present Aldermen Fisher,`)immwegt Luhmann, Munkel and Vice President .� Johnson (5). Absent Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, McLaughlin and President Coffeen t4). Council called to order by Vice President Johnson. On cotton of Alderman Minkel the Council proceeded to canvass the election returns of election held Nov. 2, 1915, which showed the following results; Jor Mayor Mr. Jacob R. kolliner received 851 votes. do scattering votes 16 For Councilmen Mr. Hugh D. Campbell received 802 votes. do Mr. M. Lee Murphy received 807 votes Mr. Louts E. Torinus received 801 votes Mr. Herman R. Voerz received 606 votes. Scattering 27 votes. For School Directors, Ur. Carl 7. Brepnner received 717 votes Mr. Thos. H. Curley received 733 votes Mr Andrew J. Holm received 712 votes Mr. John Q. Mackintosh received 736 votes Ur. John Ogren received 742 votes, Scattering 77 votes. For Municipal Judge. Mr. H. H. Gillen received. Ur. 8. B. lcBeath received 534 votes 581 votes. Alderman Munkel moved that Mr. Jacob R. Yolilner be declared elected as Mayor. and that Mr. M. Lee Murphy and Herman R. ioerz be declared elecUla981i8&1M9flthe 1 term of three years, and that Mr. Hugh D. Campbell and Louis E. Torinue be declared elected an Councilmen for the term of one year each. Val and that Mr. John Ogren, Thos. H. Curley and John Q. Mackintosh, be declared elected as School Directors for the term of three years each, and that Mr. Andrew J. Holm and Carl W. Brenner be declared elected an School Directors for the term of one year each. and that Mr. 8. B. MCBeath be declared elected as Municipal Judge for the term Of four years. Motion carried and the chair declared the several men above enumerated elected to the different office for the respective terms as above set forth, they having each received the majority of all votes east,for the respective offices. Resolution No. 2i44 on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following Vote; Aldermen Fisher, Luhmann, Uunkcl, Reinhardt and Vice President Johnson (5) voting yea. Absent Aldermen bordwell, Burtzlaff, Mctnuihlln and Fresiddnt Ooffeen (4) w on motion of Alderman Winkel Council adjourned. 1�// ( '1 A ttest �'7 fttt -t./ �ry-� /i&i.4r✓�— City Clerk. Vice PPee1d nt of the City Council. 1 • • • 172 e • • Council Room, Stillwater, Minn. Nov. 16,1,15. Regular Meeting; present Aldermen Bordwell, Fisher, Johnson, Luhmann, McLaughlin, Reinhardt and President Coffeen.(7) Absent Aldermen Burttlaft and Munlel (2). Minutes of last regular meeting held Nov. 2, and the regular adjourned meet- ing held Nov. 4, read and approved. Liquor License Bond of John:ion Brothers, was on motion of Alderman McLaugh- lin, approved and ordered filed. Application of John Lustig for Liquor license was presented, and on motion Of Alderman Reinhardt, the same wan accepted, ordered filed and license granted. Communication from the Mayor appointerman F. Lange as captain of Police, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Thomas. F. Maher, wan presented and on m-. Lion of Alderman McLaughlin., the acme was ac^epted, ordered filed and the appointment Confirmed. Communication from the City Attorney relative to the eileged.clalm for infringement of patent No. 617615, Issued to ldwin Thatcher in connection With the construction of the Everett street Bridge, was read, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, was accepted and ordered filed. Finance Committee reported having visited the property which UP. Herman Lletxow desired td purchase, and recommended that the City convey to him the East 100 feet of that part of Lots 1 & 2 of Block 55 of Carli & Schulenburg's Addition lying south of the right of way of the N. P., Railroad for the num of 125.00. and on motion of Alderman Fisher the report of the Committee was ordered complied with, and the proper Officers were instructed to execute a proper conveyance of said property to Mr. Herman Lietzow. Report of the Finance Committee recommending that the City accept i70.14 1n full settlement for newer assessment vs lots 4 & 5 B1ocK 1 of Webster Brun.. second Addltlon,wee on motion of Alderman Johnson approved, and the City Treasurer was Instructed to accept Said amount in full for said assessment. Report of the Chairman of the Finance Committee and the City Clerk, recommend- ing that the tax levy for current expenses be fixed at 10 mills and for the City Library ytt of one mill, was on motion of Alderman Johnson, accepted, approved and Ordered filed Mr. William Smithson appeared before the Council and presented a commu- nication from the Upper Mississippi River improvement Assocltaton, which was read, and named that the Council appropriate the annual assessment of 8100.00, and after some discussion, Alderman Reinhardt moved that the $100.00 be appropriated, end motion was carried. The term of office of Alderman Munkel,havtng expired, Alderman McLaughlin moved that the Coun^1l,proceed to elect to f111 the vacancy. Motion carried. Alderman Johnson moved that the first ballott be declared informal. Motion carried. Choir appointed Aldermen Fisher and Reinhardt as tellers. Informal ballott being taken, Mr. George E. UMW,' received 7 votes, being all the Aldermen present. Alderman MCLaurhlln moved that the informal ballott be declared formal, and that Mr. George E. Munkel bl declared elected an Alderman to till the unexpired term, or to the second Monday in Januray 1916. Motion carried, and he was de^lered duly elected. Resolution too, glA5. fixing the tex lewy, sand Benolution No.2.344 on payment of sundry bills were both adopted by the following vote: Aldermen Bordwels, Fisher, Johnson, Luhnann, lctsughlln,Relnhardt and President Coffees (7) voting yea. Absent Aldermen Burtmlaff and „untel. On mottos of Alderman Fisher Council adjourned. pp Attest; /! � ae.t- t—pegtt 4.i. yi / City clerk. Pr s.cett of the City Council. min ... w:: ( • • • 1 DIM • 173 Council Brom, Stillwater, Minn,.See. 7.1915. Regular Meeting — Present Aldermen Bordweil, Burtzlaff, Fisher, Johnson, Luhmann,ucb^nrhlin, Munmei ,Reinhardt and Freslaent Coffeen (9). Minutes of asat regular meeting held Nov. 16, read and approved. oath of office of George E. Munxel, was presented sad ordered filed. Liquor llceelae bond of John Lustig, was approves and ordered filed. Application of Foul J. Gedatua for liquor license, was read and on motion of Alderman Minitea, the same was accepted, ordered filed and license granted. Communication fro::: rl. N. Gillen, enclosing s verified bill for 436.85 for services rendered as attorney for the Flremena Relief Association 1n 191F7, was re•.C, and en &otlon of Alderman McLaughlin the name was referred to the City the Attorney. C91Ey 6orbel410, 17Z,6151.e wasrdon mmotitonrAGdfmAld�. 3LcLLaauughhillinareferred to Fin. Comm. Report of Clerk -of Municipal Court snowing receipts for the month of Nov'. the City Treasurers report of receipts and disbursements for Nov., and his financial statement for the month ending Nov. 30. 1915, were read, and on motion of Alderman Mantel, the same were referred to the Finance Committee. Report of City Attorney relative to rebates on Insurance Premtuma.erroneously reported to the state Insurance Coau':1s81oner by tha various Insurance Companies, was read, and on mottonfet Alderman Johnson, the same was accepted, approved and ordered filed. Report of City Attorney, stating that the case of D. M. Swain vs the City of Stillwater, had been tried in the District Court, and a verdict given the City, was on motion of Alderman Munxel, accepted and ordered filed. City Engineers partial Estimate No. 352 showing the amount due McGee & Nolan on the South Fourth Street Sewer Contract to be i3032,90, was hip motion of Aldermen McLaughlin, accepted, approved and ordered fried. The Chair announced the appointment of Alderman Mengel, as a member of the Finance and Tax Committees. On motion of Alderman Johnson, the bid of 'Gilliam Bonne to tarnish meals to prisoners at fifteen cents per meal was accepted. City Attorney made verbal report re.L tive to long distance tolls of the N. w, telephone, and stated that he was of the opinion. that the City should pay for such service. Resolution No. 2347. on payment of sundry b111s was adopted by the following vote: Alderman Bordwell, Burtmlatf, Fisher, Johnson, Luhmann, McLaughlin, ,:unmet, Reinhardt and president Coffeen (9) voting Tea. On motion or Alderman McLaughlin, Council ad}'urned, Atteat;/ eg City alarm. Pid� s e eht e city Council. • • 174 e • • Council 'Room. Stillwater, Minn. Dec. 21.1915. Regular Meeting; Vice President E. 0. Johnson,presldtng. Present Aldermen Bordweil, Burtzleff. Fisher, Johnson. Lunmann,ard MUnZel (A) Absent Aldermen McLaughlin .Reinhardt and President CO£feen (3). Minutes of last regular meeting held Dec. 7, read and approved, Mr. C. H. Carll. entered a protest against the assessments levied vs abutting property for the constrcutlon Of a sewer in Ncrtb Second Street, from Elm Street north. No action taxen. Application of U1"lch & co., for llgour license, with order and request attached to same, requesting that the license be issued to G. 's. croon, was read, and on motion of Alderman Yuntel.. the same was accepted and ordered filed, am' license granted to G. w. Croon. Liquor license bond of G. 1. Croon, was on motion of Alderman Muniel approved. Application of Geo. R. Stevens for Bollard table license was read and on motion of Alderman BurtZ.a1'f the license was granted. City Clerk reported that the proper officers had executed and delivered a deed from the City to Harman Lletzow. for the East 100 feet of that part of lots 1 & 2 of Bloc& 95 of Carii & Schuienburgs Addition, lying south of the right of way of the N. P. Ry. co., and had received i25.00 for game. Report ,of the City Engineer relative to the cost of the construction of the sewer in 80. 41h and Churchill Streets was read and on motion of Alderman Munlel, the same was accepted and °roared flied. City Engineers Final Estimate fort the construction of the sewer in 80. 41h & Churcral1 Streets was read,and On motion of Alderman MunKel the same was approved and ordered filed. Resolution No. 2341 on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote - Aldermen Bordwesi, Burtzla£f, Fisher, Johnson,Luhmann. and Alderman Muntel voting Yea. Absent Aldermen McLaughlin, Reinhardt and President Coffeen. On motion of Alderman Mantel Council adjourned to Dec. Attest. alr"Latreat e / City C1erK. 29,1915 a 7.30 P'M. 1, Vice Fresl44nt of the City Council. ww VIVA • • • • ]U!;11W Council Room. StlAiwater, Mtnn. Dec, 29, i915. NMIRegular AdJourred Heating; Present Aldermen Bordwell, Fisher, Johnson, McLaughlin, Minkel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen.(7). Abes::.t Aldermen Burtzia?f and t.uhaann. Minutes of last regular meeting held Dec. 21, read and approved. ' • E. A. iunzelman appeared before the Council and asked that the remainder of tae assessment for the construction of sewer In South Brosdway,assessed against Lot 24 Block 42 be mailed, for the reason that his property was below the Sewer. No action tr:ken as time was too snort for old council to investigate. 'oftLlso a written request from Ole Oran, owner of the property known as No. 313 pest Elm Street,asklhg the Oourcli to cancel the assessment against his property ' - for practically the same reason. was read, and on motion the same was ordered filed,; and no runner action to be taken for the,same reason as above stated. Street aommissioners annual lnvent_ry of property unties, his control was read, and on motion of Alderman Minkel ordered filed. Annual report of the Chief of the Fire Department was read, and oh motion of Alderman UcLaughzlh, ordered flied. Health officers Annual report of his inspection of the Lockup was read, and on motion of A‘derman McLaughlin ordered filed. inventory of property at the .^tone ;Marry Was presented by Mr, C. H. Cerll, Supt. of Stone Queriy, was read and on motion of Alderman uunkel ordered filed. Wort of Finance Committee recommending that the City accept 335.20 In fd11= for sewer assessment vs Lot B Block 1 of Webster Bros. -Second Addition, was reed,:: and on motion of•Akderman Fisher. the same was accepted and approved, Aind the City Treasurer was instructed to accept eald amount in full for said assessment.. On motion of Alderman Johnson, the City Attorney was instructed to collect the amount due from the Fairview Cemetery Association, for applying Calcium Chloride on South Fourth Street in front of the Cemetery, __ Reeolgt gn_NO,_ 2 349` on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the following vote: Aldermen Bordwell, Fisher. Johnson, McLaughlin, Minkel, Reinhardt and President Cotfeen (7) voting -yea. Absent Aldermen Burtzlaff and Luhnanr. Un m3tlon of Alderman Minkel Council adjourned to meet Dec. 31, 1915 at 7.30. Attest. — Pre >o City Council • • 176 Council Acorn. SL111water, Willa. Dec, 31, 1915. Cancellation meeting; Present were Aldermen 1;CLaughltn, Bordwell and mungal members of the Finance Committee of the Oily Council, and after due examination of the vouchers consti— tuting the below amounts the same were duly cancelled and filed In the office of the City Jar for future reference; said vouchers having been presented and returned by the City Treasurer for examination and cancellation; Bald Vouchers being referred to In the reports of the City Treasurer under dates of, from Aprts 1, x415 to Leceabcr 31, 1915,botn dates lnciusive, and also in .Ccordance with the marten made In the books of said City Treasurer during the dates above ment10110Q. Disbursements. Bond Interest accounts Permanent Improvement Fund Current Fund,tncludtng loan paid of 67500. Firemen Relief Fund Municipal Court Roads Leading to the Ctty tote Road Fund Library Fund Certificates of Indebtedness _ltt.n lnlernz on same Loc%1 Improvement 1f0. 1 Local Improvement No. 2 Local Improvements Nos. 3 to 7 Local Improvement 110. 8 Funds on Mind. Fifth Avenue Bans First National Baru Lu•abermens National Bank Farmers & merchants State Bang Cush Ih Vault Balance on hand Apt. 1,1915 Collections from Ap1.1 to Dec. 31,1915 Disbursements from Apl, 1 to Dec. 31,1915 Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1915 Ras ctfu ly F'jUbmlt L,e 10,950.00 782.29 58,623.92 1.566.72 1,649.76 418.78 2.363.06 2.607.03 628.00 1,266'92 980.40 2,125.00 637.74 2.82 1.17. 29.47 16,714.92 77.271.19 78.961.56 2,835.32 9.393.13 2.796.10 693,986.11 693.986.11 91,190.01 2.796.10 693.986.11. 1 2/1 Finance Committee of the 014' Y Council. IMMO 1 • w 1 DMIHV 177 • 1 POI Bounell Room, Stillwater, Mimi. Dec 31, 1915. Regular Adjourned Meeting; Present Aldermen Bordw-11, Burtzlaff, Fisher, Johnson, Lrimann, McLaughlin. Minkel, Reinhardt and President Coffeen. Minutes of last regular adjourned me -Ling held Dec. 29, and of the Cancellation meeting held by the Finance Committee on Dec. 31, Were read and approved. The Council was notified of the inability of Mr. E. D. Buffington, City Attornty to attend this meeting, on account of the serious tllnes of his wife, and on motion of Alderman McLaughlin, he was excused from attendance, and 9n expression of regret was offered, with the hopes of a speedy recovery of his wife. Report of the Clerk of the Municipal Court of the receipts for the month of December, also the report of the City Treasurer of receipts and disbursements for the same month and his financial statement for the month ending Dec. 31, 1915, were read, and on motion of Alderman Minkel the same were accepted,approved and ordered riled. Report of the Finance Committee on &editing the books of the City Treasurer 'ips read, and on motion of Alderman Johnson, the some was accepted, approved and ordered filed. Deport of the City clerk showing the receipts and disbursements, in detail, from Apr11 1. 1915 to Dec. 31, 1915. was read and or motion of Aldermen iunkel the same was accepted and ordered filed. This being the last meeting of tie 00111._:1 under the old Cherter,genewel teiieitations were indulged in by the Aldermen, the Mayor, the City officials, as well as the representatives of the press. Minutes of this meeting read and approved. On motion of *German Minkel Council adjourned,sine die. Attest; �LJCclerk. City Cle. k. Presid ity Council. • • • • 178 1/2 1-, • r 114HW 179'` • • • • • 9 r• • • • • 4 4